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Decrepitude on the Bench
Decrepitude is not only a problem in the oval office.
A federal district court has denied Judge Pauline Newman's challenge to her suspension from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The Circuit's Chief Judge, Kimberly Moore, suspended Judge Newman due to her alleged physical and cognitive impairment. Judge Newman is 97 and denies the allegations. Reuters reports she plans to appeal.
Whether or not Judge Newman is still fit for judicial service (and whether or not there are legal problems with how Chief Judge Moore has treated her), the episode highlights one potential problem with life tenure: Sometimes judges do not know when to quit.
Some years ago, historian David Garrow wrote an extensive law review article on the subject, "Mental Decrepitude on the U.S. Supreme Court: The Historical Case for a 28th Amendment," in the University of Chicago Law Review. It is a fascinating read. Here is a taste from the introduction:
Mental decrepitude and incapacity have troubled the United States Supreme Court from the 1790s to the 1990s. The history of the Court is replete with repeated instances of justices casting decisive votes or otherwise participating actively in the Court's work when their colleagues and/or families had serious doubts about their mental capacities. Contrary to conventional wisdom among legal scholars and historians, a thorough survey of Supreme Court historiography reveals that mental decrepitude has been an even more frequent problem on the twentieth-century Court than it was during the nineteenth. The historical evidence convincingly demonstrates that mental decrepitude among aging justices is a persistently recurring problem that merits serious attention. . . .
More than seventy years ago, former Justice and future Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes emphasized publicly that "[i]t is extraordinary how reluctant aged judges are to retire and to give up their accustomed work."' Over the ensuing years little has changed. The United States Supreme Court since 1990 has featured four justices who continued serving after reaching the age of eighty: William J. Brennan, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Harry A. Blackmun, and John Paul Stevens. Chief Justice Hughes was an early proponent of mandatory judicial retirement at age seventy-five, and he pointedly warned that "the importance in the Supreme Court of avoiding the risk of having judges who are unable properly to do their work and yet insist on remaining on the bench, is too great to permit chances to be taken." But no constitutional reform has occurred, and thus it remains undeniably true, as Chief Judge Richard A. Posner observed in 1995, that "[t]he judiciary is the nation's premier geriatric occupation."' A careful review of both Supreme Court Justices' aggregate biographies, and the little-remembered efforts to enact a corrective amendment, shows that the Court's history offers some powerfully important present-day lessons and reveals how both scholarly knowledge and conventional wisdom are woefully incomplete. Today the conclusion unfortunately remains, just as Charles Evans Hughes said in 1928, that "[t]he exigency to be thought of is not illness but decrepitude."
Garrow recommends a constitutional amendment forcing retirement at 75. He posits such an amendment might have been adopted in 1937 had Franklin Roosevelt been willing to accept such an alternative to his court-packing plan.
Some states have age limits for judges. In Ohio, for example, no individual can be appointed or elected to a judgeship once they reach 70 years old. There is no such limit in the federal courts.
Due to the lack of age limits, we expect our judges -- and our justices in particular -- to be old. Interestingly enough, this year we have a Presidential election in which both major-party presidential candidates are older than every member of the Supreme Court. This is quite remarkable (and may be without precedent).
We should be concerned about decrepitude on courts. We should also be concerned about it in the White House.
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"as Chief Judge Richard A. Posner observed in 1995, that '[t]he judiciary is the nation's premier geriatric occupation.'"
I have always found Posner's writings brilliant.
Problem is that he did too!
What's ironic is that his own Alzheimer's probably started to manifest some time before he did his bizarre resignation and short pivot to his little legal clinic.
Age limits for the judiciary are present in this country & internationally.
Also, doing a quick search, the average length of a judicial term in constitutional courts worldwide is around 10-15 years.
Our system with extended life spans etc. is out of date. OTOH, if we set a specific age, it might be arbitrary, especially since the Constitution is meant for the indefinite future.
Hamilton in Federalist 79 was concerned about abuse if we allowed the removal of judges because they could not serve. He added:
The result, except in the case of insanity, must for the most part be arbitrary; and insanity, without any formal or express provision, may be safely pronounced to be a virtual disqualification.
That’s an interesting add-on. The term “good behavior” apparently was not just based on voluntary bad acts.
Lower courts can determine whether a sitting judge is physically or mentally unfit to serve. As with ethics, some system should be in place to handle the Supreme Court besides self-regulation.
In New York, the judges of the Court of Appeals serve 14-year terms and are eligible for reappointment, but must retire at the end of the year in which they turn 70 years of age. According to a former Chief Judge, the 14-year term came about because at the 1846 constitutional convention, some delegates advocated life tenure and others argued for fixed terms of various lengths. Somebody tallied up the actual length of service of judges on life-tenured courts and came up with an average service of 14 years. That seemed to satisfy everyone, so 14 years it became.
People seem to like the 14-year term. (One judge was young enough when initially appointed to be reappointed and serve for a meaningful portion of a second 14-year term before turning 70.) Many people think that 70 is too young and there have been attempts to change the mandatory retirement age. Maybe someone will do some actuarial work and come up with a number people can accept.
18 years seems to be a common term tossed around for federal judges. I have seen less. 14 years would be okay, especially if federal judges could then serve on other levels.
70-75 right now seems like an acceptable age. I don't know how it will look in 50 years. Maybe, the age should be determined by Congress with 70 as a floor. IDK.
The odds of getting an age-limit amendment through the Senate's gerontocracy are exceedingly low. Senators who see the words "forced retirement at 75 (or 76)" are going to be thinking about their own hides, not the Court.
(Doesn't matter whether the proposal is nominally limited to judges -- just having such a proposal on the table will raise the question of why we tolerate 80 year old Senators.)
I dunno . . . I'd say Senators drool at being able to vote (or decide to not vote), on Supreme Court judges.
Peter Welch was 76 when he first got elected to the Senate. Pols are all weird egomaniacs.
"Tolerate" is not the right word.
People take time off from work, drive to the polls, and stand in line to actively vote them in.
In a democracy the problem, ultimately, is always those other voters.
Senators, unlike federal judges, are up for reelection every six years. If the voters want a senile old coot to represent them, well they are entitled to that.
To avoid political gamesmanship, I would propose that an Amendment imposing an age limit on SCOTUS justices at 75 years (entirely reasonable) also mandate that current justices be allowed to serve five more years from the date of the Amendment, notwithstanding the age limit. Assuming the Amendment is enacted in 2025, that would permit the Chief Justice and Justices Thomas, Alito, and Sotomayor to retire either during the tenure of the next president, or the one after.
I heartily agree.
Furthermore, I think we should fix the size of the Court in this amendment, to prevent any future court packing or threats of court packing.
Finally, I LIKED the supermajority confirmation requirement that was implied by the filibuster. Article 3 judges have become more partisan since Harry Reid made it easy to get judges in with narrow majorities so no attempt had to be made to appoint judges that were anything but partisan.
Although I am sure you do not intend it as such, there will be those who will believe that your interestingly unusual grandfathering rule itself has something of an air of "political gamesmanship" to it.
The usual scheme for grandfathering is that the new rule doesn't apply to you if you're already in situ. Yours is more of a great-uncle-ing scheme.
More practically, if your grandfathering scheme smells a bit funny, you're not going to get it passed.
The other main difficulties are :
(1) people differ - there are plenty 80 year olds who are entirely on the ball see for an entertaining example
(2) technology and health care move on and 75 may not seem that old in fifty years time
If we're going to amend the Constitution, wouldn't it be better to institute fixed 18-year terms for Supreme Court Justices? This would more or less automatically take care of the senile-Justice problem, so long as Presidents appoint Justices no older than the mid-50s. It'd also eliminate the incentive for Presidents to appoint the youngest Justices that they can get away with, on the theory that they'll live longer and have a longer term on the bench.
There'd presumably have to be some kind of deadlock-breaker provision. If the Senate and the President are of opposite political beliefs, we don't want the Senate to be able to reject justice after justice after justice, in order to put off the appointment until after a new President's been sworn in; and we also don't want the President to bring in an extreme Justice by exhausting the Senate with one unacceptable nominee after another. Alas, wiser heads than mine will have to come up with that provision...
Term limits is probably the most important issue if we are thinking constitutional amendment.
Term limits might lead to the appointment of older judges since a major reason for younger judges is so they will be around longer. And that might open up more chances of incapacity.
Either way, there seems to be some bipartisan support for these proposals. There might be a chance for passage.
Alas, wiser heads than mine will have to come up with that provision…
I cannot claim to have a wiser head, but I do have a very simple solution. Do nothing.
Your problem of a deadlocked President v Senate isn't really a problem. We can survive with five Supreme Court Justices for a couple of years until the next election. Or even the election after the election after next. We can make do with one Justice sitting alone. Indeed that would probably speed up the issuance of decisions.
And we could do survive with zero Justices for a while. The sky would hardly fall if nobody could resolve a disagreement between the 4th and the 5th Circuit for a couple of years. After all, it takes years for these things to get to SCOTUS anyway.
Put decrepitude aside, and you would still have a major problem with aging judges, just as you do with aging politicians. For everyone, youth is a time to learn by close observation the wisdom, norms, and customary practices of almost everyone in society—because almost everyone in society is an older person naturally placed to teach the young, at least by example.
The older those erstwhile youths become, the fewer of those former teachers remain, and the more they have been replaced by others younger than the erstwhile youths—from whom aging officials have never cared to learn as much as from their elders. In old age, at the completion of that evolution, no matter how unimpaired the cognitive capacity may be, capacity to think in an informed way about the society the law purports to govern has been reduced to a tiny fraction of what it once was. Everyone the judge learned from is gone, replaced by others the judge knows little about.
Dang, as another commenter said on another thread, I am forced to agree with Stephen Lathrop. This makes three...
My sympathies. Fortunately I have escaped that alarming fate.
I think Lathrop makes an excellent case for why we should prefer older judges. The less judges ruminate about "society" the smaller the danger that they wlll be tempted to incorporate their opinions about it into their judgements, rather than sticking to the dry and dusty briefs and lawbooks which they ought to be paying attention to.
And the more senior (in rank) the judge, the drier and dustier is his job. The judge's opinions about society are even less appropriate in an appeal court than in a court of first instance.
"Think[ing] in an informed way about the society" is positively the last thing that should be invading a judge's thoughts when in judgement mode." They should save that for their advice to their grandchildren.
True story: The colleagues of an elderly federal judge with dementia went as a group to see his wife to ask her to try to convince him it was time to go. Her response: What, and have him home all day? Absolutely not.
FWIW I note that Joe Biden is in the house all day.
I strongly favor SCotUS term limits, whether of 18 years (2 per Presidential term), 13 1/2 years (3 per Presidential term), or 9 years (4 per Presidential term). This would eliminate the incentive, especially visible among Republicans, to choose relatively untried people in their 40s, rather than judges at the very peak of their wisdom and accomplishment in their 60s.
(2) Term-limited Justices should have the option to move into the Appeals Court of their choice.
(2a) After 4 years out of SCotUS, they should be eligible for nomination to a new term.
(3) Justices should have the option to name Appeals Court Judges to fill their unexpired term, should they die or resign.
(4) Some sort of arrangment would be needed when President and Senate are opposed. Maybe two replacement justices could be named at one time, one favored by the President and one by the Seante.
(5) Some sort of arrangement would be needed for current justices exceeding the new term limit.
I agree with 2 and 2(a). I don't agree with 3, but you could put in a provision that the replacement to fill an unexpired term must be someone appointed to the bench by a President of the same party as the Justice whose position is being filled or, if not seeking to appoint a currently sitting Judge, approval of the Senate leader of that party prior to nomination. As far as 4, I think there will be less fighting if a Justice can't camp out in the seat for 40 years. That being said, you can provide for required vote within a set time period after nomination and, if the Senate tries to vote down everyone, you can say that the seat remains vacant until such time as the party of the President who didn't get the confirmed nominee holds the Presidency again. That would prevent some gamesmanship because there is no guarantee that you will be in control of the Senate the next time that party is in the White House.
Too complicated. Just pick a long-ish term and let the current codgers die off and be replaced by term-limited justices. If we want to put the term-limited justices out to pasture on a Court of Appeals or, if they prefer, a district court, fine. (In that case, they should be given senior status so as not to interfere with the politics of appointing new judges.) If they die or resign, just appoint someone new for a regular term.
Regarding point (3), I think it'd be better to have the President appoint a Vice-Justice to go with each Justice whom he appoints. The VJ would not only move up to the Supreme Court upon the death or removal of the corresponding Justice, but would also temporarily take their position in the event of a recusal.
With such a system, Justices could recuse themselves in cases where they've got a genuine conflict of interest, in the knowledge that their recusal wouldn't significantly affect the philosophical balance of the court. For the same reason, it might tend to lessen the number of frivolous demands for recusal, upon which Jonathan Adler's recently commented here.
This is also a problem with lawyers and law professors generally. Lot of old ones taking cases or trying to opine authoritatively past the point they should have stopped.
An interesting observation, LTG.
Posner left the bench after a diagnosis of decrepitude.
His wikipedia page claims the diagnosis was six months after he resigned, but I recall he was acting rather strange at the end and his sudden resignation seemed rather bizarre in both the timing and his sudden passion for a new career doing whatever his personal clinic was supposed to do before it fell apart.
If a judge is forced to step down on grounds of senility, they always have a follow-on career writing articles for VC...
Judge James Lawrence King is a senior judge in the S.D. Fla. He is 96.
I know this because he is the answer to a trivia question- who is the only judge to work in a building named after them?
Here in Texas, judges can't be elected after they turn 75, which seems like a reasonable age right now. There's the occasional person who is still sharp and it's a shame to lose them early, but others who the age limit is a very good idea. Maybe the limit should raise as medical care improves, but having a limit set is a good idea IMO.
One major advantage of the existing lifetime tenure, which was probably cognitively intended by the Founders, was that the Supreme Court justices and other article 3 judges not be thinking of their next gig when they render decisions.