
'Time Is Going By Really Really Really Really Really Slow'


I missed this when the story broke in May*, and maybe you did too: Edward Sanchez, a Dearborn, Michigan, police officer who used marijuana confiscated from drug suspects to whip up a batch of brownies with his wife, freaked out after one bite too many and called 911:

It's at almost as funny as the DEA agent demonstrating proper weapon handling to schoolchildren, and no one gets shot in the foot. For me the highlight is the snort from the off-camera news reader. More recently, the actor Eric Szmanda Josh Covitt and his friends re-enacted Sanchez's 911 call for SecretFunTime.com:

Sanchez, by the way, was asked to leave the police department but did not face criminal charges. The Detroit Free Press obtained the recording of his plea for help through a Freedom of Information Act request.

* But Radley Balko did not. I probably overlooked his post because of the sports reference in the headline.

[Thanks to Maura Flynn for the tip.]