ISIS on the Move, Obama Targets Cops' Military Toys, Biker Brawl Turns Deadly in Waco: A.M. Links
Mad Men/AMC ISIS has taken control of the Iraqi city of Ramadi.
- President Obama plans to take away police departments' military toys—and give them $163 million in grants (no hard feelings, guys?).
- You might have heard of a little show called Mad Men. Well, it ended. Wonderfully? Frustratingly? Unsurprisingly, fans have mixed feelings.
- Speaking of retro… rival motorcycle gangs wound up in a shootout outside the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas, Sunday. Nine were left dead and 18 were injured.
- Speaking of Twin Peaks… David Lynch says the on-again, off-again Showtime sequel is back on.
- The Obama administration imposed 27 new "major" regulatory rules last year, according to a new report from the Heritage Foundation.
- The New York State Assembly is considering a bill that would prohibit people from declawing their cats.
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