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Baptists, Bootleggers, and IVF in Alabama
Did the Alabama legislature's response to a controversial state supreme court decision give a special interest special treatment?
Policy change is often the result of disparate political coalitions. Not all who support a change necessarily support that change for the same reason. Sometimes, political support for legislative change is the result of a "baptists and bootleggers" coalition--a coalition of those who support the change on normative grounds and those who hope to make a buck.
Economist Bruce Yandle coined the phrase. Here is his explanation of the theory:
Durable social regulation evolves when it is demanded by both of two distinctly different groups. "Baptists" point to the moral high ground and give vital and vocal endorsement of laudable public benefits promised by a desired regulation. Baptists flourish when their moral message forms a visible foundation for political action. "Bootleggers" are much less visible but no less vital. Bootleggers, who expect to profit from the very regulatory restrictions desired by Baptists, grease the political machinery with some of their expected proceeds. They are simply in it for the money.
The theory's name draws on colorful tales of states' efforts to regulate alcoholic beverages by banning Sunday sales at legal outlets. Baptists fervently endorsed such action on moral grounds. Bootleggers tolerated the actions gleefully because their effect was to limit competition.
It is worth noting that it is the details of a regulation that usually win the endorsement of bootleggers, not just the broader principle that may matter most to Baptists. Thus, for instance, bootleggers would not support restrictions on the Sunday consumption of alcoholic beverages, although Baptists might. Bootleggers want to limit competition, not intake. Important to the theory is the notion that bootleggers can rely on Baptists to monitor enforcement of the restrictions that benefit bootleggers.
Professor Andrew Morriss suggests that we may have seen this dynamic in action in the Alabama legislature's response to LePage v. The Center for Reproductive Medicine, P.C., the Alabama Supreme Court decision concluding that frozen embryos constitute "children" for purposes of Alabama's Wrongful Death of a Minor Act, thereby making an IVF clinic potentially liable for the "wrongful death" of a frozen embryo.
On March 6, just two-and-a-half weeks after the Alabama court's opinion was released, the Alabama legislature passed and Gov. Kay Ivey signed sweeping legislation immunizing IVF clinics from liability, stating that "no action, suit, or criminal prosecution for the damage to or death of an embryo shall be brought or maintained against any individual or entity when providing or receiving services related to in vitro fertilization." . . . However, as the only member of the Alabama Senate to vote against the bill accurately noted, the statute is "not an IVF protection bill, it's an IVF provider and supplier protection bill" that is "limiting the ability of the mothers that are involved in IVF to have recourse" when their embryos were destroyed by clinics. . . .
In using the decision in LePage to obtain immunity from tort suits, reproductive medicine clinics played the role of the regulatory bootleggers. Asking for absolute immunity from suit for negligence in handling embryos—embryos whose parents are likely to feel strongly about them—isn't something for which many legislators would likely be sympathetic. After all, medical professionals, clinics, and hospitals are liable in tort for medical malpractice. Fertility clinics thus had a problem in explaining why they should get special treatment compared to other medical facilities and professionals. And negligence does occur in these clinics. A 2020 survey article in Fertility & Sterility Reports found 133 cases filed between January 2009 and June 2019 that credibly alleged the negligent destruction of cryopreserved embryos. . . .
Morriss suggests that misleading media reports may have contributed to the outcome. Contrary to some accounts, the Alabama Supreme Court was focused on the meaning of specific terms in a specific statute, not making a broad announcement about the legal status of embryos, let alone criminalizing their destruction or limiting reproductive rights more broadly.
The media's account of the majority opinion in LePage misrepresented it as an attack on IVF, a procedure that has enabled thousands of families (including my own) to grow through the miracle of the creation of life. As amazing as this technology is, it is still a medical procedure that involves the risk of negligence. Negligence can serve as the basis of a claim for damages. The question the media avoided, and that the panic they induced enabled the clinics to avoid, was "Why should IVF be treated differently?" As Levin and Snead noted, "The Alabama legislature could have responded to the state supreme court's decision by using the alleged egregious negligence of the clinic in question as an occasion to establish some rules for the practice of fertility treatment, including the creation, use, and storage of living human embryos." Instead, it granted blanket immunity to clinics. That is a failure of governance.
If the plaintiffs in LePage go to trial against the clinic involved, we will learn how it came to be that someone was able to wander into the embryo nursery, remove embryos from the cold storage unit, and destroy them. It is plausible that this was the result of negligence on the part of the clinic. At a minimum, there was deficient control of access to the nursery, including a lack of reasonably simple protective measures (door and freezer locks). Requiring simple controls on access to frozen embryos is not a crushing burden that will end the availability of IVF. Instead, immunizing IVF facilities from tort liability removes the powerful incentives provided by tort law, incentives that push most medical professionals in America to meet professional standards of care. The tragedy of LePage is that all but one of the institutions involved—the media, the Alabama legislature, and the Governor—fell for the special-interest regulatory Baptists' rhetoric and failed to stand up to the regulatory bootleggers. Only the Alabama Supreme Court focused on the real issue. As a result of the other failures, there will be more tragedies but without the potential that future parents of negligently destroyed embryos will be compensated for their injuries.
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Can the state waive liability without violating the state constitution provision that the initial case was based on?
The initial case wasn't based on a provision in the state constitution.
Next question.
meh. never attribute to conspiracy what is perfectly explainable by political incompetence. Politicians write overbroad laws all the time, not thinking through the consequences, more so when they are in a hurry to tamp backlash.
"never attribute to conspiracy what is perfectly explainable by political incompetence."
Never attribute to A what is perfectly explainable by B.
In my opinion, such arguments are only valid in cases where A and B are mutually exclusive, and 99% of the time this form of argument gets used, they aren't
This is only a version occams razor, where B is simpler than A.
But, as Matthew says, it really only works where A and B are mutually exclusive. If not, you have two or more possible factors affecting the outcome to varying degrees.
Just look at this example. It was the alliance of two groups with different reasons to support the bill. And of course the same applies to the "Baptists and bootleggers" situation.
False, and I didn't respond because I thought this was logically self evident: B can be a subset of A. A may have 1..N+1 assumptions, for example, while B has only N. Having one fewer assumptions, B is simpler and Occams Razor claims B is more likely (also, Bayes Theorem if you want start attaching probabilities). A and B are not mutually exclusive here.
Lots of science theories work like this-- Take an earlier theory and add something.
"while B has only N. Having one fewer assumptions, B is simpler and Occams Razor claims B is more likely
"Never attribute to A what is perfectly explainable by B.
I dispute any claim that the later formulation is a proper variation on Occam's Razor.
I've watched "Baptists" and liquor license holders fight to restrict the issue of new licenses and decades ago in Texas the "Baptists" and local store owners fight for Blue Laws that deterred national chain stores. This seems more a simple case of the "Baptists" passing a prohibition without recognizing the unintended consequences. Unclear who the bootleggers are supposed to be in this strained analogy.
The bootleggers are negligent clinics, in this analogy.
No -- and the analogy is misunderstood as well -- bootlegers don't want to see retail alcohol sales anymore than the Baptists do, just for a different reason. An exemption from tort liability for negligence is something completely different.
Now if a state were to repeal its dram shop laws, that would be a closer analogy but there is no way that the Baptists would ever approve of *that* -- they are the ones that got them passed in the first place...
I wondered if I zoned out and missed a paragraph. The title almost didn't match the rest of the post until the conclusion.
I think this post is not up to Professor Adler’s usual standard. Every proposed piece of legislation has winners and losers. Sure, bootleggers can be characterized as “special interests,” no different from Baptists, but pedophiles could equally be characterized as special interests no different from parents. (Indeed, I suspect the pedophiles would tend to see things that way.) Statutory rape and like laws have long been classified as morals laws much like laws against drugs like alcohol. Do laws against pedophilia merely pander to parents?
Moreover, it’s by no means uncommon for legislation to respond to judicial interpretation of statutes. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 for example, as its preamble clearly states, was a direct response to the judicial gloss put on the Civil Rights laws by the 1989 Supreme Court decision of Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio. They are many other well-known examples
Why aren’t legislatures entitled to correct judicial statutory rulings that don’t go in the direction they want them to go? If they couldn’t do something as basic as that, what power would legislatures actually have?
Moreover legislatures are completely entitled to correct judicial rulings they think are going in the wrong direction based on concern about what might happen if the courts go farther in that direction.
I think the whole tone of this post is to cast an air of wrong-doing, irregularity and special interest pandering, if not corruption over perfectly ordinary legislation that the poster simply disagrees with.
Professor Adler is completely entitled to disagree with this legislation, of course. But why not simply give policy reasons for disagreeing, rather than slinging faux mud at those you disagree with?
"pedophiles could equally be characterized as special interests no different from parents."
But they would not want the same specific thing(s) to happen.
Parents and pedos would actually want OPPOSITE things to happen, i.e. sex offender lists which I'm not convinced do any good.
Remember that the Baptists and Bootleggers BOTH want to ban retail alcohol sales, albeit for very different reasons, but they want the same thing.
The 1994 Ed Reform in Massachusetts was that way -- Republicans wanted educated employees to hire and Democrats wanted to get children out of poverty. Same specifics, but different reasons why they wanted them.
Hetero couples in Alabama with enough discretionary income to undergo IVF are highly likely to vote Republican. I think the legislature wants to see this group happy.
I think they will be pissed when they realize they can't sue for malpractice anymore...
I am unimpressed with Andrew Morriss’ piece.
He makes the analogy: “A bank that failed to lock its safe deposit vault and allowed strangers to “wander in” and help themselves to depositors’ valuables would be liable.” Sure, but the reason people rent safe deposit boxes is to keep stuff safe. The bank has a clear contractual obligation to prevent random people from walking off with that stuff. So if the bank is sued for breach of contract, the bank should lose. If the bank were instead sued for wrongful death, I would take that as an indication that either the plaintiffs’ lawyers or the legal system was insane, so I don’t find the analogy convincing.
He wrote, “The decision prompted a firestorm of stories seemingly written to frighten Americans that fertility treatments were under threat.” That statement, and the rest of his piece, were seemingly written to suggest that fertility treatments weren’t under threat. He later writes that the opinions written by the judges “have nothing to do with the merits of IVF or whether it should be available in Alabama or elsewhere.” This seems like a straw man; certainly the primary objection to the decision was that it would make IVF unavailable, something Mrriss doesn’t explicitly dispute.
He complains about the decision being described as “creeping Christian conservatism,” but also notes, correctly, that the decision was based on prior precedent. Yes, Alabama has been Alabama for a long time.
He asserts: “The question the media avoided, and that the panic they induced enabled the clinics to avoid, was ‘Why should IVF be treated differently?’” According to NPR:
That may not be a good answer to the question (personally, I think the Alabama bill is embarrassingly bad even as a stop-gap measure), but it is an answer. Rather than address it, Morriss pretends the answer was never provided.
He presents zero evidence, other than motive, that the IVF clinics had any involvement in the writing of this law. That wouldn’t win a case in a court of law, and is unpersuasive in a blog post. I’ll add he doesn’t even do a great job on motive because a short term exemption isn’t going to benefit the clinics much. Of course it’s possible that this “stop gap” measure could remain in place for years, but Morriss doesn’t make that case. Instead, he writes about the legislation as though it were intended to be permanent.
So what if they were involved? Since when are affected constituents prohibited from proposing legislation to a legislature? I seem to recall the First Amendment has something called a Petition Clause.
It seems to me that the party that had a coal lobbyist running the EPA is in no position to complain about things like this.
Which party CREATED the EPA???
And whom did FDR appoint to head the SEC (or whatever it was then)? Yep, Joe Kennedy, the biggest crook of them all -- he knew how the game was played and hence could stop it.
"Which party CREATED the EPA???"
NEPA was drafted and brought to the Senate by Democrats, where it passed unanimously, then nearly unanimously in the House where a few Republicans opposed it. It was signed by a Republican. That covers all three question marks.
In what way exactly was Joe Kennedy "the biggest crook of them all"? That's a pretty high bar. Do you mean in all of recorded human history? In all of human history up to that point? In U.S. history? Just the biggest one alive at that time? (Fortunately for him in his quest for that title, Trump wasn't born for another decade or so.)
You put it well in your earlier comment: “the whole tone of this post is to cast an air of wrong-doing, irregularity and special interest pandering, if not corruption over perfectly ordinary legislation that the poster simply disagrees with.”
I listed specific issues with Morriss’s post, but the big picture is that it’s essentially a smoke screen.
Where in the text of the legislation does it say the legislation is not intended to be permanent?
The comments of legislators - even the sponsors of a specific bill - has no legal significance.
The real question is what evidence do you have that IVF clinics did not have any role in the passage of this legislation?
Prof. Morriss sounds like a clinger who didn't mind the insertion of silly Biblical bullshit in a written opinion at the Alabama Supreme Court. Maybe he is just trying to divert attention from that particular nonsense. Or get a few brownie points with superstitious, obsolete, right-wingers.
What about the “tree huggers” in California who argued – and had a judge agree – that bees are really fish for the purpose of environmental regulations? Defend that craziness.
Arthur is just another radical big-business guy who is on the side of “Big IVF” and wants them to have the legal right to destroy a person’s property without just compensation.
You can quit tying to hide it Artie, we know you are a Nazi. That is how the Nazis started, murdering kids because they were "defective."
I think the policy issue Professors Morriss and Adler are raising is that the Alabama legislature buried a broad release from malpractice liability for fertility clinics into its legislation, and this is perhaps what they are referering to as special interest legislation. But this issue is buried deep in the post. The post creates an impression they are attacking the entire legislation.
But even for the release from liability, they still need to make a policy argument. By immediately proceeding to ad hominem, they’ve assumed something they haven’t bothered to establish, and hence have essentially forfeited their opportunity to establish it. Opponents are frankly entitled to conclude that the reason they haven’t made a policy argument is they don’t have one to make, ad-hominem mud-slinging is all they have.
Fertility treatment is a very uncertain business that has a high failure rate, disappointed would-be parents tend to be incluned to sue, and there is a natural human tendency to simply assume that if someone is disappointed, then someone must be to blame. There is a policy argument to be made that fertility clinics should get some sort of liability protection.
Professional hitman trade associations are also in league with the moralizing anti-murder folks to keep certain laws on the books.