
Health Care Reform: "Better, cheaper, and a right. Pick any two."


Reason contributor and Independence Institute Research Associate Barry Fagin writes:

I believe health care is not a right, because it is far too important. Better, cheaper, and a right: Pick any two. I know which two I want.

Instead of a system that grants health care as an entitlement, I want a system that makes health care get better and cheaper every day. That requires less government involvement, less regulation, more markets, more competition, and more health care freedom. Ultimately, that's the best way to solve our health care "crisis."

If you disagree, that's fine, but why can't we handle our disagreement on health care like we handle disagreements on religion? You practice your faith, I'll practice mine. If you believe health care is a right, join the Church of St. Pelosi and pledge her a tenth of your income. Or just write a check to the Democratic Party, and agree only to support and use Obama and Pelosi-approved health care.

Whole thing, in the Colorado Springs Gazette, here.