The Volokh Conspiracy
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Federal Court Rejects Texas's Argument that Illegal Migration Qualifies as "Invasion" [Updated to include link to the decision]
The ruling has the most extensive discussion of the meaning of "invasion" in the Constitution ever included in a court decision.

As Orin Kerr notes, federal district court Judge David Alan Ezra has issued a decision holding - among other things - that illegal migration does not qualify as "invasion" under the Constitution. Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution states that "No State shall, without the Consent of Congress … engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay." Texas claims that undocumented migration and cross-border illegal drug smuggling qualify as an invasion under this Clause, and therefore authorize Texas to "engage in war" in response, including taking measures that would otherwise be barred by federal statute.
In this case, Texas is defending the legality of SB 4, a news state law that criminalizes unauthorized migration and gives Texas state courts the authority to order removal of migrants convicted under the law. If Texas's invasion argument fails, SB 4 might be preempted by federal law.
Judge Ezra's ruling is far from the first court decision to conclude that illegal migration is not invasion. There have been several previous such cases, including three appellate court decisions, and Judge Ezra's own recent ruling in United States v. Abbott, a case where the federal government is suing Texas for installing floating buoy barriers in the Rio Grande River in violation of the federal Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (that decision was upheld by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, but the case is now under review by the en banc Fifth Circuit.
But today's opinion is by far the most thorough judicial analysis of this important issue. Judge Ezra outlines extensive evidence indicating that the text and original meaning of the the Constitution indicates that only an armed attack qualifies as "invasion":
Ultimately, all tools of constitutional construction cut against Texas's position. Contemporary definitions of "invasion" and "actually invaded" as well as common usage of the term in the late Eighteenth Century predominantly referred to an "invasion" as a hostile and organized military force, too powerful to be dealt with by ordinary judicial proceedings. This Court could not locate a single contemporaneous use of the term to refer to surges in unauthorized foreign immigration. The text and structure of the State War Clause imply that "invasion" was to be used sparingly for temporary, exigent, and dangerous circumstances. Put simply, the overwhelming textual and historical evidence does not support Texas's understanding of the State War Clause.
As James Madison put it in his Report of 1800, "Invasion is an operation of war." Judge Ezra extensively canvasses the ratification debates and other Founding-era evidence. He also highlights the radical implications of Texas's position, which woul effectively allow states to usurp the federal government's war powers "whenever they disagreed with federal immigration policy." If it is correct, Texas and other states could "engage in war" against neighboring countries anytime there is substantial illegal migration, which i has been the case at almost all times, ever since the US government first imposed significant immigration restrictions applying to migrants crossing the southern border. Thus, Texas would be free to, for example, use its state National Guard to attack Mexico in order to forestall illegal migration and drug smuggling from there.
Judge Ezra's ruling is also the first to highlight the dire implications of the equation of immigration and invasion for the writ of habeas corpus:
Article 1, Section 9 mentions "invasion" to note that the "Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." Id. art. 1, § 9, cl. 2. The suspension of habeas corpus is a stunning exercise of power. The Writ of Habeas Corpus has been suspended only four times in this country's history: the Civil War,….. KKK insurrections during Reconstruction, a guerilla war in the Philippines, and in Hawaii during World War II…. These examples show that the Writ of Habeas Corpus has only ever been suspended in the face of imminent and overwhelming violent direct threats to the stability of the state or federal government….
Unauthorized immigration is not akin to armed and organized insurrection against the government. Even as Texas points to cartel violence, it cannot maintain in good faith that the cartels will imminently overthrow the state government. Nor can the mere presence of ongoing organized crime, which has long existed in the United States, suffice to justify the suspension of habeas corpus. Despite the serious threat to public safety that cartels may pose, it is difficult to accept that the threat is so severe as to justify the wholesale suspension of Due Process rights in Texas.
Indeed, British suspension of the writ of habeas corpus was a leading concern among American Revolutionaries and carefully limited by the Framers in the Constitution…. For that reason, the Framers drafted the Constitution such that the writ could be suspended only in times of great emergency….
It is not plausible that the Framers, so cognizant of past abuses of the writ and so careful to protect against future abuses, would have granted states the unquestioned authority to suspend the writ based on the presence of undocumented immigrants.
I have previously highlighted this issue myself: If immigration or drug smuggling by cartels qualify as "invasion," the writ of habeas corpus could be suspended at virtually any time, since such activity is virtually always ongoing (at least since the establishment of severe migration restrictions and the War on Drugs).
Judge Ezra also argues that, if illegal migration did qualify as "invasion" states' efforts to "engage in war" in response would still be subject to federal restrictions, under Congress's own war powers, once federal forces are able to reach the scene of the attack. I am less certain of the correctness of this claim than I am about his the arguments. If a state is indeed "actually invaded," it seems to me it would have at least some substantial authority to "engage in war" that the federal government cannot override, even if federal troops are also helping to repel the invasion.
There is more to Judge Ezra's analysis of the invasion issue. Anyone interested in this important constitutional question should read the entire section of his careful opinion devoted to this question (pp. 65-98). It's a true tour de force. For those who care, Judge Ezra is a Republican Reagan appointee.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has indicated that he plans to appeal the decision. And the invasion question may also soon be considered by the en banc Fifth Circuit. We probably haven't heard the last of this issue. But hopefully appellate courts will reach the same conclusion as Judge Ezra.
Today's ruling also includes analysis of other issues in the SB 4 case, especially arguments about whether the law is preempted by federal immigration statutes (Judge Ezra concludes it is).
I have previously written about why illegal migration doesn't qualify as "invasion" here, here, here, and here.
UPDATE: In the initial version of this post, I accidentally neglected to include a link to Judge Ezra's opinion. This issue has now been fixed.
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third world countries like Thailand are raking in money by charging for just visas yet as a far bigger far more desirable place we’re just giving it away for free.
If you hand out something like candy to anybody and everybody like Ilya wants us to. It ceases to be valued or respected anymore. Case in point the gradual change of American residency turning from a privilege to an entitlement for anybody in the world in peoples eyes.
Let us all know when USA starts handing out entrance visas. It takes months of detailed work to get one. The backlog for getting even a hearing - which is not by any means a guaranteed visa - is measured in years, not weeks. You are detached from reality.
Or you can walk across the border as a specific minority and go to a sanctuary city.
'as a specific minority'
Yeah, I wonder about that, too. At this point the flood across our Southern border includes every race and ethnicity on Earth.
What does your comment have to do with the legal question of "invasion" as appealed to by Texas, or as discussed by the court?
On that (and I don’t agree with the opinion’s conclusions) whatever happened to that “living constitution” where any word or clause could be assume any meaning to support the latest leftist cause? No such concerns for limited original meaning were allowed to stand in the way of gay marriage, whether it was constitutional or statutory language.
Well, I just googled. Apparently Judge David Alan Ezra was a Reagan appointee.
So I'd guess the answer to your question is something like: That living constitutionalism has been consistently opposed by this judge, and he's not going to change his tune to reach a results-oriented ruling here.
(Just a guess based on a quick search, though.)
Well, given the politics involved, for district judge appointments, the appointing president is not always a good indicator. At least for republicans, democrat appointed judges are consistent political hacks, eg Chutkan and basically the entire DC district court bench. So I don’t think naming Reagan necessarily proves anything (and pardon me if I don’t accept Google search results as objectively balanced). And it may be that the Aloha spirit has corrupted this judge too, I think he came from Hawaii.
But, more to the point I was also referring basically to the hypocrisy of those championing the "living constitution" theory and/or pliable interpretation of the constitution. This judge, whatever his approach, I believe is wrong.
You seem quite disaffected and resentful. Getting stomped in the culture war for decades has made you cranky. But choosing the wrong side of history and the losing side at the modern marketplace of ideas is entirely your fault, reflecting poor judgment and deficient character.
Conservatives have only supported freedom and democracy so long as they felt like they could control it. Read, whites. As soon as it resulted in a black president, they went down the anti-democratic authoritarian path. And here we are.
You’ve certainly proven you don’t understand what a conservative is. And that you’re a racist. And have an impressive misunderstanding of current events. Conservatives are not running the administration engaged in police state tactics. I think that covers it.
Quite right. #notallwhites
I'm sure that somehow makes sense to you.
You may eventually work it out.
You’re right that not all conservatives are white or that even far-right pols are all white. Byron Donalds being one. But I think it’s obvious that MAGAlytes are heavily supported by racists, whether it’s overt or not. I’m thinking the Gosars and Bannons of the world. I consider white nationalists to be racist. And I think that vein went berserk when Obama was elected.
Opposition to Obama had nothing to do with race, his polices were offensive. And MAGA has nothing to do with racism. Democrats are the ones playing race games.
Birtherism is racism. Not one of us, also racism.
Bannon, racist. Gosar, racist.
Some opposition wasn’t racist. Plenty is.
Yeah, well, you simply ranting "racist" doesn't really mean much. Democrats have been playing the race card since they were forced to give up their slaves. It's their go-to insult. That and calling anyone they disagree with a "nazi." Fortunately, many parts of the democrat base are finally starting to realize the exploitive lying frauds you clowns are, which is why you're starting to lose it.
You are a profound dumbass and/or a lying, bigoted right-wing loser . . . in any event, you are the target audience of a white, male, faux libertarian blog with a receding academic veneer and a striking taste for vile racial slurs.
How many times would a person -- an educated person -- have to use a vile racial slur at his "legal" blog before some of you deplorable halfwits might start to consider the possibility that he just might . . . maybe . . . possibly be a racist?
Prof. Volokh asks you to think carefully before answering. The other Conspirators at this white, male, bigot-embracing blog -- cowards all -- wish you wouldn't answer.
Carry on, bigoted clingers.
Darwinnie is as racist as they come,and any sensible person SEES it.
He belongs to that group I've often categorized as "THose whose hates are stronger than their loves" Watch,all posts show this
How dumb you are. It is clear now if it wasn't then that the one thing Obama hates about his life is being Black. Bet you loathe Condoleeza, Thomas Sowell, Justice Thomas, Walter Williams and any Black that doesn't join your hatefest.
People like you don't know how goddam obvious their bigotry is. They think that iif they mention some Black or minority we all think you are another Gandhi.
NOT ONE SHRED OF DATA, just hateful gramps thinking we hand on every data-free utterance. What an ass you are.
He was nominated November of 1987 — Post Iran Contra, Post Bork and AFTER Kennedy — when Reagan had largely given up and was more concerned about nominating judges that the Democrats would confirm.
And he was appointed to HAWAII -- it was the CJ who sent him to Texas. Remember that Hawaii had Democrat Senators....
What does your reply have to do with the legal question of “invasion” as appealed to by Texas, or as discussed by the court.
(hint: your entirely results-oriented opinion of Judge Ezra's reality-based opinion is related to neither Originalism nor Living Constitutionalism.)
A Reagan appointee, born 1947. Reasonable Republicans are a dying breed. It’s because the kids don’t know the movies. How can they be expected to know what the law should be, when they haven’t ever seen The Man who Shot Liberty Valence, or even one episode of Perry Mason???
'reasonable republicans' those who provide a door mat to allow dems to do anything they want or at least anything of consequence. They might bleat about financial restraint for a few seconds before lying back down.
All Republicans are full of shit on spending - the old-school Reaganites, the MAGA freaks, even Rand Paul who fiercely resisted every effort to cut military spending in his state.
At least they don't full on celebrate and encourage fiscal flagrancy like the Dems.
Right, they pretend. And MAGA Republicans knowingly hand the money allocated for stuff like building a wall, to thieves who don't do what they promise. (Look up: "BuildTheWall".) Every day in every way, Republicans get more like Soviet Communist Party members.
You have no idea what really living uder the Soviet system was like, Grow up
Ah, don't you hate actual facts?
And the money quote from former Speaker Pelosi: she "dubbed [it] the 'vote no and take the dough' phenomenon among Republicans."
Of course, you'll criticize the source to distract from the cow excrement being peddled to you by the GOP:
They didn't get to be Republicans with adequate education, sound judgment, worthy character, a preference for reason, and a devotion to principle.
This , folks, is the Hate-filled Rev making fun of Lincoln.
He didn't have adequate education and Rev says "hate him for that"
Rev likes above all others people like Spiro Agnew. He likes the education. He liked it when ole Spiro attacked “nattering nabobs of negativism.”
RIght about the toad part but we usually say Toady
YOu must know what recently came out that makes you look ultra-foolish or just uninformed,take your pick
ccording to CBO, the gross federal debt is on track to grow by $20 trillion in just ten years, reaching a staggering $54.4 trillion. The government is also expected to spend $82.7 trillion over ten years, including $51 trillion in mandatory spending alone.
--now watch him get on and say his favorite thing: CBO has benn lying for years :)watch
Yes, impeach him.
Wasn't Perry Mason appointed to a state appeals court? Almost certainly a Democrat governor, probably Pat Brown.
The judge's decision is a clear case of an 'insurrection' against the US government.
I would say, "Hush, the grownups are talking," but given the people who posted before you, that doesn't really apply.
That's just what an insurrectionist would say.
but insurrectionists say '2 + 2=4" so is that ipso facto wrong?
Study logic and asshole silly statements will jump out at you 🙂
You obviously haven’t: it’s YOU who has begged the question that the fallacy of composition is implied in, or can be inferred from, what I wrote.
The irony is delicious. 🙂
Good point.
It could just as easily have been Ronald Reagan!
Could be, I don't know when the first show went off the air and the second one started.
"The Man who Shot Liberty Valence"
The law didn't solve the problem of Liberty Valence, a man with a gun did.
Somin effusively praises an opinion that says the state law is preempted by federal immigration powers, federal powers Somin has repeatedly insisted do not exist and are unconstitutional.
Anyway, the result is hardly unexpected, and the goal is really to get the Supreme Court to reverse Arizona v. United States (2012), a 5-3 decision in which the Court essentially held the federal government had exclusive power over immigration, preempting state laws. Scalia, Thomas, and Alito dissented, arguing that historically both the federal government and the states had regulated immigration (a rather irrefutable fact). Given the membership changes in the Court since 2012 and the fact that the situation on the border is infinitely worse since then, there is a decent chance the Court will reverse itself.
If decent means non-zero, sure. Even the conservatives on the Court are insanely deferential to the federal government.
The challenge here is to get the Court to recognize that the Supremacy clause, textually, only applies to federal laws, not "policy", and especially not a policy of failing to enforce federal laws.
lawyers !! Did you get that typycal piece of legal legerdemain , "textually" !!!
As we say on the block where I live : It applies or it doesn't apply.
Textually ?
> federal powers Somin has repeatedly insisted do not exist and are unconstitutional.
Could you quote one time? Preferably with a link?
If the federal government has no immigration power, then the states do.
So Somin should be against the decision he praises. Oh well, the cost of being an open borders fanatic.
Sure , and what adult would disagree that the people who live in the states are the ones actually affected
Scalia, Thomas, and Alito dissented, arguing that historically both the federal government and the states had regulated immigration (a rather irrefutable fact).
Dates, places, and regulation specifics? History is about what happened in the past. Try to mention what you think happened, when and where.
This is not an invasion in a military sense. This is an invasion in a historian sense, as with an invasion, in a pre-historical time in Europe, literally pre-written history, where in one dirt layer is one culture, and in another dirt layer a century later is another. Something happened, they are not sure what.
Maybe Republicans follow the border state Republican governors, like Bush, Jr., Jeb, Desantis, and even Reagan, and follow their lead in making inroads to latinos, instead of pure latino xenophobia.
Xenophobia is, of course, misleading. It's pure racial hatred shitstirring.
So when the Roman Empire resisted barbarian invasions, it was pure racial hatred? The Romans should have made inroads to barbarians!
The barbarians were bad for Rome. In contrast, the enormous majority of immigrants to USA are good for USA. Rome wasn't facing demographic implosion, and the barbarians weren't willing to do the Romans' low-class shit-jobs for minimum wage.
"low-class shit-jobs for minimum wage"
You just want cheap servants.
Of course the barbarians were in fact useful to Rome too as soldiers until they got too numerous to contain. Then no more Rome.
I want good people -- better than the depleted human residue that remains in our can't-keep-up backwaters after generations on the wrong end of bright flight, a concentrating and disgusting pool of ignorance, insularity, superstition, resentment, bigotry, gun nuttery, indolence, economic inadequacy, stupidity, backwardness, and disaffectedness.
"In contrast, the enormous majority of immigrants to USA are good for USA."
Cannot find a state or city that would agree with you.
Perhaps your desires and reality are not in alignment?
The barbarians were engaged in active warfare against Rome. Other than that, Rome welcomed all the peoples within its sphere. The Pax Romana was the greatest and most productive peacetime the world will ever see
"engaged in active warfare against Rome"
Not in the beginning. Rome let them in and used them as soldiers as more and more Roman citizens declined service. Eventually realized they didn't need to serve, they could rule.
Plus they weren't actually an undifferentiated mass but different and distinct and geographically seperated tribes.
If it's not an invasion then these aren't machine guns.
Rat tat tat tat....
Can you go 48 hours without posting fantasies about murdering other humans? Can you? Give it the ol college try!
It's not murder.
A sovereign country has the right to enforce its borders. And we'd only have to shoot a few to end this invasion.
“It’s not murder.”
So… challenge not accepted?
What is it, do you think? Do you enjoy posting about killing other humans— is that why you do it day in day out? Or is it more of a compulsion? Like— you’d rather not but you can’t help yourself
This blog attracts a remarkable concentration of lousy people . . . naturally so, given the makeup and goals of its white, male, obsolete, bigot-embracing management.
IT"S NOT KILLING for a government to enforce a border with deadly force. It is a necessity for the government.
SHOOT THEM. SHOOT EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM IF WE HAVE TO. If they want to immigrate, we have a process and they can follow the rules. I am sick and tired of this blanket exemption from EVERYTHING they are getting.
“IT”S NOT KILLING for a government to enforce a border with deadly force.”
Uh… yes it is?
What a tantrum! Them brown men are comin' for the womenfolk, Ed. [That should rile him further]
I don't care if they are Lily-White WASPS (although I highly doubt this would be tolerated if they were). We either are a sovereign nation or we are not.
Cross this line without permission AND YOU WILL BE SHOT. I don't care if you are the Swedish Bikini Team....
We're an open country. Siberians intruded first. Then Europeans. Then Ed's relatives. Now the relatives of the original Siberians are coming back to remake their claim. You don't have seniority over them, Ed.
"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning..."
Rat tat tat tat tat tat tat
Seek help
Seig heilp
Which machine gun would Jesus use?
I submit accepting them so they don’t run into Democrat hands. This is what Republican border state governors and presidents did. In an economically free country, the more, the better. Hang your hat on that, instead or throwing in with the far left of Bernie Sanders and Ceasar Chavez that it’s bad. And abandon the wink wink xeno-hatred.
Say, “We’re republicans and want you here to boost the economy. Come, live free from dictatorship and corruption and make a better life for yourself and your family!"
Which is what anyone from three quarters of the world wants to do, not come here to go on the dole.
Would Jesus use a bump stock?
What am I saying? Jesus was no squish. The son of god mows down migrants full auto
I love the part in John 6:1-14 where Jesus uses one box of ammunition to kill over 5000 people!
Jesus would've gone straight to the nukes Dr. Ed masturbates to thinking of using on immigrants.
I do sometimes get the sense he’s pleasuring himself when he posts this shit
Like Rambo, Jesus would use a 50 cal M-2.
Have you ever given yourself some time to reflect on why you feel compelled to constantly post these lurid fantasies about killing people in this space?
Wait, what happened to the A-10s? Don’t tell me you’re going soft, you fuckin squish
The GAU-8/A Avenger is a 30 mm hydraulically driven seven-barrel Gatling-style autocannon that weighs 619.5 lb (empty) and is 19 ft 10.5 in long.
Even if someone could fire that from the hip, where are they going to get the hydraulic supply to spin the barrels?
“Even if someone could fire that from the hip, where are they going to get the hydraulic supply to spin the barrels?”
I dunno man— it’s your fantasy.
Be honest though— were you touching yourself when you wrote that?
And you are disgusting.
Where do you think Ed gets his hydraulic supply?
That’s a pretty big word from mister dismember ‘em with a snowplow
He can't.
Dr. Ed is a fool, a liar, a pseudo tough guy, and probably a psychopath. We are lucky that he is likely far too incompetent to act on his fantasies.
My fantasy involves US Army Soldiers on the border with concertina wire in front of them, and who shoot anyone who cuts or climbs over/through the wire.
Just like they do in other countries.
“My fantasy”
Does that bring you pleasure to imagine?
What other country do you think has its army shoot civilians trying to enter the country? I mean, sure, North Korea, maybe China? Are those the countries Dr. Ed thinks the U.S. should be more like?
Mexico used to....
“He can’t”
Oh I think he could, but he chooses not to. I think he gets off on it. Which is more disturbing, really
"It’s pure racial hatred shitstirring."
The illegals are from all races, but don't let reality disturb your worldview.
Racists aren't particular, or haven't you noticed.
“The illegals are from all races, but don’t let reality disturb your worldview.”
Somehow I don’t recall anyone clamoring for a fence at the Canadian border, where the folks on the other side are, uh, white.
Actually, the Canadian border is more of an exposure to terrorists.
Because Canadians aren't trying to flood into America for free shit like the retarded Aztecs and Mayans from Latin America are. Don't call them Hispanic or Latino. They're neither. They're feather Indians with all of the alcohol and other genetic negatives that come with that.
Really? How many of the 9/11 terrorists came across the Mexican border?
OKAY until you got so impressed with yourself. Xenophobia is not racial hatred , not even in a loose sense. You know who was most against Mexicans coming across the border in my classes? IT was the Hispanics.
From Merriam-Webster: colonization - “ to migrate to and settle in (an inhabited or uninhabited area)”
This is obviously the intention of the migrants, now helpfully labeled “newcomers”. They don’t intend to leave as invaders might.
"b: migration to and settlement in an inhabited or uninhabited area
as in the colonization of space/Mars"
My dude...
Good idea. Send the "newcomers" to Mars.
And of course you are wrong because, like the judge you live where you don't have to worry about an ignorant hungry criminal immigrant killing your family. "Oh, you say, but that's not an invasion" and off you go to a high-price all white professionals bar to have an expensive meal
Woe to you lawyers !!!
"Depends what the meaning of 'is' is" said the husband of the woman who found out about her husband's predatory activity while in public office and then went after: the women !!
And they are both lawyers.
"Invasion' is when many show up without legal identity and havoc results.
I haven't seen the word "woe" used unironically in at least thirty years.
I still say "machine guns."
Start firing and they will get the message....
Cmon Ed. Give it a try. Go a few days without posting a murder fantasy to this space. You might be surprised at how you feel!
Take away the multifaceted, incessant bigotry and the regular fantasies involving violence against the liberal-libertarian majority and there would be nothing left of the Volokh Conspiracy except maybe a small residue of on-the-spectrum humor and feeble whining.
I don't want to kill anyone -- I want the trespassing to stop and if that involves out government using deadly force, so be it.
“I don’t want to kill anyone”
Weren’t you the guy talking about crushing people with a snowplow? You sure seemed pretty enthusiastic about that!
I’m sorry. I’m mistaken. I just re-read your comment.
“I don’t want to kill anyone”
Not willing to get your hands dirty? Relying on big government instead?Pathetic.
Then you don't have a Bible
In the original Aramaic it was "Jesus Wept (like a Pussy)"
Frank, many think you a fool but I will actuallly say it.
Aramaic is wrong answer on 3 counts
1) Only the Greek is canonical
2) There is no such thing as the original Aramaic Gospel. We don't have the orginals of --- literally -- any Bible book.Using the 4 remaining neurons you have
3) as with all your statements (show me even one exception) you have no citation, a sign of the pride that accompanies being a dumb sht
To gauge the value of this discussion for reasoning audiences:
Do you claim the Bible is anything other than a book of fairy tales?
The fact remains that Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, and he would throw the illegals out of the country.
I seem to recall that Jesus was kind to Samaritans, who were generally despised by Jews.
When they weren't breaking Jewish law...
Under Ilya's worldview, the entire population of Canada could walk south and illegally cross into the United States -- with the intention of permanently staying -- and it would not be an invasion. This is demented.
But it would be an improvement.
That is correct. It would be a mass migration. An invasion is a military thing. Period.
EDIT: Well, to clarify, it need not be the formal military of a recognized government. But it needs to be an organized armed force attempting to seize sovereign control of territory.
“We are looking at a billion-dollar bill for next year in the midst of declining revenues,” he told reporters. “Do you realize what that will do us?”
You fuckwits all hate migrants so much that you'll hand the government the power to hold any of you indefinitely, without trial, in order to permit the government to shoot migrants.
The idiocy of MAGA is really a wonder to behold, and truly depressing.
Not just the idiocy, but the hatred too.
I think we might want to encourage them to become Christians, which would help a lot.
"Christian Nationalists"?
even better
No. Actual Christians.
Nope, not at all. You do understand there is a difference between legal immigrants and illegal aliens, who are still Illegal aliens even when called "newcomers." But given your comment, I doubt that that ever crossed your confused little mind.
Sorry, is your point that you only hate illegal immigrants enough, that you'll give up fundamental protections of your own rights in order to empower the government to shoot them?
Uh no. My point is that illegal aliens are not legal immigrants and different policies should apply. Now as for shooting, that's absurd, although the animal that raped and murdered Laken Riley deserves a shot or two.
Okay, so you're just a moron drawing irrelevant distinctions, then.
Not irrelevant to the people victimized by these illegal criminals.
Absolutely fucking terrified out here.
Yeah, cartels and fentanyl are especially funny too. You're really a class act.
So you're terrified of drugs AND migrants. Scaaary.
You're just free-associating talking points.
I'm talking about MAGA's willingness to sacrifice essential protections against government overreach in order to deal with an issue they care way too much about.
Have authorities reported she was raped, were you there, or are you just sputtering bigoted, right-wing nonsense?
Simon, my paperwork is legitimate and I have it.
They don't.
If 8 million illegal aliens don’t qualify as an invaders because they aren’t an armed force, then the J6 rioters don’t qualify as an insurrectionists for the same reason.
You can’t have it both ways.
But you contradictk yourself as if how you are harmed negates that you are harmed. You must be a lawyer 🙂
"Your honor, he choked him to death" "yes, but hands aren't official weapons"
Have any J6 rioters been charged with "insurrection"?
No, but prof Somin insists it was an insurrection.
No he doesn't (not with respect to the J6 rioters).
But of course, you knew that.
Have any immigrants been charged with 'invasion?'
They're not immigrants. They're illegal aliens.
That's a no.
I don’t know WTF you’re talking about? Invasion is an offense in the US criminal code? Is that what armies do? arrest the invaders and charge them with “invasion”?
Well, there you go. None of them have been charged with 'invasion.' What are they committing? Oh yeah, a misdemeanour.
Charged with misdemeanor invasion? What is the us code cite for that ? 18 usc. sec. “doesn’t f’ing exis”t?
They're subhuman savage filth is what they are.
Jumaira : “They’re subhuman savage filth is what they are”
If today’s right-wingers weren’t so historically ignorant, they’d recognize what a tired old tune they’re singing. At various times the immigrants have been Irish, Italians, Catholics, Jews, Chinese and Japanese. Huckster politicians worked their mobs of chumps, dupes & marks into frenzied panic over every single group. They were all, it turned out, “subhuman savage filth.” (at least to the dupish & easily conned)
Above I see Edmund Burke’s Hastings spy is terrified an “ignorant hungry criminal immigrant” is going to kill his family. Poor little thing: It must be terrible to live in constant terror from wild phantasmagorical fears. That’s one of many reasons I could never be a right-winger. I could never be coward enough to quake in terror whenever some right-wing Handler wanted me panicked over yet another Other.
The judge expended so many words to explain the obvious. Unfortunately necessary due to our lack of humanity.
Well, Ilya, you and Judge Ezra can take all those "newcomers" into your homes. Meanwhile, they had best not show up in my town. My neighbors aren't as welcoming as you two.
Keyboard warrior on behalf of other people.
Promising violence against imaginary people who he does not bother to postulate have done anything but be present.
This is sundown town shit.
The imaginary “newcomers” seem to be inflicting a lot of real, horrific crimes against real US citizens.
Riva saw a short video on FoxNews once, apparently.
Not really sure I understand your point, assuming you have one. And just for the record, I rather despise FoxNews.
"... I'm more of a NewsMax guy, myself."
I can see it really bothers you not being able to attach some moronic label to anyone you disagree with. There is no shortage of complete idiots here though. And I thought Twitter was bad.
No, I am just making my point succinctly.
Above, you referenced "a lot of real, horrific crimes against real US citizens." What crimes, how many, where, based on what evidence?
Now, I can imagine how that discussion could have gone. I ask for a link, you serve up something from the right-wing outrage media, I point out that you are just selectively citing propaganda designed precisely to prompt your outrage, and we go round and round in circles. Ultimately, your complaint reduces to, "Any crime committed by illegal immigrants is unacceptable" and the only way to respond to that is to broaden the discussion into one about policy priorities, one that you won't be able to engage in intelligently and will just waste a lot more of my time.
So I make the point succinctly: you don't know what you're talking about. You're working off of a video or a twitter feed of videos that depicts crimes that you're primed to think are being committed by illegal immigrants - even if it turns out that they're not, or aren't recent, or aren't even in this country. Hence: "FoxNews."
And your response: "I hate FoxNews!" is just another tell. People like to say that when they get their outrage media from even more obscure, and less fact-based, parts of the internet.
Like, you can sit there and bitch about my applying simplistic labels to dismiss your prattle. But the truth is you're just another dittohead going through the same paces I've danced with dozens of other morons before you. You're not original, you don't have anything interesting to say, you're just another hateful cunt that would do the world a favor if you just went ahead and had that heart attack that's clearly in your imminent future. Pardon me if I try to save some time on the exchange.
Seem because you confuse anecdotes and date.
More importantly you are tagging in to join the argument for vigilante violence in anticipation of later horrific crimes.
We don’t do pre crime.
I can see you're going to be greatly distressed by the future deportations. Good.
Don’t change the subject. Yogis dad ‘best not show up in my town’ is not about deportations.
You know this.
I guess you picked a fight and wish you hadn’t. And are covering up with the usual asshole attempt.
Full tantrum mode I see. Like most out of control children, it looks like you need a time out.
So I made arguments - I pointed out you changed your thesis and then attacked me so maybe I wouldn’t notice.
I noticed.
You posted a content less comment that is pure insult.
Do you find this technique of constantly declaring victory effective? I can’t imagine it does much for you.
Your neighbors sound like bigoted, poorly educated, superstitious, antisocial, worthless right-wing write-offs.
Is the Volokh Conspiracy read aloud each afternoon at your town square?
Her name is Lanken Riley, funny how Parkinsonian Joe won't say her name, unlike he did with that piece of shit Floyd George.
Whose name is that, exactly? You’ve posted this so many times one would think you could spell the poor kid’s name right…
Drackman's an illiterate right-wing bigot . . . the purified essence of the Volokh Conspiracy.
Ask the people in Marthas Vineyard, NYC, or Chicago if it's an invasion.
Gotta love how they had the State Police and National Guard round up the illegals and remove them from the island.
Just sayin...
They did not.
The hell they didn't -- they put them all onto a bus, brought it off island on the ferry, and took them to Camp Edward.
Professor declares his favored invaders are not really invaders. Hitler should gave just sent his army in advance, without weapons. Remember, Professor, the crocodile DOES eventually eat you.
Judge Ezra’s decision highlights the genocidal depravity of the baby killer nation’s racial supremacist colonial settlers, who have routinely slaughered Palestinian women and children that were attempting to return to their homes, property, villages, and country.
The depraved colonial settlers of the baby killer nation routinely call the natives of Palestine פולשים (polshim) in a vain attempt to equate פלסטינים (Palestinim) or פלשתים (Plishtim) with invaders. Polshim is unrelated either to Palestinim or to Plishtim.
A colonial settler of the baby killer nation in stolen Palestine is an invader, interloper, thief, impostor, and perpetrator of genocide.
I have previously highlighted this issue myself: If immigration or drug smuggling by cartels qualify as "invasion," the writ of habeas corpus could be suspended at virtually any time, since such activity is virtually always ongoing (at least since the establishment of severe migration restrictions and the War on Drugs).
Yet you fail to see how expanding the definition of "insurrection" leads to candidates being disqualified from the ballot at any time, since protests and riots are virtually always ongoing.
It's not an expansion of the definition.
When you absolutely postively have nothing whatsoever to offer anyone or anything, let's call something that's been going on for decades an 'invasion' and pretend you're all shitting the bed over it.
I know it may seem like the invasion has been has been going on for decades but it's only been a few years since that corrupt slime Biden's regime opened the border.
Weird, because Trump and Tucker and their ilk have been ranting about it since long before the Biden administration took office.
That is weird since President Trump largely secured the border and that clown Biden did everything he could to dismantle everything President Trump put in place.
Largely secured? You originally said Biden opened it all himself.
Quit moving your goalposts.
And quit ipse dixiting. Do you have a source Trump largely secured the border, are did you just say that because you are lazy but still want to attack Biden?
Largely secure because no border in the world at any point in the history of the world since borders have existed has been 100% secure you clod. There will always be some illegal passage. Even N. Korea. But, Biden, in complete dereliction of his duty, has done everything possible to dismantle the measures put in place by President Trump to secure the border. Customs and Border Patrol has charts of the massive, unprecedented increase in Southwest border encounters under Biden and there are time line summaries done by House oversight committees, easy to find even for idiots like you. Here’s one:
The data and reality are obvious, but nothing is obvious to the terminally stupid I guess.
Why are MAGA too stupid to understand that "border encounters" by definition reflect enforcement rather than "open borders"?
Yeah it’s all enforcement. All those airports and “migrant” facilities overflowing with illegals. NY and other cities trying to backtrack on their sanctuary city BS. The massive caravans. None of that is happening. Who are you? Mayorkas’ impeachment counsel?
Look, if you want to claim that our border controls could and should be more stringent, that's one thing. But citing lots of border encounters is not evidence that our borders are open. Open borders would have fewer border encounters, not more.
uh what? you don’t know, well to put it as kindly as possible, jack shit. And jack left. Encounters can be placed into removal proceedings or expelled. whatever the F that senile corrupt clown is doing, he ain’t expelling them or turning them away.
There you go, just stating things with no proof, and moving your goalposts.
Well I did note above that nothing is obvious to the terminally stupid. Thanks for proving me right.
Not sure what kind of idiotic game you and your little tag team buddy seem to be playing by denying the facts. It’s like exchanging comments with Mayorkas, but more irritating. So not going to play anymore.
Ramp up the terror and the hysteria.
GOP catfish for communists who never repealed a single institution since Wilson, explained that their illegal drug war partly facilitated this invasion. Now they want a voter id that will conveniently show which WEF 15 minute city you escaped from… all to the delight of their mook supporters who claim to be Christian, American, or even Christian-American.
I’d like the judge to expand on the Treason of it, personally.
Whether it's an invasion or not, the federal government should not be allowed to exercise executive "discretion" to not enforce federal immigration laws, and then tell the states they can't do it.
Biden is an ugly geriatric senile traitor. He belongs in a concentration camp.
Have you ever been to manzanar?