Harry Potter and the Tattoo of Regret (A.K.A. "It seemed like a good idea at the time" Edition)
Ernest Hemingway once said that all true stories end in death. In my experience, all tattoo stories end with the slowly sobering-up recipient opining, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
The latest instance of this takes off from the recent revelation by Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling that the esteemed headmaster of Hogwarts Academy, Albus Dumbledore, was in fact gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that, especially for a guy who really knew how to use his wand. But it has complicated at least one man's life.
From the U.K. Sun:
PROUD Paul Croft got a tattoo of Harry Potter wizard Albus Dumbledore on his back - but is now being teased by pals after he was outed as GAY.
Proud Paul, 36, spent a YEAR having the Hogwarts headmaster etched into his skin as a surprise for his five kids.
But the factory worker has been the butt of jokes ever since Harry Potter author JK Rowling revealed last week that Dumbledore was in love with a fellow male sorcerer.
Paul, of Nottingham, moaned yesterday: "It's been terrible. I've always liked Dumbledore - just not in that way.
"I went into work and everyone was sniggering….
"There were wisecracks about 'Watch your backs, lads.' Someone asked me if I was planning to get a tattoo of Graham Norton. I thought, 'Why me?' " The huge £500 tattoo shows Dumbledore holding a scroll bearing the names of his Harry Potter mad children - Charlotte, Deanna, Brandon, Tamzin and Paris.
Paul said: "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
More here. Note to fans of the movie series, the tatt is of the Richard Harris rendition of Dumbledore, which Croft thinks is the "original and best." Oddly, the Sun's reporters didn't think to ask about the George Lazenby Bond tattoo on his scrotum. Go figure.
Hat Tip: Reader Jim Bob tipped me two weeks ago about the Rowling revelation. I can't remember how I stumbled across the tattoo story itself.
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Wait...so this guy has a life-sized Dumbledore tattooed on his back, but his friends didn't give him shit for it until after he was 'outed'?
Somebody has to come up with an erasable tatoo.
My guess is that this isn't the first life-altering mistake this guy has made, and it won't be the last. Most likely the last one will be reported in the news with "A man was tragically killed today while..."
His children must be very proud.
That tattoo is 200$ per kid. A bit more thought about the expense versus how much the children could actually use it would have made sense.
You're not allowed to use the drunk and/or "it seemed like a good idea at the time" excuses for tattoos that take a year to etch. But I'm sure his kids like it, which is kind of cool, I guess.
Did it seem like a good idea to get a full back tattoo of a passing children's fad? If those are years of birth, his eldest is 14 and should be "Like no one's into Harry Potter" any day now. This didn't occur to the guy?
That is the funniest thing I've seen today so far!
Fine, I will take Nick's bait.
George Lazenby was, prior to the latest movie/Bond, the most accurate portrayal of Bond as imagined by Ian Fleming in the books.
As for Dumbledore being TEH GEY, I find it amusing that Rowling seems to be sticking it a little more to the "Harry Potter is evil and promotes witchcraft" crowd, who I assume aren't too thrilled with man-on-man hide the salami.
As an aside, I was listening to Tom Arnold on the Dan Patrick show last week, and Dan Patrick asked Tom if he still had any Roseanne tattoos. Arnold said he's had them removed--he had one of her face that covered the left side of his chest and went all the way up to his shoulder. He said it took him more than a year to get the whole thing removed, but that it was totally worth it.
...he then mentioned that Roseanne used to have a tattoo on her ass that read, "Property of Tom Arnold", which at the time, he said, made him the fourth largest property owner in the State of California.
In the guy's defense, Richard Harris didn't play Dumbledore as fey. Michael Gambon however, obviously has and continues to play Dumbledore as a gay character. Harris was dead butch.
I noticed the difference before the revelation came out. I'm pretty sure Gambon brought out part of the Dumbledore's character on Rowling's instruction.
Sweet, you did get it. Excellent.
And I think tattoo guy has learned a very important lesson...and ouch at how much that thing cost.
btw, who gets tattoos as surprises for their kids? Wouldn't a Dumbledore action figure or something be a little less, um, permanent?
Speaking of Dumbledore being gay, am I the only one who doesn't understand what the entire outrage of him being gay is about? So far the only semi-acceptable (albeit unbelievably stupid) argument I've heard was "How are the parents going to explain this to their children" one I've heard on CNNHN.
Not that I care a whole lot, but are there any gay references in the books, or did Rowling "out" the wiz gratuitously? Can an author do that to her characters after-the-fact, with no justification from the printed source? The whole episode is odd.
I'm of the opinion that she did solely to piss off the sort of people who try to get her books banned from libraries.
Interesting question. I suppose she can, because she's their creator, but I doubt she's going to write Albus Dumbledore and the Tower of Power anytime soon.
All tattoos are bad ideas. I am pretty strongly anti-tattoo.
Even if you're young and it looks good now, you have to imagine what it will look like on your 40 year old body and skin. Those girls on LA Ink or whatever that show is called are going to look like the bottom of a litter box as soon as they age a little.
Well, I'm only 28, but I figure my tattoos will look just as good at 40. 60-70, however, will be a different story...but I'm sure I won't care at that point...
That said, anybody considering a tattoo should take the time to think about whether or not they really want it. I've seen some pretty dumb ones that I know people will regret in a few year.
Let me second the point made by Episiarch regarding Lazenby. It's also worth noting that in his pre-Bond years Lazenby was in the Australian special forces, where he was a martial arts instructor. In other words, among all of the actors to play the part, he was the closest to being a real-life Bond.
By the way, Ahab was totally gay. I'm shocked that no one picked up on it.
Hello? He spent all his time chasing Moby Dick. Do I have to spell everything out for you people?
I suppose she can, because she's their creator
I would argue that she cannot, unless she works it into a manuscript. Doyle took the time to kill Holmes in an actual story when he had tired of him (only to resurrect him later, of course) rather than offhandedly mention publicly that Holmes was dead. I don't believe an author can with any credibility do what Rowling has done without some proof. Again, are there any HP "scholars" here who can cite any evidence from the text?
Don't forget Lieutenant Sulu. Doubt too many people had full-back tats of HIM, though.
Somebody has to come up with an erasable tatoo.
Uhh, They've been in Cracker Jack boxes for years.
That buffoon has 5 kids? Shows you where serious procreation takes place. Hope there is not too much regression in his genes. For the sake of the kids!
Put him on Larry Springer and Geraldo. A three-buffoon brew-up.
Can't he sue Rowlings? I mean emotional distress, loss of pleasure and so on. Gold mine for the lawyers. Pockets almost as deep as BG.
In the first book, Rowling describes Dumbledore as wearing high-heeled, buckled boots. Possibly a hint?
Sulu was gay?
Martin - see first few minutes of Idiocracy
Welcome to my life, tattoo
We've a long time together, me and you
I expect I'll regret you
But the skin graft man won't get you
You'll be there when I die
--Pete Townsend, Tattoo
Martin - see first few minutes of Idiocracy
The most depressing thing ever
Anyway, so long as he's a wizard and not a priest, the kids should be safe.
Writers will often construct a backstory for characters. Sometimes that backstory is revealed and sometimes not. The reason they do it is to provide a framework to determine the way a character will respond to a situation or if revealed, to allow the reader to comprehend how things got to be as described in the currently set narrative.
For a series like the Harry Potter books it wouldn't surprise me if Rowling had notebooks full of stuff on the characters, their previous interactions, and the "world" of Potter, etc. Prolly, Dumbledore was gay in her unpublished backstory, that fact informed some of his behavior, but she never revealed it in the narrative.
the best example of changing a back story is the two main players of "the gulch" - they have changed their backstories several times. (where you can bet that none of the info contained in said back stories is remotely true)
What de stijl said. Writers, filmmakers, actors, all create back stories of their characters. Whether they choose to reveal them to the audience or not, in the creators' minds there is always more to the characters than what is explicit. Whether you know it or not, the host of The Price is Right is a skirt-chasing, soccer-photographing libertarian, which does subtly inform his comments about the combination camping lantern/AM FM radio.
(I'm home sick today. Can you tell?)
Somebody has to come up with an erasable tatoo.
Widely available these days. They look remarkably real and wash off in a week or so. Great for looking cool at parties.
Albus Dumbledore....gay? I would never have guessed. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I can't believe I was the first to add the required Seinfeld rejoinder to the news someone is gay.
Gives a whole new meaning whenever "Wizard's Sleeve" is mentioned in the books.
If you're not too sick to hang out at H&R you're not sick enough to stay home! Get your behind to work!
Well, I'm only 28, but I figure my tattoos will look just as good at 40.
If you have good skin, and the guy that originally did the work was careful, and if you stay out of the sun, it's a definite maybe.
I'm thinking I should get mine fixed. But you're right, I don't really care very much.
Anecdote: Know a hot little honey with a cute little mouse tattooed on her shapely back side. At 36 she still looks great. The mouse doesn't. In fact, it hasn't looked good for years.
Somebody has to come up with an erasable tatoo
Can't find the actual article online, but there's this abstract.
the host of The Price is Right is a skirt-chasing, soccer-photographing libertarian, which does subtly inform his comments about the combination camping lantern/AM FM radio.
Me & Mrs TWC are ambling across the lobby at the Rio after seeing Penn & Teller (best show I've ever seen, hands down--makes the TV show look like it was done by elementary school kids by comparison) and the Mrs sez, Look, there's Drew Carey! I can't see him because THREE OF THE MOST GORGEOUS WOMEN I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE are hanging all over him as they escort him through the casino.
zig zag man, you're not. It's in the original post.
It's funniest because it's on a homophobe.
You think that guy's embarrassed? Its been 13 years since the '94 California Senate race, but only last week did the laser surgeon finish removing my Michael Huffington tattoo.
Reality wins the thread! well challenged!
I still fondly remember my delight when I discovered the cute butterfly tatto on the cheek of my girlfriend. She was 19 then. I wonder not if, but by how much that butterly has grown in a generation. I do hope both the wearer and the butterfly are well and happy.
"Sulu was gay?"
The actor that played him was gay. Imagine that, a gay guy in hollywood. Who knew?
Holy crap! Uhura's black?
I've always contended that IQ and tattoo quantity generally have an inverse relationship. There are exceptions, but 90% of the time they seem to be used by the verbally inarticulate to make some kind of (generally banal) statement.
If his gayness isn't already canonical, it will be eventually.
The three most important facts about Rowling relative to the ability of her work to evolve are: 1) She's alive. and 2) She's still pretty young. 3) Her fans will not relent until they have squeezed every last possible bit of information out of her.
I know that a lot of lit types are determined to limit analysis to the texts alone, but I think this is a function of the fact that most of the authors who actually get analyzed are dead. The texts are the texts now, and cannot increase. That's not where Rowling is. She's where Lucas is and where Spielberg is: she can change whatever she wants and no one can stop her. She might not actually change the existing texts the way that Lucas made Greedo shoot first, but all she has to do is let her publishers put out "The Harry Potter Encyclopedia" or whatever and her every whim about the books is official.
Her ability to do this is also open-ended as long as she is alive, so people hoping to do doctoral theses on the Potterverse have to reckon with the fact that she will be able to fuck them at any moment for the next 40 years or so.
Are you making some sort of threat?
hay bus driver.
check out our Sulu/Wayne Friday feature at URKOBOLD.
Highnumber - 1) feel better! 2) are you thinking that Fluffy = JKR?
So who were the gay characters in ATLAS SHRUGGED?
I'm sure Rowling will one day get around to publishing the Harry Potter Silmarillion to answer all questions
< sulu>Oh my.< /sulu>
Writers, filmmakers, actors, all create back stories of their characters
No kidding. My point being that this backstory is not revealed in the narrative, so outing Dumbledore after the fact seems gratuitous, and her motives are suspect. Rowling's revelation is, in an odd way, fiction, as it never happened in the story. She has, in effect, revised the story outside the story, not within the realm of the narrative where it belongs.
Ragnar Danneskj?ld.
highnumber, hope you get to feeling better. In a 'misery loves company' vein, I'm home with a sinus infection myself, which ruined an entire gorgeous weekend. I mean, what's the point of feeling rotten if you can't miss work for it?
On the actual subject: I feel for this guy's kids if spending $600 on a tatoo is his idea of fun for them.
Oops, that should have been $1,000 on a tattoo.
My sons would much prefer I spent that money on three or four more video game platforms. THEY have priorities.
Creech- Eddie Willers. Also, how many straight guys do you know named Francisco? And Ellis Wyatt- think about it, man! His message to the world was in the form of a big, phallic, flaming oil rig!
Note to Mr. Croft and his tatoo artist: Blackletter capitals should never be used to spell out entire words, because it's hard to read and looks stupid to anyone who knows anything about typography. Not that you're likely to run into many, but still....
By the way, Ahab was totally gay. I'm shocked that no one picked up on it.
Hello? He spent all his time chasing Moby Dick. Do I have to spell everything out for you people?
By law, we have to take you out back and shoot you now.
We're practicing Christians - Baptists of a kind, as a matter of fact - and my 6 year old is aware that sometimes men marry men and women marry women, and she learned this inadvertently when I one day was listing all the people she knew who would not ever get divorced - mommy and daddy, Nana and Gramps, Aunt X and Uncle Z, Aunt B and Uncle C, Aunt D and Aunt E -
wait a minute mommy! Aunt D and Aunt E aren't married, they're both ladies! Well, sometimes men marry men and ladies marry ladies, and Aunt E and Aunt D are married. Hunh. Really? Okay.
And that was that. She doesn't know about sex, so sex was not an issue, just the fact that sometimes men go with men and ladies go with ladies, and now that's just the way it is. All the other stuff we can discuss later, when she's older and has questions, but it probably won't be a huge deal. And she goes to a parochial school, so I don't worry about some moron trying to demonstrate condom techniques on her or suggesting that she needs to go on the pill. And she knows that I read Harry Potter, and she knows that witches and wizards aren't real but can make for great stories, and our church library has all the Potter books. So no big.
I'm not sure who irritates me more. The "Harry Potter is evil cos it turns kids into Satanists!" and "Ooh! Homos! Hide the kids" idiots or the "Yoo hoo! Intolerant Christians - Dumbledore is gaaaaaay" and "aren't all those Christians stupid - let's poke em with a stick!" idiots.
Point is - they're all smug, self-righteous, sanctimonius twits.
Franklin Harris said:
> So who were the gay characters in ATLAS SHRUGGED?
Ragnar Danneskj?ld.
Why, because he was the only male character who didn't bang Dagney?
The "Harry Potter is evil cos it turns kids into Satanists!"
That would be my fruitcake sister who has never allowed her son to read the books or see the movies or own the toys.
I'm sure she's now feeling especially smugly self-righteous to learn that Dumbledore is a fag boy, thus proving her judgment was spot on.
I'd like to tell her to wipe the smirk off her face but we don't talk much anymore.
@creech: Dunno about gay characters in Atlas Shrugged (James Taggart, maybe?), but clearly Dagny and Henry were into some pretty twisted dominant/submissive stuff.
That buffoon has 5 kids? Shows you where serious procreation takes place. Hope there is not too much regression in his genes. For the sake of the kids!
Put him on Larry Springer and Geraldo. A three-buffoon brew-up.
Apparently, you've never seen the movie "Idiocracy". The first 30 minutes of that movie addresses this in a fashion approaching genius.
I have to admit that I think saying that Dumbledore is gay outside of the text is a pretty stupid way to go of it unless your only purpose is to poke your detractors in the eye. If that's it, then you are just being childish. Personally, I don't give a shit because I never found the first book interesting enough to complete, but "hooray" for her that she's making billions of dollars off a better franchise than, say, "Mighty Morphing Power Rangers".
After reading briefly from her mega-selling book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, on Friday night, Rowling took questions from an audience of 1,600 students. A 19-year-old from Colorado asked about the avuncular headmaster of Hogwarts School: 'Did Dumbledore, who believed in the prevailing power of love, ever fall in love himself?'
The author replied: 'My truthful answer to you...I always thought of Dumbledore as gay.' The audience reportedly fell silent - then erupted into prolonged applause.
Never ask a question if you don't want to know the answer 😉
And honestly - he's a British public school headmaster. Doesn't he have to be gay?
That would be my fruitcake sister who has never allowed her son to read the books or see the movies or own the toys.
I've only banned one book at story time and that was a book (I can't remember the title any longer) about "sharing" that used a fish as the main character that had sparkling scales and liked to show them off. That wasn't fair to the other fish. In the end the other fish convinced it to redistribute it's scales to them, leaving it with one scale, just like everyone else.
The whole thing just smacked of a marxist fairy tale. Hell, the wise old octopus in the story even looked like Stalin.
And honestly - he's a British public school headmaster. Doesn't he have to be gay?
Or a submissive. Or both.
That and because he was a pirate.
JW, we had that book too. I think it was called "The New Soviet Fish", or something. I 'lost' that book, along with "The Giving Tree."
Good riddance to both!
I read all the Harry Potter's on a beach vacation where it rained...the gf had brought them. While he never expressly said "I like your pants tight like that Harry", there are definitely points that bring his sexuality in question in the later books where he and others talk about his past, especially prior to the funeral. Since I've only read through once, I can't quote or remember the book exactly. However, there is one point where some other witch or some such is discussing him and mentions "I don't understand why he didn't settle down and marry a good witch" and another where there is talk about his relationship with another student when he was attending Hogwart's when young (the school) and how close they were. The two together gave me a moment of reflection on his sexuality, but since it didn't really matter in the context of the book, I ignored it. To me, it just seemed well edited.
Don't forget Lieutenant Sulu. Doubt too many people had full-back tats of HIM, though.
Close, but not quite.
Thank you, I'm blind.
I've only banned one book at story time and that was a book (I can't remember the title any longer) about "sharing" that used a fish as the main character that had sparkling scales and liked to show them off. That wasn't fair to the other fish. In the end the other fish convinced it to redistribute it's scales to them, leaving it with one scale, just like everyone else.
You should've kept that book, what a brilliant plot. I mean, a fish needs more than one scale to survive and not be eaten alive by parasites, but here it's persuaded by an octopus - an animal which has no scales and wouldn't need them anyway - to give all but one away on the basis that they're "too shiny." Inevitably, the formerly-shiny fish is now a dead fish and the wise old octopus is dining on it. Particularly appropriate since an octopus is a voracious hunter of fish and everything else it can catch, and is well-known for using cleverness to eat its slower-witted prey. Really just need to tack the logical end onto the story and it becomes something wholly different than its authors intended it to be.
So.. it really was for the children.
And honestly - he's a British public school headmaster. Doesn't he have to be gay?
Heh heh, gay, heh heh, headmaster, heh heh...
Particularly appropriate since an octopus is a voracious hunter of fish and everything else it can catch, and is well-known for using cleverness to eat its slower-witted prey.
There is an ongoing debate in the marine biology community about the intelligence of cephalopods. It seems that they engage in play, long considered a sign of intelligence in vertabrates. I may be the only person here who finds it interesting, but what the heck, I thought I'd bring it up.
J sub D,
I've long been interested in the intelligence of octopuses, particularly since it appears to be an example of very inhuman intelligence - that is, it appears to be geared toward problem-solving and geographic memory, and to almost entirely lack the massive mammalian apparatus of social processing from which the human linguistic brain eventually sprouted (insert joke about how that's a libertarian wet dream blah blah blah). Makes me wonder how modularized "intelligent" cognition actually winds up being in us.
Screw all those other seaborne animals. The only thing you need to know from marine bio is this:
1: Dolphins are the only other creature besides humans that have sex for fun...
2: Dolphins will eventually take over the earth (assuming it hasn't been rezoned)...
Sounds like a character from Idiocracy
And the last kid was named Paris.
I'm de stijl, brought to you by Carl's Jr.
The ocean-going pediatric Communist Manifesto is "The Rainbow Fish".
I've always considered tattoos self-abasing body mutulation, not that there's anything wrong with that for adults. My daughters are on notice-not under my roof. As to the tattooed baffoon, looks like a few alterations to the hat and he could claim it's Santa Claus - at his new job anyway.
I think Moby Dick was a sperm whale.
Dolphins are the only other creature besides humans that have sex for fun...
Tattoos were de rigeur in my former line of work. You can't see mine unless I take off my shirt. It's about the size of a half dollar. When I got it, I knew I'd never regret one small shamrock on my shoulder. Other sailors were not so forward looking. Oh well.
Did it seem like a good idea to get a full back tattoo of a passing children's fad?
As the years go by, I've come to regret getting that Barney tattoo. Especially since I ended up never having kids.
Also, I'm pretty sure Barney is gay, too.
Seriously, you guys want to get rich? Look into promising new tattoo-removal technologies and invest in them. Demand for such is bound to explode in the coming decades.
Personally, I'm pretty neutral on tattoos (unless they are really expansive; then I tend to think they get in the way of being able to appreciate a person's actual looks). But tastes change, and "alternative" 20-year-olds might get tired of their tats eventually.
Heck, I'm sure plenty of 40-year-olds would like to get rid of the Styx emblem right now.
Styx, Boston and Supertramp.
Thanks to all for pointing me to idiocracy. The movie that is, have no trouble finding the real thing.
Not being much of a movie fan, I had indeed never heard of it. I shall ask the wife to put it on the top of the Netflix list.
apparently there is a "hogwarts A history" coming out at some point..that's just what i've heard..so maybe it will say in there about dumbledore...
Tbone--Thanks; I had sent it down the memory hole. Did I mention I hate that fucking book?
No surprise The Sun covered this story: the guy sounds like a Sun reader...
Yeah, I felt pretty dumb about my Paul Lynde tattoo after I found out he was gay, so I can relate.
I had assumed the story was a hoax when I first read it.
However, I now understand why Harry spent all that time in Dumbledore's office.
'Watch your backs, lads.'
Waitaminute! Paul Lynde had teh Gay? Wow, whodathunkit?
lucky i havent read any harry potter books ...
even if i did ... i wouldnt have tatoo'd it ...
hehe ...
tough luck i guess ....
@J sub D
There is an ongoing debate in the marine biology community about the intelligence of cephalopods. It seems that they engage in play, long considered a sign of intelligence in vertabrates. I may be the only person here who finds it interesting, but what the heck, I thought I'd bring it up.
Heh. I remember an old story by Arthur C. Clarke, "The Shining Ones", about intelligent octopuses (octopi?)that communicated by flashing lights on their bodies. You may want to look it up if you're interested in that sort of thing...
My tattoo of a shirtless aryan with the words Per Potentum Greyskull in gothic script is still among my greatest life choices...
That's homophobic, so what if Dumbledore's gay? It's still a pretyt awesome tattoo imo.
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