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Court Reverses Child Custody Order That "No Parent Will Put Down Christianity to or in Front of the Children"
From Marriage of Cochener & Metcalfe, decided yesterday by the Washington Court of Appeals (Judge Ian Birk, joined by Judges Stephen Dwyer & Janet Chung):
Metcalfe challenges a provision of the parenting plan that reads in part: "No parent will put down Christianity to or in front of the children, or allow other members of their household to put down either parents' spirituality." Metcalfe argues the trial court's wording of the religious upbringing provision violates the First Amendment.
The provision was not discussed until a posttrial hearing. Cochener's counsel stated, "Ms. Cochener just wants to be sure that Mr. Metcalfe does not have the ability to block her from teaching the children about her religion." The Court inquired as to the parents' religious practices. Cochener identified herself as "a practicing Christian," and Metcalfe stated, "I don't identify with any particular religion." Metcalfe stated it would not be a problem for him to teach the children to respect Cochener's religion, and "I think we should both expose the kids to different things so they can find their own way in life and be respectful to the other's views." Cochener stated, "[M]y only concern is that my children have expressed that they have been told denigrating things about Christianity in their dad's house. … I have no concern about raising my children with a respect for all religions and beliefs and non-beliefs."
The Court responded, "So any negative comments about Christianity made to the children or in front of the children … will be adequate cause to change the position to sole decision-making." The trial court subsequently incorporated Metcalfe's and Cochener's agreements in the written order: "Parents have agreed to raise their children to affirm all religious traditions, appreciate the good in the practice of other faiths, and respect those who have no religious preference. No parent will put down Christianity to or in front of the children, or allow other members of their household to put down either parents' spirituality."
Parents have a fundamental right to make decisions regarding the care, custody, and control of their children. The parental right to determine the child's religious upbringing derives both from the parents' right to the free exercise of religion and to the care and custody of their children. A parent's right to direct the religious upbringing of a child may be subject to limitation "if it appears that parental decisions will jeopardize the health or safety of the child, or have a potential for significant social burdens." Article 1, section 11 of the Washington State constitution is more protective of religious freedom than the First Amendment. A Washington court may restrict a parent from teaching children about faith "only upon a substantial showing of potential or actual harm to the children as a result of the children's adverse reaction to parental conflict over the children's religious upbringing, and only to the degree necessary to prevent harm to the children."
Elsewhere, Massachusetts upheld a prohibition that a parent "shall not share his religious beliefs with the children if those beliefs cause the children significant emotional distress or worry about their mother or about themselves." Kendall v. Kendall (Mass. 1997). A Colorado court reversed a prohibition on homophobic religious teachings when the court could not "determine from the findings whether the trial court applied the correct standard in limiting [a parent's] right to determine the child's religious upbringing. In re Interest of E.L.M.C. (Colo. App. 2004). There, though the other parent argued the restriction was a mere nondisparagement clause, the court did not uphold it on that basis "because it is not so described in the trial court's order. Nor is it mutual."
As written, the challenged provision limits religious topics the parents may discuss with the children in potentially undefined and subjective ways, and is not specific to nondisparagement of the respective parents' spirituality. The record does not show the trial court analyzed whether parental decisions on religious discussions will jeopardize the health or safety of the children.
The parties agreed at oral argument that their dispute is adequately resolved as long as the parenting plan provides that neither parent shall disparage the other parent's spirituality. Such a provision would be consistent with orders concerning religious upbringing that have been upheld. We reverse the religious upbringing provision, and remand for the religious decision-making provision to be revised to reflect the parties' agreement that mutual nondisparagement of each parent's spirituality is sufficient.
I'm not sure that general prohibitions on parents' disparaging the other parent's spirituality are permissible, absent agreement by the parties. Likewise, I think Kendall v. Kendall is mistaken; for more on that, see my Parent-Child Speech and Child Custody Speech Restrictions. But I definitely agree that the prohibition on "put[ting] down Christianity" is too broad and vague, even in light of the parties' agreement to a narrower prohibition on "disparag[ing] the other parent's spirituality" (which I read as forbidding disparagement personalized to the other parent, rather than just a condemnation of a religion more broadly). You can see more about that in the amicus brief that my First Amendment Amicus Brief Clinic students Samantha Frazier, Katarina Rusinas, and Philip Raucci and I filed on behalf of the Pennsylvania First Amendment Center and myself (with the invaluable help of local counsel Gary W. Manca of Talmadge/Fitzpatrick).
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EV- you have an accidental period (punctuation) in the title of the post.
As to the case, I know that you're doing work on the intersection of family law and religion. But as far as I'm concerned (and to paraphrase a certain older movie ....)
Forget it, EV. It's Familylawtown.
Why is this even a thing?
Suppose the blog title was, "Court Reverses Child Custody Order That "No Parent Will Put Down The Yankees to or in Front of the Children."
That would be unexceptional, because everyone knows that in the Supreme Court case of Common Sense v. Yo Mama, 666 US 666 (1950), the Supreme Court ruled that the Yankees suck, and any order to the contrary cannot stand.
Yeah, but that same Court rules the Red Sox reeeaaaaallllly sux. 🙂
Strong dissent from Justice Frankfurter.
Because religion is special. Instead of treating it like any other belief system -- neither more favorable nor less favorable -- the courts have traditionally treated it as entitled to special treatment. Fortunately that seems to be on the way out.
"any other belief system "
Its not "special treatment", its mandated by the Constitution.
I think all belief systems are protected by the First Amendment. I don't think the First Amendment requires more favorable treatment for religion.
So the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses are simply meaningless drivel?
It's remarkable that you failed to properly comprehend Krychek's argument.
No, "special treatment" for religion is not mandated by any part of the Constitution. Maybe you should check your sources and take note of precisely what is prohibited, and to whom or what that prohibition applies.
A parent deciding to disparage the religion of the other parent is entirely permissible at any and all times. Why? Because each parent has the right to free speech.
If you truly believe that criticism of someone's religion is somehow illegal, by all means provide your source.
It is true that many, perhaps most of the Conspirators believe that religious expression stands on the same footing as any other expression, all equally protected by the free speech clause of the Constitution. That interpretation has the effect of reducing the free exercise clause to a superfluity, which is contrary to sound principles of construction. More important, that interpretation is not consistent with the body of US court decisions, and constitutes a poor guide to predicting future judicial decisions. If you believe, in a legal realist mode, that the law is what the courts say it is, and that the job of lawyers is to predict what they will say, then that interpretation must be rejected. The Constitution, as actually applied by actual courts, does give special protection to religion.
WRONG and maybe even just the opposite.
If the Constitution gave "special" protection to religion, then it would say that.
All houses of religion and religious practices will be guaranteed and protected by the Government.
THAT'S special protection.
The free exercise protects just that, free exercise. It doesn't mean that speech about religion, or endorsing religion is more protected, or that speech condemning religion is less protected.
Indeed, if speech "putting down Christianity" is actually less protected, then why aren't blasphemy laws constitutional?
"It is true that many, perhaps most of the Conspirators believe that religious expression stands on the same footing as any other expression, all equally protected by the free speech clause of the Constitution. That interpretation has the effect of reducing the free exercise clause to a superfluity,"
Your own proselytizing is protected by the free exercise clause. Someone deciding to disparage your belief in make-believe omnipotent entities is protected by their free speech rights.
In other words: the premise of your quote is entirely wrong.
And by the free exercise clause, as proselytization to get weekly
donations, er, save souls, is part of religious practice.
It's nice freedom of speech has inhaled much of freedom of religion, the way it has inhaled much of freedom of both the institutional press, and the freedom of mechanical presses i.e. mass production and distribution of speech, by implication of freedom of speech.
But no one should ever dare to dream weasels seeking power are above trying to reverse that, especially in places with a new constitution that feels no need to protect other religions or the press.
That interpretation has the effect of reducing the free exercise clause to a superfluity, which is contrary to sound principles of construction.
One person's free exercise of their religion is not impacted at all if someone else says bad things about that religion, even to their face. In fact, it is a matter of free speech that people be allowed to do so. (Or possibly even their free exercise rights if they are saying that religion X is better than religion Y.)
Free exercise is protected against government action only. That is why these parental restrictions on speech are so problematic. In my view, only when one parent is badmouthing the other parent after a divorce to or in front of the children is their safety and emotional health impacted enough to justify restricting the parents' freedom of speech.
You’re saying the Establishment Clause, the Free Exercise Clause, and the Religious Test for Public Office Clause are all meaningless drivel that don’t mandate anything?
Religion is not special, in regard to child rearing. All parents should be able to express any opinions they want to their kids.
Well, the parents should not get their kids involved in any remaining bitterness toward each other. A dad saying, "Your mom is a slut," to their children can be restricted in court orders, I would think.
What special treatment does 'religion' consistently get by the courts?
Take the basic example of two workers who object to their employer’s vaccine mandate. One is a Christian who thinks vaccines are against the Bible; the other is an atheist who simply thinks vaccines don’t work. Which of them is more likely to get an exemption?
One of my pet gripes is that as an atheist my conscience gets no exemption at all, no matter how well thought out my objections to any given law may be. But let someone show up who objects because Great Caesar’s Ghost came to him in a dream, and that’s protected religious practice.
Atheism, IIRC, does suffer all the same religious protections of the First Amendment, not just the freedom of speech portion. But without an angry mountain god yelling at you to get crazy, you have little to stand on.
It's ironic much of the anger of my fellow atheists in trying to control religion amounts to trying to force atheism on them via government, i.e. atheism wins as a religion, but it is couched in terms of government neutrality to religion, as if the religious detente forced on government by The People via the Constitution were the same as declaring atheism wins.
It’s not atheism winning if the government remains strictly neutral, meaning religion gets neither special privileges nor special disadvantages. It’s the staying out of it.
There are web sites devoted to whining about how terribly persecuted Christians are that I sometimes read for amusement. Almost without exception their complaints are about not being given special favoritism rather than actual persecution. The massive sense of entitlement just drips off the page.
For example, there’s a church that, along with every other tenant, is being kicked out of a strip mall so the owner can tear it down and build something else. They think this is terrible persecution. No it’s not; it’s capitalism.
You're not making a fair comparison. "Vaccine X doesn't work" is an empirically testable opinion. That puts it outside the realm of faith and thus not relevant to a debate about religion.
A better comparison is an atheist who believes that vaccines are unethical because they violate the Nietzschean principle of will to power (or at least, his interpretation of it). That atheist is just as like to get the exemption as the person who thinks they violate some tenet of the Bible.
Ok so you missed the whole point of my argument which is that religion is given more favorable treatment than empiricism.
Atheism =/= empiricism. If that was supposed to be your "whole point", you failed to make it.
But, yes, we do grant matters of faith deference over matters of empiricism. And that makes sense because our legislators are (presumably) competent to evaluate and legislate on matters that can be evaluated empirically (even if your or I would reach different empirical conclusions) but those same legislators are emphatically not competent to evaluate and legislate on matters of faith. The history of religious persecutions (in all directions) is more than enough evidence to justify the current deference.
So does someone who believes that childhood vaccines cause autism, which has been shown to be false, get less deference for their belief than someone who has the same belief because God told them so? That would appear to be exactly the preference for religion that Krychek_2 mentioned.
A better parallel would be to someone who has an irrational but pathological fear of needles. They might well be entitled to a medical exemption from the mandate.
Also, I'd note that we are talking about statutory rules, not constitutional ones.
Thats more of an issue where its the difference between a fundamental article of faith in your beliefs vs just contradicting the 'settled science'. I suspect most of the cases where people are whining is when they couched it in the terms of the latter. I personally believe like you that any sincere philosophical objection to stuff like the vaxx should be honored when reasonable. Maybe if more atheists believed the same way you'd have what you want.
I think religion is somewhat special despite being an atheist.
I do think that forbidding a parent from putting down the other parents religious belief would be fine in the interest of domestic harmony, just as forbidding a parent from making fat jokes about their ex-spouse in front of the children could be forbidden. However the idea that the parent is the absolute master of their new house hold and order them to forbid "other members of their household to put down either parents' spirituality" is ridiculous in this day and age, same with making fat jokes, however tasteless.
Is 'domestic harmony' mentioned as an exemption to the First Amendment anywhere?
The first amendment often is constrained when courts get involved in domestic orders.
"In a ruling on Thursday, Judge Kim Cooks in the 255th District Court in Dallas said that the parents should have joint custody and that the state could not require Mr. Younger to treat the child as a girl. She also forbade either parent from speaking to the news media and ordered Mr. Younger to shut down his site. (It appeared to have been taken down on Friday.)
Wow, so you found an example of someone issuing an unconstitutional gag order. Amazing. Wait - we all know that district court rulings are infallible, and that 'prior restraint' means nothing, right?
How does that relate to the government forbidding what you may speak about inside your own home?
Perhaps some scholar has written an article about the state of the law in different circumstances and jurisdiction when the 1st amendment may conflict with “the best interests” of the child:
“ What is not clear is whether this presumption would be rebutted in light of a compelling interest in shielding children from speech that is against their best interests; parents forfeit some of their First Amendment rights by divorcing, and a court has an obligation to make the best child protective decision it can, even if it means considering factors that would be constitutionally immune from penalty outside the child custody context.
It is also possible that the best interests standard may generally be constitutionally inadequate where a parent’s speech (religious or otherwise) is involved, but may be adequate where the restrictions are aimed solely at protecting the other parent’s rights (for instance, when a court orders a parent not to engage in nonideological badmouthing of the other parent).”
But now that you’ve promulgated a hard and fast rule, I’m sure courts all over the country will fall in line to conform.
Seen the Yankees play this year? they need to be put down (Mets to)
Choose reason. Every time.
Choose reason. Every time. Especially over sacred ignorance and dogmatic intolerance.
Choose reason. Every time. Most especially if you are older than 12 or so. By then, childhood indoctrination fades as an excuse for gullibility, ignorance, bigotry, backwardness, and superstition. By adulthood -- this includes ostensible adulthood, even in the most can't-keep-up backwater one could find -- it is no excuse.
Choose reason. Every time. And education, the reality-based world, inclusiveness, modernity, science, and progress. Avoid superstition, backwardness, credulousness, ignorance, dogma, bigotry, insularity, and pining for "good old days" that never existed. Not 75 years ago. Not 175 years ago. Not 2,000 years ago, except in fairy tales suitable solely for young children and especially gullible adolescents.
Competent adults neither advance nor accept supernatural arguments in reasoned debate, especially with respect to public affairs.
Choose reason. Every time. Be an adult.
Or, at least, please try.
Otherwise you could wind up in court, arguing that your fairy tale can beat up everyone else's fairy tale, and that the judge should prevent anyone from saying your fairy tale isn't the most bestest of all the fairy tales.
Thank you.
Please include religions swapping "for God" with "for The People" and "I'll make life better for you after you die" with "I'll make life better for you after my five year plan.
And both leaders together now: "Give me the power to bonk the other leaders over the head and things'll be great after I defeat my competition, er, the evil ones, pay no attention to my fattening pockets..."
"Five year plans" sounds great.
Nobody makes baby chords sound great quite like John. I also like that he forms his "G" the "wrong" way (middle finger, rather than ring finger, covering the low G).
This one was about a dozen five-year plans ago.
Somewhere in the Constitution is a rule about an establishment of religion which is what the judge was in violation of.
Some commenters here seem to ignore the context: child custody. There are many cases where that trumps First Amendment.
"Jane is a slut" or "Jane is a moron" are opinions protected by the First Amendment. Jane's ex-husband is free to say it to anyone he wishes, but a family court might well enjoin him from doing so in front of his and Jane's children, and I think that such would be upheld against a First Amendment challenge.
If Jane is a devout Christian, then "Christianity is a stupid religion that only morons believe" might well fall into the same category. Not because religion is special (my examples are not religious), but because child custody is special.
To the extent that a court can treat the different statements [a] "Christianity is a stupid religion that only morons belief." and [b] "There is no actual God, and Christians belief in something that does not exist." as opinions that can equally be sanctioned; I think that would be a mistake, and a bad result.
The difficulty is that, for most of us, we'd agree that a parent should not be deliberately cruel about the other parent (while in front of the kids), but we'd never get a consensus about all the comments in the middle...things that would outrage me would be things that you find unobjectionable.
"Only morons belief in God. Your mom believes in God. She's a f*cking moron, and that's why I divorced her." Lots of people would be fine with a court ordering me to not say this.
"Daughter; you are asking me why I divorced your mom? Honey, it's because she believes in God, and I don't. There is no evidence that God exists, and I believe in science and things that can be proven. Your mom chooses to believe in things that I think don't exist. I hope you will grow up to be like me--to follow logic and science, and to reject things that cannot be proven or demonstrated. Things like Christianity." Now, can a court order me to not say this? That's a lot more concerning, obviously. (IMO)
ISTM that a lot depends on what "put down" means.
Suppose the child asks the father, "Daddy, are you a Christian?"
"No," says the father.
"Why not?"
Now what?
Surely its not too hard for someone to explain their own beliefs without putting down others.
And if he can't explain his own beliefs in any other fashion than saying "because I hate Christians and their sanctimonious holier than thou attitudes" the he can honestly say ", I don't know he doesn't have any beliefs of his own. I just know I'm not that, isn't much of a belief system, although its obviously all Kirkland has.
Surely its not too hard for someone to explain their own beliefs without putting down others.
Do you mean other people, or other beliefs.
True, there is no need to put down other people. It's possible to say "I believe differently than your mother," without insulting the mother, sort of. (I mean, saying that you think a strongly held belief is wrong automatically is a bit of an insult of the believer, but we usually don't regard it as that.)
OTOH, what is saying, "I don't think Christian beliefs are true" other than "putting down" Christianity. It would surely be treated as that by some believers.
"Dad, Mom wants me to become an altar boy. Would that be a good thing?"
"No, it's not good."
"Why not?"
"Well, how can I explain this.... Some Catholic priests have ... um ... turned out to be ... well ... Yankees fans."
Well if that’s permissible then certainly it should be permissible to say: “No Dad can’t take you to the Pride Parade, I’ve heard there are a lot of Yankee fans there who might try to convince you to join their team.”
Which in a lot of jurisdictions it wouldn’t be.
Suppose the mother was black. Does the father have a fundamental right to tell the children that all black people are lazy and mentally retarded? After all, he isn’t disparaging the mother specifically.
If so, you are being consistent, I can’t argue.
If not, why should disparaging the mother’s religion be treated differently from disparaging the mother’s race?
I think there are several issues that distinguish religion from speech generally.
A key one is that in modern identity-based jurisprudence religion is treated as an element of a person’s identity, a person’s core self. analogous to race or sex, whereas a person’s general beliefs (e.g. political beliefs) aren’t. That’s why it’s common to choose only people who have desired political beliefs for public office, but the original Constitution prohibited doing so on the basis of religion even before the Bill of Rights (the “religious test for public office” clause).
Modern practice, in for example discrimination law, has reinforced the tendency to treat religion as an identity characteristic like race or sex, but not to treat general beliefs that way.
And seen that way, a parent disparaging the other parent’s religion in front of the children is arguably analogous to a parent disparaging the other parent’s other protected identity characteristics, such as race or sex. This makes it a different analysis from expressing disagreement with the other parent on more general matters like politics. Perhaps Free Speech still trumps. But it’s not so obvious.