Loose Pence: The 7/7 Truth Squad
British television station Channel 4 recently broadcast a report on 7/7 "truthers" (video here), who are demanding an investigation into the already well-investigated London subway bombings. It's difficult to determine just yet who is really responsible for the attacks—though my money is on the Bilderberg Group—but, according to Channel 4, there "are a number of apparent inconsistencies in the official version of events surrounding the July bombings which have led to questions, rumours and conspiracy theories."
And Channel 4 report treats the conspiracy theorists with surprising deference:
"They list evidence which apparently doesn't add up. For example, the official Home Office report into the bombings stated that the four bombers caught the 7.40am train from Luton to London. However, there was no 7.40 that morning, it had been cancelled. The Home Secretary, John Reid, apologized for the error in parliament, blaming erroneous first-hand witness accounts.
Whichever train the bombers did catch, when they got to London, there appears to be no photograph of the 4 of them together in the capital - no CCTV either, despite London having one of the highest numbers of surveillance cameras of any city in the world."
Well that settles it, then.
Stranger still is that the movement's most active spokesman is one Daniel Obachike, a survivor of the Tavistock Square bus bombing and proprietor of "The Fourth Bomb," a website devoted, it seems, to both conspiracy theory and the art of incoherent writing. For those unmoved by Obachike's account, Channel 4 recommends the ludicrously-titled documentary "Ludicrous Diversion", which can be viewed here, and this website.
Stay tuned for my forthcoming YouTube documentary, in which I prove that the War of Jenkins Ear was a proto-Zionist plot to control southern Florida.
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