Gary Johnson Running for President, Alabama Chief Justice Bars Judges From Issuing Same-Sex Licenses, White House Says No Evidence of North Korean Hydrogen Bomb Test: P.M. Links
Wikipedia - As expected, Gary Johnson announced he was running for president.
- Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore issued an administrative order barring state judges from issuing same-sex licenses.
- The White House says there's no evidence North Korea detonated a hydrogen bomb.
- A new bill in Missouri would have police collect data on perceived sexual orientation and religion as well as race, gender, disability, English language proficiency, and national origin.
- The CEO of Netflix says his company is a "global TV network" after announcing availability in 130 new countries, bringing its total to more than 190, and every major country except China.
- A French court has suspended the trial of art dealer Guy Wildenstein, whose attorneys argued prosecutors "doubled up" tax and criminal charges.
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