
Reason.tv: Porkers of The Month for November 2010: Senators Tom Carper and George Voinovich!


Reason.tv presents Citizen's Against Government Waste's Porkers of the Month for November 2010:

Senators Tom Carper (D-Del) and George Voinovich (R-Ohio)!

After spending gasoline tax revenue meant for infrastructure repair on pork projects, and diverting portions of the $862 billion stimulus meant for infrastructure repair to special interests, these two have proposed raising the federal gasoline tax more than 135% to pay for—you guessed it—infrastructure repair.  

Congratulations Tom and George, you are Citizen's Against Government Waste's Porkers of the Month for November, 2010!

"Porker of the Month" is written and produced by Austin Bragg. Approximately 1.2 minutes.

For more info on Citizens Against Government Waste and the Porker of The Month, visit cagw.org.

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