The Volokh Conspiracy
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The Kennedy Center? Really?
Why does our President care about the makeup of the Kennedy Center Board?
The VSG (Very Stable Genius) has indicated that he is planning on (and may perhaps have already begun?) firing the members of the Kennedy Center Board of Trustees (including chairman David Rubinstein), replacing them with his own appointees, and naming himself as Chairman of the Board. [See the KC Board Statement here]
As originally reported in The Atlantic:
His posting on Truth Social indicated that he planned to make the Kennedy Center "GREAT AGAIN" by terminating "multiple individuals from the Board of Trustees, including the Chairman, who do not share our Vision for a Golden Age in Arts and Culture," and that he would announce a "new Board, with an amazing Chairman, DONALD J. TRUMP!" adding, "For the Kennedy Center, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!").
One might have thought, what with war in Ukraine and Congo, the freeze in federal DEI spending, bird flu outbreaks, growing global trade tensions over tariffs, the immigration crisis, the plans to eliminate US AID and the Department of Education, the alarming rise in fentanyl-related deaths, Elon Musk's 20-somethings poking around inside the Treasury Department's payment systems, … that the composition of the Kennedy Center Board would be rather low down on the VSG's priority list, and not something one would have expected him to act upon during his third week in office.
Here are two things on which I think we can all agree: that the US faces many pressing problems, and that changing the management of the Kennedy Center will not address any of them.
But there it is. Unlike so much of what Trump has done during the last three weeks, with respect to this one Trump's authority to to take action is clear; the statute creating the Kennedy Center (28 USC §76) gives the president the sole power to appoint (and by implication, to remove) all 36 "general trustees," who are then empowered to appoint a Chair.
So while there's little to say about the legality of his action, it remains odd and troubling. This is a guy who, as far as we know, has never, with all his millions and billions of dollars tucked away in some hedge fund somewhere, given $25.00 to any cultural or artistic institution of any kind. Not a nickel, as far as I can tell (and I've looked).
He's not, of course, much given to philanthropy in support of anything; it's as though he's taken the "Reverse Giving Pledge" in which he promises to keep most of his money rather than giving it away to try to make the world a better place.
It is, I candidly admit, one of the things I dislike most about him.
But putting that aside, you'd have a hard time persuading me that this guy has any "Vision for a Golden Age in Arts and Culture" whatsoever, or that he will be an "Amazing" Chairman of the K.C. Board. [Though commenters who want to try to shoulder that burden are of course welcome to do so]
It's not the most ridiculous thing he has done or said - that honor has to go to the plan to relocate 2 million Gazans and turn the Gaza Strip into an American resort - but it is laughable nonetheless. As I've said before, the Trump presidency would have made a terrific, and quite funny, television series ("Celebrity President"), were it not for the fact that it is actually happening, in the real world, to real people.
But surely we can drop the pretense that this move has even the slightest connection to "Arts and Culture," and recognize that it is, instead, all about … what? You tell me.
* * * * * * * * * *
And if I may add one irrelevant personal note: I've lived in DC for over 40 years, and spent a fair bit of time at the Kennedy Center. I am, as I've revealed here on the VC, a big opera fan, and the K.C. is the main (though not the only) venue for opera performances in the DC area. My wife and I have also become big fans of the National Symphony Orchestra, which has been transformed in the last decade or so into a truly world-class ensemble, the equal of any orchestra in the country. And my son is a professional musician whose chamber music group has performed at the K.C. on several occasions. So I admit that I feel a personal connection to the place which almost certainly colors my reaction to Trump's impending makeover. I'll try to keep an open mind as it proceeds, but I am, obviously, nervous about what he's got in mind.
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Why do I have the foreboding feeling that the Village People are going to be performing at an upcoming event?
Maybe a new Opera...loosely based on Kash Patel's book "The Plot Against the King." (not the 2000mules 2nd edition which isn't likely to be retracted like the work it was based on was.)
Sigh. Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
Sigh. Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
I know, right?
Trump hasn't done a damn thing in three weeks. He is only available for meetings for four hours a day. He refuses to talk to the press about what he is doing--if he is even aware.
I am sure running the Kennedy Center Board takes several hours a day, and not thirty minutes a month. It had to be logistical nightmare to get a building in Harlem to D.C. to accept the award.
Who writes the executive orders that Trump signs? There were over 100 presented to him on his first day, who drafted them?
Other than golfing and declaring himself King; Trump hasn't done much but sign executive orders. He met with one foreign leader and promised to commit international crimes/ethnic cleansing as a result. He became tariff man. Then 1/3 tariff man. And now 25% tariff man again. He did launch a memecoin...that lost its supporters 2 billion dollars. So there is that. Grifter tariff man. Writing himself into the history books.
I wonder who write Bidens EOs, and his speeches, and his teleprompter cues.
Nobody writes his executive orders. Haven't you noticed he's no longer president?
That would be amazing.
I didn't even know until today that the Kennedy Center was a government organization.
Why would we have such a thing?
Always a good answer
Village People your greatest fear.
And yet drag shows are OK?!?
Village People is (are?) a drag show!
Maybe a Drag Show in your polluted mind, they're merely a Disco group with a Construction Worker, Cop, Firefighter, Indian Chief, Sailor, Cowboy, nothing gay about that (OK, maybe a little gay)
Unless they have changed, none of the VP dress as women.
VP JD Vance did when he was at Yale.
Some cheap jokes are just irresistable.
This is the best comment since "Keep your gubmit hands off my Medicare!"
Well, David, perhaps YOU should run for President. Then you can make these decisions. But no, you just want to whine about your betters. All talk and no action.
Was yours a serious post???
You are yourself whining because, ON A LEGAL AND POLITICAL BLOG, a commentator posted about really bizarre actions by Trump the leader of our countr. Your response is to complain about the temerity of David Post actually posting about it, rather than address the actual substance.
1. Ghost, do you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to try and expel 2,000,000 Palestinians from Gaza? Assuming that you are in the 98% of Americans who think the idea is batshit crazy; do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing to post about Trump's crazy proposal and give some pushback against it?
2. Do you find it normal behavior, or bizarre-to-the-extreme behavior, for any President to APPOINT HIMSELF to a largely ceremonial LEAD position, like here, with the Kennedy Center? I think it is a fair characterization of this, to assume that Trump is telling Ameria, "[a] My work as President is demanding, but I have a significant amount of free time, nonetheless; [b] the work of the Kennedy Center is--and has always been--incredibly important to me; [c] it makes sense to appoint myself to lead the KC, because [d] among the 75,000,000 people who voted for me and who share my values re culture and entertainment, there is NOT A SINGLE PERSON who I trust to implement changes consistent with my values, and therefore [e] appointing myself will end up being a reasonable use of my time as President.
To me, anyway; when you deconstruct what he is saying, it makes him sound insane or delusional. Are you really defending this proposed action? I hope not. I hope that you, as a die-hard MAGA Trump-for-life supporter, will instead say to Trump, "For God's sake, Mr. President. Stop fucking around! Pay attention to your work as actual president, and delegate EVERYTHING else to your faithful whores."
I'll hold my breath. 🙂
Wow, hit a nerve, I think. Let's go by number:
1) Let's try VOLUNTARY movement of Gazans who WANT to leave. Maybe a large number would rather be in, say, Ireland, which has laws that require they be accepted. It's Egypt and Jordan what won't let them leave.
2) There is nothing unlawful about this appointment. Please move on. If you disagree, YOU run for President.
You seem to reject majority rule. Trump WON. By doing so, he gets to run the government as he sees fit, unless impeached. The people have spoken. I hated the Obama and Biden years. But they were running the government. I support the Constitution. You should, as well. But as a hard leftist, you don't share that value. Therefore, you cannot be reasoned with. I hope you someday come to accept that Trump won and all that this reality entails. Until then, I'll just say, "Bless you heart."
He is in no way a "hard leftist"
To MAGA, anyone who doesn't lick Trump's boots is a hard leftist.
Even in a legal blog; it's perfectly fine to ask, in addition to: "Is it legal?", the questions, "Is it moral?", 'Is it a good idea?' and so on. Your #2 answer (accidentally? intentionally??) ignored that I was specifically asking if it's a good idea to appoint himself to any non-presidential gig (My answer: OF COURSE's a fucking awful idea for any president, ever!!!, to do something that egotistical.
I take it that you believe it is okay for the president to appoint himself to lead this group, in spite of the language there that calls for the leader to be elected by the group of trustees. Can you discuss that conclusion a tiny bit? I get that a president doesn't have to follow unconstitutional laws...but that's once the courts have made a final determination of their unconstitutionality. (And, of course, a lower court could issue equitable relief, and relieve a president from following a particular law while a case is proceeding. But a court would have to specifically order that, no?)
I genuinely don't understand something. Maybe you can help me understand, or maybe some of the other far-right readers can help me. It's a sincere question: Why do so few MAGA Trump-lovers have enough integrity to sometimes say, "Yeah, Trump *can* do X...but he should not do X. It's a bad look." Or, "He shouldn't do it, because it's legal but immoral." Or, "He shouldn't do it, because it's legal, but makes us a laughingstock to 98% of the rest of the world.? *
*(Not applicable to Israel, India, and Russia.)
I believe POTUS Trump has very recently named Richard Grenell as his designate. The Donald won't be running the KC.
Professor Post can rest easy now.
Your concern, David, is duly noted.
You're just going to have to get used to the idea that we now have a president who can share your concerns, and, in fact, is already implementing solutions, AND can be concerned about the dirty commies infesting the Kennedy board and find a solution for that, too!
I get it. After Slow Joe that seems like quite a feat.
But, rest assured, President Trump is more than capable of doing many things at once. Dems and libs panicking right now should have been your first clue.
"Why does our President care about the makeup of the Kennedy Center Board?"
Because he was insulted during his first term by threatened boycotts. In case you haven't noticed , this is a revenge term.
Because he was insulted during his first term by threatened boycotts. In case you haven't noticed , this is a revenge term.
And I assume you consider this to be a terrible thing?
Of course not, silly.
The Kennedy Center is small potatoes; I'm more concerned with the generation of institutional knowledge being jettisoned at the defense and intelligence agencies. Comes the first crisis, it might have been nice to have all that institutional knowledge to fall back on. This is not going to end well.
I guess you think people who intentionally mislead American voters in order to interfere in an election is the kind of institutional knowledge we should keep and use.
Yes, that was horrible when the DemoKKKrat's did that in 2016
Oh look. Someone stupid enough to think the Democrats were the party of the KKK in 2016.
Drackman takes great pride in his juvenile stupidity. Although I suppose it's possible that one of these days he will surprise us all by writing something that's intelligent, clever, and not childish.
Barry Hussein Osama, the only POTUS to go (and give the urology) to a Klansman's funeral, sounds like "Party of the KKK" to me
Then maybe you should have your hearing checked. Calling him "Barry Hussein Osama" is far more Klan-like than attending the funeral of someone you've known for years. Are you saying merely being friends with someone means you share their views? Because if that's your position, then you're even more stupid than you come across.
So he's like Rumplestiltskin? you can't say his name?
That institutional knowledge is what created the institutional mess.
Why do you want to preserve it?
"No matter how disastrously some policy has turned out, anyone who criticizes it can expect to hear: "But what would you replace it with?" When you put out a fire, what do you replace it with?" -- Thomas Sowell
The institutions that gave us 9/11, lied about WMD, lied about Hunter's laptop, interfered in our elections, had a Cuban double agent running the Cuban desk at the CIA, etc...
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Satchmo, SGT and Redhead, while there is much to dislike about the institutions, you don't hire Sunday school teachers and nuns to protect you from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Because I can assure you that those countries don't hire Sunday school teachers and nuns to wage war against America and American values.
And when we wake up some day to realize that those countries are eating our lunch and there's little we can do about it because Trump fired all the people with institutional knowledge to satisfy his petty revenge, don't pretend to be shocked at the result. You don't chop down the orchard in June and then wonder why there's no harvest in September.
I can assure you, you don't hire transgenders and drag queens to fight wars either.
OK, so your only response to my actual point is to change the subject. Noted.
>And when we wake up some day to realize that those countries are eating our lunch and there's little we can do about it because Trump fired all the people with institutional knowledge to satisfy his petty revenge, don't pretend to be shocked at the result.
Dude, they're already eating out lunch. China owns more farmland than Bill "The Virus" Gates, is allowed to buy up land near our military bases, was allowed to take effective control of the Panama Canal, had a Secretary of Defense tell them he'd backchannel notify them of a surprise attack, pours fentanyl over our borders, rips us off on postage, is a direct beneficiary of every stupid Green New Deal program ever invented, and even gets to spy on us using balloons and have the State Department cover up for them so their reputation doesn't get tarnished.
Get real. The IC sucks ass and isn't doing shit but promoting gay crap, overthrowing democracies, and meddling in our elections.
- "you don't hire Sunday school teachers and nuns to protect you from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea."
Who do you hire to protect you from the people you hired to protect you from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea?
That's going to be a recurring problem no matter what. Who watches the police? Same issue. And all you can do is put enough checks and balances in place so that your guard dog doesn't bite you.
But as has been attributed to George Orwell: "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." That's life.
Also, please consider the possibility that the guys who tried to undermine our own election, to the extent they actually did, may have been motivated by the fact that they do love America and appreciated far better than the rest of us know just how much of a threat Donald Trump poses. Do you even consider that as a possibility?
Wow, your rationalization for the illegal election interference amounts to “we had to destroy democracy to save it” because we are so much smarter than the little people. You and your ilk are frickin scary!!!
It is scary.
Also, please consider the possibility that the guys who tried to undermine our own election, to the extent they actually did, may have been motivated by the fact that they do love America and appreciated far better than the rest of us know just how much of a threat Donald Trump poses. Do you even consider that as a possibility?
Yes, because what better way to demonstrate your love for democracy and all America stand for then by subverting democracy and the other things that America is supposed to stand for?
"It became necessary to destroy the town to save it."
You're missing the point.
Assuming they did, in fact, attempt to influence the election, any American has a First Amendment right to try to inflience elections by attempting to control the flow of information. Infowars does it, the legacy press does it, the conservative press does it, the candidates do it. So why shouldn't they? What exactly are you alleging they did that goes above and beyond par for the course attempts to control the narrative?
And even if there was more than that, please respond to my central point: Maybe they know something about Donald Trump that you don't.
any American has a First Amendment right to try to inflience elections by attempting to control the flow of information
So now you're arguing that U.S. intelligence officials...acting in their official capacities...using their positions to try to subvert U.S. elections is somehow 1A-protected speech? Your argument has gone from merely stupid to batshit crazy with absolutely no stops in between.
I notice you still haven't responded to my central point, despite multiple opportunities to do so.
I notice you still haven't responded to my central point, despite multiple opportunities to do so.
Everything I've said has been directed at your central point.
OK, so you can't read. My central point is that maybe the intelligence services know something about Trump that's devastating enough to justify extraordinary measures. Where did you respond to that point?
That's not a point. That's an imagining.
I didn't know there is only two options. Nuns and Sunday school teachers or people who want to undermine elections.
Thanks for the info.
Did I say those were the only two options?
Those were the two options you gave. Unfortunately, I don't posses the super power of reading your mind; unlike many of your ilk who can read Trump's mind.
Did I say those were the only two options?
Those certainly seemed to be the only two you could think of. Or were you intentionally peddling a false dichotomy?
Those choices were illustrative, not exhaustive. At this point your're looking for nits to pck.
Those choices were illustrative, not exhaustive.
LOL! You're so full of shit I'll bet your eyes are a deep, deep shade of brown.
OK, you're an imbecile. I prefer talking to grownups. Have a nice day.
Do you mean the knowledge that can't ever pass even a cursory audit? Get out of here with that concern trolling
Check back in after there's been a real crisis and nobody still there with the historical knowledge of how to respond. Given the last three weeks I'm predicting we won't have to wait long for that to happen.
The historical knowledge to let your boss disappear for a week for a heart problem, without telling any of his staff, without even telling his boss the President?
The historical knowledge of white privilege?
The historical knowledge to dress in drag and steal luggage?
OK, so your only response to my actual point is to change the subject. Noted.
He's not changing the subject. If you're doing the wrong thing, and have been for a while, your institutional knowledge consists in part of how to do the wrong thing. You can't fix anything at a corrupted institution if you're not allowed to flush "institutional knowledge".
Yes he is. If trans soldiers are a bad idea, that issue can be addressed separately from whether getting rid of your most experienced people at a time when the world has rarely been more dangerous is a good idea.
These technocrats with institutional knowledge and expertise created the institutional problems we have today. They are neither wanted, nor needed.
Bob from Ohio: Of course not, silly.
But it is a terrible thing, making this a "revenge term." Isn't the president of the US supposed to be doing things that benefit the people of the United States? You really like the idea that our President spends a significant chunk of his time thinking about how he can get back at his enemies, and punish those who slighted him in the past? Weird.
Yes. Yes he does.
The other way to view it is that by shitting on his enemies and removing them from government, POTUS Trump IS doing things that benefit the country. It is all a matter of perspective.
Why does he care about the Archivist of the United States? She seemed to be doing what he wanted and in the previous administration, he let the Archivist stay. (That one served from 2009 to 2022.) Probably had a donor he had to pay off.
Probably had a donor he had to pay off.
Pretty close to my suspicion. Some big donor was offended by something the Kennedy Center put on, and wants less "controversial" bookings.
No gay performers, few "non-American" events. So, country music and endless runs of patriotic and anodyne plays, I guess.
Never mind what the customers want. They are mostly non-MAGAts
Never mind what the customers want.
This is a govt run institution. To whom should the govt listen? Rich people paying for overpriced tickets to watch an opera (I love opera BTW), or should the govt be responsive to the taxpayers who voted to get rid of woke crap in the government?
I'm not understanding the whole idea of 'woke.' The usual MAGA idiots seem to want, "More cultural performances where I agree with the message and/or I agree with the background(s) of the performers. No more 'wrong' more spreading of 'wrong' messages."
I dunno . . . that approach sounds pretty woke to me.
So your concept of "woke" is the people who say dumb shit and not the ideology of dumb shit. Sorry, I don't think I can't help you.
No such thing as woke.
The current customers want those subsidized opera tickets.
The non-customers who stay away don't want drag shows.
Seems like a pretty good transition going on. Aren't your lot always in favor or transitioning?
Oh no, you're a cultural snob. Country music offends your delicate ears.
I'm not the cultural snob. You are.
Country music does not offend my ears. If it did, I wouldn't have stayed in Nashville for decades.
However, has no shortage of outlets. Its fans can listen as much as they like.
As for the the opera tickets, the Center, as a federal building authorized by Congress (as a memorial to JFK) gets funding for capital improvements and maintenance, about 16% of its budget. The rest, including activities and performances, is funded by ticket sales and contributions.
MAGAts is so old and need to keep up. They're DOGEbags now.
Because it was the Archivist that colluded with the DOJ to set him up on those classified docs problems in Mar-A-Lago.
"Because it was the Archivist that colluded with the DOJ to set him up on those classified docs problems in Mar-A-Lago."
Probably correct. Trump is settling all family business.
That was the previous Archivist, not the one just fired. But Trump just wants the boom from the mortar shells...doesn't much matter where they happen to be when they explode.
Then just the ongoing firing of al Biden appointees. You do recall Biden doing the same.
The Archivist narced on him for stealing state secrets.
The Archivist narced on the fraudulent electors for sending the Archivist fraudulent elector slates in contravention of the Constitution.
In other words, doing her job and preventing harm to the US
The failing Kennedy Center has too many FOREIGN ARTISTS AND COMPOSERS. America is running a CULTURAL DEFICIT with Europe thanks to BAD NEGOTIATIONS under Obama and Biden. We will tell the Europeans they must play more American music and exhibit more American artists or they will PAY THE PRICE. I am a BIG FAN of the painting and the music and I could have become a professional artist or musician, many people have said so.
Nothing like RANDOM CAPITALIZATION to make, you too, look like a "very stable genius".
Poe's Law strikes again.
Very few winners are foreign born. Of those winners, a substantial number became U.S. citizens.
I am a cultural conservative. I don't have a big problem with 99% of the winners (a music venue, really?). I would prefer it not be so snobbish. There hasn't been a violinists, opera singer, classical conductor (Glass and Williams are different beasts) that had any impact on American culture for 100 years. Maybe
Van Cliburn and Yo-Yo Ma are exceptions. Nirvana had more impact on American culture than every pianist, violinist, conductor, diva, tenor etc for decades.
I am not a fan of actors except ones that made an impact on the craft. Brando comes to mind. Directors and writers do more for culturally significant movies than any actor.
Every aspect of American Culture dominates the world stage. American music and American artists are popular all over the world. American movies, directors, and actors are as well. You can find American fast food and casual dining restaurants in every big city in Europe.
That is without a doubt the most stupid thing I've read on this thread today!
He wants to use plum positions on the Board to reward cronies.
I am so enjoying the meltdowns of all the TDS sufferers. You FA and now you get to FO.
We fucked up??
You guys are the morons who elected Trump.
At least you admit Trump won. Too bad you don't understand that elections have consequences. Maybe next time you'll draw the correct inference that government sucks, always, and not just when the wrong guy wins.
Fucked around (I think). A fair description of the last four years pushing crap. If I need to list what a majority of Americans voted against in the last election, it wouldn't be worth my time.
And I bet every single one of those things is near & dear to Prof. Post's heart (along with opera, of course).
We fucked up??
You guys are the morons who elected Trump.
You really don't have a clue.
- Those who insisted, right up until the moment that that couldn't anymore, that Biden was at the top of his mental game,
- Those who decided to replace him with just about the worst candidate they had,
- Those who continued to pander to the woke insanity that turned off so many moderate voters,
- Those who hypocritically claimed that the GOP was the party of billionaires, while parading billionaires, wealthy celebrities, et al across campaign event stages...while simultaneously ignoring the working class,
- Those who continuously talked down to and pompously lectured the electorate,
- Those who relentlessly hurled hyperbolic charges of "Fascist!", "Nazi" and similar stupidity at anyone who didn't fall in line with progressive ideology,
- etc, etc.
Those are the morons who elected Trump.
Oh, and add to that list those who...rather that being content to let Trump just fade into history...felt the need to try to destroy him completely via politically-motivated lawfare, and instead made something of a martyr of him.
A martyr? Fuck off.
You guys wanted Hilary locked up for vastly less than what Trump did. The investigations and trialds were legitimate, but I guess you're a Fifth Avenue guy.
We should check if Trump has started sprouting stigmata yet. Maybe his earlobes?
I love it when religious ignoramuses think they are mocking using religious terms.
Stigmata is supposed to emerge from wounds Jesus suffered. As far as I know the Romans didn't pierce his ear and give him a gold stud or hoop to remember the occasion.
Hillary operated a hidden server with aliases, which illegally stored secret documents, to keep documents away from the American public.
Trump listed a payment to his lawyer as "legal expenses."
Yeah I can see your point. Trump was much worse.
Biden threatened to cut off aid to Ukraine if a prosecutor didn't stop investigating the company from which Hunter was getting paid millions (Burisma). Biden bragged about it.
Trump asked Zelensky about Ukraine's part in Crowdstrike and to get another prosecutor. He did not say he would withhold funding or support. It was only inferred by people wanting to get something else since collusion was a disaster.
Biden took documents from a SCIFF when he was a senator.
Trump took documents he was actually allowed to remove as president.
Wuz, YOU chose Trump.
Not us.
It says so much that Trump's supporters can't do much but point left to explain themselves.
Resentment. All you got.
No, you chose Trump when you chose to have a shadow government conceal the President's incapacity, then run with a wild card at the last minute when you got caught.
You chose Trump when you chose to die on the hill of mutilating children, and taxpayer funded sex changes for illegal immigrant prisoners.
This strikes again.
There is no Democrat you would have voted for. And "I don't really like the D nominee" is no excuse for voting for the loathsome, dishonest, lying ignoramus you supported.
Don't forget traitorous
Suck an egg.
Oh I forgot, even though you claim to be a successful practitioner, living in a mansion you scored for 80K because it was in the hood you can't afford to buy eggs.
Fuck off.
I continue to be impressed with the quality of your intellectual arguments.
There is no Democrat you would have voted for.
You think Trump won because of my vote? You're even dumber than I could possibly have imagined.
And "I don't really like the D nominee" is no excuse for voting for the loathsome, dishonest, lying ignoramus you supported.
"Anyone but Trump"...amirite?
it's "Fucked Around"
now you get to "Find Out"
Figures that all the Trump supporters showing up seems to be sociopaths.
Yes, sociopaths who don't want to subsidize opera tickets for the elite, who are too poor to support it without taxpayer money.
Sociopaths who seem to care about nothing except punishing "the other side".
People suffering isn't supposed to be a cause for celebration.
People suffering isn't supposed to be a cause for celebration.
People not having their opera tickets subsidized are "suffering"? Oh, the huge manatee....
You poked and poked at us for the last 8 years. You are now getting the reaction from your provocation. You guys are like the monkey in this meme
You poked and poked at us for the last 8 years
We didn't. You're just a snowflake.
Your side tried it's damnedest to try and censor us.
Your side used the FBI to imprison people whose sole crime was trespass while excusing "mostly peaceful" riots that cost billions in damages and over a dozen deaths
Your side imprisoned old women whose crime was praying silently outside an abortion clinic while excusing illegal protests outside of Supreme Court Justice's homes and vandalism that included arson against pro life pregnancy centers .
Your side tried to imprison and disqualify the leader of the opposition party.
Your side used the FBI to investigate parents who attended school board meetings.
Your side calls us magats, deplorables, bitter clingers, fascists and Nazis while demanding we be civil.
To which we are now saying enough, fuck off and it is time to fight back and your side responds to that like the pussies you are and whining that we are sociopaths for not taking your abuse any more. FAFO ASSHOLE
Snow. Flake.
Living in quaking fear and impotent loathing about imagined wrongs.
This is how you live? Good lord how miserable.
Sarcastro a poster who it seems like 80-90% his posts are about how Trump is an evil meanie whose every action ( including breathing) is a violation of the law or the Constitution calling anyone else a snowflake is laughable.
Tell me did the Antifa/BLM riots cause billions in damages and result in multiple deaths? A simple yes or no please.
Did the Biden Maladministration not try to stop "misinformation" and "disinformation"? Again a simple yes or no please.
Did the FBI investigate parents who attended school board meetings or not? Yes or no please.
I won't call you a snowflake. I will call you a liar.
If this is your response to my posting you have nothing but quaking fear and impotent loathing...
Sarcastro, it is your side running around screaming that the world is doomed because " bad orange man is going to destroy everything and put me in a concentration camp." Your side feared Donald Trump so much it tossed aside decades upon decades of precedent trying to destroy him and failed. He is now your POTUS and is making your side sniveling and cry. FAFO ASSHOLE.
In WI, MI, PA, NC, GA, AZ, and NV apparently
Of course you do, because like so many Trump supporters you need to have your low self-esteem boosted by seeing other people losing.
As compared to lefties who think the election winners should just put up with wokism shoved down their childrens; throats?
Hardly addresses the point.
Another meltdown to enjoy. Your tears are delicious. More, I want more.
Evidently you think that because you would have melted down, others - of a more stable and sanguine disposition than yourself - must be doing the same. Perhaps I was wrong about low self-esteem. Maybe you're just infantile.
Yawn. Update your patter.
I guess I could be considered a "Trump Supporter", in what dreams of your Philosophy do I have Low Self-Esteem??
TDS remains boring. Especially when there's actually a very good answer to your derangement motivated "question".
The TDS is strong with that one.
Isn't it obvious? He wants to end DEI in the arts. No LBTGQ+ performers. Certainly no women playing male roles (think Peter Pan?). The symphony can only play Wagner (wait, that was a different autocrat)? No guest conductors (except, maybe, from South Africa). Let Kid Rock and Lee Greenwood conduct, instead. Scott Baio needs some parts. Maybe they will have a WWE event (featuring Hulk Hogan).
No Tchaikovsky, Britten or Copland. No exhibitions of Leonardo, Michelangelo, Caravaggio or Bernini (though Bernini is at risk of cancellation from the other side fwiw). Musical retrospective of conductors, featuring Karajan, Bohm, Mengelberg and Furtwangler.
Is the sky blue in your alternate version of reality?
No LBTGQ+ performers.
Yeah, his hatred of gay people was obvious when he had the Village People performed at the inauguration.
Or his support of gay marriage when campaigning in 2016. Obama did not have the balls to do that when campaigning.
In fact he and Biden both did the exact opposite at that time, and publicly declared their "Marriage is between one man and one woman" position on the issue...which of course later "evolved" (at the same time that polling indicated a public shift on the matter, which was totally coincidental.)
Still amazes me that John McCain was the first major party POTUS candidate who supported SSM
It is obvious because he said that? Or it is obvious to you because you can read minds?
After all this time you still don't understand DEI. The entire purpose of DEI is promote people based on how many boxes they check. And anybody who prefers people be judged on their merit are sexist, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, racists demons who harbor no humanity.
David Post is starting to be a bit like the Sandy Levinson (Balkanization) of this blog. Letting his anti-Trump id show.
As to the power to do it, he might have the power to remove, but as noted in the previous post on this subject, the board might have the power to choose the chair. FWIW.
Sandy blew out one too many neurons, and has since retired. I wonder if Post is on the same trajectory?
Sandy blew out one too many neurons, and has since retired. I wonder if Post is on the same trajectory?
You wish.
But then we find out why.
David likes subsidized opera. Can't get enough of that taxpayer-subsidized opera.
For the record, there's no indication Trump intends to "defund" "taxpayer-subsidized opera."
If he did it, I'd be totally onboard. In my book, subsidizing opera performances is as far from legitimate government functions as you can get.
I don't think he'll defund it either. But he'll defund the drag shows and DEI violinists, and that seems to be what upsets David Post most.
and they don't even do one that even I could support, like a "Dykes on Bikes" interpretation of "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
I don't think he'll defund it either. But he'll defund the drag shows and DEI violinists, and that seems to be what upsets David Post most.
Really, now ... What makes you think that? What have I ever written/said that makes you think I am most upset by "defunding the drag shows and DEI violinists"?
Arguing with you folks can be so damned infuriating ...
Well, what exactly do you think he'll de-fund?
Don't bother. They are the kings of the straw man argument. No matter how clearly you make your point, they will mischaracterize it.
Opera performances are not subsidized.
Typical Trumpist. The truth doesn't matter as long as you think you have a hot button issue to rant about.
Is the center's operation subsidized or does it pay it's own way?
It is the same argument with Planned Parenthood. "Hey, we don't fund abortions. We just give Planned Parenthood millions of dollars to keep the lights on, pay doctor and nurses, community services etc."
Sort of, but look a bit deeper. The government funding is the same as it provides for other government buildings.
Remember, the Kennedy Center is explicitly a memorial to JFK. Should we not maintain the Lincoln Memorial?
What I'm saying is that you have a point, but a tiny one. The government provides 16% of the budget, much of which goes for things that it usually funds for all its buildings.
It also pays for "capital improvements," Some of it may be replacing worn-out seats or installing better sound systems - normal enough for that kind of venue.
But here is a question. Suppose the KLC spends, say, $10M to stage a particular opera, and that ticket sales, merchandise sales, contributions, and whatever else, cover the cost. Where is the subsidy that you are so worked up about?
I don't have a problem with that at all.
I do, however, have a problem with (from KC 2024 Budget Justification):
I presume Trump will end DEI at the center.
Weird line breaks are not my fault. It is my fault I am not going to try and fix it
David likes subsidized opera. Can't get enough of that taxpayer-subsidized opera.
You'd think someone who's first name is "Stupid" would try hard not to appear stupid.
I don't like subsidized opera, actually. But I don't think you care much about what I actually think. I like opera, wherever and whenever I can get it.
Here is what you said
I've lived in DC for over 40 years, and spent a fair bit of time at the Kennedy Center. I am, as I've revealed here on the VC, a big opera fan, and the K.C. is the main (though not the only) venue for opera performances in the DC area. My wife and I have also become big fans of the National Symphony Orchestra, which has been transformed in the last decade or so into a truly world-class ensemble, the equal of any orchestra in the country. And my son is a professional musician whose chamber music group has performed at the K.C. on several occasions. So I admit that I feel a personal connection to the place which almost certainly colors my reaction to Trump's impending makeover.
National National Symphony
Your son plays at KC
Any of those on the chopping block? Nope.
"Here are two things on which I think we can all agree: that the US faces many pressing problems, and that changing the management of the Kennedy Center will not address any of them."
You are wrong about these too.
We do NOT all agree with you, and this change does address at least one of them.
(I understand that after Biden, you are incapable of accepting a President who can actually accomplish things)
What is the important issue wrt the K.C.?
What is the importance of wokism and child genital mutilation to you, that you have to defend the employment of those who enable it?
Try and stick to the subject, there's a good chap.
There is certainly enough wealth in the country held by those who enjoy such things the taxpayers shouldn't be footing the bill, at least in part.
So the important issue, for me anyway, is use of my tax dollars. And as I said earlier, and my name might imply, I don't hate the arts.
He didn't say he was doing away with it, or its subsidy. He just apparently wants control over who performs there, based on his own words. Your rationalization of this action is pretty pathetic. Got anything better, or is that it?
I want control over who my tax dollars goes to and what they do with it. No, I don't want to fund things that openly hostile to my beliefs and common sense. Govt shouldn't be telling artists what they can and can't do. Unless that artists wants me to pay for it. Then the voters get to have a say. Trump ran on a platform of weeding out woke shit.
Elections have consequences, or at least I am told.
Trump is very UNstable and no genius. He's more like a little kid, attracted to every bright, shiny object or absurd idea whispered in his ear. His accusations that every illegal immigrant is a wicked criminal are absurd, coming from one of the most successful criminals in this country. He had no understanding of economics. Tariffs on steel and aluminum will NOT bring jobs back to the U.S. but will increase costs for U.S. consumers. Discarding government employees will NOT reduce the budget; the work still has to be done and assigned to trainees and then redone by someone who knows what they are doing. Etc ad nauseum.
"45/47" from beginning admitted that some Illegal Aliens, he supposed were "Good People", doesn't really help when Juan Mario Julio Ramirez Sanchez cuts your throat, Funny how Sleepy Joe kept the same Tariffs that "45/47" left him with, thank God for Alzheimers, OK, so maybe the "Condoms for Gaza" will arrive a little late, maybe Ham-Ass should just "Pull Out"
get it? "Pull Out" you know, from Gaza,
and "45/47" proposal to disperse the Ham-Ass to Egypt/Jordan/Wherever, is the most intelligent thing anyone has said about the problem since Rabbie Meir Kahane, said "They Must Go", News Flash, Gaza will be a target range for the IDF for the next 50 years, want to stay there? bring ear plugs
All these comments, but not one actual reason why this is a beneficial use of the President's time. Just glee that it annoys other people. Lot of bullies living vicariously through the Chad in the White House.
The opportunity for patronage seems possible.
He's doing what he's been elected to do. That is what is being cheered.
All these comments, and not one actual reason why the election winner should not do what he campaigned to do.
Just a bunch of elites whining salty tears that they are no longer in control. Waa waa waa.
I missed the part where he campaigned on developing the Kennedy Center's programming. /s
What I think you mean is, "he campaigned on breaking things in a general sense, so we're happy he's stomping all over D.C."
Did you miss the hundreds of times he said he was going to do something about DEI and wokism?
All these comments, and not one actual reason why the election winner should not do what he campaigned to do.
Because the way he's trying to do things is illegal. I know it's hard for you to grasp that Trump is subject to the law, and you hate that he is, but it remains true.
And when did he say he was going to eviscerate research in the US?
I've been alive since 1962, and I've never personally viewed any politician with such love and devotion that I would passionately defend every single thing he says or does. It must be comforting to live in your deluded, hero-worshipping world.
#Reallynotbob makes a good point. The more time Trump spends golfing or engaging in frivolous matters, the less time he has to screw up the country!
Barry Hussein golfed more
And for your next comment, I'm sure you'll show us proof.
Doesn't look like he has had much time for golf so far.
By the way, Woodrow Wilson holds the record for rounds of golf as president (around 1200).
Trump is very good at getting the press and the chattering classes worked up over things that don't matter.
David Post as Judge Smails. Stay out of Bushwood CC!
Never Trumpers have a right to free speech too. They can also be ignored. When you start with an insult, there's no reason to read on.
"What a genius post"
I decided I'd write something Post has never seen in regards to any of the utterances he has banged out over the years.
I remember when CATO allegedly had standards. Those days have, CLEARLY, ended.
I agree,,,this was the most genius post ever! 😉
Not the inviolable Kennedy Center Board of Trustees!!!
Another one of our hallowed institutions laid to waste :'(
Why not? It's a national resource, just like President Trump is.
The lamentations of the left are entertaining, however.
I am enjoying people like Post getting trolled by stuff like this.
The Kennedy Center doesn't have enough gold plating or tacky interior design. Trump will fix that.
And not use taxpayer money to pay for it
Is this necessary work for the American people, or Trump seething for not getting box seats or lucrative social invites in the 80's? Did New York's upper crust treat you as if you were some boxing organizer or serial debtor? Shame on them
"his is a guy who, as far as we know, has never, with all his millions and billions of dollars tucked away in some hedge fund somewhere, given $25.00 to any cultural or artistic institution of any kind. Not a nickel, as far as I can tell (and I've looked)."
I mean...did you actually look? Really? Really?
I typed in "Trump Charity Donations" into Google...And the first hit is
Number 5 on that list is Intrepid Museum Foundation – $50,000
Number 8 on that list is Metropolitan Museum of Art – $15,000
Now, I suppose you might argue "Well, that's not TRUMP, that's the Trump Foundation".... But...the guy has given millions to the Foundation....To argue that "not a nickel" was given to Arts disingenuous. (And the other issues the Foundation has aren't really relevant to whether or not it donated any money to the arts).
If you want to rant on Trump...fine. But if you're just going to make up stuff or mislead in order to justify your rant, stuff that can easily be discovered within seconds....then you've gone off into tin-foil hat territory.
Ha ha, good one. That's the foundation for which he had to pay a two million dollar penalty for misusing funds. The foundation he was forced to dissolve in 2018. The reporting on the misuse of that foundation won David Fahrenthold a Pulitzer Prize.
Is that the foundation you mean?
All irrelevant to the point at hand. (And the other issues the Foundation has aren't really relevant to whether or not it donated any money to the arts).
"That's the foundation for which he had to pay a two million dollar penalty for misusing funds. The foundation he was forced to dissolve in 2018.
Is that the foundation you mean?"
"All irrelevant to the point at hand."
[Exit(s), pursued by a bear]
Is that the foundation that paid $60K for his portrait to be hung at one of his golf clubs?
Anyway, here's another interesting Wikipedialink, Armchair. A few selections:
n November 2019, Trump admitted to using the foundation for his business and political purposes and was ordered to pay $2 million as restitution.[15][16] Additionally, Trump was required to reimburse $11,525 to the foundation, which was added to $1,797,598.30 already in the foundation's bank account. The money as well as the funds in the foundation's bank were paid to eight charities in D
During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, David Fahrenthold of The Washington Post began looking into Trump's history of charitable giving. In January 2016, Trump held a fundraiser for veterans' causes in lieu of appearing at a televised Republican debate. He claimed that the event raised $6 million, including $1 million of his own money.[48][49][50] Fahrenthold began his investigation by attempting to verify the receipt and disbursal of the $6 million. All donations were supposed to have gone into the Trump Foundation and then granted by the foundation to others. Fahrenthold determined instead that, several months after the rally, the Trump Foundation had yet to disburse funds to any veteran-related charities.[48] Although some of the funds went directly to causes without passing through the Trump Foundation, Fahrenthold widened his investigation into a larger investigation into Trump's history of charitable giving. In the November 2019 settlement ordering Trump to pay $2 million in damages, he acknowledged that the veterans' fundraiser had been a campaign event and that his campaign had been given full control of the raised funds.
In June 2016, in response to criticism, Trump asserted publicly that he had given about $102 million to charitable causes from 2009 through 2015[53] and released a 93-page list of more than 4,800 donations. Just under $90 million of the total was in the form of conservation easements on Trump properties or land donations to the State of New York; the list also contained more than 2,900 donations of free rounds of golf.[54] Further investigations led to an increasing list of allegations of abuse inside the foundation since its creation.
In 2013, the Trump Foundation donated $25,000 in support of Florida attorney general Pam Bondi's election campaign while Bondi's office was reviewing fraud allegations against Trump University, a for-profit real estate program.[80] Around that time Trump also hosted a fundraiser for Bondi at his Mar-a-Lago resort at a fee well below his normal market rate.[81] Bondi's office later ended the investigation without bringing charges.
Trump later personally reimbursed his foundation for the $25,000. The foundation paid a $2,500 fine for violating IRS rules against political contributions by charitable organizations.
Real big-time philanthropist, that Donald Trump.
All irrelevant to the point at hand. That Post appears to be simply making up stuff about Trump. Or can't be bothered to search for more than 5 seconds, despite saying "he looked".
As I already addressed. "(And the other issues the Foundation has aren't really relevant to whether or not it donated any money to the arts)"
You're a liar and a jackass.
The Post reporter looked at records from the alleged recipients of Trump's largesse, and a ton of other records. Pretty clear the whole thing was a scam from start to finish.
You won't be convinced of course, because you are a dedicated cultist, but that doesn't change the facts.
"Pretty clear the whole thing was a scam from start to finish"
Whether or not you think that, the only question here is, did it ever donate money to the arts or culture.
And it clearly did.
Don't be a factist!
Not in a very long time. He didn't give a single penny to the Foundation in a decade. Also, I like the Intrepid, but it is not a "cultural or artistic institution."
"Not in a very long time."
Point being, Post claimed Trump "never" donated to "any cultural or artistic institution of any kind." Not "in a very long time." But "never." And a bare minimum search indicated that he had.
And while you might debate that the Intrepid may or may not be a cultural institution, it's really besides the point when you have the Met just below it for a donation category.
Again...that was the bare...5 seconds
Of course, if we spend more than 5 seconds Googling, we wonder where Trump donated his Presidential Salary from 2016 to 2020. Wonder if there were any "cultural institutions of any kind" there.
What exactly is your problem, Post? You acknowledge that there is no legal issue here (and I remind you, this is supposed to be a legal blog). Trump has explained why he made this decision- he says he wants to end drag shows ay the KC. You may not think this is good policy. but you're a retired professor, and not the chief policy maker for the US, so who cares what you personally think about this?
You entire post reads like an elitist rant of an opera lover over the fact that some uncultured person is impacting your plaything.
You're in for a long 4 years with t hat kind of TDS
I can't answer for Post, but I can answer for myself.
1. I (hypothetically) agree with David about the value in govt funding and support for culture, so I therefore think it's a dumb policy that Trump is threatening to impose. Yes, this is a legal blog, but politics has been woven into the VC fabric for years (decades, actually), so liberal and conservative and libertarian people routinely post about politics here.
2. Regardless of whether or not I support govt funding for the arts; I think what Trump is doing is dumb. Legal, probably, but dumb. People are of course making (collectively) thousands of posts and comments here about what a swell job Trump has been doing . . . surely it's okay to offer a differing opinion here, yes?
3. It's worthwhile to point out that it would be illegal (I think) for Trump to just appoint himself to head the KC. Although, of course, if he appointed a bunch of his flunkies, he'll certainly get them to then select himself to be in charge, so the result will end up the same. But (as you note; in a legal blog), it's worth criticizing any president for not following the laws and procedures, given the massive amount of power any president already has. See also, trying to fire people without giving them the legally-required advance notice, which everyone agrees they are legally-entitled to.
I assume that you agree that--even for a president that you love and trust--it's a good idea to insist that each and every president follow these laws . . . even when it's form over substance in the end.
(I admit that I'm concerned with your own (pro-Trump) form of TDS that you seem to be displaying. Yes, you and I agree that it will be a long 4 years. But, we probably [respectfully] disagree about whether or not our ennui is a product of a good or a bad environment in 2025+ America.)
1.Trump is not proposing to stop funding the KC AFAIK, so this point seems to be based in a fundamental misunderstanding. [The other option is that you are deliberately misleading]
2. As I said elsewhere on the VC today, I don't come here to read another anti-Trump progressive rant devoid of substance. There are plenty of other outlets for such crap, from The View to MSNBC. So if posts like this and Ilya Somin's similar TDS rants become predominant, I expect the readership will decline
3. If he is allowed to nominate all trustees, why would he not be allowed to nominate himself? Now, that is a legal issue, and unless the bylaws of the KC specifically prevent this, I don't see why this would be illegal. And Post doesn't seem to think it is illegal either, which was my point. Again, this is a legal blog, so a post arguing why such self-appointment is illegal might be mildly interesting to read - but as I said in the first sentence of my response since Post doesn't claim there's a legal issue here - what's the poitn of his post?
As I understand it (and I cheerfully acknowledge that my knowledge is very limited), the legal issues are: (1) Can a president appoint himself to this other position? and (2) Can a president appoint himself to lead this group of trustees?
1. Quick take is the same as pretty much everyone I've read so far...sure, the president can probably do it. I think the optics are awful, but so what. Zero people in MAGA give a crap what I think about this. ????
2. Quick take is that appointing himself as the head is illegal. If trustees are supposed to vote for their leader, then that process needs to be respected...even if Trump's eventual leadership is indeed a fait accompli. I obviously don't think that Trump could select a member of the House and announce, "This is your new Speaker," even though who Trump wants for a Speaker goes a long way...and is probably eventually dispositive.
I respectfully disagree with you--I didn't find Post's, um, post to be devoid of substance at all. I'm sorry you have a different take on that front.
(I did not come remotely close to accusing Trump of cutting off all funding, so I think you're gaslighting me a bit on that one point. Looking back at what I wrote; I think it was pretty clear that my unspoken point was: If given the power, Trump will cut off funding for messages he does not approve of, and will happily support messages--and messengers--he does support. But, to the extent I was not as clear as I should have been; I hope my intended original point is now more understandable.)
What was the substance of Post's post, other than "I don't like that Trump is appointing himself" (which he didn't think was illegal)?
The election of Speaker of the House has an established procedure - what's the established procedure for electing the "leader" of the KC?
" I don't come here to read" might be the only true thing you said in your screed.
Thank you for that childish insult, all you are capable of.
Why should government be picking and choosing 'art' at all? Let private benefactors fund all such endeavors.
Indeed, government should not be funding this in the first place. But as long as it does, the chief executive can obviously have a say.
Agree. When I see things like art (including architecture) selected by committee, it's simply appalling. The US Embassy in Ottawa, for example. Hideous design, across from one of the finest examples of French Gothic Revival hotels (Chateau Laurier).
Let Patrons and subscribers choose: The market will shake itself out.
This does more to convince me that we, the People, are being subjected to the Boiling Frog Syndrome (it's a metaphor, not a biological reality, btw). That is, we are accepting the small injuries Trump/Musk have been inflicting, or ignoring the outrageous and impossible stuff Trump says, and counting ourselves lucky for the time being. The next wave of damage Trump causes will make us somewhat more uncomfortable, but we may still be looking for silver linings and hoping for the best. When VSG finally puts the hammer down and destroys critical elements of the Constitution, it will be too late. We will be boiled.
Better analogy: Trump is rescuing us from the boiling water.
For the last word on the topic, credit Andy Borowitz:
Mr. Post presents a view of the Kennedy center as a fiefdom beyond the control of anyone but a select group for the last forty years.
David spends little time discussing the Kennedy Center in the article.
An unimpressive argument to say the least.
Yeah, the ones acting royalist are the ones who have applied for an gotten the job to run the Kennedy Center.
Not the weirdo President who wants to do a purge on this random thing as well.
Oh no! Trump wants to do a purge!
Gosh, it's not like the Left ever does that! or uses their power to lock the Right out in the first place.
Another one who can only point left and wallows in resentment.
Another one who can only point Right, and wallow in resentment that FAFO still applies
Why does our President care about the makeup of the Kennedy Center Board?
Because he wants to destroy the Left's power to destroy our culture.
How much of a moron do you have to be to miss that?
Or is it that you're a lying Leftist, upset that your tribe is getting the boot?
destroy the Left's power to destroy our culture
That's...the Kennedy Center? Like the ballet place?
What is American culture to you?
What is American culture to you?
Not DEI.
Of course, a negative definition.
Ya got no cultcher; gave it all to Trump.
Not the Left
Everything the Left actually values (racism, sexism, religious bigotry, denial of reality, Marxism, hatred of the American people) is evil shit that needs to be dumped.
What needs to take its place is things people actually willingly pay for when they're spending their own money.