
"Sure, video games let us shoot at Fidel Castro…but where's the game that attacks our favorite conservative Supreme Court Justices?"


Via the great legal blog How Appealing, here's the story of what video game site Kotaku dubs possibly "the year's most liberal video game," Assassin's Creed Brotherhood:

The backdrop for the games adventures is that many of history's greatest conflicts and most notorious assassinations were the product of a longtime war between the player's side, the brotherhood of Assassins and the enemy, the Templars, those former Knights who are, in the game's modern times (2012! End of the world!), an evil corporation….

Many hours into Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, the game reveals how the U.S. Supreme Court fits into this. Specifically the game establishes that the early 2010 version of the Court led by Chief Justice John Roberts that decided the Citizens United case early this year — a decision notoriously condemned by President Obama during his State of The Union address — was in cahoots with the Templars. Roberts, I guess, is in with the bad guys.

Read the whole thing here. Jacob Sullum discusses the reaction to Citizens United here.