Gun Control's Twisted Outcome
Restricting firearms has helped make England more crime-ridden than the U.S.
On a June evening two years ago, Dan Rather made many stiff British upper lips quiver by reporting that England had a crime problem and that, apart from murder, "theirs is worse than ours." The response was swift and sharp. "Have a Nice Daydream," The Mirror, a London daily, shot back, reporting: "Britain reacted with fury and disbelief last night to claims by American newsmen that crime and violence are worse here than in the US." But sandwiched between the article's battery of official denials -- "totally misleading," "a huge over-simplification," "astounding and outrageous" -- and a compilation of lurid crimes from "the wild west culture on the other side of the Atlantic where every other car is carrying a gun," The Mirror conceded that the CBS anchorman was correct. Except for murder and rape, it admitted, "Britain has overtaken the US for all major crimes."
In the two years since Dan Rather was so roundly rebuked, violence in England has gotten markedly worse. Over the course of a few days in the summer of 2001, gun-toting men burst into an English court and freed two defendants; a shooting outside a London nightclub left five women and three men wounded; and two men were machine-gunned to death in a residential neighborhood of north London. And on New Year's Day this year a 19-year-old girl walking on a main street in east London was shot in the head by a thief who wanted her mobile phone. London police are now looking to New York City police for advice.
None of this was supposed to happen in the country whose stringent gun laws and 1997 ban on handguns have been hailed as the "gold standard" of gun control. For the better part of a century, British governments have pursued a strategy for domestic safety that a 1992 Economist article characterized as requiring "a restraint on personal liberty that seems, in most civilised countries, essential to the happiness of others," a policy the magazine found at odds with "America's Vigilante Values." The safety of English people has been staked on the thesis that fewer private guns means less crime. The government believes that any weapons in the hands of men and women, however law-abiding, pose a danger, and that disarming them lessens the chance that criminals will get or use weapons.
The results -- the toughest firearm restrictions of any democracy -- are credited by the world's gun control advocates with producing a low rate of violent crime. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell reflected this conventional wisdom when, in a 1988 speech to the American Bar Association, he attributed England's low rates of violent crime to the fact that "private ownership of guns is strictly controlled."
In reality, the English approach has not re-duced violent crime. Instead it has left law-abiding citizens at the mercy of criminals who are confident that their victims have neither the means nor the legal right to resist them. Imitating this model would be a public safety disaster for the United States.
The illusion that the English government had protected its citizens by disarming them seemed credible because few realized the country had an astonishingly low level of armed crime even before guns were restricted. A government study for the years 1890-92, for example, found only three handgun homicides, an average of one a year, in a population of 30 million. In 1904 there were only four armed robberies in London, then the largest city in the world. A hundred years and many gun laws later, the BBC reported that England's firearms restrictions "seem to have had little impact in the criminal underworld." Guns are virtually outlawed, and, as the old slogan predicted, only outlaws have guns. Worse, they are increasingly ready to use them.
Nearly five centuries of growing civility ended in 1954. Violent crime has been climbing ever since. Last December, London's Evening Standard reported that armed crime, with banned handguns the weapon of choice, was "rocketing." In the two years following the 1997 handgun ban, the use of handguns in crime rose by 40 percent, and the upward trend has continued. From April to November 2001, the number of people robbed at gunpoint in London rose 53 percent.
Gun crime is just part of an increasingly lawless environment. From 1991 to 1995, crimes against the person in England's inner cities increased 91 percent. And in the four years from 1997 to 2001, the rate of violent crime more than doubled. Your chances of being mugged in London are now six times greater than in New York. England's rates of assault, robbery, and burglary are far higher than America's, and 53 percent of English burglaries occur while occupants are at home, compared with 13 percent in the U.S., where burglars admit to fearing armed homeowners more than the police. In a United Nations study of crime in 18 developed nations published in July, England and Wales led the Western world's crime league, with nearly 55 crimes per 100 people.
This sea change in English crime followed a sea change in government policies. Gun regulations have been part of a more general disarmament based on the proposition that people don't need to protect themselves because society will protect them. It also will protect their neighbors: Police advise those who witness a crime to "walk on by" and let the professionals handle it.
This is a reversal of centuries of common law that not only permitted but expected individuals to defend themselves, their families, and their neighbors when other help was not available. It was a legal tradition passed on to Americans. Personal security was ranked first among an individual's rights by William Blackstone, the great 18th-century exponent of the common law. It was a right, he argued, that no government could take away, since no government could protect the individual in his moment of need. A century later Blackstone's illustrious successor, A.V. Dicey, cautioned, "discourage self-help and loyal subjects become the slaves of ruffians."
But modern English governments have put public order ahead of the individual's right to personal safety. First the government clamped down on private possession of guns; then it forbade people to carry any article that might be used for self-defense; finally, the vigor of that self-defense was to be judged by what, in hindsight, seemed "reasonable in the circumstances."
The 1920 Firearms Act was the first serious British restriction on guns. Although crime was low in England in 1920, the government feared massive labor disruption and a Bolshevik revolution. In the circumstances, permitting the people to remain armed must have seemed an unnecessary risk. And so the new policy of disarming the public began. The Firearms Act required a would-be gun owner to obtain a certificate from the local chief of police, who was charged with determining whether the applicant had a good reason for possessing a weapon and was fit to do so. All very sensible. Parliament was assured that the intention was to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and other dangerous persons. Yet from the start the law's enforcement was far more restrictive, and Home Office instructions to police -- classified until 1989 -- periodically narrowed the criteria.
At first police were instructed that it would be a good reason to have a revolver if a person "lives in a solitary house, where protection against thieves and burglars is essential, or has been exposed to definite threats to life on account of his performance of some public duty." By 1937 police were to discourage applications to possess firearms for house or personal protection. In 1964 they were told "it should hardly ever be necessary to anyone to possess a firearm for the protection of his house or person" and that "this principle should hold good even in the case of banks and firms who desire to protect valuables or large quantities of money."
In 1969 police were informed "it should never be necessary for anyone to possess a firearm for the protection of his house or person." These changes were made without public knowledge or debate. Their enforcement has consumed hundreds of thousands of police hours. Finally, in 1997 handguns were banned. Proposed exemptions for handicapped shooters and the British Olympic team were rejected.
Even more sweeping was the 1953 Prevention of Crime Act, which made it illegal to carry in a public place any article "made, adapted, or intended" for an offensive purpose "without lawful authority or excuse." Carrying something to protect yourself was branded antisocial. Any item carried for possible defense automatically became an offensive weapon. Police were given extensive power to stop and search everyone. Individuals found with offensive items were guilty until proven innocent.
During the debate over the Prevention of Crime Act in the House of Commons, a member from Northern Ireland told his colleagues of a woman employed by Parliament who had to cross a lonely heath on her route home and had armed herself with a knitting needle. A month earlier, she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be an offense to carry a knitting needle? The attorney general assured the M.P. that the woman might be found to have a reasonable excuse but added that the public should be discouraged "from going about with offensive weapons in their pockets; it is the duty of society to protect them."
Another M.P. pointed out that while "society ought to undertake the defense of its members, nevertheless one has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society will come forward a great deal later, pick up the bits, and punish the violent offender."
In the House of Lords, Lord Saltoun argued: "The object of a weapon was to assist weakness to cope with strength and it is this ability that the bill was framed to destroy. I do not think any government has the right, though they may very well have the power, to deprive people for whom they are responsible of the right to defend themselves." But he added: "Unless there is not only a right but also a fundamental willingness amongst the people to defend themselves, no police force, however large, can do it."
That willingness was further undermined by a broad revision of criminal law in 1967 that altered the legal standard for self-defense. Now everything turns on what seems to be "reasonable" force against an assailant, considered after the fact. As Glanville Williams notes in his Textbook of Criminal Law, that requirement is "now stated in such mitigated terms as to cast doubt on whether it [self-defense] still forms part of the law."
The original common law standard was similar to what still prevails in the U.S. Americans are free to carry articles for their protection, and in 33 states law-abiding citizens may carry concealed guns. Americans may defend themselves with deadly force if they believe that an attacker is about to kill or seriously injure them, or to prevent a violent crime. Our courts are mindful that, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes observed, "detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an upraised knife."
But English courts have interpreted the 1953 act strictly and zealously. Among articles found illegally carried with offensive intentions are a sandbag, a pickaxe handle, a stone, and a drum of pepper. "Any article is capable of being an offensive weapon," concede the authors of Smith and Hogan Criminal Law, a popular legal text, although they add that if the article is unlikely to cause an injury the onus of proving intent to do so would be "very heavy."
The 1967 act has not been helpful to those obliged to defend themselves either. Granville Williams points out: "For some reason that is not clear, the courts occasionally seem to regard the scandal of the killing of a robber as of greater moment than the safety of the robber's victim in respect of his person and property."
A sampling of cases illustrates the impact of these measures:
? In 1973 a young man running on a road at night was stopped by the police and found to be carrying a length of steel, a cycle chain, and a metal clock weight. He explained that a gang of youths had been after him. At his hearing it was found he had been threatened and had previously notified the police. The justices agreed he had a valid reason to carry the weapons. Indeed, 16 days later he was attacked and beaten so badly he was hospitalized. But the prosecutor appealed the ruling, and the appellate judges insisted that carrying a weapon must be related to an imminent and immediate threat. They sent the case back to the lower court with directions to convict.
? In 1987 two men assaulted Eric Butler, a 56-year-old British Petroleum executive, in a London subway car, trying to strangle him and smashing his head against the door. No one came to his aid. He later testified, "My air supply was being cut off, my eyes became blurred, and I feared for my life." In desperation he unsheathed an ornamental sword blade in his walking stick and slashed at one of his attackers, stabbing the man in the stomach. The assailants were charged with wounding. Butler was tried and convicted of carrying an offensive weapon.
? In 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal.
? In 1999 Tony Martin, a 55-year-old Norfolk farmer living alone in a shabby farmhouse, awakened to the sound of breaking glass as two burglars, both with long criminal records, burst into his home. He had been robbed six times before, and his village, like 70 percent of rural English communities, had no police presence. He sneaked downstairs with a shotgun and shot at the intruders. Martin received life in prison for killing one burglar, 10 years for wounding the second, and a year for having an unregistered shotgun. The wounded burglar, having served 18 months of a three-year sentence, is now free and has been granted ?5,000 of legal assistance to sue Martin.
The failure of English policy to produce a safer society is clear, but what of British jibes about "America's vigilante values" and our much higher murder rate?
Historically, America has had a high homicide rate and England a low one. In a comparison of New York and London over a 200-year period, during most of which both populations had unrestricted access to firearms, historian Eric Monkkonen found New York's homicide rate consistently about five times London's. Monkkonen pointed out that even without guns, "the United States would still be out of step, just as it has been for two hundred years."
Legal historian Richard Maxwell Brown has argued that Americans have more homicides because English law insists an individual should retreat when attacked, whereas Americans believe they have the right to stand their ground and kill in self-defense. Americans do have more latitude to protect themselves, in keeping with traditional common law standards, but that would have had less significance before England's more restrictive policy was established in 1967.
The murder rates of the U.S. and U.K. are also affected by differences in the way each counts homicides. The FBI asks police to list every homicide as murder, even if the case isn't subsequently prosecuted or proceeds on a lesser charge, making the U.S. numbers as high as possible. By contrast, the English police "massage down" the homicide statistics, tracking each case through the courts and removing it if it is reduced to a lesser charge or determined to be an accident or self-defense, making the English numbers as low as possible.
The London-based Office of Health Economics, after a careful international study, found that while "one reason often given for the high numbers of murders and manslaughters in the United States is the easy availability of firearms…the strong correlation with racial and socio-economic variables suggests that the underlying determinants of the homicide rate are related to particular cultural factors."
Cultural differences and more-permissive legal standards notwithstanding, the English rate of violent crime has been soaring since 1991. Over the same period, America's has been falling dramatically. In 1999 The Boston Globe reported that the American murder rate, which had fluctuated by about 20 percent between 1974 and 1991, was "in startling free-fall." We have had nine consecutive years of sharply declining violent crime. As a result the English and American murder rates are converging. In 1981 the American rate was 8.7 times the English rate, in 1995 it was 5.7 times the English rate, and the latest study puts it at 3.5 times.
Preliminary figures for the U.S. this year show an increase, although of less than 1 percent, in the overall number of violent crimes, with homicide increases in certain cities, which criminologists attribute to gang violence, the poor economy, and the release from prison of many offenders. Yet Americans still enjoy a substantially lower rate of violent crime than England, without the "restraint on personal liberty" English governments have seen as necessary. Rather than permit individuals more scope to defend themselves, Prime Minister Tony Blair's government plans to combat crime by extending those "restraints on personal liberty": removing the prohibition against double jeopardy so people can be tried twice for the same crime, making hearsay evidence admissible in court, and letting jurors know of a suspect's previous crimes.
This is a cautionary tale. America's founders, like their English forebears, regarded personal security as first of the three primary rights of mankind. That was the main reason for including a right for individuals to be armed in the U.S. Constitution. Not everyone needs to avail himself or herself of that right. It is a dangerous right. But leaving personal protection to the police is also dangerous.
The English government has effectively abolished the right of Englishmen, confirmed in their 1689 Bill of Rights, to "have arms for their defence," insisting upon a monopoly of force it can succeed in imposing only on law-abiding citizens. It has come perilously close to depriving its people of the ability to protect themselves at all, and the result is a more, not less, dangerous society. Despite the English tendency to decry America's "vigilante values," English policy makers would do well to consider a return to these crucial common law values, which stood them so well in the past.
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Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
In the end though, they got what they deserve. They let the "Government" run them instead of them running the "Government"!!! I will never give up my God given right to self defense!!!
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
I don't see any balance in this article at all. I live in the north of the UK and and have lived in some of the poorer areas of Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds for years and run city centre late night bars. I am now 30 years old and, outside of TV and movies, I have NEVER seen a gun, ever. It's often the case that stats are used to try and paint a picture of 'the way things are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the reality for the majority of a population.
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
Trust mugger, a burglar or any other criminal in the UK would no more have expected to find a homeowner with a gun thirty years ago than they would do now. Just try to understand that the reason so many American's find giving up their guns as unthinkable is the same reason why so many British people find owning guns unthinkable. We just have different cultures, so try not to use rising crime stats in a country with tight gun controls to justify owning guns in your own country ? be smarter!
This article is indeed very one-sided and wrought with weak inductive reasoning. We would expect crime rates to be higher in Britain than the US given their significantly higher population density. The fact that they are even comparable is an indictment of US law enforcement and possibly its lack of gun control.
Additionally, most US cities have seen the same increase in crime that ones in the UK have in recent years, so it's hard to see how that would be related to gun control policies. As David sugggests, the increase is more likely due to economic factors.
I see your point Keith, though I would like to submit the idea that as a younger nation, we Americans do also have a different culture than our friends across the pond. I have always greatly respected European culture and wish some of that discipline and self restraint were present in our own nation. People can be unbearably petty and completely overreact to perceived slights...add to that a massive gang culture in every city of appreciable size (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Denver...this list goes on) based on "being a badass" and you have a laundry list of violent, intolerant people who take advantage of a nation's right, but would just as soon bludgeon, thrash, stab, run over, immolate, strangle, defenestrate or any other method of violent behaivor. I am of the serious conviction that our gang problem is the more severe, and as most firearms related crimes are committed with cheaply manufactured guns as purchased by gangs, that would be the first and best place to go about setting our crime rates to being much lower than yours 🙂
Indeed sir, but you see violent crimes as being a result of muggers, burglars and ne'er do wells. I might present the idea of the enormous gang culture that is unfortunately present in this nation. Almost every major gang has a presence in each major city in the United States, MS-13, Hells Angels, Latin Kings, Crips, Bloods, and the list goes on. Many of these gangs are not opposed to using violence as a first resort, and a number of them require a violent act as an initiation rite before one can "make their bones", then of course, these lovely individuals supply the drug users you speak of, who also commit crimes. It is possibly the worst problem this country faces...I would suggest to all lawmakers that the second amendment be left alone, as these gangsters also do stockpile the items they steal from the police and military...if not, a number of them procure weaponry from their south american interests (who purchase them directly from the United States on a scale that was greater than this own nations sale of weapons to the Iraqi government)
David, with all due respect (because you don't sound like a troll, just more like you're honestly expressing your opinion), when the gun ban was passed you would have been 17. You haven't seen a gun because you haven't been mugged yet or had your home broken into, and when they were legal you were younger and just hadn't been around that much. You do make a good point about not taking one country's statistics and applying it to another country. But here in the US, the states that have loosened up their gun bans have seen their violent crime drop. Property crime goes up at the same time, but murders and rapes and hold-ups go down. There's just too much evidence for the correlation. The reason is that enough criminals think twice because they know the victim might be armed.
This article is tea-bagger garbage. Robin Hood's true legacy was fighting against the Norman aristocrats to help the Saxon peasants. During the 1950s in Indiana, Robin Hood was banned reading in some school districts because of right-wing bigots who thought Robin Hood was promoting socialism. Not that there is anything wrong with socialism.
We (Americans) are not only armed to protect ourselves from criminals, we are armed to protect ourselves from government. In fact, the second amendment has far more to do with prevent the government from assuming too much power than it has to do with hunting or home defense.
Excellent report! This should be brought to the attention of those large banks and "money lords" who threaten to move their firms to the UK.
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I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
???? ?????? ????? ???????
???? ?????? ????? ???????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns! ???? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ???????
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As long as society lets the Muslims succeed, death and violence will proliferate. Islam is truly Satans cult. Just as Naziizam was.
And yes. Christianity will win in the end. It has been written. Let the Muslims have their fun. They don't have much more time.
What a terrible, inaccurate, false article. Do some real fact checking before you rant on about nonsense like this!
The UK has some of the lowest gun homocide rates in the world!
Here are the real facts: "The overall homicide rates per 100,000 (regardless of weapon type) reported by the United Nations for 1999 were 4.55 for the U.S. and 1.45 in England and Wales. The homicide rate in England and Wales at the end of the 1990s was below the EU average, but the rates in Northern Ireland and Scotland were above the EU average."
It should be worth it to note that Northern Ireland and Scotland have very loose gun ownership laws, much like the US, while England and Wales have very strict gun control rules short of a total ban!
Now, don't you feel like a fool rambling on for 4 pages with no real facts to back you up?
Etch, the article wasn't about "gun homicide" rate, it was about violent crime. Read the article much more carefully and you will understand this. Also note the differences as to how each country records its crime rates. The UK pads theirs to appear much lower.
Ultimately, the difference lies in the relationship of the citizenry to the government. Americans view their government as a servant, you view yours as your master.
Yes, because it's much more important to protect property than to protect a life. I also assume you're quicker on the draw than Lucky Luke. I assume robbers with a gun walk up to you and tell you that they want to rob you, giving you ample time to draw your gun and shoot them. Or, maybe it's rather that someone trying to rob you would come out of a shadowy corner with a drawn gun. Now draw your own gun without dying miserably. (Plus, you can insure your property, and while you can also insure your life, once you're dead you won't get it back. Unlike a mobile phone.)
So, actually, I do think it's better to get my phone stolen than to be shot because I too had a gun.
Also, how can you get to the conclusion that people in the UK/Europe/anywhere outside the US view their government as the masters and they themselves as slaves. Did you notice that we live in something called "Democracy"?
On a sidenote, I believe corporations should be allowed to keep armed forces. Then they're finally able to "kill the competition". Actually, a corporation in the US has the same rights as any citizen, so, in fact, it should already be allowed.
Well the American government does possess a number of companies (freight for one), so technically, the do have their own armed forces...The padding of statistics does make sense, but perhaps not to the extent the author presumes (I'm assuming a cultural gap accounts for a good deal of it and not the presence nor lack of firearms)...and also there is no indication that the young girl even did attempt to ward off her assailant who murdered her...crime is common, logic is rare (he may very well have shot her because he panicked)though the attempt to badger a man in a debate is most certainly not a logical way to prove your point sir. I'm an American, and I don't carry a gun, i'd run from an assailant(probably even if I had one), but I most certainly would not rely on the police to keep me safe. I forget who it was who stated it, but the responsibility of the police is not to protect citizens, it is to preserve order, so you may take that for what it is worth...
HMMM, Your 'facts" don't check out at Wales own statistical site. After the ban, homicide with guns doubled. You can check here:
You have to NUMBER OF GUN HOMICIDES and then look at RATES PER THOUSAND, not the actual number.
Official statistics for UK crime rates:-
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Stop spamming dammit, this is an interesting debate.
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I live in the north of the UK and and have lived in some of the poorer areas of Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds for years and run city centre late night bars. I am now 30 years old and, outside of TV and movies, I have NEVER seen a gun, ever. It's often the case that stats are used to try and paint a picture of 'the way things are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the reality for the majority of a population.
Thanks ,,,
The UK riots over the last few days have shown that UK "society" and its police force are completely impotent to protect innocent civilians from thugs. The photos and videos make the place look like a third-world country with no law and order.
But by all means, keep telling yourselves that there must be some societal reason for these "young people" to riot, so it's really society's fault somehow. Because surely, if you keep turning the other cheek, and giving them more freebies and benefits, they will stop behaving badly! Right?
I am thankful that my community holds criminals responsible for their acts, not the crime victims who attempt to stop them. We do not find it necessary to protect criminals from their victims.
thnx u
THank you
thanks 4 information
tnks tnkis
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
MMS thanks man
otrogtrgotrobrt otgrtgr
Is this for real - it seems like a gun rights slant on the information.
< {Thanks
thank you
Ridiculous article. Maybe the author should have looked into the increase of povety and other socio-economic factors related to rise of violent crime.
Just for your information. No European is allowed to carry a gun. That means if at all we could only use them inside our homes. And well, maybe European burglars are just more clever than American burglars but being suprised by a thief in your own home is just not very common here.
You also ignore that violent crime can be anything from actual murder to a little handbag-flying dispute with and old lady.
Homicide and rape rates in Europe, you know, the really nasty stuff that actually shows a sever disregard for other ppl's freedom, dignity and life, are lower, in many cases many times lower than in the US. Actually even violent crime rates overall are lower in many countries.
So yes, we are really sorry that we kind of think that getting killed is a bit worse than getting threatened or mugged or whatever. I don't even want to know how many ppl get killed each year in the US because both the criminal and the victim carried guns and used them with one or both getting seriously injured or even killed while it would have been a (yes, annoying, illegal and probably shocking) propety crime with no injuries/deaths in Europe.
Oh good Lord, when did you all turn into pussies? You can only be so naive for as long, before criminals step in and reap the benefits from assaulting a numb population.
Dear Anonymous,
Having a Nice Daydream? Violent crime has always been lower in Britain when compared to the USA, before any gun regulation, during the century of increasingly restrictive (classified until 1989) gun laws and even now with the "gold standard" of gun control. Therefore a somewhat more reasonable comparison might be with Britain's European neighbours. It was reported in 2009 that the UK 'has worst violent crime rate in Europe'. And there has not been a marked decrease in UK violent crime since. In fact given the recent riots the opposite might be argued. The shocking reality, in your eyes no doubt, is that in spite of increased private gun ownership and increased concealed carry of handguns, in that oh so violent country the USA, its violent crime rate has been trending downward since 1994. The difference in violent crime rates between Britain and the USA is less than it used to be in spite of increased private gun ownership and increased concealed carry of handguns. How can that be? Could your core assumption, 'less guns, less crime' be wrong?
Thank you
Thank you Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
The problem I have with this clearly biased article is that it rather conveniently brushes that pesky issue of homicide under the rug, and hopes the reader won't notice.
According to the data, which you can find in just about any unbiased source, you are FIVE TIMES more likely to be murdered in the US than the UK. And this has been true for every year that the gun ban has been in effect.
So while it may seem like Britain is awash with crime, and it may be, crimes that stop at assault, robbery, mugging etc, tend to just stop right there. Here in the US, it's far more likely that a crime that begins as say a mugging, ends in a homicide. At that point, the authorities focus far less on the mugging aspect (and in fact probably don't even report it as such), and far more on the more serious homicide charge.
It should also be noted that America's policy on jail is very hard core. We are number one in the world in locking people up. So if you keep locking up anyone who has even a whiff of guilt about them, that will have a positive effect on crime rates. So who's to say that the whole aggressive jailing campaign isn't more effective at reducing crime than letting everyone carry a gun like we were cowboys in a western?
Also who's to say that implementing a policy exactly like Britain has would create exactly the same outcome in the US?
In any case, who's taking your guns anyway? I've not seen any laws passed recently that do anything to curtail gun ownership. In fact in some states the laws have actually been relaxed, like in Texas for example where Rick Perry just made gun rights even stronger.
]v]am uvhrdm ahj uvhrd ]v]ai uvhrdi
Variety entertainment Iraqi Forum contains new messages, songs and movies and the latest news, photos, art ..
????? ??????
thank you
Variety entertainment Iraqi Forum contains new messages, songs and movies and the latest news, photos, art ..
????? ??????
Yes, rank has its privileges, and it's clear that government workers have a rank above the rest of us. Ordinarily, if one out of every 22 California drivers had a license to drive any way he chose, there would be demands for more police power to protect Californians from the potential carnage. But until the newspaper series, law enforcement officials and legislators had remained mum. The reason, of course, is that the scofflaws are law enforcement officials and legislators.
its very nice post thanx you
Variety entertainment Iraqi Forum contains new messages, songs and movies and the latest news, photos, art ..
??? ??????
thank you man
thank you man
thank you adming ood article 🙂
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Mark Lhalkovernm that protect you without a gun
Guns and crime, its big trouble!!!
why guns are sold to common people anyway??
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. Thanks for nice info.
Thank you very much
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me to realized this was written in 2002 wow
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very good thanks
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I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. Thanks for nice info.
click here
n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ????? ?????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ??? ???? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
Mark Lhalkovernm that protect you without a gun
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
Mark Lhalkovernm that protect you without a gun
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
Mark Lhalkovernm that protect you without a gun
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Mark Lhalkovernm that protect you without a gun
n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ????? ???????
n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ??? ??? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ??? ??? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ??? ????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ???? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ???? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ??? ?????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ?????? ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ??? ?????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ??? ??????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ????? ???????
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal ???? ????? ???? ????? ???????
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just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ????? ?????? ??? ???????
??? ?????? ??????
just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ????? ??? ???????
???? ????? ??? ???????
just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ??? ??? ???????
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just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ????? ????? ???????
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just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try
just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ????? ???? ???????
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just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try
???? ????? ?????? ???????
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just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try ???? ????? ???? ???????
???? ????? ????? ???????
just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try ???? ????? ?????? ???????
???? ?? ?????? ???????
just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try ???? ?????? ????? ???????
???? ??? ?????? ???????
just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try ???? ??? ???? ???????
???? ????? ????? ???????
n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illeg????? ?????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should[url=]???? ??? ???? ???????[/url]
[url=]???? ????? ???? ???????[/url]
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should[url=]???? ????? ??? ???????[/url]
[url=]???? ????? ??? ???????[/url]
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should[url=]???? ????? ????? ???????[/url]
[url=]???? ????? ??? ???????[/url]
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should[url=]???? ????? ????? ???????[/url]
[url=]???? ????? ???????[/url]
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should[url=]???? ????? ????? ???????[/url]
[url=]???? ?? ?????? ???????[/url]
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should[url=]???? ?????? ????? ???????[/url]
[url=]???? ??? ?????? ???????[/url]
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ????? ???????
??? ?????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ??? ???? ???????
???? ????? ???? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should ???? ????? ??? ???????
???? ????? ??? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.????? ???????
???? ?? ?????? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should???? ????? ???? ???????
???? ??? ???? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ?? ?????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.?? ?????? ???????
???? ????? ?????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should?? ?????? ???????
???? ????? ?????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken f???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ????? ??? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ?????? ????? ???????
???? ????? ?????? ??? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ??? ?????? ??????
???? ????? ???? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ??? ???? ???????
???? ????? ??? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ??? ???????
???? ????? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ??? ??? ???????
????? ????? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ????? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ???? ???????
???? ????? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ?????? ??????? ???????
???? ??? ?????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ?????? ???????
???? ?? ?????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ???? ????? ???????
???? ??? ?????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ????? ?????
???? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ??? ???? ???????
???? ????? ??? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ??? ?????? ??????
???? ????? ??? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ??? ???????
???? ??? ??? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???????
???? ????? ??? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ???? ???????
???? ??? ???? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken ???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ????? ?????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken
???? ??? ?????? ???????
???? ????? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ????? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken???? ????? ?????? ???? ???????
???? ????? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken????? ?????
???? ??? ?????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken???? ????? ???? ????? ???????
???? ????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken??? ??????
???? ????? ?????? ???????
ust realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be???? ?? ?????? ???????
???? ?????? ????? ???????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
???? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ???????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns! ???? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ???????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
???? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???????
Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me
???? ???? ??? ???? ???????
???? ????? ???? ???????
Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me
???? ?? ??????
???? ????? ???????
Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me
???? ????? ?????
???? ????? ???
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you.
???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ????? ???? ??????? I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go.
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
???? ????? ???? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you.
???? ?? ?????? ???????
very good 🙂
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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hi i juyst want to tell you thanks for that great article
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Excellent report! This should be brought to the attention of those large banks and "money lords" who threaten to move their firms to the UK.
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Excellent report! This should be brought to the attention of those large banks and "money lords" who threaten to move their firms to the UK.
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Excellent report! This should be brought to the attention of those large banks and "money lords" who threaten to move their firms to the UK.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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???? ????? ??? ???????likes to be clean and beautiful home free from diseases breathe fresh air away from the diseases that occur as a result of not cleaning the house
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
???? ??? ????
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I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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Well the American government does possess a number of companies (freight for one), so technically, the do have their own armed forces...The padding of statistics does make sense, but perhaps not to the extent the author presumes (I'm assuming a cultural gap accounts for a good deal of it and not the presence nor lack of firearms)...and also there is no indication that the young girl even did attempt to ward off her assailant who murdered her...crime is common, logic is rare (he may very well have shot her because he panicked)though the attempt to badger a man in a debate is most certainly not a logical way to prove your point sir. I'm an American, and I don't carry a gun, i'd run from an assailant(probably even if I had one), but I most certainly would not rely on the police to keep me safe. I forget who it was who stated it, but the responsibility of the police is not to protect citizens, it is to preserve order, so you may take that for what it is worth...
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Well the American government does possess a number of companies (freight for one), so technically, the do have their own armed forces...The padding of statistics does make sense, but perhaps not to the extent the author presumes (I'm assuming a cultural gap accounts for a good deal of it and not the presence nor lack of firearms)...and also there is no indication that the young girl even did attempt to ward off her assailant who murdered her...crime is common, logic is rare (he may very well have shot her because he panicked)though the attempt to badger a man in a debate is most certainly not a logical way to prove your point sir. I'm an American, and I don't carry a gun, i'd run from an assailant(probably even if I had one), but I most certainly would not rely on the police to keep me safe. I forget who it was who stated it, but the responsibility of the police is not to protect citizens, it is to preserve order, so you may take that for what it is worth...
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I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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??? ?????? ??????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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???? ??? ???? ??????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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???? ?????? ????? ????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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Hello! I just want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent info you have right here on this post. I'll be returning to your blog for more soon.
Hello! I just want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent info you have right here on this post. I'll be returning to your blog for more soon.
Hello! I just want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent info you have right here on this post. I'll be returning to your blog for more soon.
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Hello! I just want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent info you have right here on this post. I'll be returning to your blog for more soon.I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has.
???? ?????? ????? ???????
Hello! I just want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent info you have right here on this post. I'll be returning to your blog for more soon.
Furniture stores buy user
Buy Used Furniture in northern Riyadh
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, though I understand it may happen. I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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Another M.P. pointed out that while "society ought to undertake the defense of its members, nevertheless one has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society will come forward a great deal later, pick up the bits, and punish the violent offender."
???? ??? ???? ???????
Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
i hope visit this
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do.
???? ?????? ???????? ??????? - ?????? ???????? ??????? If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has.
???? ?????? ???? ??????? - ?????? ???? ??????? No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do.
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has.
???? ?????? ??????? ??????? - ???? ?????? ????? ??????? No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do.
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
???? ?? ?????? ???????
???? ??? ?????? ?????? ????
As long as society lets the Muslims succeed, death and violence will proliferate. Islam is truly Satans cult. Just as Naziizam was.
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
??? ?????? ??????
???? ?????? ????? ???????
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
???? ?????? ????? ????
???? ????? ?????? ???????
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
???? ?????? ????? ???????
???? ??? ???? ???????
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
???? ????? ????? ???????
???? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ???
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
???? ????? ????? ????????
???? ???? ???? ?????? ???????
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
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???? ???? ?????? ???????
It turns out that the delivery person we had hired was a nice little woman who travels back and forth across the country delivering furniture to both coasts, everywhere in between, and Mexico, and Canada. In her heyday, she said, she ???? ??? ???? ??????? was able to get in there and substantially help to move the large pieces she delivers. But today, she does the driving only. However, her decades of experience have left her with some amazing insider's tips that she used to walk us step-by-step through moving our prized (and heavy) new possession into our home. The tip that helped most:
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
???? ?????? ????? ???????
???? ?????? ????? ????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue.
???? ????? ??????? - ???? ????? ??????? I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". ???? ????? ??? ??????? - ???? ????? ????? ??????? Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
Good God! I can not even imagine living under those circumstances. The idea that you can not even protect yourself because the "Government" will. What a joke! I always remember the very wise ole refrain "When seconds count the police are minutes away". ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? Gun control is not about controlling crime it's about controlling "The People"! I just wonder how long it will be before the English people have had enough. What will it finally take?
Pretty component to content. I just stumbled upon your website and in accession capital to assert that I get actually enjoyed account your blogi hope visit this ???? ????? ???? ??????? , ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.
Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
i hope visit this ???? ????? ???????? ??????? , ???? ????? ??? ??????? I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
Pretty component to content. I just stumbled upon your website and in accession capital to assert that I get actually enjoyed account your blog
i hope visit this???? ????? ???????? ???????, ???? ?????? ????? ??????? Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
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about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
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During the debate over the Prevention of Crime Act in the House of Commons, a member from Northern Ireland told his colleagues of a woman employed by Parliament who had to cross a lonely heath on her route home and had armed herself with a knitting needle. A month earlier, she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be an offense to carry a knitting needle? The attorney general assured the M.P. that the woman might be found to have a reasonable excuse but added that the public should be discouraged "from going about with offensive weapons in their pockets; it is the duty of society to protect them
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During the debate over the Prevention of Crime Act in the House of Commons, a member from Northern Ireland told his colleagues of a woman employed by Parliament who had to cross a lonely heath on her route home and had armed herself with a knitting needle. A month earlier, she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be an offense to carry a knitting needle? The attorney general assured the M.P. that the woman might be found to have a reasonable excuse but added that the public should be discouraged "from going about with offensive weapons in their pockets; it is the duty of society to protect them
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During the debate over the Prevention of Crime Act in the House of Commons, a member from Northern Ireland told his colleagues of a woman employed by Parliament who had to cross a lonely heath on her route home and had armed herself with a knitting needle. A month earlier, she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be an offense to carry a knitting needle? The attorney general assured the M.P. that the woman might be found to have a reasonable excuse but added that the public should be discouraged "from going about with offensive weapons in their pockets; it is the duty of society to protect them
???? ?????? ???????? ???????
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I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here. ???? ????? ???????? ???????
Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this. ???? ??? ??? ???????? ??????? I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this.???? ?????? ????? ??????? I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
totally misleading," "a huge over-simplification," "astounding and outrageous" -- and a compilation of lurid crimes from "the wild west culture on the other side of the Atlantic where every other car is carrying a gun," The Mirror
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e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
will come forward a great deal later, pick up the bits, and punish the violent offender."
Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
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about this.
Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
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n 1994 an English homeowner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the homeowner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal???? ????? ???????
???? ??? ???? ???????
Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this.
Mr. Director of the Forum and Gentlemen, Dear Thank you all invite you to visit our website on the following link
???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this.
Good day! This post couldn't be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
???? ????? ?????? ???????
I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
Mr. Director of the Forum and Gentlemen, Dear Thank you all invite you to visit our website on the following link
???? ??? ???? ????????
Mr. Director of the Forum and Gentlemen, Dear Thank you all invite you to visit our website on the following link
Mr. Director of the Forum and Gentlemen, Dear Thank you all invite you to visit our website on the following link
???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????
Mr. Director of the Forum and Gentlemen, Dear Thank you all invite you to visit our website on the following link
Mr. Director of the Forum and Gentlemen, Dear Thank you all invite you to visit our website on the following link
???? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????-?????
e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
???? ?????? ????? ??????
occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
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occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyv
e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
???? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????
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that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
???? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????
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e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
???? ????? ??? ????????
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e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
???? ????? ???????
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submit pTesting Limits
Jacob Sullum | 11.01.2002
e has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
???? ????? ????? ???????
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occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society???? ????? ????? ??????? ??????
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occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society
occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that
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societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that
???? ????? ??? ???????
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societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that
ocietyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that
???? ????? ???? ?????? ???????
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ocietyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that societyoccasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that
Provide you with Al Rayan high quality living accommodation deal and superior performance in the arts of hygiene in respect of places public and private First: places special Kalqsour, villas, apartments, kitchens and offices as cleaning floors, walls and washing of carpets and rugs and cleaning Alantreat and Rushd pesticides to combat insects and liposuction unpleasant odors The company offers special offers for Tndev villas and palaces progress the company's comprehensive program of cleaning and control at the highest level and the latest equipment and the best workers trained well on the means to help the cleanliness of all places, even small ones, and difficult to access and that accompanied supervisors specialists to follow up the work line and delivered in the best quality ???? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ???????
Provide you with Al Rayan high quality living accommodation deal and superior performance in the arts of hygiene in respect of places public and private First: places special Kalqsour, villas, apartments, kitchens and offices as cleaning floors, walls and washing of carpets and rugs and cleaning Alantreat and Rushd pesticides to combat insects and liposuction unpleasant odors The company offers special offers for Tndev villas and palaces progress the company's comprehensive program of cleaning and control at the highest level and the latest equipment and the best workers trained well on the means to help the cleanliness of all places, even small ones, and difficult to access and that accompanied supervisors specialists to follow up the work line and delivered in the best quality ???? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ???????
Good day! This post couldn?t be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate!???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
He always kept chatting
about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.???? ????? ???? ???????Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.???? ????? ???? ??????? Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
Good day! This post couldn?t be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this.???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
Good day! This post couldn?t be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate!
He always kept chatting
about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
Another M.P. pointed out that while "society ought to undertake the defense of its members, nevertheless one has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society will come forward a great deal later, pick up the bits, and punish the violent offender."
??? ??????
??? ?????? ??????
Another M.P. pointed out that while "society ought to undertake the defense of its members, nevertheless one has to remember that there are many places where society cannot get, or cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society will come forward a great deal later, pick up the bits, and punish the violent offender."
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??? ?????
I see your point Keith, though I would like to submit the idea that as a younger nation, we Americans do also have a different culture than our friends across the pond. I have always greatly respected European culture and wish some of that discipline and self restraint were present in our own nation. People can be unbearably petty and completely overreact to perceived slights...add to that a massive gang culture in every city of appreciable size (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Denver...this list goes on) based on "being a badass" and you have a laundry list of violent, intolerant people who take advantage of a nation's right, but would just as soon bludgeon, thrash, stab, run over, immolate, strangle, defenestrate or any other method of violent behaivor. I am of the serious conviction that our gang problem is the more severe, and as most firearms related crimes are committed with cheaply manufactured guns as purchased by gangs, that would be the first and best place to go about setting our crime rates to being much lower than yours 🙂
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When customers wish to purchase automobile insurance for your car, they will get insurance counselor urgently receive counseling and a lot of interest, insured costs, incentive levels .. . in addition, customers should be responsible for the insurance company. The following article will outline the responsibilities that car owners suffer during use. You should note that in order to negotiate with the insurance salesman and avoid trouble after them!
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This article provides clear idea for the new visitors of blogging, that genuinely how to do running a blog.
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I am hoping to see the same high-grade content from you in the future as well.
i have read it completely
Oooh, Nice article.. thank you for sharing,,
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Experience of the most important characteristics of engineers and technicians, in ????? ????, so always Eetmtknua of repair all faults electrical appliances
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Now through the ????? ???????, maintenance Services of electrical appliances, it will get the service, you will be supported and guaranteed by the largest global institutions
In our company we offer you our best services
That man can not be dispensed with in order to live in a clean house and free from diseases we do overall cleaning of the house services
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In our company we offer you our best services
That man can not be dispensed with in order
???? ??? ??????
to live in a clean house and free from diseases we do overall cleaning of the house services
In our company we offer you our best services
???? ????? ???????
That man can not be dispensed with in order to live in a clean house and free from diseases we do overall cleaning of the house services
that I had been cleaning all wrong . I was in the hotel room , and when the maid came in workshops solution on every surface ... and then he left .
Right when I thought she had forgotten , she returned . Wiping and less than two minutes with a dry cloth and thin , and stirred the whole place . It was , frankly, it never occurred to me to allow one solution do all the work , so I asked her what she'd used. It was the so-???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? called Butcher bath matte - ready industry.
Vacuum pro wonderful tricks to get the job done . We asked
, she returned . Wiping and less than two minutes with a dry cloth and thin , and stirred the whole place . It was , frankly, it never occurred to me to allow one solution do all the work???? ????? ??? ???????
, so I asked her what she'd used. It was the so-called Butcher bath matte - ready industry.
Vacuum pro wonderful tricks to get the job done . We asked three pros to school us
, she returned . Wiping and less than two minutes with a dry cloth and thin , and stirred the whole place . It was , frankly, it never occurred to me to allow one solution do all the work
???? ??? ???? ???????
Gun Control or Pest Control Hahahahaha , you've made me remember my old work in Cleaning company at Yanbu at Saudi Arabia and in the field of Furniture moving company at Medina while I was the manger of the marketing section, anyway sorry for the bad joke hahah 😀
Customer Service in ????? ?? ?? center , offers the best solutions and assistance to customers, who suffer from problems with electrical devices
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In our company we offer you our best services
That man can not be dispensed with in order to live in a clean house and free from diseases we do overall cleaning of the house services
???? ????? ????? ???????
We also identify leaks service and Pest Control Through our use of advanced equipment.
The best types of detergents Internatioanl through a better skilled labor
Under the supervision of technicians and skilled in all fields, which Zacharnaha by
We can thus reach the pinnacle of success because success is not easy but through our use of modern science and developments and training a lot
We will be able to reach Mantmanah with ease, we the best choice you can order you to live in a clean house and free from disease
n our company we offer you our best services
That man can not be dispensed with in order to live in a clean house and free from diseases we do overall cleaning of the house services
???? ????? ????? ???????
We also identify leaks service and Pest Control Through our use of advanced equipment.
The best types of detergents Internatioanl through a better skilled labor
???? ??? ??????
Under the supervision of technicians and skilled in all fields, which Zacharnaha by
We can thus reach the pinnacle of success because success is not easy but through our use of modern science and developments and training a lot
???? ????? ????? ???????
We will be able to reach Mantmanah with ease, we the best choice you can order you to live in a clean house and free from disease
In ALMANARH offer transfer Furniture Company in Khamis Mushayt service using the best machinery and equipment
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also have the best fleet of vehicles large and modern, which can travel within Saudi Arabia The fully as we have the best workers trained in coaches at the highest level under the supervision of professional technicians in the removal and installation and packaging of furniture we at
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Offer the best services and technologies with modern and sophisticated in the field of transport luggage and we do it, we can guarantee our customers complete their work with the best and accurately and great quality
Our Middle East Company cleaning door and Khamis Mushayt and neighboring cities Haya company like all
???? ????? ????? ????
companies Let Alolh in scope and effective in turn, the performance of outstanding service to the most beautiful face and the best field so offer Amila best of our experience and the important Middle East, the company is cleaning door
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company in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia, where he is considered one of the pioneers of specialized companies in the areas of transport and cleaning, we contain the on staff
Our company let a company like all companies Let Alolh in scope and effective in turn, the performance of
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outstanding service to the most beautiful face and the best field so offer Amila best of our experience and importance in Saudi Arabia, where he is considered one of the pioneers of specialized companies in the areas of transport and
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cleaning, we contain the Mhennen on staff and experts to work because our motto is trust and confidence of quality and excellence, and customer win, where we offer a variety of excellent services keeps the twisting and turning for several different companies to do the work
Our company let a company like all companies Let Alolh in scope and effective in turn, the performance of outstanding service to the most beautiful face and the best field so offer Amila best of our experience and importance
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in Saudi Arabia, where he is considered one of the pioneers of specialized companies in the areas of transport and cleaning, we contain the Mhennen on staff and experts to work because our motto is trust and confidence of quality
???? ????? ???? ?????? ???????
and excellence, and customer win, where we offer a variety of excellent services keeps the twisting and turning for several different companies to do the work
Perfect company Ultimate company and a leader in the field of hygiene and public detecting leaks and insect control are always trying to please their customers and their trust in them, we have the expertise and the possibility and working techniques and highly skilled and precise work
???? ????? ?????? ???????
With the perfect company to say goodbye to dust and mud that are in walls and using the highest quality detergents Our company is working day and night on the basis of organized and High quality through our use of tools,
???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
equipment and modern materials sanitizing only safe in our company find seriousness and assume responsibility do all the cleaning works professionally to get the result you your liking
Perfect company Ultimate company and a leader in the field of hygiene and public detecting leaks and insect control
???? ??? ?????? ???????
are always trying to please their customers and their trust in them, we have the expertise and the possibility and working techniques and highly skilled and precise work
With the perfect company to say goodbye to dust and mud that are in walls and using the highest quality detergents Our company is working day and night on the basis of organized and High quality through our use of
???? ??? ?????? ???????
tools, equipment and modern materials sanitizing only safe in our company find seriousness and assume responsibility do all the cleaning works professionally to get the result you your liking
Perfect company Ultimate company and a leader in the field of hygiene and public detecting leaks and insect control are always trying to please their customers and their trust in them, we have the expertise and the possibility and
???? ?????? ????? ???????
working techniques and highly skilled and precise work
With the perfect company to say goodbye to dust and mud that are in walls and using the highest quality
???? ?? ?????? ???????
detergents Our company is working day and night on the basis of organized and High quality through our use of
tools, equipment and modern materials sanitizing only safe in our company find seriousness and assume responsibility do all the cleaning works professionally to get the result you your liking
Perfect company Ultimate company and a leader in the field of hygiene and public detecting leaks and insect control are always trying to please their customers and their trust in them, we have the expertise and the possibility and working techniques and highly skilled and precise work
With the perfect company to say goodbye to dust and mud that are in walls and using the highest quality detergents Our company is working day and night on the basis of organized and High quality through our use of tools, equipment and modern materials sanitizing only safe in our company find seriousness and assume responsibility do all the cleaning works professionally to get the result you your liking
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???? ????? ??? ???????
Perfect company Ultimate company and a leader in the field of hygiene and public detecting leaks and insect control are always trying to please their customers and their trust in them, we have the expertise and the possibility and working techniques and highly skilled and precise work
With the perfect company to say goodbye to dust and mud that are in walls and using the highest quality detergents Our company is working day and night on the basis of organized and High quality through our use of tools, equipment and modern materials sanitizing only safe in our company find seriousness and assume responsibility do all the cleaning works professionally to get the result you your liking
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Possible during the life of an individual, be llasal or navigate to where he lives and live somewhere else. Hence, the urgent need for the removal company you transport and packaging to furniture.
furnture transfer company
furniture transfer company
Possible during the life of an individual, be llasal or navigate to where he lives and live somewhere else. Hence, the urgent need for the removal company you transport and packaging to furniture.
furnture transfer company
furniture transfer company
Possible during the life of an individual, be llasal or navigate to where he lives and live somewhere else. Hence, the urgent need for the removal company you transport and packaging to furniture.
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Possible during the life of an individual, be llasal or navigate to where he lives and live somewhere else. Hence, the urgent need for the removal company you transport and packaging to furniture.
????? ???? 2016
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Possible during the life of an individual, be llasal or navigate to where he lives and live somewhere else. Hence, the urgent need for the removal company you transport and packaging to furniture.
??? ????
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When customers wish to purchase automobile insurance for your car, they will get insurance counselor urgently receive counseling and a lot of interest, insured costs, incentive levels .. . in addition, customers should be responsible for the insurance company. The following article will outline the responsibilities that car owners suffer during use. You should note that in order to with the insurance salesman and avoid trouble after them!
Possible during the life of an individual, be llasal or navigate to where he lives and live somewhere else. Hence, the urgent need for the removal company you transport and packaging to furniture.
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??? ?????? ??????
receive counseling and a lot of interest, insured costs, incentive levels .. . in addition, customers should be responsible for the insurance company. The following article will outline the responsibilities that car owners suffer during use. You should note that in order to with the insurance salesman and avoid trouble after them!
Possible during the life of an individual, be llasal or navigate to where he lives and live somewhere else. Hence, the urgent need for the removal company you transport and packaging to furniture.
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance contract.
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance contract.
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance contract.
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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o Where lead to reduced risks insured: Car owners may request the insurance company insurance reduction for the remaining period of the insurance contract .. Within 5 days after receiving the request, demand reduction in insurance of vehicle owners, insurance companies will have the written reply on the approval or disapproval of reduction and repayment terms are reduced premiums. If the insurance company does not accept insurance reduction, the insured vehicle owner has the right to unilaterally terminate the insurance contract. and the insurance company will reimburse 70% of the premiums corresponding to the remaining duration of the insurance
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pointed out that while "society ought to undertake the defense of its members, nevertheless one has to remember that there are many
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places where society cannot get, or
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cannot get there in time. On those occasions a man has to defend himself and those whom he is escorting. It is not very much consolation that society will come forward a great deal later, pick up the bits, and punish the violent offende
During the debate over the Prevention of Crime Act in the House of Commons, a member from Northern Ireland told his colleagues of a woman employed by Parliament who had to cross a lonely heath on her route home and had armed herself with a knitting needle. A month earlier
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, she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be an offense to carry a knitting needle? The attorney general assured the M.P. that the woman might be found to have a reasonable excuse but added that the public should be discouraged "from going about with offensive weapo
are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be an offense to carry a knitting needle? The attorney general assured the M.P. that the woman might be found to h
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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an offense to carry a knitting needle? The attorney general assured the M.P. that the woman might be found to h
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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she had driven off a youth who ..
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the Group. are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the Group. are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the Group. are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the Group. are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the Group. are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the Group. are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
?? ????? ??? ??? ???
are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the Group. are' for some lobby groups benefit but it is rarely the
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My best site, thank you very much .
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, ????? ??? ?????? ??????? though I understand it may happen. ????? ??? ????? ??????? I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
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Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices.
???? ????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, ????? ???? though I understand it may happen. ??? ?????? ?????? I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc. This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home, ????? ???? though I understand it may happen. ???? ???? I understand that criminals carry guns, and I understand that specially trained police officers in the UK carry guns to deal with them. I understand that crime usually stems from social injustices such as severe poverty, poor education, high unemployment as well as drug addiction etc.?????? ???? This is why I find bizarre is that this articles tries to use the banning of guns in the UK to explain rising crimes in burglaries, muggings and robberies etc ? they have not risen because of a lack of handguns!
Put on some upbeat music and make a schedule. Have some boxes and bags ready for sorting and trash. Work in sections, clean up messes, and put things away.???? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? Sort through your boxes/bag and put away the items you want to keep, and discard the ones you don't. Lastly, vacuum and clean all surfaces in your room..
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
???? ???????
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home
????? ??????
??????? ??????
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home
?????? ??? ????
???? ????
?????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
I think it says something that the fear of crime is more applicable that the facts twisted to support someone's objective. I do not fear being attacked when I leave my home, I feel safe. I secure my home well and as such do not live in fear of being burgled or attacked in my home
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just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back.
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try
great publish, very informative. I ponder why the other experts of this sector do not notice this. You must continue your writing. I'm confident, you've a great readers' base already!
Nice Article
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
she had driven off a youth who tried to snatch her handbag by jabbing him "on a tender part of his body." Was it to be
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