The Volokh Conspiracy

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2024 Ron Rotunda Memorial Webinar: Profiles in Courage in the Legal Profession

A discussion with Erin Murphy.


I had Professor Ron Rotunda for Constitutional Law in 2007. But for Ron, I doubt I would have become a constitutional law professor. He inspired me in ways I still think about to this day. In 2018, Ron suddenly passed away, far too young. The following year, I wrote a remembrance about Ron in the Chapman Law Review.

The Federalist Society has created a new annual webinar in Ron's memory. Last year, I interviewed Greg Jacob, who served as a counselor to Vice President Pence on January 6, 2021. This year, I interviewed Erin Murphy. The theme was "Profiles in Courage in the Legal Profession." Erin and I spoke about the two occasions in which she left a firm, that was unwilling to stand up for a client. Erin's story is an important one that all aspiring lawyers should learn.