The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
"Advanced Stalking"
From Guam Code Ann. § 19.70:
(a) A person is guilty of simple stalking if he or she willfully,
maliciously, and repeatedly, follows or harasses another person or who
makes a credible threat with intent to place that person or a member of his or
her immediate family in fear of death or bodily injury.(b) A person is guilty of advanced stalking if he or she violates
Subsection (a) of this Section when there is a temporary restraining order or
an injunction or both or any other court order in effect prohibiting the
behavior described in that Subsection against the same party.
Rather an odd locution, it seems to me; the term would normally be something like "aggravated stalking," or the crime might be divided into first-degree and second-degree stalking. But legislatures can name things as they please.
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