Civil Liberties

Cops Open Gate, Letting Dog Loose, Kill Dog, Cite Owner for Having Dog Loose, Lawsuit Alleges

In the village of Hazel Crest, a suburb of Chicago


shot by cops
Weaver Family

It all started with the escape of two inmates from a federal prison in downtown Chicago in December. A regional manhunt included police in the village of Hazel Crest, a Chicago suburb, where cops shot and killed a six-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. The dog's owner said the dog was in their yard, which was closed, while the police department said officers feared for their safety before shooting the dog three times.

Now the owner, Charlotte Weaver,  has filed a lawsuit, claiming that the police opened the gate to her yard, which allowed the dog to get free. The lawsuit further claims that when she went to the police department to file a complaint  about the opening of the gate and the shooting, she was given a citation for having a loose dog. More details about the lawsuit via Courthouse News. More puppycides stories from Reason here