No Revenue Sharing Among Republicans


The Wash Times reports on stingy Republican senators who have amassed ginormous war chests for campaigns and are refusing to fork over much of it to help fellow GOPpers win elections.

[Kay Bailey] Hutchison, one of the top Republican leaders in the Senate, has $9.5 million on hand, and polls in Texas show her trouncing her opponent by 20 points or more. She has given $115,000 to the NRSC [National Republican Senatorial Comittee], a little more than 1 percent of her campaign holdings.

Richard Shelby of Alabama is also tagged as a skinflint in the story. On the Dem side of the aisle, things are a little bit different:

[F]ive Democrats have transferred $1 million or more from their campaign accounts to the DSCC during the current two-year cycle, compared with only one Republican -- Majority Whip Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

Far and away, the most generous Democrat is Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has transferred more than $2 million from her campaign account to the DSCC. Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts, Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts and Dianne Feinstein of California also have given $1 million or more from their campaign accounts.

More here.