American Girl Goes Bad; Barbie Would Have Used Contraception
While morally bankrupt Barbie goes unmolested, social conservatives attack the anti-barbie, American Girl -- the frumpily dressed, values-toting, porcelain equivalent of a message movie -- for her last abortion. Or rather, for sponsoring a fundraiser for the nonprofit Girls Inc. (formerly Girls Club of America), which has this statement on its Web site:
Girls Incorporated supports a woman's freedom of choice, a constitutional right established by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 in Roe vs. Wade.
The Pro-Life Action League has announced an American Girl boycott "through the 2005 Christmas Season," which will undoubtedly fuel sales of Exotic Dancer Barbie or whatever Mattel puts out for the holidays.
Bookslut defends Barbie's anatomically freakish sluttiness here.
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