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States Keep Suing the Feds, but Not in Defense of Federalism
State Attorneys General appear more interested in lining up with their political tribe than they are in defending state interests.
As of today over 130 lawsuits have been filed against early Trump Administration initiatives and actions. A decent chunk of these suits have been filed by state attorneys general, and state AGs have filed amicus briefs in a great many more.
That blue state AGs are suing the Trump Administration with regularity should be no surprise. Red state AGs did much the same thing (albeit with less frequency perhaps) against the Biden Administration. Indeed, it seems a key part of the job description for being an AG these days is a willingness to sue presidential administrations of the other party (or file amicus briefs in defense of a president of the same party).
What is striking when one looks at the various suits filed by state AGs (and many of the cases in which state AGs file amicus briefs) is how few involve true state interests, and even fewer can be understood as defending states as states or preserving the bulwark of federalism. Instead, state AG litigation is increasingly just an element of partisan lawfare--or I so I argue in my latest column for Civitas Outlook.
Here's an excerpt:
State resistance to the federal government is nothing new. James Madison expected state governments would push back against federal overreach to the benefit of individual liberty. As he explained in Federalist 51, the Constitution creates a "compound republic" in which each level of government has its own sovereign power derived from the people. States are not subdivisions, but "distinct governments." Constraining federal power and preserving state policy prerogatives helps check governmental intrusions and fosters greater self-government. The compound federalist structure, Madison expected, would provide a "double security" for "the rights of the people" as the federal and state governments press against each other, each seeking political support.
Part of how states work to protect individual liberty is by preserving their authority to serve the interests and wants of their citizens. Curiously enough, few of the lawsuits filed against the Trump Administration have anything to do with state prerogatives or state power. While some of the suits concern efforts to pause or limit funding to state institutions, such as state universities, or seek to limit the preemptive effect of federal policy, most concern naked policy disagreements between Republicans and Democrats over the proper course of federal policy. Blue states are challenging the policy initiatives of a Republican president not because these initiatives constrain state choices or injure state interests but because they advance the agenda of the other team. Red states, in turn, are lining up to support the President without regard for whether distinct state interests are at stake. . . .
State attorney general litigation could serve to preserve state autonomy, corralling federal regulatory authority, limiting federal preemption, and curtailing Uncle Sam's ability to induce state cooperation with conditional spending. Like its predecessors, the Trump Administration will provide no shortage of opportunities to pursue such causes. Instead, most state attorneys general seem more interested in forcing federal policy into alignment with their own political priors or the demands of their respective tribes. Thus, California spends more time suing the federal government to increase the stringency of federal environmental regulations than it does preserving its and other states' ability to adopt those policies most in line with state voter preferences.
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If one really wants to restore federalism, get rid of the progressive monstrosity known as the 17th amendment.
"most state attorneys general seem more interested in forcing federal policy into alignment with their own political priors or the demands of their respective tribes"
As if Republican AG's were not doing this under Obama and Biden.
He overtly acknowledges this: "[r]ed state AGs did much the same thing (albeit with less frequency perhaps) against the Biden Administration." And he acknowledges that red states are guilty of reflexively supporting Trump: "[r]ed states, in turn, are lining up to support the President without regard for whether distinct state interests are at stake. . . ."
How is this not clear enough?
I too am baffled by the complaint. It's just another form of adversarial law.
Republican Feds are challenged by Democrat states, and vice versa.
How else would it be?
Lawfare is one of those irregular verbs...
By the way, I think states should have automatic standing to sue the Federal government, just like EU Member States do in the ECJ. Standing for an action for annulment under art. 263 TFEU is normally very high - the ECJ prefers it if questions about the validity of EU acts are sorted out through the Member States' courts. But the Institutions of the EU themselves, and the Member States, do not have to show that they are impacted by an act in order to be able to sue to have it annulled. And that seems like a sensible idea to me.
For the record, I'm 99% certain that there are comments of mine making the same point when Biden and/or Obama were president.
Why should federal courts sit as debating society judges to allow state politicians to argue policy with federal politicians on whatever subject they’d like, whether it’s any of their business or not?
That's not at all what I'm proposing. But if the Federal government (any part of it) adopts a law, rule, or decision (i.e. something with legal effect), the states should have the right to sue on behalf of their citizens to test whether the Federal government acted lawfully. That seems like the core purpose of the judiciary, and the very opposite of "a debating society".
So you are proposing that states have automatic standing to sue in loco parentis on the narrow question of any given statute or regulation's constitutionality?
That's a lot narrower than your original statement. And something I'm inclined to agree with. The mere existance of an unconstitutional statute or regulation is harm to all of us even if it's never enforced.
Two points:
1. Both the quotes and the quotes within it consist of general allegations. There is not a single concrete example where Professor Adler or anyone he quotes presents a case where a blue-state attorney general is supposedly acting against the state’s interests, let alone an argument or explanation why this might be so.
2. Perhaps the state AGs simply have different conceptions of what the state interests are from Professor Adler’s.
The states are not suing because of just policy disagreements. They are suing because Trump is violating federal law in a way that hurts the states.
Professor Adler may have a different conception of what hurts states.
In a federal tax-and-spend welfare system, state AGs have a choice of either focusing on the taxes as hurting the states (and their absence as helping) or focusing on the spending as helping the states (and its absence as hurting). Which they choose to focus on is a matter of political philosophy.
Professor Adler may think state AGs ought to be focusing on the first and not the second. And if so he would be entitled to say so, agree with him or not. But simply saying vaguely that state AGs aren’t acting in the state’s interest with no concrete explanation how or why not only doesn’t help his case, it doesn’t even help explain what his case actually is.
The linked article includes several examples, including Massachusetts v. EPA and climate lawsuits, border states suing over allegedly insufficient immigration enforcement, and blue states suing over DOGE and the firing of federal employees.
Adler's point (I think) is that states were designed to serve as a check on federal power by pushing back when state sovereignty was threatened. Instead of using litigation to serve that purpose, the modern trend is for AGs to bring partisan lawsuits to burnish their own political reputations. This is a problem on both sides.
As for the argument that states should "focus on" either more spending or lower taxation, when it comes to using state resources to sue the federal government, it should be neither. State voters are also federal voters. They elect federal officeholders to make choices about federal spending. They elect state officeholders to make choices about state spending. They do not elect state officeholders to sue the federal government into complying with state government officials' political preferences.
You're misinterpreting his argument. He's not saying that states are necessarily acting against their state interests; he's saying that they're suing over things that are orthogonal to their state interests. Take Murthy v. Missouri, for instance — the case in which people invented fake claims of social media censorship by the Biden administration. Great idea or ill advised, constitutional or unconstitutional, what does that have to do with the states qua states?
Care to give examples of these so called "violations"?
No. They have been discusses in great detail on Reason and many other sites. You know this and are just trolling. Go look them up yourself.
Um, that's just assuming your own conclusions, that the other guys are wrong. I think the implicit corollary of Professor Adler's thesis is that sometimes AG's do not sue, because they agree with administration action, even though it might hurt their state. How many blue state AG's joined in suits against the Biden administration when some of their cities were being overwhelmed by immigrant resettlement?
I would think all AGs are trying to argue that a policy they oppose is not allowed because of some law (statue or constitutional). The extent anyone agrees with that is probably aligned with how one feels about a given policy.
Blue states are challenging the policy initiatives of a Republican president not because these initiatives constrain state choices or injure state interests ..
California spends more time suing the federal government to increase the stringency of federal environmental regulations than it does preserving its and other states' ability to adopt those policies most in line with state voter preferences
I think "federal environmental regulations" promote the interests of the states and their citizens in a variety of ways. Now, that is a matter of some political dispute, so people will debate the merits.
As to state voter preferences, who voted in the people and/or who appointed them bringing the suits?
I acknowledge the wider argument that states are promoting policy instead of state qua states but the dividing line there is going to be complicated. If federal policy helps a state's overall interest, it is logical for a state to support it in various cases.
This enters the chat with environmental litigation. Abortion cases also will split different ways. Does a state support/block a national legislation as interference with state regulation of medicine/morality or to further its view of health care or equal protection for its citizens?
The "social media censorship" case is more of a policy dispute that raises partisan disputes that are harder to see overlapping with overall state interests. Many of the lawsuits, putting aside debates over standing and merits, very well overlap with state interests.
The "liberty" argument there also splits different ways. Cooperative federalism, for instance, can promote liberty. Also, if someone thinks Trump is overall a big threat, he is a threat to the blue states too, and they logically will try to resist as they can.
Also, such things as deciding what the people of the states want their state governments to do is going to be a fact-based enterprise.
I think the people voting for the people bringing these suits in one way or another are suggestive there.
I think you're missing that passage's point. If CA thinks federal regulations aren't stringent enough, they can (with a few exceptions) simply pass their own more stringent standards. They could (and should) sue over those exceptions where they are prevented from making more stringent standards.
But that's mostly not what's happening (at least, according to the article). State AGs are suing over federal enforcement of topics that their own legislatures could legislate on but haven't.
I recognize that this is a blog post about an opinion column rather than a scholarly publication, but still: "perhaps"? Wouldn't it be a good idea to check and tell us the answer, rather than just asserting the answer and then sort of walking it back?
David, I had exactly the same thought.