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The First Real Judicial Filibuster
Remembering the first time a partisan Senate minority blocked a judicial nomination that enjoyed majority support.
On May 9, 2001, President George W. Bush nominated Miguel Estrada to the U.S. Court of Appeals to the D.C. Circuit. If confirmed, Estrada would have been the first Latino to serve on this court, but it was not to be.
At the time of Estrada's nomination, the Senate was split 50-50, leaving Vice President Dick Cheney as the tie-breaking vote. A few weeks later, Senator James Jeffords switched his party affiliation, handing Senate control to the Democrats, who refused to act on Estrada's nomination. As was revealed in leaked memoranda from Senate leadership and the Judiciary Committee, Senate Democrats feared confirming Estrada would set him up for a subsequent Supreme Court nomination and it would be too politically difficult to oppose the first Latino nominated to the High Court.
Republicans regained control of the Senate in the 2002 election, but Miguel Estrada would still not get confirmed. In March 2003, forty-four of the forty-nine Senators in the Democratic caucus voted against cloture, blocking full consideration of the nomination. There would be six more cloture votes on the Estrada nomination over the next six months, all of which failed. This marked the first time in our nation's history that a filibuster was used to block a judicial nomination that enjoyed majority support.
The fight over Miguel Estrada's nomination may not have attracted the same degree of attention as Supreme Court battles, but it had a dramatic effect on how many conservatives and Senate Republicans viewed the judicial nomination process -- and led to the regular use of cloture as a means of slowing or blocking judicial nominees. Prior to Miguel Estrada, it had never been the case that a judicial nominee had been required to have the support of 60 Senators to be confirmed.
Prior to the Estrada nomination, it was unusual for a cloture vote to be required, and the sole time a cloture vote had failed and a judicial nomination was unsuccessful*, the nominee in question (Associate Justice Abe Fortas who had been nominated to be Chief Justice) faced bipartisan opposition and lacked majority support. (Indeed, many saw the cloture vote as a test to see whether 50 Senators would support him -- a test Fortas failed.) 1968 was the first time a cloture vote had ever been requested for a judicial nominee, and such votes remained a rarity for the next thirty-five years. Judges opposed by forty-some Senators were the exception, to be sure, but they were also routinely confirmed. (I have surveyed this history before, and also recommend this CRS Report on the subject.)
The Estrada filibuster marked a dramatic escalation in judicial nomination obstruction -- and that escalation was ratcheted up further when, after Senate Republicans filibustered Democratic nominees, Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid forced through a reinterpretation of Senate rules to preclude filibusters for judicial nominations (the so-called "nuclear option"). Filibusters were apparently only to be allowed for Republican nominees.
The latest installment of Ed Whelan's highly informative Confirmation Tales series revisits the Estrada nomination, and how it poisoned the well for comity and cooperation on judicial nominations, with an interview of Steven Duffield. who worked for the Senate leadership at the time. Among other things, Duffield recounts how Senate Republicans lacked the votes to "go nuclear" at the time (though fear that they might get to 50 votes for a rule change ultimately led to the "Gang of 14" deal to temporarily set the filibuster aside), and how the judicial confirmation battles of the 2000s established a new norm under which it was appropriate to oppose a judicial nominee for no reason other than disagreement with his or her judicial philosophy. (For more on this history, see this post and the links therein.)
From the Duffield interview:
Just as we warned at the time, the Democrats' decision to filibuster the Estrada nomination was a major inflection point, both in the confirmation wars and in the history of the Senate more broadly.
Let's start with the confirmation wars. The filibuster fundamentally changed the expectations regarding how senators in the party opposite the president's party would assess lower-court nominees: the fight over judicial philosophy was now front and center.
The question of "competence" versus "ideology" (or "judicial philosophy") was still being hotly contested in the early 2000s. Senator Orrin Hatch, who had famously supported Bill Clinton's nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the Supreme Court, tried valiantly to convince senators that, except in truly extraordinary circumstances, the core question should be competence. It's a battle he was already losing when Estrada was nominated, and we saw it die altogether during 2003. It's now a relic of the past. . . .
The animosity and the frustration with a party-wide assault on comity and cooperation have certainly migrated into other areas, with a tit-for-tat environment that has made the Senate far weaker as an institution than it was or than it should be. People might hate the "club" culture of the old Senate, but is this better?
It is deeply regrettable that a handful of activists were able to persuade the filibustering senators that it was better to unravel the Senate's messy but still-effective ecosystem than to do the hard work of persuading their Republican colleagues to oppose the nominees on the merits. We have a far less productive Senate today because of those judgment errors in 2003.
There are several more Confirmation Tales posts on the Estrada nomination and inauguration of the filibuster as a means of blocking confirmation, and they are largely consistent with a point I have often made on this blog: There was no meaningful history of filibusters, or even cloture votes, prior to the Estrada nomination, and the use of a filibuster to block a highly qualified, broadly esteemed nominee who enjoyed bipartisan, majority support, was a major turning point in judicial confirmation battles. Indeed, it is quite possible that had Miguel Estrada been confirmed, we would have a more functional Senate, and Merrick Garland would be a Supreme Court justice instead of Attorney General.
*Update: I revised this sentence to note there were two instance between 1968 and 2003 in which cloture votes failed, but the nomination proceeded and the nominee was confirmed. This occurred with the 1971 nomination of William Rehnquist to the Supreme Court (whom some Senate Democrats attempted to filibuster when he was nominated to be Chief Justice as well) and the 1999 district court nomination of Ted Stewart, who was subsequently confirmed 95-3.
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If The Donald is elected, and if the GOP gets a Senate majority, I feel that Miguel Estrada would be an excellent choice for Attorney General.
As well as his being a competent lawyer, this filibustering has left him with just the right amount of animus against the Democrats in general and Chuck Schumer in particular. He would make a neat counterpoint to Merrick Garland.
Unfortunately he's said that he's not willing to go through the Senate confirmation process again.
I draw a distinction between political offices, like cabinet members, and the judiciary. I think that in general a president should be able to surround himself with the policy makers he wants, and their terms of office end with his. The judiciary is different because they're going to be around for a very long time.
So I think the rule should be that absent glaring incompetence or character flaws, cabinet members and department heads should normally be confirmed as a matter of course. It's fair game to take a closer look at judges.
It's a reasonable point of view, but rests on the depressing, if hardly unfounded, conclusion that the courts deliver the judges' opinion of what the law should be, as opposed to their honest reading of the meaning of what the Constitution's draters, or Congress, actually scribbled down on paper, as applied to the facts of the case. And that consequently, who you put on a court is more important that the actual law.
A variant on Stalin's apocryphal remark about who counts the votes.
Yes. Republicans got a lot of mileage from Estrada being blocked.
Multiple nominees (including John Roberts and Elena Kagan) were blocked in other ways. I reckon they felt not getting a vote was "real" enough. For instance, Kagan was nominated on 6/17/99. Sen. Hatch simply scheduled no hearing. Estrada later endorsed Kagan's nomination to SCOTUS.
These blockages provided precedent for a more "real" filibuster. Nominees were not simply expected to get a hearing and vote in due time.
The escalation with other partisan escalation was rather expected. Like the one irreplaceable person, if it wasn't Estrada, it would have been someone else, in all likelihood.
In the long run, I think the current policy of not having filibusters for appointments makes sense. After the Estrada block -- the assumption was that he would be a potential SCOTUS nominee (they got Alito instead -- Pyrrhic victory there) -- I think Democrats net didn't benefit too much from it being in place.
The Estrada filibuster was a precedent of sorts, and in hindsight, the Democrats might have net not benefited from it, but if it wasn't him, it would have been someone else.
One of these things is not like the other.
As you say “blocking” by not getting a Committee hearing or being scheduled for a floor vote has been common for all sorts of nominees, forever. (The notion that Garland not getting a floor vote for his SCOTUS nomination, which got the Dems very excited, is of course absurd. No fewer than 12 previous SCOTUS nominees never made it to a floor vote, and a further 13, having got there, never got a final up or down floor vote.)
But these “blockings” are simply ways of the Senate majority declining its consent.
Filibustering is different because it’s the Senate minority denying the nominee a vote. Of course that’s the point of the filibuster, it’s just that it wasn’t traditionally used for judicial nominations. (See the article above.) It was thus a “breaking of the norm” – unlike the majority not giving a judicial nominee a floor vote, which was Norm Central.
It takes a lot to wake up a Republican Senator. But it can be done.
Filibustering is different because it’s the Senate minority denying the nominee a vote.
Filibustering was a standard process. Why was it specifically notable here? Why is this specific usage “different” than blocking civil rights legislation or whatnot?
What caused them to “wake” up? I look at it through a wider lens.
The article does too, including talking about some supposed sudden norm of ideological “nay” votes. This does not match history. Numerous senators voted against people based on ideology, including against Charles Evan Hughes for Chief Justice.
Republicans in the 1980s pushed back on what they saw as a wrongminded federal bench by focusing more on ideology when nominating judges. Democrats pushed back in response.
There was no norm for a judicial nominee to simply get a hearing and a simple majoritarian up and down vote. Democrats used an existing practice (the filibuster) against someone deemed particularly troublesome for a key judicial slot in this overall context.
The closely divided Senate and ideological battles with Bush43 heightened the situation. Ideological battles are nothing new, some doing things not that “normal,”, especially after the 1990s.
Would the Republicans “wake up” if Democrats by a raw majority will not hold hearings for nominees? The OP preaches some normal order that applies responsibilities to all sides.
“Filibusters were apparently only to be allowed for Republican nominees.”
From the OP. Where is this justified? Democrats argued the Republicans were abusing the filibuster process after the “Gang of 14” reached a compromise to use them sparingly.
Some alleged one-sided means of blocking should be put in a wider context unless Republicans "won't wake up" no matter what Democrats do except in a narrow range of filibusters.
The idea Republicans were somnolent is not founded at any rate. They defended their turf and were actively partisan in the last 50 years. Some like what they did, some do not, but they were not sleepwalking the whole time until Estrada.
BTW, another way to block is by a hold. A single senator or at most two of the home state can block a nomination under the blue slip process. Victoria Nourse was blocked that way & David Bernstein was one person who signed a letter in opposition to it.
The letter signed speaks of it as having “The effect is an unbreakable one-person filibuster.” This was another long-in-place practice that should be factored in to get a true sense of the overall context.
I wish the founders had required 2/3 in each chamber to pass legislation. Requiring real consensus right from the start would have made it last longer, and would have slowed a lot of whipsaw changes with every administration.
Bork was wrong.
At some point the issue becomes not merely how many bad ideas are being stopped, but also how many good ideas are being obstructed. This is not a one-way street; there are plenty of good policies that will never see the light of day because of all the obstructionism both parties have available to them. And that's true no matter what one's political views, because in point of fact almost nobody can get what they want done.
I'm in favor of putting some policies beyond the reach of the majority. I don't care how many people think slavery is a good idea. I am not in favor of allowing a relative handful of contrarians to stand in the way of any progress.
"At some point the issue becomes not merely how many bad ideas are being stopped, but also how many good ideas are being obstructed."
If the policies are so good, why do we need government to impose them on people?
And that’s the real issue, is t it? You don’t want a working government. Shut it down.
The answer to your question is that no matter how good an idea may be there will always be a certain number of contrarians who simply will not go along. And there are some good ideas that can only be implemented if everyone participates.
I think filibusters and super-majorities should all go away for everything. It is naive to think any party will ever offer consensus. Bipartisanship is dead and it probably will never return. Let elections have real consequences. You get 51 in the Senate and 218 in the house you get everything you wish. Filibusters and super-majorities are as undemocratic as the Electoral College; both impede healthy majoritarian rule
“Latinos are supposed to be mowing your lawns, not interpreting your laws.”
Please name the Democrat(s) who actually said that.
What, was that a 20-plus year old talking point that was burning a hole in your pocket?
This "Democrats started it" piece is not, I suppose, entirely without merit, but back in 1968, Richard Nixon promised to appoint a southerner to the SCt, though he didn't call it "diversity", and Senate Democrats, who held the majority, shot down two nominees, though not by using the filibuster. As is frequently pointed out, and frequently overlooked, the filibuster, "unlimited debate", is not a part of the Constitution. It has been modified over the years, and, in my opinion, should have been dropped long ago. The Constitution was written with numerous provisions intended to "cool" legislation, as George Washington did not say, and there is no "good" reason to add to them. I think Senate leaders in both parties find it convenient to hide behind the filibuster, telling vealous partisans in the House, "Gee, I'd love to introduce idiot pet projects, but those creeps on the other side of the aisle would just filibuster them." The parties are so wide apart these days, of course, that eliminating the filibuster makes people nervous. But if the Republicans get undivided control of the government under Trump, I predict the filibuster will be a goner.
But if the Republicans get undivided control of the government under Trump, I predict the filibuster will be a goner.
Looks like projection to me. At least half the GOP Senators are profoundly, if quietly, Trump-sceptic. No way they’d ditch the filibuster (unless the Ds had ditched it first.) And I’m willing to bet $1,000 (winnings to a non-political “good cause” of your choice) that you’re wrong. So long as you bet $1,000 likewise.
And I’m happy to double up. If the Ds get the Presidency and both Houses of Congress, they’ll ditch the filibuster. Not necessarily all at once, but maybe starting with REALLY IMPORTANT STUFF, like say abortion rights and voting rules (ie the stuff they really want.) But that of course will mean the legislative filibuster is dead, even though bits of it might limp on until they need to go too.
So another thousand dollars on the same terms ?
I'll bet that if there's a Democratic trifecta, a third piece of Really Important Stuff[tm] will be the Orwellianly-named Employee Free Choice Act, which abolishes the secret ballot in union representation elections and also eliminates the right of states to forbid union contracts requiring each employee in the putative bargaining unit to join the union.
The Republicans did have undivided control the first 2 years Trump was in office, and while they did get rid of the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations (Harry Reid got rid of it for lower court nominations), they refused to entertain the idea of getting rid of it for legislation.
There will not be any move to get rid of the filibuster for legislation this time either.
Wasn’t this precisely why Democrats (successfully) opposed the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court in 1987?
Yes, Bork was opposed by Democrats and a few Republicans because of his ideology. This was not unprecedented either.
It was felt “appropriate” to oppose a judicial nominee in various cases over the history of our country because of a person’s ideology. Votes against judicial nominees were not merely based on other criteria.
The scope of opposition increased but the basic concept wasn’t invented with the opposition of Estrada.
I suppose the debate regards how consistent the opposition must be for it to be a “norm.”
Adler peddles a down-in-the-weeds tale of tit-for-tat abuse of institutional norms, with both sides participating about equally. The view from higher altitude looks different.
During the time in question, over more than 3 decades, a right-wing stranglehold on the Supreme Court has first formed, then dominated. It has dominated not just judicial practice, but also American politics. Democrats would be fools not to notice what happened, and unworthy of support unless they act aggressively to counter it.
This hints at the real problem: the filibuster is a bad idea in the first place.
Democrats should have traded their votes to amend Senate Rule XII (eliminating the filibuster by changing cloture procedures) for withdrawal of Estrada's nomination.
Was this alternative realistically available?
Not this exact trade, and obviously Senate Democrats hated the idea.
But people were saying!
Okay. I don't think there was any realistic "trade" on the table regardless if Democrats would not want to do it. So, the "should" thing was academic.
The filibuster will be eliminated by a GOP senate majority for a very simple reason: they are guaranteed majorities in that body for the foreseeable future. In 20 years, 30% of the people in this country will be represented by 60% of the votes in the Senate and vice versa. The founders, in their ancient and primordial wisdom, have gifted us a system which in the modern day, apportions equal senate representation to 590k Wyomingans and close to 40m Californians. Whether they would make the same choices today facing these demographic realities is left as an exercise for the reader.
I wonder upon what basis conservatives expect this state of affairs to continue indefinitely, particularly as they continue to pass legislation that is broadly unpopular with the public. Thoughts and prayers, perhaps? History argues otherwise— it will not be so forever. The Texas GOP knows this— see their recent proposals.
At this point, the GOP is not even trying to campaign on policies people actually like. Its strategy is to dilute blue voting power by any means possible. And they should just be honest about it.
They should take to heart the words of JFK: Those who make peaceful change impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
By the way, marijuana legalization is on the ballot in Florida this year, and the TV ads opposing it are hilarious. They're not arguing that pot is bad, since in the minds of most people that ship has already sailed. Rather, their pitch is that this is about corporate greed since only licensed marijuana growers and dealers will be permitted to operate, and "big weed" is behind it. Imagine that; conservatives concerned about corporate greed.
"violent revolution inevitable"
Seems like you are advocating some insurrection there son.
I'm no Dr. Ed of the left: I hate the idea of violent revolution. I am pointing out the obvious, though. There is a tipping point at which enough people will simply no longer be willing to be dictated to by theocrats and know-nothings. Where that tipping point is, remains to be seen. But it does exist.
I would have thought when your turn to bake the cake came, then you would have the grace to just shut up and bake the cake.
That is bullshit that you can't grow your own, used to smoke the Marriage-a-Juan-a regularly, for medicinal reasons only, got the Glaucoma dontcha know, funny how my Glaucoma miraculously went away the year I couldn't regularly get my "Medicine"
My preferred policy would be that marijuana be largely unregulated. However, passing this particular ballot measure would leave us better off than we are now, and sometimes that's the best that can be done.
Trump is pretty heavily on the air in Arizona promising to stop federal enforcement of weed laws, he says it should be left up to the states, although he does, inconsistently say public use should still be sanctioned.
"what basis"
The equal senate suffrage and amendment clauses in the Constitution.
Yes, thank you— it’s always the same snide response from hucklers. As I said: it won’t last forever and furthermore I suspect deep down you all know it.
You operate from a faulty assumption, that your side has some huge advantage in popular support. You have a 1-4% advantage in the popular vote for president. The GOP is competitive in the House, it has the majority now for instance.
You and I both know what I have said is true. Quibble if you must.
The issue is not whether that's the rule; the issue is whether that's a fair rule.
Suppose the super bowl had a rule that one of the teams got a free touchdown. That would be the rule. But nobody except team partisans would claim it was a fair rule. Even if the partisans dressed it up in nice talk about how those with superior football skills should not be permitted to trample on the rights of inferior teams.
"Whether they would make the same choices today facing these demographic realities is left as an exercise for the reader."
I gather not especially since many didn't think it was a good idea back then where each state under the Articles of Confederation had one vote & democracy was much less a thing & the differences in population were less extreme & so on.
The Founders dealt with the situation of 1787 & left open a process to change it. They in effect started from scratch, changing the rules for ratification, that were in place then.
They "gifted" us the ability to do the same.
I highly doubt that a GOP majority in the Senate would do away with the filibuster. They know what it is like to be in the minority. The GOP knows with absolute certainty that the Dems will have that kind of control so they would never make that would give the Dems too much power next time they gain control.
Anything the GOP would hope to do with total control pales in comparison to what the Dems would do...especially since the bureaucracy of our government pretty much open supports the Dems. As does most of the media.
Dems have a plan to cement permanent Dem control of government and make our country a one-party state. Enlarge the Supreme Court and add several openly partisan Justices. Pass legislation to federalize election laws and outlaw state-level election laws (prohibit ballot integrity measures, mandate procedures for same-day registration and voting, prohibit voter roll purges), add Puerto Rico and D.C. as states...maybe the US Virgin Islands too (and add 6 new Dem members to the Senate).
GOP does not have anything similar to this.
"Indeed, it is quite possible that had Miguel Estrada been confirmed, we would have a more functional Senate, and Merrick Garland would be a Supreme Court justice instead of Attorney General."
Turtles have long memories
What made the Estrada filibuster so noxious is the fact it stemmed solely from the premise that Hispanics were Democratic property and that Republicans had no business making a a "first" appointment outside their territory.
“What made the Estrada filibuster so noxious is the fact it stemmed solely from the premise that Hispanics were Democratic property and that Republicans had no business making a a [sic] ‘first’ appointment outside their territory.”
Kazinski, can you say “Sandra Day O’Connor”? (Nominated by Reagan; confirmed 99-0)
O’Connor was Hispanic? Maybe her ancestors were “Wild Geese” who settled in Spain or the Spanish dominions:
O'Connor was, as Kazinski wrote, a "first" appointment.
Your argument is that Democrats are more racist than misogynist, perhaps to the extent of thinking what Jerry B. attributed to them above?
"This marked the first time in our nation's history that a filibuster was used to block a judicial nomination that enjoyed majority support."
That depends on the meaning of the word majority. The vote on cloture for the nomination of Abe Fortas as Chief Justice in 1968 was 45 in favor, 43 opposed. That was a majority of those present and voting, but not a majority of the full Senate.
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pushed for this change of procedure in 2001. I attended the Senate hearings when the issue of whether the politics of a nominee should be considered. Schumer is a sharp-elbowed politician who does not care much for comity. I suspect that Adam Schiff will be the same once he arrives in the Senate. Both men are a disgrace to my faith of Judaism. They lie and they act to harm their opponents. There is a corruption in their spirit that is the antithesis of what Judaism preaches.
They are Jews in name only...not as bad as Robert Moses (who was born to Jewish parents but who never seemed to practice the faith). My anger at this type of Jew makes me want to leave the faith...but perhaps the best revenge would be to join an ultra-conservative sect. My wife and I are big fans of Chabad.