
You Again, Eh? Open Thread for the 15th GOP Presidential Debate Starts Now!


Miss the fun last night? Re-live our Lou Reed-enlivened liveblogging, re-read our 679 fabulous comments, or review the debate transcript for a discussion in which contraception and talking to your gay friends on the couch outnumbered the euro-zone crisis by a factor of about 30 to 0. Sadly, that performance will not ruin the careers of ABC News' Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos, and even more sadly, the candidates are back for more at a 9 AM NBC News/Facebook debate. Before subjecting yourself to that, here is your 18-minute highlight reel for Ron Paul:

No liveblogging this morning; it's all up to you. As per usual, here is our GOP candidate quiz, and here are our candidate profiles of Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and Jon Huntsman. At least two of these cats, one suspects, will be out of the picture before the Super Bowl. Happy Sunday!