
Former Libertarian Party VP Candidate Wayne Root: Decent Egyptians Love Mubarak


Appearing, alas, on the Libertarian Party's website, Wayne Root sets the biased media straight:

I just got off the phone with a longtime friend- a successful Egyptian business leader. He believes that several hundred thousand people in the streets do not represent the 80 million citizens of Egypt. They represent anarchists, communists, and Islamic extremists- all with an agenda and axe to grind. He says if you polled the people of Egypt today, the majority would support Mubarak. He says that the backbone of Egypt- the business owners, small business community, and middle class still support Mubarak and the military.

Obligatory libertariana way farther down the essay–and numerically placed as of less libertarian significance than the fact that "media coverage is often based on sensationalism" (you know, like tens of thousands protesting in the streets): not our job to pick overseas leaders, end foreign aid, blah blah.