Attn: DC Reasonoids: 2 Count 'em 2 Events Wed, 9/28
Make tomorrow a very special Reason day.
First, get up by noon and amble over to the Cato Institute to hear Science Correspondent Ronald Bailey--no Bad Ronald he--discourse on his new book Liberation Biology: The Scientific and Moral Case for the Biotech Revolution. Not only will Bailey's talk (and debate with respondent Mark Sagoff of the University of Maryland) fill you up, you can grab a free lunch afterwards. Details/RSVP here.
Then at 6:30PM at Mackey's (1823 L Street NW), join the Reason staff as we celebrate this very blog being named one of "five winning political blogs" in the current issue of Playboy. Bailey will be there, along with Managing Editor Jesse Walker, Assistant Editors Kerry Howley and Julian Sanchez, your humble narrator, and Senior Editor Brian Doherty (in from Los Angeles).
And then there's our special guest of honor, New York Times columnist--and longtime Reason reader--John Tierney (read our interview with him here).
Bonus: Also come meet Megan McArdle, Global Agenda Correspondent for The Economist and blogger extraordinaire--you know her at Jane Galt at Asymetrical Information. *
* Corrected spelling; the mistake was all mine.
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