Shikha Dalmia in the Wash Exam on Turning Obamacare Into a Free Market System
Now that Sen. Ted Cruz's daft/noble (take your pick depending on which side of the Angry Bird/Wacko Bird split you are on) effort to defund ObamaCare is behind us, maybe it is time for the GOP to face reality. And the reality is that so long as a Democrat occupies the Oval office -- which, as per current schedule, is till 2016 -- the chances of repealing the law are less than zero. So what should the GOP do?
The law is riddled with internal contradictions that are likely to lead to its steady unraveling. At that point, Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia in her morning Washington Examiner column, notes:
Liberals will blame greedy insurers for their mess and say, "Markets have failed to provide affordable coverage. We need to give government direct control to cover people and pay providers."
This is not mere speculation. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid last month openly admitted that Obamacare was "absolutely" a step toward creating a single-payer system.
However, if Republicans play smart, they can use the moment of Obamacare's reckoning to erect the market-based, patient-centered system that they've long advocated.
Go here to read how.
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