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Biden to Propose Supreme Court Reforms
The proposals are likely to include term limits for Supreme Court justices, a binding ethics code, and a constitutional amendment limiting the president's and other officials' immunity from prosecution.

If media reports are accurate, President Biden will soon put forward a package of judicial reforms for Congress to enact. The Washington Post summarizes their likely content:
President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
He is also weighing whether to call for a constitutional amendment to eliminate broad immunity for presidents and other constitutional officeholders, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations.
On the policy merits, these are all actually good ideas, subject to the important caveat that there may be devils residing in the details. However, the term limits proposal cannot be enacted by ordinary legislation, but requires a constitutional amendment.
Term limits for Supreme Court justices (usually taking the form of 18-year terms) is an idea that enjoys widespread support from both experts and the general public. It brings together numerous legal scholars on different sides of the political spectrum, such as Sanford Levinson on the left, and Steve Calabresi on the right. Term limits attracted broader support than any other proposal considered by Biden's 2021 Commission on Supreme Court reform. A 2022 AP/NORC poll found that 67% of the public supports the idea, including 82% of Democrats and 57% of Republicans. I myself also support 18 year terms for justices, though I have warned this idea is unlikely to put an end to ideological and partisan conflict over the Court.
The problem with Biden's potential proposal is that he apparently wants Congress to enact the idea by statute, rather than through a constitutional amendment. Along with most other legal scholars, I think that's wrong as a matter of constitutional law. It would also set a dangerous precedent, if the president and Congress succeeded in getting it enacted, and courts did not strike it down as unconstutional. I explained why in a 2020 post:
If Congress can impose an 18 year term limit, they can also impose much shorter ones, such as a five year limit or a two year limit. That would make it easy for any party that controls both Congress and the White House to get rid of justices whose rulings they dislike, and replace them with more supportive jurists. And if Congress can impose term limits on all justices, they can also selectively impose them on specific justices it especially wants to get rid of, while leaving the others alone. For example, if a Democratic Congress wished to get rid of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, or Amy Coney Barrett…, they could pass a law imposing very short terms on justices appointed in 2017, 2018, and 2020, respectively. Republicans could use similar tactics to target liberal justices who might otherwise become thorns in their side.
Some proposals put forward by Democrats would create a kind of rotation system, limiting the roles of longer-serving justices, rather than removing them from the Court entirely. These ideas have much the same constitutional flaws as more conventional statutory term limits. And they also pose a similar threat to judicial independence. Legally, the key point is that the Constitution provides for filling the "office" of a judge of the "supreme court." As Michael Ramsey pointed out in a critique of an earlier rotation proposal:
Necessarily, holding the "Office" of judge of the supreme Court means acting in a judicial capacity as a member of the supreme Court, not simply having the title and filling in occasionally. This constitutionally defined office can't be redefined by statute to mean the office of acting in a judicial capacity as a member of the supreme Court for a while and then doing something else for the balance of one's tenure. (Otherwise, Congress could define the "Office" of Supreme Court Justice as serving as a Justice for 5 years and then serving as dogcatcher in East Outback, Alaska, for the rest of the time)
Ultimately, if enacted, statutory term limits would likely be challenged in court, and the justices would probably rule against them.
Unlike in the case of term limits, Congress has broad (though not unlimited) power to enact ethics rules for the justices. Justice Alito was wrong to suggest the legislature has no authority to regulate the Court. As a policy matter, I think it would be desirable to limit the extent of gifts justices can receive from private parties, thereby banning the kinds of very large gifts that Justice Thomas, among others, has gotten. I think these kinds of gifts are already now forbidden by the Justices' voluntary ethics code, adopted last year. But there's no harm, and likely some benefit, in making such rules mandatory.
I have little sympathy for arguments that the justices need to be able to accept large gifts in order to supplement their supposedly inadequate salaries. Currently, the Chief Justice gets an annual salary of $312,200 and associate justices get $298,500. That seems more than enough to live very well, even in the admittedly expensive Washington, DC area (whose costs are familiar to me, because I live there myself).
Yes, I know that big law firm partners make much more than this. But the power and prestige of being a Supreme Court justice provide extremely valuable nonpecuniary income. Plus, justices don't have to work as many hours as most elite private sector lawyers, and they get to take much longer summer vacations, if they want to.
At the same time, there is no evidence that any modern justice ever changed a vote or opinion in exchange for gifts. So anyone who expects this kind of reform to lead to changes in the Court's jurisprudence is likely to be disappointed.
In addition to gift limits, an ethics code might also include recusal rules, and perhaps other provisions. I would have to see the details before passing any kind of judgment on them.
Finally, I am very much in favor of a constitutional amendment stripping presidents and other high officials of immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office. The Supreme Court's recent ruling in Trump v. United States goes too far in granting such immunity to the president, though the exact scope of what they have given him is often vague. On balance, I think the danger of giving presidents and other high officials impunity for criminal abuses of power is a far greater danger than the problem of excessive prosecution by partisan enemies. The latter, moreover, could be curtailed by giving the president statutory immunity for various petty charges (which I would hope any constitutional amendment would still allow the legislature to do).
Obviously, as with almost any meaningful amendment, the odds of enacting this one are extremely low. It seems to me highly unlikely that any immunity-constraining amendment could get the necessary two-thirds support in both houses of Congress, plus ratification by three-fourths the states.
A term limits amendment would have a better chance of passing, because of the broad bipartisan support for the idea, among both experts and the public. But it would still be an uphill struggle. Moreover, the drafters would need to find ways to address the issue of how to deal with current justices. Exempting them would likely anger the political left. Not doing so risks losing support on the right.
The President's motive for putting forward these ideas now is likely at least partly political. The Supreme Court has become highly unpopular. Currently, it only has an approval rating of about 36% in the 538 average of recent polls, with about 56% disapproving. Targeting the Court might be good politics, and could help bolster Biden's flagging campaign. Moreover, if reports about the proposals are correct, Biden has focused on ideas that are generally popular, such as term limits, while avoiding the much less popular (and very dangerous) idea of court-packing.
As noted above, purely statutory term limits would set a dangerous precedent. But swing voters (most of whom don't follow policy issues closely, and know little about them), may not grasp that.
When and if Biden actually puts forward these proposals, we will learn more about how good or bad they are, and whether they have any political effect. Stay tuned!
UPDATE: I suppose I should make the relatively obvious point that any Supreme Court reform statutes are unlikely to pass before the November election, given that the GOP-controlled House probably would not put them up for a vote.
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On the policy merits, these are all actually good ideas
Once again, Somin has proven that he's an ardent supporter of The Party. There's not a single libertarian bone in his body. Nada, zilch.
I don’t think making previously unaccountable officials more accountable is anti-libertarian.
They are accountable, for they are impeachable.
But that's not good enough for The Party, apparently...
Yes. When you can essentially get away with any behavior because the accountability mechanism is so weak, it’s not good enough.
Just because you don't like some of the court's recent decisions, it doesn't mean that there's any problem with the justices' "behavior"...
They exist as part of a constitutional system not as its overlords. If the other branches and public don’t like their decisions, how they perform their duties, or their behavior, they’re going to do something about it.
As it stands, The Party, your preferred team is about to lose the entire trifecta, since the public supports President Trump and the GOP by a margin of +2-4%.
But yes, you are right, anything and everything can happen, at least in theory. I suppose if The Party succeeds at reach their desired goals one day they will then undo the entire Bill of Rights, maybe even the entire Constitution. Masses, mobs and their willingness to go to any length to "do something about" that damn piece of paper!
Masses, mobs and their willingness to go to any length...
What do you mean by this?
How you're kind likes to assassinate opponents or burn cities. You guys even have a group named By Any Means Necessary.
I'd tell you to use your imagination, but you are already doing that.
Do you have an interpretation?
Sure, within constitutional norms.
Only if you define conventional norms for Leftists to include extortion, arson, riots and murder.
That something could be nothing. J.D. says that the “end republican times” that we’re in require actions some conservatives might not be comfortable with. One of those actions is ignoring court rulings andrew jackson style.
The immunity is from prosecution for official acts in office, a far cry from being blanket immunity.
Impeachment is the proper tool to address official acts. You don't get to wait until the president is out of office and then charge him as a way around the mechanism of impeachment.
Lawyers cannot be sued when they write completely false, evidence-less and otherwise defamatory statements about a person in court filing. They have broad immunity in that regard. I am all for removing that immunity (I have been called horrible things in court filings that I would have easily won a defamation claim against the author, but they knew they could get away with it and did). However, lawyers will argue that the fear of being sued would diminish their ability to practice law and argue cases. The SCOTUS essentially said exactly the same thing about the POTUS. And even with their broad statement, I think federal prosecutors are still untouchable with their level of immunity.
You may not like the president of the office of the president, but if you're going to water down immunity, do it FOR EVERYONE IN GOVERNMENT and not just one person.
Remove ALL immunity for prosecutors.
Remove ALL qualified immunity.
Remove ALL immunity for legislators.
Remove ALL immunity for judges.
Let everyone above be open to all kinds of lawsuits for their "official acts".
There is so much immunity that needs clawing back, why stop at the POTUS?
So, in summary, if you remove immunity from the POTUS, remove it entirely for the judicial branch of government.
All of the immunities you describe are CIVIL immunities. (Except legislators, and that's only for talking while in the legislature.) Not criminal.
In addition to the error that Bored Lawyer identified in your post, this part of your comment makes no sense. Impeachment is not a "tool to address official acts," and prosecution is not a "way around" impeachment. They serve entirely different functions, and are complementary, not alternatives. Impeachment is a way to get a corrupt officeholder out of office, Prosecution is about punishing said officeholder.
They've had centuries to fix this supposed problem which is a problem only now that the opposing side has control.
The idea that 'they' have controlled the judiciary for centuries up until just now...when your history serves your partisanship I guess that's the wild stuff you see.
Another great comment!
Real winner!
It took centuries for the English to realize that the House of Commons needed reform. It took even longer for them to deal with the Lords. Just because an institutional arrangement lasts a long time doesn’t mean it was any good.
That's a weird comment. Which policy proposal in the post do you think is anti-libertarian?
Let's see... the entire thing?
The Party of court packing is now trying to find alternative ways to... well, to stuff the damn court. But hey, Somin doubts that The Party has any serious political motivation or any ulterior motives so he must be right!
Quit handwaving and do some work. Quote something you don't like and explain how it's court packing by other means.
Wow, insightful. Awesome contribution in moving the conversation forwards!
Classic Sacastr0 !
Terry, that's not much of a response to my question. Why would a libertarian be against term limits for Justices, for example? Why would ending criminal immunity for ex-Presidents not be libertarian?
Why would libertarians favor large gifts to Justices?
And what does Prof. Somin write that makes you conclude he thinks the Democratic Party has no "serious political motivation or ulterior motives?" I have to wonder if you actually read the post.
Did you read the ideas, or are you just going to go for empty outrage based on who the poster is?
Woah, I spoke too soon with my last comment.
This one is brilliant! It belongs in some future internet museum!
Great content. Do you have a newsletter?
"The President's motive for putting forward these ideas now is likely at least partly political"? Good joke. Very subtle irony is always the best.
Interesting how there only is an interest in term limits for SCOTUS justices and not Federal Judges in general, and only now when the right has a majority of the court. Why not during the past 50 years when the left did, when there were people like Thurgood Marshall who really had lost it.
Same thing with Presidential Immunity -- only when it is an unpopular Republican President -- not FDR or LBJ.
Congress has the power of impeachment. That's it.
The reforms aim for majority party intimidation of the independent judiciary - nothing less. Any support of any of these proposals indicts the supporter.
" Congress has broad (though not unlimited) power to enact ethics rules for the justices."
And what are the penalties if they break these ethical rules?
Lots of ways.
Congress could state that the court lacks jurisdiction over any case in which a participating justice is not in compliance with ethical rules. So if they don’t want void judgments, they have to comply. They could also tie court funding to compliance. If a justice isn’t in compliance they can direct the treasury to cease paying for their clerks and other non-salary offenses. They could also make them do lower level federal judging. Break the rules? Well now instead of spending summer on vacation, they’re handling DC traffic court. They don’t want to do that? Tough, it’s their docket and the website will direct calls and filings to their chambers.
There are plenty of ways to address this (and a president might not need to defer to Congress with respect to some of them). I have seen some circulated in writing. I sense you are on the right track.
One presidential way to deal with the court(s) be to take a departmentalist approach to jurisdiction. If an executive policy or law is struck down where there is a very sketchy standing theory, the executive can state that it will either not comply/not lend enforcement aid to decisions beyond the court’s jurisdiction. It can circulate a memo on what it considers appropriate standing.
Take student debt. The standing theory was a stretch, so the executive could reject that the court had jurisdiction to issue the order and direct the US marshals not to enforce it. How would the court stop them from canceling debt if it can’t use executive resources to enforce the contempt power?
The one I saw that would be most humorous involves clerks.
There were plenty of others.
Stating that the executive no longer had the right to collect taxes and it would throw out all convictions would work.
"It can circulate a memo on what it considers appropriate standing. "
In other word, provide a deep Constitutional crisis.
What you advocate is worse than what you describe on Jan 6
Why is that more of a constitutional crisis than scotus routinely exceeding its jurisdiction to thwart the policies of the elected branches?
Well, you're right about one thing: If done by any means but a constitutional amendment, it's just a ploy to set up a confrontation with the Supreme court that aims at justifying ignoring that court's decisions going forward while penalizing the Court.
A summary of the law talking guy proposal -
The court is going to rule against me for my unconstitutional act, therefore, the court doesnt have jurisdiction to rule against me!
No. If the court is not ruling on an actual case or controversy, i.e., one where someone is actually injured in fact, then it has exceeded its jurisdiction. No one is required to respect any decision from a court without jurisdiction.
LawTalkingGuy 13 hours ago
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Take student debt. The standing theory was a stretch, so the executive could reject that the court had jurisdiction to issue the order and direct the US marshals not to enforce it
LTG - Seriously - The president performs an unconstitutional act, then the president can "reject jurisdiction" and direct the US marshalls not to enforce a ruling of the court?
You are certainly a great candidate for the Democrat ethics committee.
SCOTUS exceeding its jurisdiction is also unconstitutional.
In summary - you are promoting the president engage in unconstitutional acts
What are the penalties if anyone breaks any law?
None for presidents and the court has self-insulated. And of course the impeachment mechanism is a joke. So we only have congress bound by the rule of law...maybe
Congress is the most bound by the other branches and the electorate, but funnily enough they’re also the best at self-policing. Their ethics committees actually do investigations, produce reports and recommend sanctions. Members will pressure others to resign, even within their own caucus. They also expel each other from time to time. Plus they will institute new rules and laws to address ethical issues.
Maybe that’s because they’re actually electorally accountable and more likely to be prosecuted for criminal wrongdoing. Maybe it’s because there are just so many it’s easier to keep each other in check unlike the presidency or SCOTUS. But far from being simply an oxymoron or punchline, “congressional ethics” is actually a real thing.
I think it's just because the general level of corruption in Congress kept rising until it hit the political tolerance level where they HAD to be seen doing something. The cases you see in Congress where they 'self police' are absurdly over the top. Bundles of cash stuck in a freezer, piles of gold bars.
The endemic insider trading and relatives getting amazingly well paying no work jobs just pass under the radar.
Sure, Thomas got away with some nice vacations. Nothing on a "Congress would act against its own members" scale, though.
The problem with Biden's potential proposal is that he apparently wants Congress to enact the idea by statute, rather than through a constitutional amendment.
But Biden was top of his law school class? If he says it Constitutional, then it clearly is. I mean, C'mon man!
I'd support term limits for the USSC - and the inferior courts, and Congress.....
But not an even number of years for the USSC: They would cycle to occur on election years. And nobody needs that kind of drama.
17 years for the USSC. Nine years for the inferior courts, six years (total elected and appointed) for Congress.
Even if we use an odd number of years for term limits, wouldn't they still hit an election year every once in a while? I guess if you set a 17 year limit, it would expire on an election year every 68 years.
Better than every (or every other) election cycle, which is when they would on an even number. Consider some sort of distribution would have to happen to keep them all from coming up for replacement at the same time.
Actually, no. If they cycled on an even number of years' term but the term was set to odd numbered years, you would never be in the same year as either a presidential or congressional election.
Of course, with the Clintonian shift to ever-campaigning, that won't matter - they'd just start arguing about it (and forcing us to listen) a year earlier than otherwise.
What's this? Arithmetic on a legal blog?
This is not a legal blog. No more than it is a libertarian blog.
OK, lets do it that way.
And do away with the concept of immunity - for all.
Does the time from one retirement to the next hiring affect the length of the new hire's term? Everyone's assuming rigid clock-like cycles. Suppose one justice's term ends July 1st 2031, but the Prez nominates some rabid partisan hack, hearings stall, the nominee withdraws, another partisan hack ... and the position remains unfilled for a year or two.
Or a justice dies in office or retires early to avoid being tagged a RBG's heir.
There will be election year hearings one way or another.
Um, just because there's an even number of years doesn't mean the terms have to expire in even-numbered years.
Also, while none of this is ever going to make SCOTUS unimportant, it will significantly lower the stakes of a nomination if (a) these are not 30 year jobs; and (b) each president gets two nominations. (I don't know how to solve the Garland/McConnell problem of the senate simply refusing to confirm any nominee, though, deciding that it's better to keep a vacancy than to let the president have an appointment.)
Suppose you just required a vote within 90 days of the nomination, say.
If there has been no vote after that any Senator may demand a vote be held, and all other business stops until that's done. That "other business" would include issuing paychecks, including to staffers, and maybe some other things that would affect the Senators. Like turning the TV cameras off, for example.
Just have the amendment say the absence of a no vote within 90 days means the nominee is confirmed.
I've actually proposed something like that myself. Only, set it up so that if they don't hold the vote within a specified time, the nomination is automatically approved.
Just because I kept pointing out when people whined about Garland that it was actually perfectly normal for the Senate to reject a Supreme court nominee by simply refusing to vote on him, doesn't mean I didn't think it was a scummy way to proceed.
That would prevent an actual Garland situation in which the majority leader simply refuses to schedule a vote at all (or even refer the nomination to committee). But it wouldn't prevent the majority party in the senate from automatically voting down every nomination in order to hold the seat open until the next president takes office.
And I can't come up with a way to stop that. You can't do a three-strikes law — that if they reject the first two, the third one is automatically confirmed — because then the president could game that by picking two far left/right crazies for his first two nominations, and thus automatically getting his third nomination who's his real first choice.
"I am very much in favor of a constitutional amendment stripping presidents and other high officials of immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office"
I don't like lefty lawfare, but I see nothing in the *current* constitution protecting Presidents from prosecution, no matter what the Supreme Court may say. Congresscritters get limited protection from arrest (not prosecution), but there's no protection for Presidents, certainly not immunity for crimes.
The idea that the answer to a bad Supreme Court decision is a constitutional amendment improperly shifts the burden from the defenders of the bad decision to the opponents who are merely upholding the Constitution *as it already exists* despite distortion by the Court.
I think the Trump immunity decision will ultimately go down with Korematsu and Dred Scott in the constitutional anti-canon, but nevertheless, it is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. So immunity exists until the constitution is amended or many decades have passed and the court realizes its error.
How many legs does a dog have if you call a tail a leg?
Separate but equal, the right to slavery, and the noncitizenship of black people, were not binding on citizens even when the Supreme Court affirmed those doctrines. Isn't that so?
The people have over 200 years accepted the basic principle that the courts have the power of judicial review.
Lincoln argued that it should take time for a decision to “stick” but it would still hold for the parties. People can continue to challenge bad decisions.
But, ultimately, the people also accept that the Supreme Court can interpret the law & what they do generally holds. The way to conclusively overrule them — and this was done a few times — is by amendment. Or, by slowly over time replace the justices.
The 13A and 14A, e.g., effectively overruled Dred Scott. Congress found a way around part of it (slavery in the territories) during the Civil War but it was a special situation with much of the opposition not around. It never effectively was challenged to my knowledge, and it soon became moot.
Separate but equal is an interesting hypo. Arguably, section five of the 14A gave Congress broad power to enforce it, including to deal with separate but equal. Also, the Commerce Clause provided a way to address it by statute. Overriding the Trump immunity case is harder.
Lincoln said Dred Scott wasn’t law and the other branches of government didn’t have to consider it such. No need to wait for it to be overruled.
Ways to defy Supreme Court decisions within the Constitution:
1) Even if the Court says certain types of laws are constitutional, refuse to pass them anyway, specifically because they’re unconstitutional.
2) The President can pardon victims of unconstitutional prosecutions, even if the Supreme Court justices said it was constitutional (e. g., Jefferson and the Sedition Act pardons).
3) Congress can vote compensation to the victims of unconstitutional laws – as with the Sedition Act, again, and the Japanese American internment.
4) While the concept of “prosecutorial discretion” is absurd and dangerous, that’s not the same as saying that prosecutors, if they sincerely believe a law to be unconstitutional, can and should refuse prosecution, subject of course to removal from office under whatever procedures are provided in that jurisdiction. No “discretion” there, if the prosecution believes the law is unconstitutional they *mustn’t* prosecute. (I'm not saying prosecute people the Supreme Court says can't be prosecuted - judges in the judicial hierarchy (the Supreme Court is "supreme" as to them, not to the public) will properly throw out prosecutions contrary to the latest precedent.)
Just some examples off the top of my head.
Another example occurs to me, but based on experience it would provoke a major freak out, so I’ll withhold that particular comment for now.
What an immature and self-oriented take. What's the limit? Do we each get our own constitutional takes, to act upon as we see fit?
When MLK said an unjust law as no law at all, he was talking about changing that law via civil disobedience. He was not just saying 'I hate it, our institutions can suck eggs.'
We'll never see if Dredd Scott woulda gotten nullified, because the South decided to get dumb.
Was Dred Scott the law of the land, or not? I say not.
I don’t find it necessary to disagree with Abraham Lincoln, immature as you may consider him to be.
“ We believe, as much as Judge Douglas, (perhaps more) in obedience to, and respect for the judicial department of government. We think its decisions on Constitutional questions, when fully settled, should control, not only the particular cases decided, but the general policy of the country, subject to be disturbed only by amendments of the Constitution as provided in that instrument itself. More than this would be revolution.”
What’s your limiting logic akin to what Lincoln sets out?
"when fully settled"
This seems like a key phrase.
“What’s your limiting logic akin to what Lincoln sets out?”
Where do I disagree with Lincoln’s “when fully settled” caveat?
Lincoln accepted Dred Scott applied to the parties. He argued that a single case shouldn’t become a firm automatic precedent.
It should take time. He figured that eventually SCOTUS could be shown the error of its ways. Since the case would go back to them if Congress tried to resist.
Realistically, the way that would have happened was new members. Taney wasn’t going to have a find Jesus moment. An amendment — here two — was the best way to be sure.
1. Not using power doesn’t “defy” SCOTUS.
So Congress doesn’t incorporate a national bank. Fine. But, anyway, often that will not address the problem.
2. Yes. That’s a limited way to address the situation. If you elect a POTUS who is willing to do that. If it’s a federal prosecution.
3. Yes. Time passed & a new constitutional vision developed. That didn’t “defy” SCOTUS. SCOTUS can allow 10-year-olds to be executed & a state governor can pardon the child too.
4. Prosecutors are not going to strictly apply all laws. That’s absurd. They will show some discretion. Again, sure, they can do that but it is not “defying” SCOTUS to do so.
The point holds writ large. SCOTUS decides things & they are the law. Their power is limited. There are ways to temper the harm.
But, ultimately the only firm way to override constitutional decisions will be amendments or eventually picking new justices with a new vision.
Still butt hurt that your charges against Trump are going up in smoke?
Nieporent, why doesn't presidential immunity solve all the problems? Have an immune president declare a disfavored justice has made a decision to block faithful execution of the laws. Arrest and hold the justice in indefinite custody. Pardon whichever federal officers participate in the arrest and custody. Tell anyone who doesn't like it they are welcome to impeach the president, and remove him from office if they can. But of course there can be no other punishment, because immunity.
Incredibly, this corrupt Supreme Court did not even pause to consider that when they announced their immunity decision they put unchecked power into the hands of existing President Joe Biden, or President Harris, if Biden steps down. I'm guessing a criminally immune President Harris might be able to think of all sorts of new ways to boost her election chances come November.
More generally, Dred Scott and Korematsu are rightly condemned as outrageously unjust, but compared to the Trump immunity decision they are but trifling offenses against American constitutionalism. Can anyone think of any case which outranks this one as an offense against the Constitution?
SL - You still continue to misrepresent the SC immunity opinion -
You still havent figured out dishonest sotomayor dissent was -
Funny if the country’s so liberal the Surpreme Court isn’t, sounds like Sour Grapes
If it isn't broke, don't try to fix it.
All of this is nothing more than liberal nonsense as it is designed to appoint justices who vote liberal and not conservative. NONE of our current justices have done anything wrong except to attempt to uphold the rule of law and the Constitution so any attempt to change anything has to be looked at as court packing in one way or another.
You cannot listen to the screaming heads of liberalism and use that to make justification for changes to anything much less our Supreme Court.
Leave our courts alone or you will find us in a mess that liberalism always brings.
establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code
Truly, a liberal plot is afoot.
Funny how many liberal plots involve ethics and accountability the right doesn't wanna.
Come on, each side wants to punish the other side’s bad behavior, of which there is plenty in each case.
The difference between the sides is a quarrel over how to protect *my* bad guys while still going after *theirs.*
We have a messed-up definition of ethics where flying the wrong flag gets condemned as unethical, while denying legal protection to a whole category of living human beings (differing only on who gets to do the denying), raises no ethical issues.
This isn't punishing anyone.
Do these reforms say anything about flags?
Seems like you'd rather yell about bothsides bad than talk about the subject at hand.
"Do these reforms say anything about flags?"
I don't know, I was going after bigger fish - such as double standard-havers like yourself.
You were going after an old drum you love to beat, whether it's on topic or not.
Staying on topic is for losers without like 2 or 3 main causes they like to tilt windmills about.
OK, you're right, the difference between the two major parties corresponds to the difference between God and Satan. /sarc
Still trying to switch to one of your favorite drums, this time by putting words in my mouth.
You are boring.
Boring or not, I was using satire, even you are capable of seeing the difference.
Except we know you are liars and will never enforce any rules or restrictions on your own team. So fuck off with your dishonest BS.
Ah yes policy bad because Dems involved.
Saves on reading, I guess!
But it IS broke. Harlan Thomas has received over $4 million in gifts over just the last 20 years. If you think that is fine, then YOU are broken. The justices of course don't want to stop the influence gravy train. So someone needs to
From whom did he receive these gifts?
You could check the disclosure reports if he did not habitually falsify them.
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is friends of real estate developer Harlan Crow. There is no "Harlan Thomas." And every justice has friends and receives gifts. Some of them (leftists) hear cases where family members are actually involved. But the flavor of the month is to remove the most effective Constitutionally loyal justice, because his writing is so inconvenient to leftist projects.
[deleted for inability to find citations]
Seems anti-democratic.
(My original suggestion was to tack on a Congressional term limits proposal to the supreme court term-limits proposal. "Antidemocratic," like "fascist," has come to mean "something undesirable" (adapting a saying of George Orwell). If you mean Congressional term limits are "contrary to the principles of a republican form of government," then I'd say no.)
No, antidemocratic has an actual definition that isn't shitty economic nationalism and wearing Hugo Boss.
I mean literally taking a choice away from the voters. Can’t they figure how many terms are enough?
Voters can't choose a Congresscritter who has been a citizen for too few years. For that matter, they can't choose a citizen of another country. They can't choose a Congresscritter under certain ages. Voters in one state can't choose a Congresscritter from another state (that's more of a limitation than you might think, because Merrie Old England lets you live in one part of the country and get elected from another).
I guess you have to justify limitations on the qualifications of Congresscritters based on the merits, not slogans. Too bad for you.
Yes, there are some limits. That means all limits are okay.
Come on; deal with the argument - this takes choice away from the voters. Justify that.
I’m sorry, but not only did you misstate my position, but you were so stupid about it as to embarrass any reasonably intelligent 12-year-old who has a capacity for logic.
You want to foreclose argument on a proposed qualification for Congress by saying it’s undemocratic, though you won’t apply this “logic” to qualify foreigners, 19-year-olds, or residents of other states (or insurrectionists) for election to Congress.
You haven’t bothered to argue why a multi-term Congresscritter should be eligible for re-election – maybe there *are* good reasons, you just don’t give them. You simply throw off an illogical argument which you admit doesn’t apply to other areas.
I’m not foreclosing anything, I’m noting a cost in the ledger. Thus far you have a lot of bluster but seem unable to provide anything to counter.
Fwiw I’m pretty agnostic about term limits for Congress if the terms are long enough. But you seem unable to calm down and make an actual argument for your position that convinces anyone but yourself.
At lest this isn’t one of your usual go to subjects.
I thought you were using a thought-stopping argument (as you've been known to do), not merely "noting a cost in the ledger." Quite different things, and to put it mildly you didn't at first make it clear that you were using the ledger argument instead of the "undemocratic - reject it!" argument.
"mean literally taking a choice away from the voters."
Ah, like major Dem donors forcing Biden to step down or else. Very democratic.
Sure, and caucuses are the death of the Republic. Primaries are not general elections.
I wonder how many of the 56% who disapprove of the Supreme Court have ever read a single opinion...
How many opinions must one read to understand that Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is an unethical, greedy, lying asshole?
(His repetitive filing of self-serving falsehoods with respect to financial disclosures is more than enough to tag him as a liar.)
Probably about the same as the share of the other 44% who have done so.
When I read their opinions I come away with a worse opinion of them.
Roughly the same number as among the 44% who don't disapprove.
kramartini 15 hours ago
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I wonder how many of the 56% who disapprove of the Supreme Court have ever read a single opinion…
That is a good point -
A good example would be the Sotomayor dissent in the immunity case - gotta wonder if she, kagan or jackson read the opinion. The dissent made claims that are not even remotely connected to the actual opinion.
On August 15, 2014, Texas Governor Rick Perry was indicted by a Travis County grand jury, but has since been cleared on all charges.[1][2][3] The first charge of the indictment was abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony, for threatening to veto $7.5 million in funding for the Public Integrity Unit, a state public corruption prosecutors department.
Let’s say POTUS did the same thing. Should he be immune? Discuss.
(I left out the second charge against Perry, which was thrown out on First Amendment grounds. So that’s not unique to POTUS or a governor.)
You posted this just to give former professor Volokh an opportunity to use the name of the Perry family's West Texas hunting camp with plausible deniability.
He thanks you for that.
Ah yes, another substance-less deflection by someone who has an inferiority complex.
If you think this white, male, right-wing blog's affinity for vile racial slurs -- a tone set at the top -- is a point of substance, you seem to be a bigoted clinger.
Does the Volokh Conspiracy generate right-wing bigots, or merely attract them?
QED. Need to adjust your meds.
You figuring I'm seeing bigotry that doesn't exist at this blog? From the proprietor's racial slurs and transphobic fetish to the daily slurry of gay-bashing, misogyny, racism, transphobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia -- you want to try to contend, Bored Lawyer, that it doesn't exist?
Let's hear your position on those points, clinger.
An executive with veto power has plenipotentiary powers to veto any damned thing he wants.
Otherwise, he has no veto at all, just a rubber stamp.
While I'm open to the argument that "core" executive powers like pardons or vetoes cannot be criminalized, your claim doesn't follow at all. To say that one has the power to do something does not mean one has the power to do it with corrupt intent.
That's the great thing about "corrupt intent", you people believe everything your opponents do is with "corrupt intent" or "improper animus", completely subjective tests that would empower a bunch of authoritarian fascists like you to imprison your political opponents.
No, in fact nobody can be imprisoned unless a jury believes the thing was done with corrupt intent.
Why do you think that makes a difference? Pick a jury in DC or Manhattan and you can convict any conservative of any legal act being transformed into a felony because of "corrupt intent".
Look, I think JHBHBE is a bit of a parody at times, but he's right about the jury thing.
Democrats have jurisdictions like DC or Manhattan available to them where the jury pool is wildly unrepresentative of the country, and party registration is a public record, so that it's relatively easy for a prosecutor to arrange for a jury to consist 100% of Democrats with a tactical objection to one or two jurors. Republicans have nothing like that available to them.
So telling us that a jury would have to be persuaded is no reassurance at all.
You don't understand the concept that most people are not obligate partisans in all things.
And think for a moment what going after our jury system means.
Just another institution knocked down on the way to defend Trump.
It's very easy for you to take that position, knowing as you do that the shoe can never be on the other foot, that this is a problem only Republicans have to worry about, never Democrats.
When we adopted rules declaring that rigging juries to be all white violated the impartial jury requirement, nobody thought that was an attack on the jury system. Why is noticing that Democrats are arranging for Republicans to be tried before all Democrat juries an attack?
OK. Let’s say the president pardons someone or commutes his sentence. Which of the following are corrupt intent:
1. President thinks there are serious issues about whether he is actually guilty.
2. President thinks that while the person is guilty, the sentence issued by the judge was too harsh.
3. Convict became seriously ill and doctors say he will die within 6 months. President feels sorry for him and wants him to die with his family and not in prison.
4. President thinks the prosecution was politically motivated.
5. President thinks that the charge is legally infirm and not within the statute. Although the courts upheld the conviction as within the criminal code.
6. President thinks that the charge for which the person was convicted was within the statute, but the President thinks those criminal laws are dumb and should be repealed. (Think of marijuana possession or prostitution).
7. President agrees the person is guilty and should have been punished. But he was punished under mandatory minimum sentencing laws that the President believes were ill conceived and counter-productive.
8. President feels loyalty to the person, who used to work for him for years, and wants to cut him a break.
9. President issues mass pardons to a certain group of convicts because he feels that will give him an electoral advantage among their group and supporters.
10. Convict is a family member, and President puts family loyalty above enforcing the law.
11. Prosecutors are using an indictment, or possible indictment, of the person to pressure him into revealing incriminating testimony against the President or a close associate. (The proverbial flipping.) President issues a pardon to take away that leverage.
12. President took a bribe to issue a pardon or commutation.
I should note that under the latest SCOTUS decision, every single one is immune. In the last case, the president can still be convicted of bribery, which as I have explained before is not implicated by the SCOTUS decision, contrary to Justice Sotamayor's hysterical dissent.
To add to the mix, what if the President had mixed motives of one or more of the above.
On August 15, 2014, Texas Governor Rick Perry was indicted by a Travis County grand jury, but has since been cleared on all charges.[1][2][3] The first charge of the indictment was abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony, for threatening to veto $7.5 million in funding for the Public Integrity Unit, a state public corruption prosecutors department.
The Perry example is exactly why the immunity decision was right.
Prosecutors do come up witgh creative interpretations of criminal law.
similar to the NYC jury that convicted trump on the business record falsification charge. To convert to a felony, there had to be in furtherance of another crime. The jury instructions basically told them to assume there was another crime -
Filing false tax document - yet no reference to any actual event that would encompass filing a false tax document.
Federal law Influencing an election - yet no reference to any actual event that would encompass illegal influence of an election.
State law Influencing an election - yet no reference to any actual event that would encompass illegal influence of an election.
I can imaginer a prosecutor arguing that a judge sentencing someone to death constitutes attempted murder.
Or a judge dismissing a case constitutes obstruction of justice.
Or that a jail who allows bail, and the suspect in question commits murder, is guilty of that same murder.
Thought you were a NY licensed attorney?
The business records falsification charge is a misdemeanor – unless in furtherance of another crime.
As the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals opinion on "abuse of official capacity" was based on the same sort of separation of powers analysis that SCOTUS used in Trump, I would say "Yes." The Texas court did not use the term "immunity" but held that the application of the "abuse" law to a core Gubernatorial act was unconstitutional, which I think is how Barrett approached the issue.
Link to Perry opinion is below:
" only has an approval rating of about 36%..."
This is by design.
Most Americans are ignorant about most things, especially law, and most especially constitutional law and civics. By consistently and continuously pumping out coordinated attacks on the credibility of the court, what did you think would happen? There is a very active, well-funded, and coordinated negative PR campaign against the court.
I am not at all surprised that lawyers are the first to precipitously fall into a political trap and ask for a larger helping on the way down.
The 36% approval rating seems like a silly thing to fixate on when both Congress and the President have approval ratings measured (depending on the day) at approximately half that. Looks to me more like an attempt to deflect than a serious attempt at reform.
It is worth considering, from a political perspective at least, in the context of contemplate Supreme Court reform.
We should contemplate reforming DC, in total.
Like emptying the place out, sowing it with salt and then sitting on it for three for four generations before considering the possibility of sketching out an agenda for a meeting about thinking about planning a planning meeting on preparing the plan to replace what was removed.
Disaffected anti-government cranks are among my favorite culture war casualties.
Guess who hasn't been checking the Culture War scoreboard lately...
MSFT just fired all it's AA grifters. John Deere disavowed sodomy month and is rolling back it's pro-homo nonsense. Same with Tractor Supply. Red State treasuries are ballooning while Blue haired crazies are losing jobs left and right from their un-American posts about President Trump.
And the world got to see what DIE hires do when the shit hits the fan. The gay Secret Service actually said their fat heifers couldn't shimmy up a roof to protect a President because it was too sloped.
The Supreme court has a 36% approval rating...
In reality, that's because they have a pretty decent approval rating with Republicans, and an absolutely dismal approval rating among Democrats.
I’m not convinced that there needs to be a constitutional amendment so long as there is no lowering of judicial salaries or removing of judicial commissions. Congress creates the court and I don’t think there would be a prohibition on them making it so that rhe office of “Justice” is a term limited office that is composed entirely of Article III judges drawn from the lower federal courts. So draft the statute to say that the Supreme Court shall consist of nine justices drawn from the federal courts to serve an 18 year term. After that they go back to their old job (or they can retire).
Another idea: remove appellate jurisdiction from specific seats after 18 years. Sure they can continue to be a justice, but they can only do original jurisdiction cases. If they keep ruling on appellate jurisdiction cases then those judgments are void/their vote doesn’t count.
Or you can force them to retire by making it miserable: after 18 years of service, in addition to being a justice they have to do DC local court three days a week/Congress declines to fund clerkships after 18 years.
“Another idea: remove appellate jurisdiction from specific seats after 18 years. Sure they can continue to be a justice, but they can only do original jurisdiction cases.”
Why stop at 18? Under the logic, you can just set it at five years. And, “specific” seats won’t have good behavior tenure. At best, they will be token justices, having nearly no power. They might get to settle water disputes or something. Or, maybe, "make their lives hard." Obvious coercion to pressure judges not to have good behavior tenure.
I’m open to creativity but this seems to run into the face of the basic text and point of the provision.
On some level, this is just academic musings. I find it hard to believe this SCOTUS would accept this. And, unlike many things, they would have a point.
I agree with Josh Chafetz that making them make self-serving decisions also has a bit of a benefit.
They just announced Sleepy has the Vid’ imagine him with the Covid “Brain Fog” sounds like an excuse to ease him out “With Honor” Nixon-style
The only honorable way for him (or "Dr" Jill) involves a locked room, a bottle of whisky and a loaded revolver.
Couldn't he just be kicked out of his office, the way UCLA Law recently handled its personnel problem?
I hope everyone is happy for UCLA law students who will no longer be subjected in class to racial slurs or ceaseless recitations of conservative dogma.
A complete bleat because "the other side", playing the Democrats' game, slowly, over 50 years, achieved dominance in that game. Suddenly it's a problem? Live by the sword and all that.
So skipping the law of unintended consequences, which is biting them in the ass right now, and these changes will bite them in the ass in the future, fine.
But first, term limits for senators and congressmen.
Eliminate broad immunity for presidents? Sure! Congress, too! No more exempting yourselves, lying that applying the law to yourselves, that you apply to the rest of the nation, is a worrisome conflict between the executive and legislative branches.
Rats! Oh, your term is up. Double rats!
Also, good luck convincing the myriad small states that the problem with America is the giant costal concrete canyons don't have enough power as it is.
By the way, I often warn about the dangers of vox populi vox dei, where infinite power is “justifiably” wielded because of a transient bare 51% majority.
You’re currently fighting a guy highly skilled in directing the blowing hot winds of political passion! If The People choose him, is that them in their role of Voice of God? You use that argument in favor of every other damned thing you want.
What are you guys going to do when better Americans, victors in the culture war, enlarge the Supreme Court (and maybe admit a few states and expand the House of Representatives)?
Other than whine about it, I mean.
Arthur, are you still pumping SCOTUS enlargement? Do you need to be reminded of your epic faceplant? Yes, you know what I am talking about. Remember your confident prediction of SCOTUS enlargement back in March 2021. Sandra (formerly OBL) does. 🙂
What happened Arthur? SCOTUS still has 9 justices. These reforms won't pass into is just performative theater for a shit-ass campaign that is doing a figurative ValueJet imitation with their candidate. Crash and burn.
You probably think Israel's right-wing assholes are going to get away with it, too.
The future will not be kind to the culture war's casualties. Not at the Supreme Court. Not in (what for a while longer is known as) Israel. Not in modern America.
See you down the road apiece, clinger. I'll be the guy offering you a bacon cheeseburger while you cry.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Then. . . .boom!
And bacon cheeseburgers.
First of all, by law of unintended consequences, eventually the parties will take turns turning it to their advantage. But you know what you say won’t actually happen because corruptions don’t wanna stop the gravy train and risk an FDR-style decimation like 1936.
So, stop blabbing here for outrage, as good as it may feel. Get out there and scream to America as a whole what you intend to do. Say it loud and proud! Get a megaphone! Get out of this little blog and get some real exposure and let everyone know your plans!
By the way, your feel good outrage rhetoric is helping to give Trump a boost by giving his supporters motivation. Thanks! Cya Ukraine, it was nice knowing ya, but as usual we’ve got asses who interpret all world issues through the lens of domestic American politics. If you fall, who cares? A chimpanzee got one last shot in on his opponents, who themselves went ook ook ook and flung poop and got their guy elected.
It's kind of silly to predict that things will keep flipping after a Court packing, so why worry?
It forgets WHY the Democrats originally wanted Court packing: Because the Supreme Court had struck down some of their regulations of political speech as contrary to the 1st amendment!
The parties won't trade the rubber stamp back and forth. The first one to get the rubber stamp uses it to stamp political entrenchment laws that lock their dominance in place.
You spend so long speculating about bad motives and bothsidesing you didn't really go into the substance of the case.
If you two didn't overlap I'd say you were that Bevis guy.
Great contribution!
We are all in awe of Syphilito's intellect.
You sound hangry.
Bacon cheeseburger?
Shrimp cocktail?
How about Alton Brown's lacquered bacon.
That is soon to be the menu of the day. I know I will enjoy it.
So still more 'legislation' to do stuff not allowed by the constitution?
Maybe he doesn't remember this part of the oath: "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".
To be fair, he promised the execute the laws. He will take them out back and kill them.
Court reform in multiple areas should have bipartisan support.
[Not "will" -- at least in Congress (we shall see) -- should.]
Term limits — and I agree that it should be by constitutional amendment (I think there is a reasonable shot it will have traction) — are an example.
BTW, term limits probably would not have much effect for a long time. It is hard to see, for instance, that they would apply to current membership. Do the math. When will — especially without court expansion — term limits have much effect?
Ethics should be something people of all sides should support. The devil will be in the details there. Chuck Grassley, for instance, once proposed an inspector general system.
Presidents not being above the law should be a general principle.
I’m not sure if it will be there but Gorsuch and Thomas have flagged problems with nationwide injunctions.
Yes, court expansion — unlikely to be on President Biden’s list — is something with more limited support. Other things, however, should receive broader support.
Is Ilya the biggest bootlicking fraud you’ve ever seen?
“On the policy merits, these are all actually good ideas, ”
“It would also set a dangerous precedent,”
Really, reading isn't all that tough. You should try it sometime, though it might help if you removed your white hood first. The "good idea" is term limits for justices. The "it" that he said would set a dangerous precedent is doing said term limits via legislation rather than constitutional amendment.
Don't you have a little baby's foreskin to suckle somewhere?
Prof. Bernstein, Prof. Blackman, and former professor Volokh will issue the customary Volokh Conspiracy pass to JHBHBE for the antisemitism, because these disaffected conservative culture war losers have to stick together as they try to delay modernity a bit longer in America.
Well, that and the hypocrisy and partisan nature of their bigotry.
Has a single Volokh Conspiracy mustered the courage or character to say a word about the daily stream of right-wing bigotry cultivated by their white, male blog?
So far . . . no. Not the courage. Not the character. Just cowardice and/or solidarity with the bigots.
Beclowning grown men for slobbing on babies foreskins is antisemitic?
What a weird thing to say. Could you close the loop and explain your reasoning? Be specific please, it would help me understand how you're drawing your conclusion.
You know who else wanted to 'reform' SCOTUS? Yeah, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This lunatic move will be equally unpopular. People see it for what it is, a naked power grab.
Does anyone think POTUS Biden could even intelligently discuss what he is reportedly going to propose? LMAO, doubtful.
Who is grabbing (attaining) more power by establishing a code of ethics for the court?
You can't reason with these fairy tale-addled, bigoted conservatives.
You can only continue to defeat them in the culture war and at the marketplace of ideas, and stop being so magnanimous in victory.
I have zero interest in giving members of the Supreme Court incentives to become corrupt by allowing for the possibility of a post-SC career. The term limit and all of this other garbage are just Democrats salty that they got rulings they didn't like in recent years.
If they think the justices have done something wrong then they should get off their asses and impeach them.
You know as well as I that impeachment as a mechanism is dead. So, apart from that, do you have any other way to hold presidents and justices accountable?
There might not be another way.
Well, we still get to prosecute judges these days without ridiculously made-up rules.
We never had prosecutions against judges based upon asinine interpretations of criminal law.
Because a decision the D's don't like is of course a high crime or at least a misdemeanor.
It seems that many states and other nations have decent enough judges overall while having limited terms.
David Souter resigned after less than 20 years & seems not to have been corrupt so far. Various lower court judges also resigned for other jobs.
If a nice retirement package and ethics will not be incentive enough not to be corrupt with a 18-year term, justices will likely be corrupt anyhow. See, e.g., one or more members of the current bench.
Why pass up the opportunity to create an Amendment re term limits re SCOTUS? As a thought experiment.
Off the top of my head, here are a few things...
-Takes effect, say, 10 years after passing (to stop the whining of people saying, "You're doing this only to get Thomas (or another person) off the court.")
-18 year terms, as suggested. Terms in odd-numbered years, to avoid election year complications.
-Must-vote (ie, no ability to filibuster). Hearings must start within ___ days of the nomination. Exception, if leadership OF BOTH PARTIES in the Senate agree to an extension. Vote must occur within ____ days of the nomination. No vote occurring means automatic confirmation. Again, this deadline may be extended if Both sides agree.
-Big Change: If, for whatever reason, there is a vacancy during the term of President Q that remains unfilled, Q's party WILL KEEP the right to nominate the person to fill that vacancy, even if the other side's candidate has become president. (Eg, Trump, during Term Two, nominates Cannon in 2028 to the court. She is voted down by the Senate. Newsom becomes President in Jan, 2025. Republicans will get to nominate Cannon's replacement...and will continue to hold this nomination power until a justice is eventually confirmed.
-Big change: If there is a vacancy, NO OTHER subsequent vacancies may be filled until this initial one is filled. (ie, until the "Republican" seat [in the above proposal] is filled, President Newsom may not nominate for either of his two allotted slots.)
Given the overwhelming popularity of addressing the composition of the Sup. Ct, I think it's not impossible that an Amendment might actually gain traction. I'd give it 5-10 percent...which is 4-9 percent higher than an Amendment addressing any other social issue (eg, immigration, abortion, gun rights increases/decreases, et al)
"But the power and prestige of being a Supreme Court justice provide extremely valuable nonpecuniary income. "
You mean like massive book deal advances that will never earn back even a tenth of the advance?
Is it pecuniary or non you don't understand?
I meant this to be a reply to santamonica811 , two top level comments above, where they proposed a constitutional amendment to address these issues. I don’t know why that didn’t happen.
I strongly support grandfathering the current justices. If you are doing this to improve the functioning of the Court rather than to effect a political advantage, you won’t care. If you are doing this to attack the current group of Justices, you don’t deserve to win. . Furthermore, if a grandfathered Associate Justice gets elevated to Chief Justice, they should keep their grandfathering [or an otherwise good prospect might refuse the elevation].
I believe that while we’re drafting amendments, we should put the size of the Court in the amendment to avoid any future court packing incidents.
I believe that the judicial nominations became hyperpartisan when Harry Reid eliminated the de facto supermajority requirement for judge confirmation, and McCarthy followed suit for the Supreme Court because that barrier had been dropped. Previously, when presidents couldn’t get confirmations, they sat down and negotiated with the Judiciary Committee or with the Senators who were holding things up, and said “let’s see if we can get judges or a Justice we can all live with”.
I would be loath to give the political parties an official constitutional role.
Both suggestions (grandfathering and specifying the max number of justices) are good ones.
Do you have a comment about my dislike for enshrining the two party system into your proposed amendment? There is also the question of what the embodiment of the party that owns the slot is. Who actually gets to nominate the “Republican slot“ nominee that is owed to the Republicans if a Republican president tries, but fails, to get a nomination confirmed?
I believe that the supermajority requirement makes the problem largely go away by encouraging the nomination of justices that both duopoly parties can live with.
A simple change: Requires the approval of all parties who have at least a 10% representation in the Senate. (So, if 10 or more registered Independents eventually are in a sitting Senate, they would also have “veto” power if both of the major parties wanted to delay a hearing or vote. (But, given the “penalty” for unreasonable delay [can’t nominate for Open Seat # 2 or 3 until Seat One is filled; Seat One *will* be someone selected by the party who was in the White House at the time of the seat opening up], I can’t think of reasons why there would be a request for a delay, absent legit good-faith reasons, like a nominee has a background problem that’s just come to light.
I’ll also note that under this “The existing party ‘keeps’ its right to select the nominee for this particular open seat, even into the next administration” amendment; there is no tactical advantage to delaying a particular nominee or doing what Leader Mitch did and screwing over Nominee Garland. If he knew that the Dems would be nominating Garland again (or someone vastly more liberal) under New-Prez Trump, of course he would have moved along the confirmation hearings, and there’d be 4.3% less public contempt for Congress right now. Win-win!!! 🙂
I agree with much of your post, and it is well put, but I would take issue with one point. There has not been a supermajority requirement historically. Consider one of the most contentious nomination fights of recent memory, that of Clarence Thomas in 1991. He was confirmed in the Senate by a vote of 52-48. Needless to say, that was well short of the 60 votes required to end debate (cloture), yet the Democrats did not filibuster the nomination. Historically, there have been several close confirmation votes. In 1881, the Senate confirmed President Garfield's nominee Stanley Matthews by a vote of 24-23, and back then, there was no mechanism to force an end to debate. The Senate introduced cloture in 1917, by which a 2/3 vote could force an end to debate. In 1975, it was reduced to the current 3/5.
Looking back through history, it is not always certain exactly when a filibuster is occurring. It's not as if a Senator opens his speech with, "And now I begin my filibuster..." However, I think it is fair to say that there has been one filibuster of a Court nominee, that of President Johnson's nomination of Associate Justice Abe Fortas to become Chief Justice in 1968. A cloture vote on October 1, 1968, on a motion to bring the nomination to the floor failed 45-43, well short of the 2/3 requirement. One unique characteristic of that filibuster was its bipartisanship. Of the 43 senators who voted against cloture, there were 24 Republicans and 19 Democrats.
Two points:
1. Look, this needs a Constitutional amendment. Doing it any other way is just deliberately setting up a clash with the Court in order to have a pretext for establishing that you can ignore the Court's rulings and sanction them up the wazoo any time you don't like how they rule.
2. The devil is in the details, and there ARE no details. So, of course it sounds good! Until there are details, there's really nothing to discuss, and if done by legislation, the details are subject to revision without warning.
This is just a political way to delegitimize the court, because they have all this Trump lawfare right now with lots of legal deficiencies as it's a rather nakedly authoritarian attempt to lock up political opponents, in addition to all the usual consternation over SCOTUS decisions, so this is a way to try and deflect blame and imply that judges who disagree with them are corrupt or whatever.
Guy who has been in government for 180 years thinks term limits for others are a great idea.
Once again Progressives are going to try and circumvent the Constitution.
My my how they want to be rid of that pesky document.
Here’s a constitutional amendment draft (not Biden’s). What are your suggested edits?
Supreme Court and Inferior Courts:
Section 1. No person appointed under Article III shall serve for more than a total of 20 years; except if appointed a Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
Section 2. There shall be nine Supreme Court justices, each appointed for and limited to one 18-year term.
On the date of this amendment’s ratification, the present Justices shall be assigned to the remainder of a term based on their longevity on the Supreme Court: With the longest serving Justice’s term expiring 180 days following the beginning of the next Congress; the next longest-serving Justice’s term expiring two years later, and so forth until each Justice is assigned to the remainder of a fixed term.
Section 3. If a vacancy occurs during a Justice’s term, the President may appoint, with the advice and consent of the Senate, a new Justice to complete the remainder of that term. No recess appointments shall be made to the Supreme Court.
Section 4. During four years following the last day in judicial office, no magistrate, judge, or Justice, shall hold any other Federal employment, office, or appointment; except as a Special Master to assist the courts.
Section 5. Impartiality in fact and appearance being a critical component of the courts; during ten years following their last day in judicial office, no magistrate, judge, or Justice, shall represent any person or entity in any Federal court proceedings.
If you are applying the 18-year limit to existing Justices, several will immediately be out. If you want to do this (and ever hope to get an amendment to pass), it should not apply to existing justices. Just like the 22nd Amendment didn't apply to FDR.
When the ten richest congressmen have a combined net worth of over 2 BILLION dollars, it seems like we should work hard to correct congress first. :
1) term limits
2) no stock trading by congressmen or their families - spouses, parents, children, lovers.
3) No bills can be voted on if more than 25% of contributed material or portion of the bill is written by lobbyists.
4) The amount of input into a bill by lobbyists must be a disclosure of the bill.
5) No voting congressman may receive benefit of a bill that they vote on.