
One of the Best GOP Senators Channels the Donald and Dreams Re: Gonzalez: You're Fired!


Sen. John Sununu (R-N.H.) is the first GOP member of the World's Greatest Deliberative Body (cough, cough) to lay it on the line regarding the Attorney General Alberto Gonzales:

 A Senate Republican is calling for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' dismissal as Democrats weigh subpoenaing President Bush's top aides in the escalating political furor over the firing of eight federal prosecutors.

Sen. John Sununu of New Hampshire, a longtime Bush administration critic facing a tough re-election campaign, called for Gonzales' ouster Wednesday just hours after Bush expressed confidence in the attorney general, who is a longtime friend.

"I think the president should replace him," Sununu said in an interview. "I think the attorney general should be fired."

Although some Republicans have been tepid in their support for the attorney general, Sununu was the first to go so far in the wake of an uproar over the Justice Department's firing of the attorneys and its response to congressional questions, plus a separate report that the administration abused its power to secretly investigate suspected terrorists.

More here.

Sununu is all too rare a bird in the Senate: A pol with something approaching a governing philosophy that is independent of partisanship.