
Florida Jeep Owners for Ron Paul


St. Augustine, Fla.—With early voting underway here polling places are buzzing with activity. I stopped by the St. Augustine Beach City Hall, one of the five St. John's County early voting stations, to talk to voters as they were leaving the polls on Friday. In the hour I spent there I counted six votes for Mitt Romney, four each for Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, and two for Rick Santorum. One gentleman, Lance Thate, arrived at the polling place in a bitchin' Jeep with a large Gadsden flying off of it. Active in the Tea Party movement and local real estate, Thate, 75, said he was voting for Ron Paul even though he has "argued against him for five years" with his son. Oh, and he isn't much of a Marco Rubio fan.

Suzi Woods of St. Augustine, meanwhile, was more supportive of Mitt Romney, particularly due to his performance in Thursday's debate.