The Volokh Conspiracy
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The Election Wasn't a Realignment - or a "Mandate"
Trump's victory was narrow and largely caused by public anger at inflation and price increases.

There is a lot of talk about how the election result is a great realignment and/or a "mandate" for Trump's policies. The available evidence doesn't support such notions.
When all votes are fully counted, it looks like Trump will have won the popular vote by 1.5 points and have 1-4 point margins in the 7 swing states. That's not the kind of large margin of victory typically associated with realignment elections in which large blocs of voters shift from one party to another (e.g. 1932 or 1980). It's actually a narrower victory than Bush won in 2004 or Obama in 2012. Few would argue either of those wins was a realignment or a mandate. Biden in 2020 won the popular vote by a bigger margin (about 4.5 points) and had nearly the same electoral vote margin (306 for Biden in 2020; 312 for Trump this year). For those keeping score, I wrote at the time that Biden didn't have a mandate either. Trump's popular vote margin may actually be a little smaller than Hillary Clinton's was in 2016 (yes, obviously, she lost the electoral college).
House and Senate results are consistent with the above. The GOP will have only a narrow House majority (probably about 220-215). The Republicans gained only 4 seats in the Senate, despite a very favorable map, and actually lost 4 of 5 swing-state Senate races, despite Trump winning all five of those states on the top of the ballot.
Around the world, there has been a big backlash against incumbents because of inflation/price increases. As I noted in a preelection post, this is standard "retrospective voting" (punishing incumbents for perceived bad conditions), and it was weighing heavily against the Democrats. The others who faced elections all got clobbered or are about to be. The Democrats actually greatly outperformed these background conditions by losing only narrowly.
It is true there has been a bigger shift in the Hispanic vote than elsewhere. Exit polls suggest Trump lost it by only about 53-45 (some polling data shows a weaker performance for Trump). However, that means he got about the same share of the Hispanic vote as….. George W. Bush in 2004 - the last time the GOP ran a presidential campaign with this highly favorable background conditions.
Also, it has long been clear that Hispanic identity is highly fluid and diverse, and therefore that the group is far less politically monolithic than, e.g., blacks. Many second and third generation Hispanics don't even identify as "Hispanic" or Latino on surveys. It's possible the GOP will be more competitive for Hispanic votes from now on. But even that would be something of a continuation of possible preexisting trends. This fluidity of the Hispanic vote undercuts the validity of both left-wing hopes of building a dominant coalition based on "woke" identity politics and right-wing paranoia about a "great replacement."
I do recognize that the election result is painful and disappointing for those (emphatically including me!) who hoped Trump's awfulness and that of the MAGA movement generally would enable Kamala Harris to overcome the background conditions and win. These factors did likely help keep the election close, however. The Democrats only lost narrowly, and did not get massively clobbered like most other incumbent parties buffeted by post-pandemic inflation and price increases.
The narrowness of the victory and the major role of anti-incumbent economic "retrospective" voting also undercuts claims that Trump has a "mandate" for his policies, in the sense that the election indicates there is strong majority public support for them. Preelection survey data on policy actually indicates most of his policies were actually less popular than those of the Democrats.
Some political scientists reject the entire notion of a mandate, arguing the idea is incoherent and not supported by evidence. I myself have long argued that a policy's popularity says little about whether it is right or just. Many good policies are highly unpopular, and terrible ones sometimes win majority support. Think, e.g, of widespread public support for slavery and racial discrimination throughout much of American history. Thus, I would oppose much of Trump's agenda, regardless of whether he has a "mandate" or not. But for those who believe mandates exist, and give them more normative weight than I do, it's worth noting there was no such mandate in this election.
None of this proves that the Democratic Party has optimal issue positions or that Kamala Harris was a great candidate. Neither is true. They do have some unpopular positions (e.g. - on various "woke" issues). And Harris surely had a variety of flaws. But the same is true of the Republicans and Trump (who, unusually for a winning presidential candidate, has a highly negative approval rating that is about 8 points underwater). If not for inflation and price increases, above, the Democrats would have won relatively easily, despite their very real weaknesses on some issues.
In post-election analyses, it's typical for pundits to say the losing party would do better if only they adopted more of the commentator's own positions. Not me! I know all too well that I have many unpopular views. I'm the guy who wrote a book that explains why political ignorance and bias lead majorities of voters to hold positions that are badly wrong on many issues. There and elsewhere, I also highlighted flawed "retrospective voting" of the kind that played a big role in the Democrats' defeat above (blaming incumbents for bad conditions even if they didn't cause them, and voting for policies that may actually make them worse, as Trump's tariff and immigration policies will with prices).
I readily admit that a party that ran on a platform adopting all my views would get clobbered. But that fact doesn't prove the 2024 was a mandate or a realignment.
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"Around the world, there has been a big backlash against incumbents because of inflation/price increases"
Heh. So the hayseeds in those countries blamed their leaders for all global inflation and energy prices, just like we blamed Biden for it all. So which country's leader is the one that caused it all? It's humorous how the Republican elites lead the goobers around by the nose ring and they fall for it every time
Some of the inflation was the result of short-term supply shortages as countries ramp their economies back up and there is little that could be done about that cause. Again, as the economy ramped up there were labor shortages resulting in wage increases that fuel inflation. Finally, way too much money was dumped into the economy to keep people happy during the pandemic. People needed enough to get by, but politicians, including Trump, wanted to shower them in cash. Many politicians are paying for their generosity.
way too much money was dumped into the economy to keep people happy during the pandemic.
Trump was one of the dumpers, of course, but I'm not convinced "way too much" was dumped. The overall economy came out of the pandemic pretty well.
I was in Portugal at the time during the pandemic when all the Americans were getting all the free money meant to keep them alive but, actually, they didn't really need it except to make extravagant purchases. I never got a cent of that free money. I consider it a lost opportunity. But I'm sure all these fiscal hawks here obsessed with keeping inflation down didn't accept any.
Or did they?
Did anybody ask me if I wanted it? No. Would I be exempted from a pro-rata share of the national debt if I refused it? No.
So of course I took it. I still don't think they should have handed it out.
And there we have it, Brett. We always do what is in our personal best interest: Brett takes the money; Immigrants cross the borders. Which of the two do we fault more?
Well, Brett taking the money was legal, the problem immigrants are illegals. Right there is how we sort it out and we obviously fault the illegals more.
Amazing to me how commenters on a LEGAL blog can't figure this out.
It’s precisely because they ARE lawyers. The law is what you can persuade a judge of. Though if you pick the right judge, you won't have to work too hard.
And there we have it: I didn't volunteer to accept the downsides and pass on the upsides, of a policy I opposed.
Brett I am a retiree with a pension and SS. There was no reason to include people like me. As for the money my wife and I shipped it out to charities and tipped heavier than usual. Our money went for good causes, but it also added to the debt.
If your concern was for the debt you could always have returned it to the treasury.
All that free money? Not really. It's not like we were treated like illegals.
The overall economy came out of the pandemic pretty well.
Only if you completely ignore the effects of the high inflation and interest rates.
So, now its "hayseeds"? That's brilliant. Keep the insults coming because nothing works better than calling the voters deplorable, garbage, or irredeemable. Just ask Hillary and Harris.
Riva, one of my personal pleasure's is to see you mask-hating patriots - obsessed with calling everyone derogatory names - clutch the pearls. Would you like me to list all the names Trump has called people in the last month? I mean, I could. But I doubt that would penetrate
Most of us who hated wearing masks and did not wear masks was because we knew wearing masks was both futile and counter productive.
Joe_dallas, the noted expert of nothing, thinks he gets to break the law when he believes that he is smarter than his betters.
Very little was asked of you to help your fellow citizens, and you couldn't bring yourself to even meet that pitiful standard. You're a dumb fuck who was looking for excuses to act like one. Admit it.
"You’re a dumb fuck"
Now! Now! No need for that language. What you meant to say was:
"You’re a dumb motherfucker"
But all those border crossers, those *illegal* aliens, they get to break the law all day long. Joe Biden gets to flout the Constitution even though he himself said his student loan "forgiveness" plans were illegal.
Joe_dallas — Long history of winter respiratory trouble here. Always the common colds, without fail, every winter. One bout of severe bronchitis almost routine each winter, several times with pneumonia following.
With social distancing and a 3M N-95 worn in public during 4 years, not so much as one case of the sniffles.
A big part of that was that I was diligent about the mask. Some of it was that I lived among a population which for much of that time practiced masking to various standards, some good, some haphazard.
Joe_dallas, you are full of beans, full of yourself, and a public menace. Worse, you are attempting to valorize political resistance to sound public health policy. That is extremely unwise.
You’ve worn exclusively proper N95 masks, instead of cloth diapers or surgical masks? Good for you. How about the other 7 billion people?
Yes, as almost everybody will concede, proper N95 masks can work. The rest of the virtue signalling crap parading as masks? Not so much.
Ironically, you are also full of beans, full of yourself, and a public menace. So, maybe you and Joe would get along (well, probably not, since those things are only true of SL).
Making and distributing all of those functionally useless masks added carbon to the atmosphere. Climate warriors failed miserably to oppose this climate damage.
SL - Unbeknowest to you, your explanation not only confirms that I am correct, but confirms why I am correct on the lack of efficiency to the commonly used surigical masks. Distance and time are vastly more important factors in the reduction of transmission of a respiratory virus. As you stated, you went to extreme efforts on social distancing.
Show us a pro masking study that properly accounts for those two factors, or even show us a study the even attempts to account for those factors. The omission of controlling for those factors is a clear sign of an advocacy study, not a credible scientific study. Of further note, all the pro masking studies showed the gap in infection rates closed after 8-10 weeks and often switched where the unmasked population had lower infection rates after the 10-12 week period. See the Kansas study where they refused to update their study for the period after the close of the initial study
Probably won’t find one. All of the pro-masking studies I read involved oils ad the false assumption that the primary transmission of the virus was by droplets, and not by aerosol or trough touch. The problem there is that you only really get droplet spread when the person spreading te virus is symptomatic - when he is coughing. But many, if not most, people coughing self quarantine, or at a minimum aintai their distance. The virus spread as an aerosol for those who were presymptomatic and asymptomatic. A properly fitted and frequently replaced N95 mask might slow down aerosol dispersion a little. But the virons are still a rider of magnitude smaller than the holes in the mask. Anything less isn’t even really going to even impede the press of the virus much at all - with the disadvantage of viral buildup on the interior of the mask to be recreated by the perso wearing the mask and expelling the virons.
"But the virons are still a rider of magnitude smaller than the holes in the mask. "
N95 (and N100) masks don't work that way - they aren't like a window screen keeping out mosquitos by using a mesh smaller than the mosquito.
explanation of the physics
N95 will work to some extent
Though virtually no one used a n95 because of the expense ( and lack of availability)
The commonly used cloth surgical mask cant be “properly fitted”.
As with all fluids (including air/gas), they will seek the path of least resistance. Thus 90% + of the air flow goes through the sides of the mask instead of through the mask, which is the primary reason they are very ineffective.
The authors of the great barrington declaration had a much better grasp of how to handle the covid pandemic.
“Thus 90% + of the air flow goes through the sides of the mask instead of through the mask, which is the primary reason they are very ineffective.”
Long before covid I routinely wore N95 (and N100) masks while welding, grinding. sanding drywall, and more recently when the wildfire smoke is really bad.
With out the mask, after a day of exposure you are (pardon for using the technical medical terms here) blowing out copious quantities of grey (drywall) or black (welding/grinding/smoke) snot, or feeling like crap for a couple of days (Metal Fume Fever) if welding on galvanized steel. With a mask … nada.
So riddle me this…you say that 90% of the air is bypassing the mask, and yet I get 100% reduction in symptoms when I wear one. How do you explain that?
As an aside, you need to properly fit masks. You should feel a little negative pressure when you inhale sharply – more evidence that 90% of the air isn’t leaking around the edges. Also, note that N100 masks typically have an elastomeric gasket around the edge to make getting a good seal easier/more comfortable. See the ‘360 view’ here for an example.
"Though virtually no one used a n95 because of the expense"
True, but that's a completely separate argument from 'Nxx masks don't work'.
There is huge difference between the commonly used surgical cloth mask and an N95 mask, they are simply not comparable in any shape or form. As stated, very few people used the N95 mask because of the cost and the lack of availability. My 90%+ of the airflow through the sides of the cloth masks remains correct.
The second that you raise is properly fitting the mask. That cant be down without taping or some other method to block the air flow out of the sides. Nobody was doing that.
Absaroka 25 mins ago
in response to your last comment - I did not say the N95 masks did not work.
Keep in mind, my initial comment was in response to Hobie's mask hating patriots comment. Its an inane article of faith of leftists that masking was effective.
Joe, here is your original thesis: "Most of us who hated wearing masks and did not wear masks was because we knew wearing masks was both futile and counter productive."
You're tapdancing away from that towards a narrower thesis about a subset of masks.
Sarcastr0 11 mins ago
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Joe, here is your original thesis: “Most of us who hated wearing masks and did not wear masks was because we knew wearing masks was both futile and counter productive.”
You’re tapdancing away from that towards a narrower thesis about a subset of masks.
Sacastro - my tapdancing about a narrow subset of masks covers the vast majority of masks being worn. fwiw - i dont recall observing anyone wearing an N95 or higher grade mask - So my narrow subset of masks cover around 99+% of the masks that were used.
Joe_dallas: "my initial comment was in response to Hobie’s"
Fair enough, and mine was in response to Bruce's 'virus is smaller than holes in mask'.
Joe_dallas: "properly fitting the mask. That cant be down without taping or some other method to block the air flow out of the sides."
Again, this is different than my by now 3 decades of experience. They worked for me, and I never taped a one. Have you found yourself blowing black snot after welding with an untaped N95 fitted according to the NIOSH approved instructions that come with it?
Sarc: "You’re tapdancing away from that towards a narrower thesis about a subset of masks."
I dunno; it's a fair point that, especially in the first few months, almost no one had N95 masks because they weren't available[1], so saying 'masks' for much of the pandemic pretty much implies 'cloth masks'.
Surprisingly, even when they became available, the strong mask advocates we knew still kept using their cloth masks, even when we offered them N95's for free. It's not like only one side was irrational here. I still see people wearing home made cloth masks, which seems pretty cargo-cultish at this point.
[1]unless you were a hobby machinist, I guess. We had both N95's and N100's, because I would buy boxes of 20 from industrial supply places, which were a lot cheaper than single packs at Home Depot. FWIW, we called up a couple of hospitals and offered them, but they said they would not accept an opened box, even when the individual masks were sealed in the factory bags. We kept a couple, gave some to less finicky individual nurses (we were also frantically printing face shields and giving those away to nurses), and gave the rest to friends.
I presume that the n95s fitted in a way that formed a tight seal or fairly tight seal without a lot of additional effort. I presume that your experience, you had 90+% of the airflow through the n95 instead of around the mask where as with the cloth surgical mask, it was the reverse.
My reference was the inability to form a good seal with the commonly used cloth surgical masks.
If everyone had used an N95, then the covid spread would have been significantly reduced.
Fwiw - I think we are closer to being on the same page.
I was hoping it’d be van der Waals. Plucky little VdW, turns up in so many places.
The polarization was a new one to me, but makes sense.
Whatever he called whoever, they probably deserved it. In spades if it was someone on 60 minutes, or anyone who works at ABC, or MSNBC or writes for the NY Times or Wash Post. But what he didn't do, super genius, was insult the voting public at large.
You must be new here Riva (love your Ridge), Hobie-Stank's the reincarnation of a departed "Conspirator" the Revolting Reverend Arthur C. Kirtland, who I'm still convinced is/was former Penn State Defensive Coordinator/Recruit Molester Jerry Sandusky. Same haughty attitude, repetitive Schtick, and called everyone else "Rubes" instead of Hay-seeds. At least the Revolting Reverend would post some links to some pretty good Stones tunes every so often, Hobie-Stank's like that Dog Shit you step in and can never totally get the smell to go away.
Regardless of whether he has a mandate or not I do expect Trump to look to advance his agenda and do it quickly. The four-year hiatus has allowed for a lot of planning that might have been difficult were he in the office. Trump know to move quickly, and he has no worry that his actions might cost him the 2028 election. That said it might not be his agenda, I don't think Trump thinks hard enough to develop an agenda, but there will be one and he will get credit for it.
He won every frigging swing state. He won the popular vote. He won 3 million more votes than 2020. Yeah he has an f'ing mandate.
Yes, but Cums-a-lot carried Iowa by 14 points! Didn't she? The respected Des Moines Register Poll said she would.
He did win every swing state, but many of the people who reported voting for him did not express support for his agenda. One voter posted on the inter that he thought Trump was an authoritarian like Hitler, but he thought Trump was the better choice. Hardly an endorsement of a mandate.
I guess this guy would have voted for Hitler if he was running.
It's just bot repeating talking points anyway. What does winning swing states have to do with a mandate? He got roughly 50% of the popular vote; that doesn't sound like a mandate. (I certainly don't recall MAGA in 2020 saying, "Wow, Biden won every swing state, won the popular vote, and got the most votes in history; I guess he has a mandate.")
Oh look. Another Volokh Conspiracy post denigrating Trump's victory. You know, the guy who wasn't supposed to win at all, much less the popular vote.
I'm getting bored with the same old crap from this blog.
I doubt you'll like this blog, Michael. You tend to get commentary for both sides here. Would you like me to suggest some echo chambers that would make you more comfortable?
So, to show your disdain for "echo chambers" you recommend that anyone voicing a different point of view not follow this site? The left continues to impress.
Why, Riva. After all the things you've previously said, I'm glad to hear you don't approve of negative comments. If you're willing to de-escalate, so am I.
You misunderstood. I was calling you a hypocrite and an idiot. It's probably the idiot thing that kept you from understanding.
fwiw – Trump winning the “popular vote” is overrated. Harris got 76m votes vs Biden’s 81m , down perhaps 5m or so. (numbers are off slightly).
Most of the loss of Harris votes were in the blue states or the red states where the loss of Harris votes didnt really matter. In other words not a big deal
Hobie-Stank's like the laryngeal spasm inducing Fart you have to endure at the Opera, you want to hear the Fat Lady sing, you gotta deal with the occasional stench.
"You know, the guy who wasn’t supposed to win at all"
This is an unusual expression of mental illness.
None so blind as those who will not see. You might look at your own policy preferences if you're looking for fault Ilya.
Prof. Somin is somewhere between the first and second stage of grief. I'm guessing he's not capable of bargaining, so he'll skip that step.
Sad that these are the people who teach important subjects on college campuses.
I was hoping Ilya would stay in his drunken stupor for a little longer so my index finger could recover from all the scrolling but oh well I guess.
I agree that unfortunately the election at least in immediate tactical sphere was somewhat less about a large scale realignment and more about how shit the Dems campaign was. The Dems might have won with a (much) better ground game. The somewhat surprising thing to me was not that Trump won. But just how close it was with all the mistakes the Dems had made.
Of course this also goes the other way too. Trump showed that with a better ground game he could at least partially win over minorities and younger voters that chin rubbing intellectuals like Somin would have written off as eternally looked into the Democrat camp.
House and Senate results are consistent with the above. The GOP will have only a narrow House majority (probably about 220-215). The Republicans gained only 4 seats in the Senate, despite a very favorable map, and actually lost 4 of 5 swing-state Senate races, despite Trump winning all five of those states on the top of the ballot.
The Dems heavily outspent the so called party of the rich in the downballot swing Senate seats as well as outspending them in general in the past couple elections. Which probably saved them from an even more lopsided defeat.
The notable thing is that the Democrats, for whatever reason, seem to have lost their capacity to select viable candidates. Biden only won because states had crashed the economy in response to Covid, and Harris couldn't pull off a win without Covid dragging Trump down.
Who are they going to puke up in 2028? Newsom? Like he's going to go over in most of the country. Their bench looks pretty bad.
It's the result of too much opposition research. Over the past few years they have watched the GOP throw away a dozen almost unloseable Senate races and roughly the same number of Governor races by putting up terrible candidates. And they have internalized that.
There are lots* of Dems who could win in 2028 even if the economy doesn't go south. But could they get nominated ?
*I have mentioned Shapiro, Cooper and Hickenlooper before. Not exactly inspiring but they don't drool much, there's evidence of brain activity and they probably haven't made as many self immolating videos as Kamala did.
I've mentioned Hickenlooper myself. But, as you say, he couldn't get nominated.
The Democrats and the Republicans both have problems, but they're different problems.
For the Democrats, it's that they're an almost exclusively urban party now, all their power centers are places where they totally dominate the politics, to the point where the primary is the whole game. Not only does this generate a lot of national candidates who have no idea how to run in an election where Republicans have substantial support, the few Democrats who have figured out how to run against Republicans look like aliens from another planet to the Democratic party establishment and their urban support base.
For the Republicans, it's that for so many decades in the 20th century, before the '94 election, Democrats totally dominated Congress almost all the time, so in national politics the GOP developed a bad case of Stockholm syndrome. You'd only be able to accomplish things at the national level if you sucked up to the Democrats, it became a reflex. People like Romney, McCain, Bush, knew how to run against Democrats, but once in office didn't want to govern in a way their voters liked.
So the GOP base got increasingly frustrated over electing people who talked like conservatives, but didn't govern like conservatives, and responded by turning up the extremism more and more, in the hopes that if they elected somebody who talked like a right-wing lunatic, once they compromised they'd be a normal conservative.
But as right-wing lunatics, they lacked that capacity to run against Democrats in a mixed electorate. And the tendency to vote for lunatics in the hope of getting conservatives after they compromised bled over into state government, too.
I think it's at least possible that the GOP at the national level is starting to get over that case of Stockholm syndrome, and if they start governing like they ran, maybe the voting base will start nominating people who talk like normal conservatives, because they won't see the need to elect extremists just to get some actual conservatism.
But I don't see how the Democrats get out of their urban party trap, they don't think they need to. They think they just need to make the country a bit more urban, and not appealing outside city centers won't matter. And maybe they're not wrong about that, it has worked in several states.
Bellmore — I have always thought your push for a new constitutional convention was insanely dangerous—too much still-workable stuff from the present Constitution would be at risk. From the moment a new convention was gaveled to order, absolutely everything would be fair game, including the rules of the convention.
But what if Trump goes full speed ahead, to trash as much of American constitutionalism as he can, as fast as possible? Given a corrupt judiciary, and a congress with members who dishonor their oaths every day before lunchtime, that might notably alter the risk/reward calculus for a new convention.
Imagine it. Your rural-urban divide nonsense rendered meaningless immediately. Convention delegates still convene from all the states, but by rule only get recognized in proportion to state populations. The electoral college is right out. Presidential criminal immunity is right out. Elected officials, judges, and office holders will still swear oaths, but oath breaking will be defined, as will criminal penalties for oath breaking. Ratification will be by a national popular vote.
Of course, if anything like that happened, Trump would call it treason, and order the military to put a stop to it. That is when the nation would discover whether MAGAs' lunge for power had corrupted the military. If it had, and the military intervened to put an end to a constitutional convention, at least the end of American constitutionalism would get a date as specific as its beginning. Amidst the ensuing chaos, MAGAs could celebrate that date annually, as a triumph.
Still want a convention? I bet you do, but one constrained by Brett rules, to keep it from being actually sovereign.
"but by rule only get recognized in proportion to state populations."
Not sure where you got that, though I will admit nothing rules out doing it that way. It's not how I'd expect things to go, given that calling for a convention in the first place is by state.
"Ratification will be by a national popular vote."
You seem to be positing a Convention that doesn't follow Article V, in as much as that Article specifies that ratification is by state, not a national popular vote.
I assume you're expecting a convention called by the states to just junk everything and start over, the way the original con-con did?
This is just amazing fanfic; it has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual United States, but rather just an imaginary country found only in Brett's head. Kind of like how his legal opinions have nothing to do with the actual Constitution, but rather just an imaginary document found only in Brett's head
"The Dems heavily outspent the so called party of the rich ..."
The Dems are the party of the rich.
crappy foreign policy
Woke agenda
Crappy candidate
Chip Act and Infrastructure Act bringing tons of new plants and jobs to Ohio. Dewine is pleased but he won't acknowledge who did it. Vance opposed both. I doubt he'd give a straight answer if asked what he thought about it. The reality is Democrats advanced policy that brought shit home to America. At least we got that done. So Trump can get back to what he did first term: try to dismantle Obamacare and eject Muslims. That's the sugar rush you hillbillies want. Doesn't really help you in any meaningful way...but you don't really care, do you?
yes lots of new jobs as noted by this news report
google has 3-4 pages of postivie press release announcements, but only one showing the actual progress
Ohio? for someone who talks the Hayseed talk, you sure as fuck don't walk the Hayseed walk. I know, you're a genius because you bought a cheap house in the Ghetto, and you're the smartest guy around, getting the Schwarzes to do the heavy work, Charlie Manson had the same idea 60 years ago.
But it WAS a victory.
TLDR: Voters are idiots for not voting how Ilya wanted.
There are too many articles of this type.
Also, a 'mandate' does not mean a majority of voters agreed with every single Trump policy. It means they chose his entire set of policies over the entire set of policies proposed by the other side. Which they clearly did. And when he implements those policies, he will have a mandate to do that.
You might want to read if that is your summary.
It means they chose his entire set of policies over the entire set of policies proposed by the other side. Which they clearly did.
They “chose” it in the sense that they elected him.
But, they chose him for specific reasons, especially the margin for victory, and the reasons regularly are not for many of his policies.
If someone won because the other side is deemed unfit (let’s say those who think Biden is senile and if he was the nominee), the voters might oppose quite a few of the winners’ policies.
The “mandate” for the policies would be questionable.
That is often how the term is used. If the idea is that once you vote for someone, the person has a "mandate" to do anything, even if the voters strongly oppose them, by the mere fact they won, well, that is one way to define things. The term is often not used that way.
No. That's not what mandate means at all. If it did, then everyone who was elected would automatically have a mandate. That's not how anyone uses the term.
I do recognize that the election result is painful and disappointing for those (emphatically including me!) who hoped Trump's awfulness and that of the MAGA movement generally would enable Kamala Harris to overcome the background conditions and win.
Way to go, denigrating the majority of the electorate. Keep it up. 🙂
Oh? Did any of the presidential tickets actually insult/denigrate voters? I'd love to hear it
The electorate voted for four years of kakistocracy. That is indeed disappointing. A chill wind blows.
We won't know the answer to that for a number of years, NG. The Republic will survive, and endure.
America needs to take a 'chill pill' between now and the inauguration of President Trump. It was an election, something we have done 46 times, not the end of the world as we know it. The world did not end (yet) with POTUS Biden, and politically Biden was the Second Coming of Jimmy Carter.
It is very unhelpful and counterproductive to insult and denigrate the majority of the electorate. Continuing the contemptuous treatment will guarantee more electoral defeats. People are people, and they have memories....memories which they carry into the ballot box, as we saw last week.
There are plenty of capable people out there in 'MAGA-World'.
In what way does that denigrate the majority of the electorate?
I agree with Ilya that this isn’t much of a mandate. However, I have to disagree somewhat on the question of realignment.
This election marks the continuation of a long-term trend of working class voters moving away from the Democratic Party. This started with white working class voters in the 2016 election and showed a few signs of spreading beyond just whites in 2020, but this is the election where the movement among Latino voters became unarguable, and we started to see signs of this trend in young, working class Black men. This is a real and enduring problem for Democrats and I think it’s structural. Given how heavily dominated the party is by college-educated, largely left-wing elites I’m not sure it’s something that can be solved by better candidate selection or clever messaging.
It certainly can’t be solved by actually helping the working class. Biden is the only President to join a picket line. He saved the pensions of thousands of Teamsters — without a single Republican vote. Did him no good. I can go on.
You do realize that most members of the working class aren't union members, right? Most working class people don't even LIKE unions, they're a pain the ass. Taking dues whether you want to pay them or not, calling a strike when you need to make the house payment. When I was a kid my dad nearly lost our house because the UAW called a long strike.
Most working class people view unionizing as sort of like nuclear weapons: The possibility of doing it is enough of a threat to get you most of the benefits, God forbid you actually have to carry out the threat.
So sucking up to the unions isn't actually as appealing to the working class as you think.
Even the Teamsters couldn't stand him.
Ah, but you forget that working class are more worried about rampant inflation and downward pressure on wages through mass importation of illegal aliens than the SALT exemption. Right before the election, two posters here were saying that their portfolios were fine, but they really wanted the SALT exemption raised. My response was that the working class didn’t have portfolios, probably were renters, so didn’t benefit fro te SALT tax deduction, and were much closer to living paycheck to paycheck than most here.
Besides, Biden wasn’t running for (re)election. Harris was.
Even the average home owner doesn't have to care about the SALT cap, since it's high enough that most never hit it even if they are itemizing.
Why do people keep going on and on about "popular vote"?
It is like analyzing a chess game by comparing who took the most pieces. That isn't the name of the game and how you get there is irrelevant... take the king, nothing else matters AT ALL.
There is no way to know what would have happened if popular vote was the goal. For one thing, you can be certain that places like PA and GA would have see a fraction of the political advertising, marketing, and ground games that they have in the past few elections. Instead, those funds would have been spread around to various centers throughout the US.
Seriously, if you are Team Blue, are you going to spend a single dollar trying to get more votes in a state like Wyoming or West Virginia for a national election? How about Team Red spending in Vermont or Hawaii? It would be a complete waste of campaign funds.
In very large portions of the country, there isn't much in the way of non-down vote presidential campaign funds being spent, almost no non-fundraising based events, little to no ground games, and oftentimes virtually no local advertising.
... because the name of the game is taking the electoral collage. How many pieces you get along the way does not matter AT ALL.
Correct. It only matters because of the endless whining in 2016 about the popular vote. Lots of Presidents have won without getting a majority of the popular vote.
For the same reasons sports analysts look at how often batters get on base or how many yards running backs get and so on.
The way you win elections is by getting people to vote for you. It’s possible to win a presidential election even if fewer people voted for you than for your opponent, and there not necessarily anything wrong with that. But if you want to measure how strong a mandate a candidate has, there’s not much of an alternative beyond looking at how many people voted for them.
Until "45/47" won it, all of a sudden it doesn't matter anymore.
"Trump's popular vote margin may actually be a little smaller than Hillary Clinton's was in 2016"
Hillary got 48.2% of the vote in 2016.
Trump currently has 50.2%, so he is going to have a higher percentage of the vote than she did, even though she beat Trump by 2.1%, and Trump also leads Harris by 2.1.
Well it was enough of a mandate that the voters made sure to give Trump the trifecta, so he would have control of the House and Senate.
With a likely 9 seat margin in the House (+ 1, 222-13 based on current leaders), and an 8 seat margin in Senate.
Not as impressive as Obama’s victory in 2008, but I think Trump is pleased with what he has two work with.
Also the fact he isn’t going to have to depend on Murkowski’s and Collins support very often.
You're obviously an optimist. More like 5 (220-215) or 7 (221-214) in the House, and a maximum 6 (53-47) in the Senate. I'm still expecting the Ds to pull off an amazing last minute comeback "win" in the Pennsylvania Senate race, so that would make it 52-48.
Well I am looking at Decision Desk HQ, that has it at 219 now, plus Duarte and Steele leading in CA, and Begich in AK, that's 222.
Senate, you are right, they are at 53, but had 4 pickups, so it is 53-47.
On Polymarket, Steele is rated at about a 25% chance, Duarte 60% and Begich at 98%. There was supposed to be a big vote drop in Alaska today but it doesn’t seem to be up on DDHQ.
And in the Senate, McCormick’s lead has dropped from about 39,000 to 29,000 in the last 24 hours. Casey’s Polymarket odds have soared from 1% …… to 3%. If I could be bothered to open an account, I think it might be worth putting down a few bucks on Casey. Always helps to have a Home Team Ump.
There's another California race where the GOP candidate (Calvert) is only at 80% on Polymarket, even though DDHQ has called it.
Senator Vetterman (Notice how I call him "Senator" and don't call him "Stuttering John" anymore? he's grown on me, like a Fungus) should count as a 1/2 Repubiclown, he can read the writing on the political wall, even if he formally remains a DemoKKKrat, he'll be the new Joe Man-chin, and if he keeps supporting Israel (love how "Supporting Israel" now means you're OK with them fighting back) the D's will kick him out and it'll be academic
Kaz...That is the thing: The people made sure Pres Elect Trump had a unified Congress to realize his agenda. That is the mandate. That is what Ilya the Lesser elides.
There are roughly 700 days from inauguration to get the legislative agenda passed into law. Sounds like a lot of time; it is not.
That is the thing. From a practical standpoint, it is completely irrelevant whether we call this an electoral mandate or not. Trump will have majorities in both chambers of Congress and a friendly Supreme Court. As long as he can keep his majorities together, he will be able to push through anything exempted or excepted from the filibuster: Cabinet appointments, federal judges, budget reconciliation bills, certain trade agreements, arms sales, and so forth. He'll need to peel off seven Democratic Senators to pass other things and will therefore have to compromise on those issues. But he has a tremendous amount of power to enact his agenda with two friendly chambers of Congress and friendly courts.
There was only one, single state that shifted to the left: Washington, which shifted all of 1 percentage point. Every other state shifted right.
Trump gained across gender groups. He gained across cultural groups. He gained across age groups. He gained across income groups.
The shift was massive by any measure.
If that’s not a “mandate”, then nothing is. I truly don’t understand why the left doesn’t get smart and read the room better. Look, the Democratic Party still has its core constituencies. Not by as much as they used to, but they are still (barely) on their side.
Now is the time to find out why the ground is giving way below your feet, not minimizing what's clearly happening right in front of you.
That's right. Plus the Dems and the press kept saying that Trump was a fascist and a felon. For a fascist felon to get 51% of the vote is truly remarkable. Yes, Trump has a mandate.
Not particularly encouraging for anyone reading this, but my theory of WTF happened involves global epoch-shifting changes resulting from instant-connectivity-reinforcing-mass-prejudices over the last couple decades—or What Hath the Internet Wrought?
The last such meaningful epoch-shift in information access was the technology-driven demand induced by Johannes Gutenberg’s invention and Martin Luther's adoption of the movable-type printing press, enabling (Gutenberg) and promoting (Luther’s Bibles-for-the-people) the explosion of societal literacy that followed.
(As information providers, point-to-point radio and telephone just gave us faster messengers. Mass-audience broadcast radio and television expanded on but didn’t fundamentally change the model print had established. Their global societal impact was substantial, but not epochal.)
My grand theory (in percolation for a couple years) starts with obsessives of radically outlying views once finding little daily face-to-face support of their weird extremist fantasies (note this grants things like Jim Crow racism weren't community outliers, but norms in their time). In late 1960’s/early 1970’s small-town Idaho, the couple of such people I knew depended on chain-mail letters forwarding things like Ron Paul’s mimeographed conspiracist & (increasingly outlying) racist monthly newsletters, and John Birch Society communist-behind-every-tree conspiracies. They talked a lot to each other but had few close connections to a larger community—providing a natural brake to the speed such views could spread.
Now, however, the obsessives are constantly fed algorithmically-targeted, unbound-from-reality but authoritative-feeling stories/alternative facts. They are provided vetted, instant, persistent links to a vastly greater population of like-minded people.
Perhaps in an extension of Marshall MacCluhan’s The Medium is the Message theory, the internet’s sheer ubiquity combined with social media’s algorithmic stickiness to provide a path allowing less-obsessive but nonetheless receptive people with gut-level prejudices (previously repressed by shame of revealing violations of important community norms) to suddenly cast off shame and begin to revel in a community of like-minded, norm-busting, shared shamelessness.
(Shamelessness is doing a lot of work here, but it's always been Donald Trump’s superpower, and the permissions structure its viral infectiousness built, the secret to his success.)
The internet so quickly became so good at connecting these people to each other that their information bubbles shrank to contain little beyond each other, making themselves society's base-normal, and all the other people living in what had for centuries been the normal world (i.e., David Post, Ilya Somin, and me), as the outliers.
Thus, an algorithmic stickiness turned a populist movement into a self-reinforcing spiral. An electoral majority of American citizens baiting each other to ever-greater feats of norm-breaking, willingly accepted citizenship in a shameless MAGAnistan. And thus for the first time in centuries, the long arc of history globally begins a long-term bend away from justice.
It took centuries for global society to work through the societal impact of Gutenberg and Luther (eventually reaching, among other less positive things, The Enlightenment). Perhaps our global adaptation to the internet won't take as long…but perhaps it will.
I kinda agree, though from a somewhat different direction. The Dems, progs, libs, wokies (but I repeat myself) live in a bubble of insanity protected by their MSM monopoly, Google and Facebook censorship, college nonsense and endless in-group reinforcement.
But the crazier they get, the more holes seem to get poked in their protective info sanitizing dome. (Thanks Elon.) So those who live in the real world get to glimpse what's actually going on, rather than a steady diet of Bubble News. Sometimes a cultist manages to escape and tell us what the cult is up to behind closed doors.
Sometimes. There's a "transgender woman" who won the House seat in Delaware. Try finding the name on the original birth certificate.
Good lord next to the cited, thought out (though I think overly pessimistic) post, you just yell It Was The Woke.
You've kind of proven his point that the Internet makes you stupid.
As I said, holes are being poked in the Bubble.
"Fake News" from ...... CNN !
I realize that story could be told from either side—it’s easy enough to find a full horseshoe theory set of “live in a bubble of insanity” examples. But though they exist on both sides, only one so consistently and voluntarily, hands the leadership of their party to their crazies.
I am a member of the strongly Trump-voting demographic. Conservative by temperament, old, white, male, born and raised in an income-insecure fundamentalist Christian family in rural Idaho, career enlisted military (SMSgt (ret) USAF), comfortably retired from a second career in IT Security, Believe me, I have a lifetime of knowing them well.
Voted for Richard Nixon in 1972 (first time voting was permitted at 18). Likely would have been a decent Eisenhower Republican. But over the decades as the GOP was completing its long, sad journey from Nixon’s Southern Strategy (something I’d never heard of at 18) to the devolution of full dependence on the votes of the obsessed populists in their racist/xenophobic wing (not a majority, but a necessary voting block) (and there are other reasons too), there came a point when supporting the Republican Party became impossible.
This all started well before Trump, but the last decade’s Trumpism has greatly accelerated the Republican’s journey from a political party interested in sustaining and managing—that is, conserving—a societal-consensus classical western liberalism, into today’s populist cultural movement characterized by the resentment, envy, greed, fear, and rage of its base.
How could I ever vote for that?
"Conservatives" had to change, because you can only conserve what you've still got. Once you've lost it, you need to regain it again, and that doesn't call for conservatism.
The internet so quickly became so good at connecting these people to each other that their information bubbles shrank to contain little beyond each other, making themselves society’s base-normal, and all the other people living in what had for centuries been the normal world (i.e., David Post, Ilya Somin, and me), as the outliers.
It’s an absurd theory because the knuckledragging deplorables cannot escape being bombarded with MSM crap. It’s ubiquitous. You even have to listen to CNN in the airport.
The best news source in the world – by far (though the NYP isn’t bad) is the Daily Mail. Because it will print true stories several months ahead of the MSM, it will print wokie crap, right wing crap. If it moves, they will print it. (And put it up online.) That is the exact opposite of a tightly monitored bubble.
But I’m guessing you don’t think much of the Daily Mail. You swish your skirts away to avoid contamination.
And there I thought you might be something more than a troll but here you go, parroting alt-right echo-chamber talking points gleaned from fringe websites, twitter-bots, and talk radio, while exhibiting little knowledge of even the existence of possible countering evidence.
But the real trollish tell is disingenuously putting forward the entertaining tabloid journalism of the New York Post and Daily Mail as credible news sources—something neither of us believes.
Belonging to neither the Democratic nor Republican parties, I purposefully seek out rational voices at both ends of the political spectrum. Don’t find cable or major network news of much value.
Hence, I’m here a couple days a week. My regular rota includes Hinderaker’s Powerline, the least insane of the hard-right blogs. For an equivalently non-insane far-left blog, you might want to try Scott Lemieux’s Lawyers, Guns & Money (both use Disqus, allowing comparison of the relative insanity of their definitely in-the-bubble commenting communities).
As practical advice, check out the algorithm-driven news headline aggregator, Memeorandum, which unlike Facebook or the Xitter for example, does not learn your preferences and start filtering for things to intentionally enrage you. It’s nicely organized, constantly updated, and top-level stories are followed by lots of sub-links to the topic from all points on the political spectrum.
For paid sites, I subscribe to my local paper (a McClatchy, which gives me access their 30 papers including decent big-city papers like the Charlotte Observer; Fort Worth Star-Telegram; Kansas City Star; Lexington Herald-Leader; and Miami Herald—it’s a bargain). Also WaPo online (for the election, took advantage of their $5 per month promotion but don’t have enough money in my entertainment budget to keep it at full price). I also max out The Chicago Tribune’s metered paywall quota (the only remaining major paper with a center-right editorial view) but they’ve never given me a decent promotional offer.
btw, for thoughtful consideration of complex issues, Marcy Wheeler’s Emptywheel national security/legal blog is one of the best sources on the web. They don’t do the babbling punditry typically needed to fill airtime or reach a contractually-obligated word count, but specialize in research, analysis, and explanations based almost entirely on Federal, State, local government and commercial legally-required public-record documentation (judicial opinions, court filings, contracts, permit applications, trial and deposition transcripts, financial reports, etc.). They cite/link to original sources and show their work, welcoming (if often challenging) thoughtful and well-supported disagreement from one of the best commenting communities on the web.
You’re likely not qualified to comment there—the mods do not suffer fools gladly—but you might eventually work up to it. I participate irregularly…would do it more but I’ve learned that if I read all the other comments first, my questions, concerns and insights have often already been addressed. Highly recommended.
But of course, with the NYP and DM to give you all the best news, you don’t need anything else, right? In fact I’m surprised to find you here commenting on a Somin column.
The point - obviously - is not that the NYP and the DM unfailingly deliver unerringly correct stories. It's that they deliver whatever they can get their hands on. As soon as they can.
They are not part of a Bubble, protecting you from what might harm you. Your thesis was that the Trumpkins live in a Bubble into which only a narrow stream of conspiracy theory flows.
But they don't. The Daily Mail is not a narrow stream - it's the sea. And like any sea, it contains plenty of crap from all sources. But it's definitely not attempting to regulate your news feed.
read Lawyers, Drugs, and Money, and it is worthwhile overall ... not quite what I would label "far left" though
Trump won the Executive Branch.
The GOP has the Senate.
And, while it isn't official yet, the GOP will have the House. Admittedly, it's going to be a very small majority, and the GOP House isn't known for pulling together, but still, they will have it.
Mandate? Who cares. When you win all the branches and have a mostly-compliant court, you're going to do what you're going to do.
True on some level, but Republicans will keep on talking about the "mandate" they have since it has some appeal. The press will also talk about it when people criticize what they do.
…and some truth to the mandate claim since beside the presidency they also won control of the Senate and House (barely).
Of course, being Republicans they will probably waste it.
So, Trump seems to be nominating an entirely disproportionate number of House members for his cabinet, especially given that the House will be so tight. I expect the vacancies will be filled by appointment and special elections.
Is this motivated in part by an expectation that the replacement House members will be more cooperative?
Just to be clear, there are no appointments to fill House vacancies — only Senate ones. The former are only filled via special election.
OK, but the question still stands? Is he going heavy on nominating members of the House, in the expectation that the replacements will prove more amenable to his program? Otherwise it seems terribly risky with a close House.
Exactly this. Let's get down to brass tacks. It does not matter whether or not they have a mandate. They have hard political power to implement a large portion of their agenda even in the face of universal Democratic opposition.
Bingo! It's always been that way. The winner pursues their agenda with full force. They may or may not suceed in achieving their goals. The electorate will have their say in the next midterm.
Right-wing disinformation has spread even to the nonwhite electorate.
Too many of them really think migrants are criminal. They really think inflation is out of control. They really think the economy is doing poorly. They really think Trump is for the working class.
Some of them even think that there are two sexes!
Amazingly Somin ignores that immigration ( illegal immigration in particular) was a major issue in the campaign. It was heavily discussed at the GOP convention, it was the subject of numerous ads by not only the Trump campaign but just about every Republican House and Senate candidate and it was brought up at every Trump speech . Even many Democrats started paying lip service to securing the border.
So why would a man who's raison d'etre is immigration ignore that issue when discussing the election? Could it be because immigration was a winning issue for Trump and Somin doesn't want to admit that because it would mean the Trump Administration deserves to follow through on it's proposed immigration policies ( including mass deportation)? That the voters don't believe in open borders and want a lot of the damage done by the Biden Maladministration border policies undone?
Face it Somin border security and immigration enforcement will happen.
Reason was backed by a millionaire who wanted to push open borders - that's why the site exists. And at Volokh, Somin is the open borders pimp. No surprise there.
JFK won the "Popular" vote by .17%, or 112,000 out of 68 million, some of whom were actually living. All I heard growing up was how great he was, beat the Roosh-uns in Cuber, started the Moon Program (A-rabs are still pissed we walked on it, they're planning a Moon Pogrom) Peace Corpse, and was going to pull out of Vietnam, never heard shit about how he didn't have a "Mandate"
"Elections have consequences." -- Barack Obama.
That applies in gaza, too.
Tell me this guy has a TikTok page where he's posting insane videos and screaming into the void without telling me he has a TikTok page.
Nobody but you claims such a silly thing.
IF you were right then the polling that said Kamala would sweep would not have claimed that THAT was a mandate !
She lost in every single Democratic voter class except College-educated women !!!
Define mandate 🙂
How can Trump's victory be the result of anger at inflation and price increases when his supporters want inflation and price increases? They must, because economists agree that his tariffs and deportations will bring them about. Seriously, I think that his victory was primarily the result of racism, xenophobia, and misogyny.
The number of hispanic males the GOP got was impressive. And now, post election, there is a general consensus that 'Trump won't deport the hard working latinos."
His new border czar: "Get the fuck out!"
Hispanic male voters: O_o
You do understand that the latinos who were in a position to vote didn't have anything to fear about deportation, right?
Reason was financed by a millionaire who wanted to push open borders. Under the Volokh brand, Somin is the house open borders pimp. So obviously, he will do any (very) little thing he can to slow down Trump and the deport-millions plan. After all - if the country isn't stuffed to the brim with cheap labor, what will happen to stock prices? And who will cut the grass and collect the fallen leaves on those huge lawns? It all makes sense when you realize that it's all in the name of unlimited Immigration and the breakdown of the American identity.
Immigration is the American identity.
Legal immigration plus assimilation into standard American values is the American identity. It doesn't seem we've had a lot of that recently.
SO they really really concerned about prices and incresases and just want to say that -- no mandate to like well you know do anything about it.
Maybe you should start an internet Church and become a preacher.
The word “mandate” in this context is a euphemism for “tyranny of the majority”, which is fundamentally undemocratic regardless of the size of the winner’s margin. Ilya is correct, 53% of the electorate doesn’t get to dictate unconditional terms to the other 47% and expect their prompt compliance with bad policies as well as good ones. The Republicans complained about this after 2020 and 2022, arguing that their party was in fact not as moribund as it might have appeared to be to me or thee.
So you’d think that an understanding of this question would suggest to the winning candidate and party the need for caution, consultation, and compromise rather than hubris and magical thinking (e.g. Trump can make inflation and climate change go away by simple fiat). I’m not holding my breath in hopes that Trump Inc. will behave better this time, but I’m not looking into Canadian citizenship either.
In the abstract, I agree with you. However, it is suicidal to adhere to such principles when the other side will gleefully ignore them.
Keep fooling yourself Bullcow, you aren't fooling anyone else. You lost. You were destroyed. Your posts reek of desperate attempts to justify your Trump derangement syndrome. Perhaps you should take a break from your ivory tower and join the real world where rational thinking and logical arguments are valued.
The Rev has posted something I agree with. The Apocalypse is upon us.