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Combat Homelessness by Ending Exclusionary Zoning
The Eighth Amendment provides little, if any, protection for the homeless. But courts can help them by striking down exclusionary zoning, which is the major cause of housing shortages that lead to homelessness.

Today, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, a case which raises the issue of whether a law that criminalizes camping on public property by homeless people who have nowhere else to qualifies as "cruel and unusual punishment" under the Eighth Amendment. I highly doubt the Eighth Amendment can do much to help the homeless. But courts could help them in a different way: by striking down exclusionary zoning as a violation of the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
Today's oral argument reveal more sympathy for the plaintiffs' argument among the justices than I might have expected. But I highly doubt there are going to be five votes to affirm the Ninth Circuit's ruling in their favor. The fundamental problem with the plaintiffs' position is that the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause of the Eighth Amendment only restricts the types of punishments that the government can use, not the range of activities it can criminalize in the first place. Prof. Michael Mannheimer, a prominent academic expert on the Eighth Amendment, articulates this point well in his amicus brief in the case.
At the oral argument, Justice Neil Gorsuch suggested some criminalization of sleeping outside by homeless people might be forbidden by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, or by the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth Amendment. I think he may be right about that, though I don't know enough about the relevant questions to be sure. These issues, however, are not before the Court.
Even if the plaintiffs prevail in this case or win a narrower victory in a future case, along the lines suggested by Gorsuch, letting people sleep in public streets and parks is far from a great solution to the homelessness problem. And it creates serious problems for the surrounding community, potentially rendering some public spaces unusable for their primary purposes.
But there is a much better way for judicial review to help alleviate homelessness: strike down exclusionary zoning laws under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
As a recent Pew Charitable Trusts report explains, research shows that housing costs are a major cause of homelessness, accounting for most of the increase in it in recent decades. And the biggest driver of high housing costs is exclusionary zoning: building restrictions that make it difficult or impossible to build new housing in response to demand, especially in many of the most attractive metro areas on the East and West coasts. For example, single-family home zoning (an extremely widespread practice) bars the construction of multifamily housing affordable for working class and lower-middle class people.
The Pacific Legal Foundation amicus brief in the Grant Pass case provides further detail on how exclusionary zoning greatly increases homelessness. PLF attorney Mark Miller (author of the brief) has a helpful summary in a recent Fox News article.
Obviously, some people are homeless primarily because of severe mental illness or physical disabilities. But evidence indicates that a large part of the problem - and the vast bulk of the increase in it in recent decades - is caused by high housing costs driven by exclusionary zoning.
In our forthcoming Texas Law Review article, Josh Braver and I explain why exclusionary zoning violates the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment, which requires government to pay "just compensation" when it takes private property. As we show, this conclusion follows from the standpoint of both originalism and leading variants of living constitutionalism. We also explain how to deal with the badly flawed 1926 ruling in Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty, upholding exclusionary zoning against a Fourteenth Amendment challenge. In Part IV, we explain how the Supreme Court can sideline Euclid without even having to overrule it.
Courts cannot do much to alleviate homelessness by using the Eighth Amendment. At least when it comes to the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause, they probably should not even try. But they can and should help the homeless by striking down exclusionary zoning.
The imperative of curbing exclusionary zoning is the goal of a growing cross-ideological YIMBY coalition, including leading economists and land-use experts across the political spectrum. Our article is a small example of this dynamic at work: I'm a libertarian originalist; Braver is a progressive living constitutionalist. But we both agree that exclusionary zoning violates the Takings Clause.
This issue isn't before the Supreme Court in Grants Pass. But perhaps it will come before the justices again sooner rather than later. If so, they could give a genuine boost to the struggle against homelessness, while simultaneously also providing much-needed protection for constitutional property rights.
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Does it ever occur to you that some people would rather not associate with other people or have them as neighbors? That they just want to stay in their quiet lane and not have others intrude? That they like their big yards and not having apartment towers next door? I think the most basic right we have is to be left alone to live as we see fit. If it’s not your thing, move someplace else where people like mixed use.
using the government to infringe on the property rights of others is not your right. If it’s not your thing then feel free to move out to the middle of nowhere. Why would you even be living in the city if you don’t want to be around other people?
Most homebuyers buy into a neighborhood knowing whether it’s zoned for single family or commercial, strip bars, and apartments. They buy into a neighborhood that has big lots because that is the lifestyle they prefer. And they are surrounded by like-minded neighbors. Thus, it is not about controlling your neighbor’s property is it is about an association of people who like a particular lifestyle and live in (not so close) proximity reinforcing their preferred lifestyle.
You may buy a home because it's located near your job and so you'll have a nice, short commute. Suppose, though, that a year later your employer decides to move offices to another business complex 30 minutes further away from you. Have you suffered a loss in that scenario? In a sense, yes, you have. You're worse off than you thought you'd be — your commute now sucks — and through no fault of your own. But have you suffered a loss that you had a reasonable expectation of not suffering? Have you suffered a loss that you're entitled to recover for? No. It's not your business, and you had no vested right for it to remain where it was. If you wanted otherwise, you needed an actual contract guaranteeing that it would.
See where I'm going with this?
You don't have any sort of rights in how other people use their properties. You may have hoped the neighborhood would stay a certain way, but that's not a right.
You have rights in how other people use their property if the rights were arranged in advance. Like with residential zoning...
What does a right mean?
Contracts do not generally create rights, but rather obligations by individuals.
Wow, that's some serious nitpicking.
No, it's really not. Rights are a vastly more expansive and important thing than contractual obligations.
Come on, don't sell Locke and the Declaration short.
Or gun bans! Or hate speech restrictions!
The residents would be on more solid moral ground if they set up covenants with the owners of nearby properties, as is common in Houston. But government owned public places create dangerous exceptions to that kind of protection if they allow bums to gather there.
So I suggest we start privatizing parks and other impacted public spaces, as a way to make them legally defensible. Charge a few dollars for admission and make rules against being there overnight, or drugs and other harmful habits. It’s not as simple a solution as allowing whole towns to adopt “no bums within the city limits after sundown” policies, but it’s a market solution that doesn’t require any government intervention after the initial sell-off of public land.
Granted, I'm aiming to solve a different problem than the one that started this debate -- the problems caused by homeless people rather than the ones suffered by them. But those are, quite literally, not our problem.
I don't think the zoning rules in place when you buy are a permanent contract between you and the city.
The city has to be able to react to changes in the area.
Let's say a major employer moves in, leading to a significant increase in population. Going to make everyone buy a single-family home, rather that renting, or buying, an apartment?
What if a new school is needed in the neighborhood? Residents might not like it - noise, traffic at certain times of day - whatever. Some might like it a lot. Easier to get their kids to school, maybe housing values rise.
As usual you are just playing out some rigid logic in your brain, and ignoring the world.
Of course. Does it ever occur to you that while one may have a right to non-associate with others on one's own property, one has no right to extend that to other people's property? If you don't want people as neighbors, then buy the land around your property (or at least the rights to it).
Not necessarily a functional idea with property taxes, where you have to re-buy your freedom annually.
Nonsense. If people have the right to form an HOA and prohibit ugly decorations, they should have the right to put in racially restrictive covenants. Shelley v. Kraemer's holding that this is state action is nonsense, and everyone knows it.
Well, Shelly v. Kramer doesn't mean that you can't put in a racially restrictive covenant. After all, you can still see some that have run with the land.
What it did hold is that you can't use state action (the courts) to ENFORCE racially restrictive covenants. Which is a big distinction.
You might want to get that correct before you get to the ... well, whatever weird point it is that you want to make.
(And yes, I happen to agree about HOAs, and think anyone who lives in one deserves what they get.)
I don't see that as a distinction at all. If people know that you can't go to court to enforce a restriction, they'll ignore them.
Look, HOAs prohibit things that would violate free speech requirements imposed by a government. Why is it state action for a court to enforce a racial covenant, but not a political flyer covenant?
Well, you've asked a very good question. And it really gets to the heart of Shelley v. Kramer. That said, it's important to note that the state action in SvK is the court enforcement.
That said, SvK is not really relevant anymore because of the FHA. And it's nigh impossible to find cases that follow the line of reasoning used by SvK in similar contexts (such as a settlement agreement that restricts speech, that a court will enforce).
As for HOAs, my best and continuing advice is simple and non-legal. DO. NOT. LIVE. IN. A. HOA.
HOAs are nothing more than the elevations of one's neighbors into petty tyrants. And you pay to do it.
True, although the FHA is blatantly unconstitutional, as Congress does not have the authority to levy such a law, and no, the Commerce Clause does not grant it.
HOAs can be useful if you have a good board. But most of them don't. They end up with petty menopausal women.
Absent positive effort to prevent it, every organization will eventually be taken over by those who serve the organization for the organization's sake rather than serving the organization's mission.
They will inevitably seek to aggrandize the organization even at the expense of it's stated mission.
Adding to Lok13 comments
local government like to have developers use HOA's because it shifts a lot of future maintenance costs for the common areas directly to the homeowners instead of to the city as a whole.
HOA's have excessively high level of power (enforcement and financial ) in relation to the benefits provided by the HOA.
As lok13 stated - do not buy property in a HOA
Balisane - HOA's are generally created by the developer at the time of development, at least here in Texas.
"If you don’t want people as neighbors, then buy the land around your property (or at least the rights to it)."
To be clear: there are a group of 1 acre properties, and the owners each sell all the other owners a sort-of easement saying they will only have a single family on their property, for $1 (the amount doesn't really matter since these are all reciprocal).
That's fine, and binding on all future purchasers?
Grants pass has been doing a fine job accommodating population growth and housing. Population of housed people has increased typically 20-30% per decade (range 7-50%) for the past century; about 5,000 more on the last decade of census data alone. To accommodate this increase, the city must expand infrastructure, doing so with its tax base, supported by people with property and income.
Now along comes people without means to purchase available property, or to build upon it, or to entice an investor to wish to build spec homes, or other dwellings. People not willing or able to participate in the local economy.
If they don’t want what grants pass has, then time to move along. Camping, pissing, shitting, littering ain’t no way to become a valued member of the community.
"research shows that housing costs are a major cause of homelessness"
If that's true, facilitating moving people to places where housing is cheaper might help.
Courts should still strike down exclusionary zoning, as well as other laws that prevent people from earning a living, like minimum wage laws, health insurance as a requirement of employment, union protections, etc.
Sending them back comes to mind.
TwelveInchPianist 15 hours ago
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“research shows that housing costs are a major cause of homelessness”
Twelve - The study appears to be agenda driven, especially since the majority of homeless have mental health problems, alcohol or drug use.
Other than free housing, government paid group homes, there is not much from the housing side that will reduce homelessness. Better solution with drug and alcohol treatment, mental health treatment to change the behavior that results in disfunction.
Giving up on people getting homes because they have mental health or substance abuse issues is pretty fucked up. Especially since homelessness can be a bit contributor to why people experience those issues.
Couple of studies. Second is via a podcast I listened to, the first is via a special issue of Int J Environ Res Public Health: "Homelessness and Public Health: A Focus on Strategies and Solutions"
“I Felt Safe”: The Role of the Rapid Rehousing Program in Supporting the Security of Families Experiencing Homelessness in Salt Lake County, Utah
"Overall, all participants view The Road Home and The Rapid Rehousing Program as a very useful, essential, and efficient tool in mitigating the affordable housing crisis in Salt Lake County for families experiencing homelessness. All would like the program not only to continue but also to expand since it currently serves only a small fraction of homeless families and it is time-limited. Participants also identified issues and concerns, and offered suggestions for improvement. It is our hope that the information presented in this article can and will be used in a way that improves residential security for families experiencing homelessness not only in Salt Lake County, but in other regions across the nation and even the globe."
Housing, hospitalization, and cost outcomes for homeless individuals with psychiatric disabilities participating in continuum of care and housing first programmes
"The experimental Housing First programme offered immediate access to independent housing without requiring psychiatric treatment or sobriety; the control Continuum of Care programmes made treatment and sobriety prerequisites for housing. A total of 225 participants were interviewed prior to random assignment and every 6-months thereafter for 2 years. Data were analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance. Participants randomly assigned to the experimental condition spent significantly less time homeless and in psychiatric hospitals, and incurred fewer costs than controls. A sub-sample recruited from psychiatric hospitals (n = 68) spent less time homeless and more time hospitalized, and incurred more costs than a sub-sample (n = 157) recruited from the streets. Recruitment source by programme interactions showed that the experimental programme had greater effects on reducing hospitalization for the hospital sub-sample and reducing homelessness for the street sub-sample. Three-way interactions including time indicated that in the experimental group, hospitalization and homelessness declined faster for the hospital and street sub-samples, respectively, than for comparable controls. Overall results support the Housing First approach"
Bottom line: it's expensive but it turns out giving people homes is a good way to alleviate the homeless rate. I'm not saying that means slam go lets do that, I'm saying it shows that saying the problem is insoluble is flat wrong.
It’s like maybe they should vote with their feet, as Ilya has so often advocated.
Calling a regulation a "taking" seems far-fetched to me. If any restriction on use is by definition a taking, I don't see any way to limit it in scope. OTOH, if the ulterior motive is to overturn the entire apple cart of the administrative state, this sure would do it.
"Obviously, some people are homeless primarily because of severe mental illness or physical disabilities. But evidence indicates that a large part of the problem —and the vast bulk of the increase in it in recent decades—is caused by high housing costs driven by exclusionary zoning."
Replace 'homeless' and 'high housing costs' with 'democrats' , 'zoning' with 'thinking' , and 'problem' with 'decline of intelligence'
If zoning is a taking, the taking occurred when the zoning law was passed or when the property was rezoned. Seems like, except for very new laws or a recent rezoning *not* requested by the property owner, the statute of limitations will have run.
"...But there is a much better way for judicial review to help alleviate homelessness: strike down exclusionary zoning laws under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment...."
I'm willing (for the sake of this argument) to accept all your propositions. Removal of building restrictions will lead to lower housing costs. That seems logical. More building = more units = lower prices. And, probably (but not certainly): more units = more crowding = increase in crime and/or traffic = less desirable area to live = lower housing prices.
So, let's assume I'm one of those NIMBY people. I have my house in Westwood, right near UCLA. And it's worth $1,000,000. (Really, if it's close to UCLA, it's probably worth $2-5 million, but I'm picking an arbitrary amount.) So, with building restrictions in place, I have a million dollar house. And, if building restrictions are eliminated (or relaxed), there will be more crowded housing, and the value of my existing house is now $800,000. (ie, a 20% reduction in value). We'd all agree that that's probably very good for people looking to buy in Westwood, and bad (at least, from an economic/investment standpoint) for existing home-owners.
So, how can I make a "Takings" claim under the 5th Amendment, when the govt action has actually made/saved me a ton of money (by not enacting laws that reduce my value by that 20%)? Do people who are potential home-buyers have standing to make a Takings claim? Isn't it usually the property owner who has the right and standing in that sort of case? And when it's clear that I have no loss, then how can I be permitted to make a claim?
Or, to ask maybe the same sort of question in the opposite way: If the govt WERE to change the laws and allow denser construction (and assuming that all the experts agreed that this caused a 20% reduction in value to existing houses), am I allowed to make a Takings claim? Logic would suggest that I can, as my lowering home value is directly attributable to the new govt regulations, but it's hard to imagine that, legally, I'd be permitted to do this . . . in all the pro-development and anti-development debates, literally no one has warned, "Well, the city of LA [or the State of California] will be liable for 5,000 separate Takings claims, and those will total more than half a billion dollars that the govt will have to pay...and that's just for this one tiny subsection of Los Angeles. Statewide; California will be on the hook for tens of billions of dollars in claims!!!"
[I am not at all trying to make any sort of moral argument, above. Just asking about the Constitutional basis for the Takings claims, which I--obviously--am finding very confusing in this sort of situation. And, asking about the real-world economical and legal fallout from such a change in regulations that will affect literally millions of homeowners in this one state.]
There does not seem to be much in the way of precedent on wehther there is a viable Takings claim if a change in government policy indirectly causes market value to drop (as opposed to governments directly depriving the owner of the use of some or all of a property)
sm811, I think I understand the essence of your point. I don't think Takings would apply.
Example: When the Fed lowered rates during the pandemic, the values of homes increased; when the Feds subsequently raised rates 2 years later, housing values declined (in some markets). That is why I would say 'Not Takings', it was government policy and the economic impact that moved home values.
I thought there were sanctuary cities, like in the Star Trek franchise.
Still trying to get by with just that hammer, Prof. Somin?
Yeah -- he is risking a trip into Calabresi territory with some of his claims (although there is still a lot of daylight between the two of them).
Most notably, on what planet can courts "strike down" a law as an illegal taking? The actual remedy, compensation, is right there in the 5th Amendment.
Isn't zoning done by the pollical process? Somin seems to say that it shouldn't be, unlike dealing with the homeless.
Eliminating the ability of localities to zone (or not) through the local political process is unlikely to help the poor. More units don't go to the low end of the market or to those with poor credit. New units get developed as upscale as possible, where there is more profit to be made and less deadbeats and people with a record of evictions.
The rich will always get their exclusionary zoning either by buying enough land to get away from commercial uses and poor people, or by buying into some association that implements exclusionary zoning but on a private basis.
The property owners that bought into an area with the understanding of the zoning rules could experience a takings with a change in zoning rules that make their properly worth less.
Even if non-local judicial elimination of zoning rules could be a tremendous boon to the poor (including those with a record of evictions, poor credit, etc.), how long would it take? The homeless probably need a speedier solution. The solution that local governments want to implement is just to get the homeless to move on to somewhere else. That place that the homeless go won't be somewhere that has eliminated zoning rules, because the homeless won't be welcomed there either. Once the zoning rules go, the profit motive will take over and it really isn't possible to make a huge profit on low end housing.
The joke is that he's fine with HOA's, which the average homeowner finds much more oppressive than zoning, and which would stop his "build an apartment complex next to your suburban ranch" plan in its tracks.
I'm not clear on whether he's saving the HOA's for later, or if it's just that he particularly has it in for older quiet residential neighborhoods, of the sort those of us of more modest means live in.
Of course the new units will be upscale; what's the point of intentionally building slums? But if you build upscale units, people will move into them, and will likely sell the place they're living in now. If supply exceeds demand then prices will drop.
Why is it that people think supply and demand does not apply to the housing market?
The rules of economics don't apply to things that people really care about and that might affect them.
Nieporent, as with other rationalistic nostrums, it is not sufficient to understand only the rationalisms. You also have to understand the facts the rationalisms purport to explain.
If you think supply and demand governs prices in a housing market, then to predict outcomes you must at least understand the geographic extent of the market.
What if the market is world-wide for housing in proximity to whatever it is that makes it attractive to live in Tokyo, Singapore, Zurich, Rome, Paris, London, Boston, New York, DC, or San Francisco? In those cases it would be foolish to suppose a supply change to increase that, "whatever," will deliver a proportionate price change, unless the supply change can also be applied world-wide.
Do you want to live in personal and economic safety, in proximity to lucrative employment, amidst beauty, with strong public health and top-rated private medical care, and enjoy access to cultural advantages, and with local access to top-tier educational opportunities? So does every other rich person in the world.
People who collectively command most of the world's wealth all compete to bid up the price of every housing unit anywhere which supplies that combination. It's a pipe dream to suppose any local policy can much increment that world-wide supply, and thus lower prices supported by the all the world's aggregated wealth combined.
If something happened to double the supply of premium housing in Paris, do you suppose that would do much to lower the price of comparable housing in New York? It wouldn't even do much to lower prices in Paris. The demand for all the most attractive real estate markets in the world, taken together, is what governs prices in the world's top real estate markets.
It's surprising that the Supreme Court granted cert here. This doesn't sound like a very plausible argument.
Not sure what you're referring to. The case that SCOTUS heard wasn't about zoning.
To be clear, the case that the supreme court is hearing doesn't have anything to do with zoning or takings: it's about whether and how much the Eighth Amendment prevents a city from banning sleeping in public.
I don't think 'exclusionary' zoning, (Is there any other sort in your world?) is responsible for the mental health wards being closed, and the mentally ill ending up on the street.
And I'll remind you again: It's not "YIMBY", it's "YIYBY": Yes In Your Back Yard. Essentially nobody is fighting to have an apartment complex spring up in the middle of their own quiet residential neighborhood. It's always somebody else's neighborhood they're trying to ruin.
Honestly, have you considered ending all your essays with "Quies vicinitates residentiales delendae sunt!"? It does seem to suit your views.
Essentially nobody is fighting to have an apartment complex spring up in the middle of their own quiet residential neighborhood
Absolutely untrue in Arlington.
I'm sure there are plenty of hypocrites, just like there are lots of libertarians that rush to government zoning restrictions at the drop of a hat.
But your thesis of broad hypocricy by the side you disagree with (while you yourself set your libertarian principles aside yet again) needs support.
Setting aside snark for a moment.
The Pew study lists areas in order of the amount rent increased between 2017 and 2022, then shows how much homelessness increased over the same period. I won't say that there's no correlation on display there. There certainly appears to be, and the proposed mechanism facially makes sense.
But it is kind of conspicuous that there are some rather major deviations from the pattern. For instance, Phoenix had the highest increase in rent, followed by Tucson; 65% and 57% respectively. But both had much less increase in homelessness than communities that had much smaller rent increases. The US as a whole had a negligible increase in homelessness, (4%) but almost the same change in rent as Austin, which had a 46% increase in homelessness.
This cries out that there's some powerful and unaccounted for variable driving these results. Unless you identify it and control for it, you can't rule out the possibility that a great deal of the correlation you're trumpeting is spurious.
For instance, the two cities with the greatest increase in homelessness are Sacramento and Fresno. The greatest drop in homelessness? Chicago.
Are there any other relevant differences? Like, maybe the fact that you can sleep outdoors in Sacramento and Fresno without dying of exposure? There seems to be an equally strong correlation between homelessness and a pleasant climate.
Maybe people are less motivated to avoid homelessness if they don't have to worry about sub-zero temperatures?
This is an analysis I agree with.
I don't think it's the weather alone either, since this is a new trend and the weather is very much not that.
No, zoning is a panacea and Prof. Somin focuses on it overmuch. Still, it is almost certainly one causal element among many.
I think we're in agreement for once. I don't doubt that zoning is a factor, (Though I think building codes designed to prevent construction of cheap homes is a bigger one.) but he's trying to shoe horn the results of a lot of factors into his latest hobby horse.
The problem is not cost of construction, the problem is return on investment.
Low income housing is more risk and not as high a return on investment. That $5 million, leveraged to secure a loan to build $25 million of housing, is better invested in middle to high unit pricing.
IF you want the top 10% of earners to buy into an area, having housing in the area that attracts those within in months of becoming homeless, you will not get the high end buyers.
Remove zoning. Quick hit investors will build and get the new units filled and quickly sell to make a quick killing.
This is not a regulation problem, its a math problem.
To some extent I think it is more of a building code problem than a zoning problem; Building codes have been warped to deliberately drive up housing costs, because higher housing costs mean higher property tax revenues. There used to be something called a 'starter' house, a modest sized home people could buy just starting out, and then move up when their resources were greater. (As a child in the 60's, I grew up in a neighborhood of homes that were about 6-700 square feet.)
It's largely illegal to build starter homes under modern building codes. Basically they've taken the bottom rungs of the housing ladder, and sawn them off.
Renting is no replacement for smaller, affordable homes. You never build equity if you rent, it's a trap that's very difficult to escape from.
Ilya's solution here is to build more traps, instead of giving people an escape route.
Apologies: 900 square feet. Well, haven't lived there since I was a child...
Zillow is hallucinating about the fireplace, by the way.
Sounds like people like living in communities with bigger houses, and arranged those rights in advance. What are you complaining about?
It's an agent/principal problem. Politicians want higher revenues to spend, and since they're getting their revenues from property taxes, it's in their interest to push up property values by zoning so that people can't build affordable homes.
This doesn't mean that it's in the interest of those people that affordable homes be prohibited.
You can't assume that, just because the agent does something, it's what the principal wants.
I see. So maybe people who live in neighborhoods that have restrictive zoning rules don’t actually want that, even though they live there? Interesting…
"It’s largely illegal to build starter homes under modern building codes."
Can you be specific? I'm somewhat familiar with the current code, and can't see what stops you from building a 500 sq ft house.
I suppose it varies from place to place. I had to build at least 1,200 square feet of house to comply with the local building code. It's since been revised, and you can get away with 960 square feet in the same situation. Which is still larger than my parents raised a family of five in, in the 60's!
This is the same rural community that enacted a requirement that out-buildings could only be built behind houses, because they didn't like people putting garages in their front yards; Then they had to issue a whole bunch of variances for farmers who didn't HAVE houses on the property they wanted to put an outbuilding on, to put it behind.
Oh, terminology difference. That's what I call 'Zoning' (and so do they, the title is 'ZONING ORDINANCE').
What I call 'building code' is fairly standardized and is all about sizing beams and shear panels and hurricane clips and what have you. While it can affect dimensions (e.g. you can't put in the long steep stairways of old) AFAIK, it doesn't have any minimum size.
Most jurisdictions adopt this with some local amendments. It's a big book, so maybe I missed something.
“ You never build equity if you rent,…
Amortized payment schedules typical of ownership are likewise poor ways to build equity. My daughter rented below her means, saved like a bandit for three years, and had 20%down on median priced home. Her apartment was her starter home. The savings socked away was equivalent to first 10 years of principal payments on a 30 year amortization.
Renting, done right, is a useful bootstrap to ownership.
A useful job, a useful husband, and children yet to come also helps. Doing life in a certain order without skipping steps(education, marriage, children) does also help.
Do those steps wrong, and one is digging out of a hole in perpetuity.
Anyway, may I suggest an approach here that doesn't require radically altering constitutional interpretation, or destroying suburbs? Staking solving a problem on either of these seems to be setting things up for failure.
Setting aside the large contingent who actually are mentally ill, basically what you have here are people who are persistently either unemployed, or under-employed relative to local cost of living. Maybe they need to MOVE? You know, to some place with lower cost of living, and a better job market?
I wonder how much homelessness could be reduced by assisting people in moving out of no-hope communities? Instead of assisting them in staying there, and remaining hopeless?
And, of course, you don't even bother denying that a lot of this IS mental illness and deinstitutionalization. Maybe we really need to reconsider deinstitutionalization? It seems it really didn't work.
You presume down and out people want to move and I'm really not sure you can make that assumption.
Maybe we really need to reconsider deinstitutionalization setting aside that this is yet again you asking for government restrictions on liberty, I learned in law school that it's not so simple. it turns out a lot of that was due to overclassification of what counts as mentally ill back in the 80s.
Going back may make the streets look less chaotic for most of us, but at the price of the liberty of many people who are mostly fine, or fine when medicated, etc.
Perhaps the mentally ill were overclassified in the 70s and 80s, but now they're underclassified.
No, I presume nothing of the sort. Inertia is a major force in people's lives, if somebody is in a hopeless situation and you give them just enough help to get by and no more, the odds are excellent that they will voluntarily remain in that hopeless situation, rather than make a big break in their lives.
I don't think you should help people stay in hopeless situations, I think you should instead help them get OUT of hopeless situations.
Helping people stay in hopeless situations is very popular with local politicians, of course, because even the down and out count for purposes of apportionment.
I'm no a priori against this idea.
I do think that government providing moving assistance for people would be full of churn and implementation issues and weird incentives.
It needs to be thought through carefully.
Well, sure.
I've long thought that a really useful support to addicts post-rehab is to help them start over somewhere else if they wanted versus go back to the same structure often full of echoes of their addict life.
Bellmore, "Well, sure," what?
My guess is that for every salvageable addict with a potentially comfortable life available following properly-targeted assistance, there exist multiple struggling not-addicted, well-educated, under-employed, virtuous citizens whom capitalism means to bypass, leaving them with miserable work lives, and unsupportable early forced retirements. Can you imagine any political complications that circumstance implies?
So, whaty were the problems with institutionalization?
Some of the people weren't actually crazy? And conditions in some of these institutions could be pretty bad. It's HARD to affordably maintain people who aren't minimally rational, without simply drugging them into submission.
Single family zoning includes row homes that are the backbone of traditional high density urbanism for most of history. Philadelphia, for instance, used to house 2 million people in row homes, but developers today would prefer to build apartments, so they are against single family zoning.
Would someone be kind enough to define exclusionary zoning.
Technically, it's zoning that prohibits particular land uses. Like, not being able to run a business in a residential area, or live in a house you buy in an area that gets rezoned commercial.
I'm actually kind of sympathetic to the idea that this CAN be a taking, when the zoning is changed. There's a street that's an easy walk from my home, the local government rezoned it from mixed use to commercial. All the houses along it one by one are falling into ruin, because if you move out you can't SELL them; Nobody actually wants to buy a suburban house to run a business out of, there's enough empty commercial land about that nobody wants to go to the expense of tearing them down, either, and no buyer is permitted to actually LIVE in these houses.
It's horrible watching perfectly fine houses, in an area that even has a population influx, falling into ruin or even just sitting empty, because the local government decreed that nobody was allowed to live in them. That is ABSOLUTELY a taking, these houses lost basically all their value as a result.
(Spoiler: The local government plans to widen that road in a few years. They're going to save so much money when they buy up those properties, on account of the consequences of that rezoning. Did that factor in to the zoning change? Maybe so.)
But specifically what offends Ilya is zoning that prohibits multi-family housing in areas that are presently single family housing. He's not offended by zoning changes that overturn settled expectations, he's offended by zoning stability that defends them.
He thinks the solution to housing shortages is planting apartment complexes in the middle of suburban neighborhoods. Even though every property owner in the area but the first one to sell out suffers.
It seems very unlikely to me that existing uses weren't grandfathered in when the zoning was changed.
I found it more elucidating to look at what isn't exclusionary zoning:
"Inclusionary zoning (IZ) is municipal and county planning ordinances that require or provide incentives when a given percentage of units in a new housing development be affordable by people with low to moderate incomes"
Just exclusionary by another name. Once burdens are attached to the builder, their path to profitability and ROI is complicated. And the cost of their profitable units will be higher(a tax or taking on those with money), just buried in the financial spreadsheet of the builder.
Somin's take here seems paradoxical. Please correct me if I misunderstand, but his advocacy seems to be that it would be possible by getting rid of zoning to enable more housing construction, which would in turn reduce predictably the price of housing, by increasing the supply. Seems like reasoning no looser than Somin's ought to conclude that everyone who thus suffered a policy-induced loss in home value was the victim of a taking, and in need of compensation by government.
"Somin’s take here seems paradoxical. Please correct me if I misunderstand, but his advocacy seems to be that it would be possible by getting rid of zoning to enable more housing construction, which would in turn reduce predictably the price of housing, by increasing the supply."
That reasoning is actually pretty sound. Zoning keeps land from being used for housing in general, and for denser housing. Getting rid of zoning laws would increase the supply of housing (because you could build in more areas, and build more densely), and would lead to a decrease in the price. I am not saying that this is a reason to do it, but this makes perfect sense.
"Seems like reasoning no looser than Somin’s ought to conclude that everyone who thus suffered a policy-induced loss in home value was the victim of a taking, and in need of compensation by government."
I am less amenable to the argument that zoning is always a per se taking. I do think that a change in zoning can be considered a taking when it reduces the use of your land in some circumstances, but I do support the rights of states and localities to have their own real property laws, and land use, and zoning, and for people to make their own, usually dumb, decisions.
I am not saying that this is a reason to do it, but this makes perfect sense.
Loki, please see my recent addition to the the thread above, about the world-wide market for expensive housing, and tell me what you think.
What absolute bs. The people who own the land, the people that formed the gvt, the people who KNEW what the laws and zoning was when they bought their property have the RIGHT to control how it's used. It's not for some Johnny come lately with no stake in the land to say the landowners must give up their choices and rights to accommodate people who have PLENTY of other places to go to. These homeless can go to city shelters or go camp in the woods. Mostly they don't because they are mentally ill, simply lazy, on drugs, etc. Their problem should not be solved on the backs of the responsible self-supporting folks. Most of the homeless problem was caused by misguided gvt policies and could be solved by BETTER gvt policies and by stopping the encouragement of people to be irresponsible, shiftless bums strung out on drugs.
Like when they say you can’t bring guns into the town! Or post signs supporting political candidates they don’t like!
Um, the point is that they currently don't. Zoning says, "I don't care that you own this property; we're going to decide what you can do with it." (I suspect that's not what you mean, of course; you mean people have the right to decide what their neighbors can do with their own land.)
Again, this gets zoning completely backwards. Zoning takes away choices from landowners.
"There shouldn't be sufficient housing in the U.S. because people who don't have it can just go camp in the woods" is bizarre, illogical, and also legally incorrect.
Zoning takes away right from the landowner.
I see that residential single family zoning is a right I happily cede to keep my neighborhood as it is.
Sure, I miss the opportunity to turn a buck by having my suburban property become a Starbucks. But the deal with my neighbors is that none of us flip our homes to become a local traffic nightmare. Zoning is just the means to ensure that one A-hole doesn’t ruin it for everyone.
I don't think a mass re-write of zoning laws is the way to go.
Maybe start by not criminalizing homelessness. If the homeless cannot sleep in a public park, where can they go? It is a community issue, as well as an individual issue.
That's a nonsensical, simplistic view.
First, I don't think it's illegal to be homeless. It's just illegal to co-opt a public place that's provided by the society for all to enjoy by camping out in it. Most of these mass homeless encampments are very unsafe places, with criminal activity, open and rampant drug use, and so on. Not safe for anyone, let alone kids. So, if the homeless take over parks, where are the kids to go?
The Supreme Court took up the issue of whether Grants Pass was criminalizing homelessness. The city tried to argue it was criminalizing conduct rather than status, but not very convincingly. It's not literally illegal to "be homeless" — there's no law that says "Being homeless is punishable by 6 months in prison," for example — but it's illegal to do things that one has no choice to do if one is homeless, like sleep outside. Since sleep is a necessary and involuntary behavior, it's like saying "It's not illegal to be epileptic; it's just illegal to suffer an epileptic fit."
It is a tough situation, because nobody wants to see homeless encampments (hell, nobody wants to see individual, isolated homeless people either), and they do indeed pose some public health and safety issues. But at the same time, it can't be illegal simply to exist. If you provide shelters and people refuse to go them, that's a different story. But there's no dispute that the town did not in fact provide sufficient shelter space.
So what if Grants Pass did supply more homeless space. Once word gets out, don’t you think more homeless will come?
The argument is entirely too silly. That's because no matter what you do, it's a taking. Remove zoning and you lower someone's property value. That's a taking. Enforce zoning, eliminating some development opportunities, and that's a taking. Heads I win, tales you lose.
No, it isn't. A diminished property value is the measure of damages from a taking, but it is not in itself a taking. A taking requires that actual property is taken. Property value is not property. The right to use one's land is property; that's why zoning can be a taking. But eliminating zoning doesn't take any property away from you.
You don’t have a right to sell your property for a certain amount of money. The market, not the government, determines how much you can sell it for.
I think this overstates what reducing zoning regulation can deliver. Increasing the housing supply may be able to reduce the price of housing and enable people with lower incomes to afford it. But you will still need an income, and an ability to manage money, and there will still be a class of people with neither. It may reduce homelessness. But it won’t end it.