Civil Liberties

FBI Fighting the Last War Against Pressure Cookers Questions Saudi Student in Michigan Over His Rice Dish


Post-Boston bombing, you be careful what you cook, folks.

From the British Daily Mail:

Vintage National Pressure Cooker, Eau Claire, Wis. 12
Photo credit: beautifulcataya / / CC BY-NC-ND

A Saudi student living in Michigan was questioned in his home by FBI agents after neighbours saw him carrying a pressure cooker and called the police.

Talal al Rouki had been cooking a traditional Saudi Arabian rice dish called kabsah and was carrying it to a friend's house….

Talal al Rouki, the Saudi student who was questioned by FBI agents in his home after neighbour saw him carrying a pressure cooker to a friend's house….

While armed agents surrounded his apartment block, other agents, asked a 'nervous' Mr al Rouki if they could come in to question him….

Officers said that two days earlier that a woman had seen him walking out of his apartment carrying the pressure cooker pot, which was described as 'bullet coloured'…..

An FBI agent said: 'You need to be more careful moving around with such things, Sir' 

The original source of this story was a Saudi newspaper, as the Mail explains, so discount away if you wish.

Mike Riggs on past pressure cooker panics.