
Reason TV Replay: Remy's "Why They Fought"


As anti-American protests break out across the globe - even in countries we ostensibly helped to liberate - it's worth recalling the past dozen or so years of U.S. foreign policy and the sacrifices we've all made to make America safer.

Watch "Why They Fought," internet sensation Remy's very first collaboration with Reason TV, which aired March 24, 2011.

The original writeup:

As American warplanes patrol the skies of Libya and American boots win the peace in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, Spain, Cuba, the Netherland Antillesand more than 140 other countries, the international Interwebs recording sensation Remyunveils this timely song reminding all of us back on the home front about why they fight.

About 2 minutes.

Music written and performed by Remy. Video produced by Austin and Meredith Bragg. "Why They Fought" is the first of a series of collaborations between Remy and Reason.tv. To watch Remy's other videos, go here.

Download the mp3 here. Go to Reason.tv for lyrics, HD, iPod, and audio versions, and subscribe to Reason.tv's You Tube Channel to receive automatic notifications when new material goes live. 

Read Reason's foreign policy coverage here.