
Campaign '08 Update: Extra-Integrity Editon


- Mitt Romney attacks Barack Obama for holding Mitt Romney's old position on sex ed:

In a Planned Parenthood questionnaire he filled out during his 2002 gubernatorial run, Romney checked 'yes' to a question asking, "Do you support the teaching of responsible, age-appropriate, factually accurate health and sexuality education, including information about both abstinence and contraception, in public schools?"

The answer, pointed out by a rival campaign, was resurrected in 2005 when Romney was criticized by Massachusetts pro-choice groups when he began to push an abstinence-heavy focus on sex education.  Still, his spokesman said then that he still backed a "comprehensive" approach on teaching public school kids about sex.     

But last night, sensing an opportunity to burnish his cultural conservative credentials, Romney used a speech before a Colorado GOP group to light into his potential rival on the issue.  

"I heard a quote today from Barack Obama which puzzled me," Romney said.  "He said that, 'we should have sex education in kindergarten' -- I'm not kidding you."

- Pro-life Fred Thompson was once a lobbyist for a pro-choice group, and he's been fibbing about it:

Billing records show that former Senator Fred Thompson spent nearly 20 hours working as a lobbyist on behalf of a group seeking to ease restrictive federal rules on abortion counseling in the 1990s, even though he recently said he did not recall doing any work for the organization.

As Marc Ambinder finds, no one seems to care.

- This one's a little dated but I missed it before. John Edwards, in a speech to the NAACP:

Edwards' call for felons' voting rights to be restored also received loud cheers, although as a North Carolina senator in 2002 he voted against a bill allowing felons the right to vote in federal elections.