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Does Biden Need Congressional Authorization for His Strikes Against the Houthis? [Updated]
The answer is likely "no" for US military action so far, because it is a defense against attack. But a broader conflict or one of much longer duration would be different.

Yesterday, the US and UK launched air and missile strikes on Houthi forces in Yemen, in response to the latter's repeated attacks on shipping in the Red Sea. This action raises a variety of moral and policy issues. It also raises the question of whether President Biden has the authority to launch these strikes without congressional authorization (which, so far, he hasn't gotten). Several members of Congress - mainly on the far right and far left - have already claimed Biden acted unconstitutionally.
It is true that the Constitution gives Congess, not the president, the power to declare war. The president cannot initiate any large-scale military action on his own. But critics of Biden's action overlook the fact that the US strikes are not initiating a war, but responding to attack. For weeks, the Houthis have been launching indiscriminate attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, one of the world's most important waterways.
As legal scholar Michael Ramsey shows in his excellent article, "The President's Power to Respond to Attacks," the president does not need advance congressional authorization to respond to attacks on US troops, territory, or American ships on the high seas. In such cases, it is not the US that has initiated the conflict, but the enemy. Ramsey also makes clear that defensive responses may include tactically offensive actions, such as - in this case - targeting the bases and other facilities the Houthis used to launch their attacks on shipping.
There is, admittedly, a potential complication here, in that it's not entirely clear the Houthis were targeting US ships. At least initially, they claimed they were only attacking ships with connections to Israel. However, they have hit (or tried to hit) ships from a variety of nations. That strongly suggests that either they don't really care whether a ship has connections to Israel, or their definition of what qualifies as a connection is so broad that almost any ship in the Red Sea potentially qualifies.
Moreover, earlier this week a Houthi spokesman actually admitted that one of their recent attacks "targeted an American ship that was providing support to the Zionist entity." Needless to say, the US ship in question wasn't actually "providing support" to Israel in any but a highly tangential sense that could apply to almost any US ship. And even if the ship was in fact somehow helping Israel, the Houthi action still qualifies as an attack on the US.
In addition to targeting at least some US ships, the Houthis have also been attacking ships belonging to US NATO allies (such as Norway). Under Article 5 of the NATO treaty, the US has a legal obligation to help defend other members of the alliance if the latter are attacked. That provides further legal justification for Biden's strikes. By ratifying the North Atlantic Treaty, Congress has in effect preauthorized military action when necessary to carry out US obligations under Article 5.
In sum, there is likely solid legal justification for US strikes against the Houthis - at least so far. I have been highly critical of previous military actions that lacked proper constitutional authorization, such as Barack Obama's 2011 intervention in Libya (which lacked congressional authorization, and was not a response to attack). But this case is different.
That doesn't mean Biden has completely unlimited discretion to use as much force as he wants in this situation. If he tries to expand the conflict beyond anything that could reasonably be considered defense against attack (e.g. - a large-scale ground invasion of Yemen), that would likely require congressional authorization. That is especially true if the president wants to strike the Houthis' sponsor, Iran, as well as the Houthis themselves.
In addition, if this military intervention goes on for more than three months, it might run afoul of the 1973 War Powers Act, which requires the president to get congressional authorization for any use of military forces in "hostilities" abroad within 90 days. Some argue that the War Powers Act is unconstitutional. But the Biden Administration hasn't taken that position, and I think they are right not to. And this conflict pretty obviously qualifies as involving US troops in "hostilities."
For these reasons, the White House may be well-advised to try to get Congress to pass an authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) for this situation. It should not be hard to do. While congressional Republicans are at odds with Biden on many issues, when it comes to countering Iran and its proxies (including the Houthis), most of them are actually more hawkish than the White House, and have been hammering Biden for not doing enough. An AUMF might also have deterrent value by sending a signal of unity and resolve to the enemy.
Be that as it may, it seems likely that - so far - US military actions against the Houthis are legally justified. Unlike some previous military interventions, they don't violate the constitutional separation of powers. Whether that remains true depends in part on the scope and duration of any further military action.
UPDATE: Michael Ramsey comments on the legal issue and this post here. He in large part agrees with my analysis, but offers some caveats. The most notable is he doesn't think Article 5 of the NATO treaty allows the president to use military force to defend an alliance member from attack without additional congressional authorization. To my mind, ratification of the treaty qualifies as such authorization in the event of attack on treaty member, just as Congress can enact advance authorizations for the use of military force (AUMFs) for other situations - ones triggered by specific events. Examples include the 1991 and 2002 AUMFs giving advance authorization for the Gulf War and the Iraq War, respectively.
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What do you mean, no? = Does Biden Need Congressional Authorization for his Strikes Against the Houthis?
Why not just call it piracy and let Congress vote for a war resolution? Isn't that the way it is supposed to work? Jefferson did it for the Barbary wars. Pretty much the same problem now, too; pirates menacing our shipping. Declare war, then wipe them out.
"Jefferson did it for the Barbary wars"
220 years of history say Somin is very wrong, as usual.
The military power is a shared one.
According to wikipedia, Jefferson agreed with Somin.
Thread drift warning...
Why were the U.S. and Sweden the powers at war with the Barbary Pirates? Or to put it another way, why did the other European powers put up with the pirates for so long?
A declaration of war is not necessary to address piracy. By definition, piracy is a crime unsanctioned by the pirate's government. (If it is sanctioned, it's called privateering and that's an act of war on their part.) Pirates, being mere criminals and not (officially) backed by any government, may be hunted down at will. No declaration of war is necessary or even possible because, again, the pirates are presumptively acting without the sanction of their government and war can only be declared on other governments.
Didn’t you want to be a pirate when you grew up??
You raise something I've sometimes wondered about: Why do we tend to glamourize/glorify pirates and piracy?
The perceived romance of doing something outside the law, I'm guessing. Sort of the same way we romanticize exotic cat burglars/jewel thieves. Hell, we often (in various media) romanticize assassins . . . as long as they have a heart of gold hidden underneath.
{Fun pirate facts: Pirates had one of the first versions of workman’s compensation and disability insurance. Pirate ships usually voted on major decisions (eg, whether to attack a particular ship; where to sail next; etc). Many women were pirates. It’s a myth that captains took half the plundered treasure. A double share at most was vastly more common. Each ship had its own code of conduct (usually formalized into writing). The living and working conditions on a pirate ship were usually better (often vastly better) than on naval or merchant ships.}
While a declaration of war is not necessary to address piracy, bombing the territory of a sovereign nation is an ACT OF WAR (unless you get their permission to do so). So this becomes a moot issue.
Were we to sink Pirate boats ON THE OPEN SEA, that's one thing -- sinking them in the territorial waters of a sovereign nation is, again, an act of war (unless we have permission from said nation to do so).
It's far from clear that Yemen is in fact a sovereign nation. Or that the last legitimate government of Yemen would oppose military action taken against the Houthi forces.
Did anyone ask them? As far as I know, the government of Yemen that is recognised by the US is all in favour of people shooting at the Houthi. So it seems like a no-brainer to seek Yemen’s consent for such an attack.
"Did anyone ask them? "
Why bother? There is a slight chance they might say no since the sea attacks are nominally due to the Gaza war and they might be afraid of Arab reaction.
Better just to exercise our self defense rights.
Self-defence against what?
Remember that the US provided the KSA weapons to cause hundreds of thousand of deaths in Yemen. The recognized government consists of powerless puppets of the KSA.
Yes, which makes it quite unlikely that they’d say no.
Agreed. See my somewhat longer comment below on the distinction between responding to pirates at sea and attacking land-based targets.
We did not declare war against the Barbary states.
Congress authorized the President to use force against the Barbary states if they declared war on us, and Tripoli did.
I don't see how that's responsive to what I wrote.
It's providing some additional information. It's also not quite correct. Jefferson said that the Constitution didn't authorize him to go "beyond the line of defense" without authorization from Congress, and Congress gave him the authorization.
Biden had plenty of time to consult with Congress
I think I disagree but I'd appreciate a more informed opinion from someone with formal experience in laws applicable to the high seas.
Briefly, I think the President does not need congressional authority to respond to immediate attacks of piracy. Shooting at and sinking the boats attacking US flagged vessels is well within the established historical boundaries. Shooting at and sinking boats attacking vessels flagged by our allies is also historically defensible though not, I think, required or necessarily advisable. Attacking targets on land, however, is a very different matter. Historically, that would be an act of war even if the fort/castle was actively shooting at you. Preemptively shooting at weapons depots and ammunition dumps goes well beyond what was historically allowable without triggering a declaration of war.
re: why can't you shoot at a land-based facility that is actively attacking you? Remember that the presumption is that we are not at war (yet) and that the government holding jurisdiction over the land is responsible for everything their people do on that land. If they are breaking the law by firing on a neutral vessel (or worse, an ally), it is the responsibility of their own law enforcement to stop it. By taking their law into your own hands, you are committing an act of war. (Note that their failure to act may become a valid justification to declare war but that only happens after they fail to deal with the lawbreakers.) Yes, that means I think Ramsey (and Prof Somin) are flat wrong about "tactically offensive actions".
re: why defending our allies' vessels may not be advisable. The short version is to avoid the moral hazard of allies free-riding on our military investment. If they want us to defend their shipping, that should be a matter of treaty and the treaty should include some reimbursement of costs. I'm okay with the US Navy being the oceans' policemen so long as we're getting paid for the job.
America is now energy dominant thanks to Putin turbocharging our LNG export industry. America now isn’t just an importer of energy we will soon be the most important exporter of energy.
Memory is that there is a distinction between imminent threat (bullets flying at you) and pursuing past threats -- and the latter is prohibited in the territorial waters of a sovereign state, it is their job, and your country has a claim against that country if it doesn't.
The most recent UN Convention on Law of the Seas may have changed it, but memory is that the US didn't sign it.
A while back, there was some collective agreement about protection from piracy in the waters off Ethiopia, memory is that it was several nations agreeing to protect each others ships from pirate attack with whichever warboat was closest responding (and them being distributed throughout the area).
But I agree -- pay our taxes to get our services.
Remember when Trump failed to protect a military outpost in Kenya and Al-Shabaab waltzed in a slaughtered 3 Americans and destroyed $100 million in air assets and a severely burned soldier couldn’t be evacuated for 8 hours?? Oh well, he knew what he signed up for, right??
Actually -- no.
Because it wasn’t reported on OANN. 😉
1) The Houthis have not sunk an American flagged vessel. Attack on American vessels have been few and hardly warrant attacks deep inland.
2) The government of Yemen that America does recognize is not actually in power.
3) The piracy has been going on for months, even prior to 7 October. The attacks are not "immediate."
4) There have been months to consult with Congress.
"Attack on American vessels have been few and hardly warrant attacks deep inland."
It is a remarkably stupid position to take that 'distance from a coastline' somehow matters.
Interesting. A few years a go I knew the answer. Now, I'm not too sure. What Executive Powers are the Democrats allowing the President to use these days?
Oh great, this Republican wants to torture a few more innocent Muslims and he’s angry Democrats won’t let him. I’m so sorry you have to go through this period of not torturing the wrong Muhammad who just happened to be standing on the wrong street corner in some god forsaken land. So sadz. 🙁
Anything he wants
Fuck these pieces of shit.
Thus far, I haven't seen a single version of the story that suggests he even tried asking for authorization and thus short-circuiting the current dispute. And this situation has been brewing for weeks -- it's not like he suddenly had to make a kneejerk call on something blowing up in front of him.
Perhaps he believed Congressional approval wouldn't be nearly as easy to get as Ilya cheerily posits.
What's not said in any of this is that ships used to want to bear the flag of a powerful navy because it would defend them.
I would just once like to see us make a distinction between American Flagged ships and those flying flags of convenience. Want the US Navy to protect you? Then pay US taxes and US registration fees and register your ship HERE...
What I find amazing is that Brandon isn't going to the UN about this.
For once I agree with Dr. Ed (except for his final sentence).
Dealing with rogue states is exactly what the UN was intended for.
If it can't agree that piracy is bad, what good is it?
Agreed. Although of course in this case the government of Yemen that is accredited at the UN also agrees that the Houthis are bastards who should be shot at.
That so-called government of Yemen is essentially non-existent except in the mind of UN diplomats
The government of Yemen broadly controls what used to be South Yemen, while the Houthis are strongest in what used to be North Yemen.
"Dealing with rogue states is exactly what the UN was intended for."
How many divisions does the UN have?
Quite a few, although I don’t think the UN counts its soldiers in divisions.
Nimarata Hussein Haley is the Eternal Supreme Leader of the UN!!
Last I checked, no one is attacking the United States, and no one was attacking any particular ship. So this whole self defence argument seems like nonsense on stilts to me. Leaving to one side that there’s decades of precedent suggesting that the president can shoot at whomever he pleases, this seems like a straightforward violation of the constitution to me. (And a violation of art. 2(4) of the UN Charter, obviously.)
Trump’s first military order was to assassinate a little American girl that apparently called him a “poop head”. So Trump ordered SEAL Team 6 to kill her and her baby sitter unfortunately killed a member of SEAL Team 6 but Trump managed to kill the little girl and 9 other small children so the mission was a success!! Hooray for Trump!!
"no one ... attacking any particular ships" is flatly false. Read the article above. Or any of the related articles in the past few days. Ships are being attacked regularly. And those ships have both a right to self-defense and a right to be defended by the navy(ies) of the country that they are flagged under and its allies.
The Baby-Sitters Club oath didn’t have anything about defending the children in your care if Trump sends SEAL Team 6 to assassinate one them…at least not that I remember??
Yes, and if a ship is attacked the US is well within its rights to defend it, pre-emptively speaking if need be. But they cannot rely on the fact that generically ships are attacked from a given country to attack that country.
"no one is attacking the United States"
They attacked at least one US warship. Admitted it.
" Yemen’s Houthi rebels claim to have attacked US ship in Red Sea
Houthi rebels say attack was ‘initial response to US assault’ on its forces in Red Sea last month
Mohammad Sıo | 10.01.2024 - Update : 10.01.2024 " Turkey news site
"and no one was attacking any particular ship."
They seized a merchant ship, the Galaxy Leader. The Security Council even ordered its release this week. See also attack on US warship above.
In fairness to Martinned, that may have happened after he last checked.
He's got us there...
The Security Council sure didn’t authorise an armed attack against Yemen, so I don’t know what that has to do with anything.
"his whole self defence argument seems like nonsense on stilts to me. "
Exactly, Biden will be very lucky not to be engaged in a broad Middle East War by next fall.
Because Biden thinks an unpopular hot war is just what his re-election campaign needs?
Damn, the guy really is senile!
Good policy or no, the War Powers Act effectively answers this question till April.
After that, it gets a bit less clear.
I guess Ilya's main point will come in part 2: we should allow all the Houthis to immigrate to the US so they won't be shooting missiles at ships in the Red Sea in the first place.
It is a wonder that he has not proposed to have the population of Gaza come to the US.
Trump let in an Iraqi intent on assassinating George W Bush…that’s pretty weird.
Nah, they'll shoot ships on the Mississippi River instead.
Thought Experiment: The shoe is on the other foot test
Imagine POTUS Trump ordered a strike on the Houthis, in response to piracy. Does he need Congressional authorization for the use of force?
Who do you think he aimed his ~187 Yemeni drone strikes against, if not the Houthis?
Are you OK?
Yet another anti-Libertarian post from Somin, giving war rationalizations. I am surprised he doesn't also argue that American are too stupid to have an opinion about going to war.