The Volokh Conspiracy
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Court Rejects First Amendment Challenge to School District's Ban on Students "Misgendering" Classmates
From Chief Judge Algenon Marbley (S.D. Ohio) today in Parents Defending Education v. Olentangy Local School Dist. Bd. of Ed.:
The Board of Education for the School District has issued several policies regarding harassment, bullying, and the use of personal communication devices that are intended to "maintain an education and work environment that is free from all forms of unlawful harassment." To that end, Policy 5517 prohibits students from engaging in discriminatory harassment or bullying based on the personal characteristics of other students, such as their race, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or ancestry. Similarly, Policy 5136 prohibits students from using their personal devices to send messages that threaten, humiliate, harass, embarrass, or intimidate other students. And lastly, the Code of Conduct prohibits speech that involves "discriminatory language," including the intentional misgendering of transgender students—i.e., failing to address a student by their preferred pronouns….
[The Court denies plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction] because [plaintiff] has failed to establish a substantial likelihood of success on its First Amendment claim.
While schoolchildren do not wholly "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate," Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist. (1969), kindergarten through 12th grade ("K-12") educators nevertheless retain "comprehensive authority … consistent with fundamental constitutional safeguards, to prescribe and control conduct in the schools." Thus, public schools are permitted to proscribe student speech that "materially disrupts classwork or involves substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others."
The challenged speech policies fit squarely within this carve-out to schoolchildren's First Amendment rights: they prohibit only speech that gives rise to fears of physical or psychological harm, materially affect student performance, substantially disrupt the operation of the school, or create a hostile educational environment. Ultimately, transgender youth are far too often subject to harassment and bullying in public schools. They are threatened or physically injured in schools at a rate four times higher than other students. They are harassed verbally at extraordinarily high rates. More than one in five attempt suicide.
Allowing speech that creates a hostile environment for transgender students can have devastating consequences—reinforcing feelings of isolation and inferiority, imposing substantial psychological injuries that result in decreased school attendance and performance, and heightening the risk of serious physical harm. School policies intended to reduce the pervasive harassment of transgender students, in other words, advance public schools' mission of ensuring that all students have an opportunity to learn and grow in an environment "most conducive to speculation, experiment and creation."
Nor do the likely merits of the Fourteenth Amendment [parental rights] claim favor PDE. The fundamental right of parents to direct the care, upbringing, and education of their children does not encompass a right "generally to direct how a public school teaches their child" or how the school disciplines their child. {There is nothing in the Policies that suggests that they prohibit parents from discussing gender identity issues with their children, or reach in some other way into the privacy of families' homes. Nor is there any suggestion that the Policies extend to speech unrelated to school, school activities, or fellow students.} This Court, mindful that "[b]y and large, public education in our Nation is committed to the control of state and local authorities," declines PDE's invitation to second-guess Defendants' efforts to combat harassment in the Olentangy Local School District….
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Censorship, pure and simple.
If it were a rational discussion of the issues, perhaps, even betwixt just kids. If it is mean name calling in school?
Is it "name calling" to call someone "she" - to a third party - if you legitimately believe it?
Your 'legitimate' beliefs have nothing to do with whatever they are experiencing. This is you going out of your way to claim your beliefs trump their experience of a condition they have been, or are in the process of being, medically diagnosed with. Besides, 'I legitimately believe that child is overweight' is not a defence for one child calling another child names derived from their weight. You don't get kids ideologically opposed to the existence of ADHD telling kids with ADHD that ADHD doesn't exist and that by forcing them to act as if it exists their rights are being infringed.
The comparison is not quite apt. It would be apt if we commonly referred to people to third parties by weight. "Hey, can you give that welterweight this textbook?" If you believe the person is a heavyweight in that bizarre hypothetical, you should not be required to say they're a featherweight just because they're claiming it.
It's not "going out of your way" to use pronouns you think reflect reality. You use pronouns unless you're actively avoiding them.
We're talking about using words to wound and hurt, and most words can be turned to that with the right emphasis, and that is regarded as bullying and in all the history of bullying this is the first I've heard of bullies going to court for the right to bully.
Unless you're denying the existence of gender dysphoria, 'reflect reality' is just a pretext.
"We’re talking about using words to wound and hurt" - No, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about just using words to talk. If I use "she" to talk about a girl it's not because I want to hurt her, although some might use it that way.
"and most words can be turned to that with the right emphasis" - True.
Referring to a transgender girl as "he" hurts her (it goes against her treatment plan) even if you didn't intend to do so.
So what is a transgender girl's treatment plan?
The details are specific to each person, but for most treatment affirms the legitimacy of her gender identity.
The only difference is that more common usage allows more opportunity for being hurtful, if a person were so inclined.
"We’re talking about using words to wound and hurt, and most words can be turned to that with the right emphasis, and that is regarded as bullying and in all the history of bullying this is the first I’ve heard of bullies going to court for the right to bully."
Factual reality is not "bullying". To claim it is is to make "bullying" a meaningless term.
Anything can be turned to bullying by a determined bully. You want to create an arbitrary limit to what can be treated as bullying purely out of transphobia. More good work at protecting the kids! But even so, it's a denial of reality, an imposition of your own sense of what that person ought to be rather than the person's own sense of who they are.
You disagreeing with me is bullying.
Lame bullying, but bullying nonetheless.
And call me "master". That is my preferred pronoun.
Well you're a fairly revolting human being, if that's any consolation.
More proof that you don't believe in preferred pronouns. Just like everybody else.
More proof that you don't know what a pronoun is.
You also don't allow kids with ADHD to swing from the light fixtures.
Why not???
Is it ok to call another student named Sam “Dickhead” if you truly believe it? Or maybe you just make a concession to decency and call them what they want to be called.
At school. Away from school you can call them Dickhead all you want.
Of course it is censorship. The question is whether it is permissible under Tinker and subsequent precedents.
It appears likely to be compelled speech in violation of sensible and rational beliefs.
And no school that can compel attendance ought to be able to demand that.
If there is any doctrine that violates that then that doctrine is obnoxious and erroneous..
What's compelled? It what scenario does one child have to state another child's gender?
If the student doesn't want to acknowledge the transition they can just use gender neutral pronouns, they just can't bully the transitioned child (or any other child) by using the wrong pronouns.
Or, if you didn’t want to a) hurt their feelings or b) endorse their gender change (which is laughable but y’all are screaming it so I’ll go with it) there’s another simple option.
Call them by their name. No harm to them, no harm to you.
I'm thinking more West VA v Barnette.
Tinker modified Barnette:
Whether the potential disruption from misgendering falls within what Tinker and its progeny permits is not settled law.
I suppose it would depend on the context of the misgendering.
There is of course a clear gulf between pointing to someone in a classroom and misgendering out loud, as opposed to misgendering a non-student in an Internet post on a personal device.
What the plaintiffs are arguing is that the policies facially violate the First Amendment due to overbreadth, an argument the court rejected.
'Censorship, pure and simple.'
Disgraceful that there's a whole long list of words kids are not allowed to call other kids in schools without getting into trouble. Oppression, is what it is.
"He" and "she" are a wee bit different than dropping the "N" bomb on kids.
If you say so. I'm sure you're an expert on both the black experience of racism and the trans experience of transphobia.
This is Ohio -- should be some interesting school board meetings.
The judge is a black appointed by Klinton. Nuff said.
I might have missed it, but does this policy only apply while on school property or school events or generally regardless of time and place?
According to the ruling, some of it applies only to school and school-related stuff like extracurriculars and riding the bus. But there's also a policy about use of personal communication devices (phones, computers, tablets, etc.) which applies off-campus.
That's where it is going to get interesting because are these school supplied devices? If so, all the parent has to do is refuse to sign the AUP policy and then the district has to provide an alternative educational experience for the children. Think $$$$
And if they aren't school supplied -- then that becomes quite interesting. Remember that Bong Hits for Jesus was on school time.
Hopefully this gets reversed....
And *way* more kids with ADHD commit suicide....
From above, “Policy 5136 prohibits students from using their personal devices to send messages that threaten, humiliate, harass, embarrass, or intimidate other students.” So if you call the boy who wants to be called “she” “him” in a message to (or in conversation with?) anyone it appears that that might be considered “harassment” and you might properly be disciplined, according to this egregious excuse for a judge.
Consider that the Transgender Ideology also asserts that not affirmatively acknowledging a trangenders beliefs about themselves creates harm just as only acknowledging natal states do.
Now consider in response to this ruling parents instruct their children to not use any pronouns at all, neither natal nor neo pronouns.
Why couldn't the district update their policy to require children to use the neo-pronouns and forbid the lack of any pronouns as well as the natal pronouns? The reasoning by the judge supports that policy equally well.
the transgender ideology wants everyone to be an active participant in embracing and enhancing the persons delusions. Would it not be better for the mentally ill to be eased out of their delusions or to embrace and celebrate the permanent biological and mental damage to the individual. The latter only in the case if you believe destruction nd permanent damage to the individual is in the best long term interest of the patient.
It takes someone with a seriously deviate mind to believe the latter is better for the patient.
If this were rational discussion of the issues betwixt kids, perhaps. "I will not call you that because..."
Except these are kids, and the because is just a bunch of nasty stuff, not some principled response.
That last is sometimes true, but sometimes false. Your demented contrary assertion demonstrates that you are still incapable of rational discussion and I have no reason to believe that that incapability is late-onset, but for some of us rationality came early and is still in place.
You should consider stopping your question begging.
Sounds like evangelicals, most religious kooks, the Republican Party, the hayseeds at a Trump rally, right-wing Volokh Conspiracy fans, the jackasses who jammed "God" into the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. . . .
So, based on your belief, they’re all false?
There are over 2000 gods in the various religions. Some of us just believe in one fewer than you do.
That's why I've said these people belong in concentration camps. Then we don't have to worry about anyone misgendering them in schools.
Government requiring kids to lie and punishing them if they tell the truth.
along with the government forcing the children to be active participants in creating the further harm done to those inflicted
Well don’t you see? If we don’t then these perfectly normal and healthy kids will kill themselves because that’s what perfectly normal and healthy kids do if you don't proactively affirm their beliefs about themselves.
Isn’t that perfectly congruent??
Yes, bullying drives kids to suicide, not just trans kids. Glad the Great Right Protect The Kids movement is noticing this concept. Pity they're siding with the bullies.
LGBTQDJFKDCE commit suicide at a higher rate because they're wired wrong. This is true in every society, including those that are "tolerant" by leftist standards.
Must make for some interesting conversations when covering 1984. (Assuming they still do that, of course.)
"But, what if O'Brien identifies as holding up five fingers?"
If this were rational discussion of the issues betwixt kids, perhaps. "I will not call you that because..."
Except these are kids, and the because is just a bunch of nasty stuff, not some principled response.
Did that really warrant saying for a third time?
You don't know whether it's principled. I'm sure some is and some is not. The policy, of course, covers everything whether it is or isn't.
Some of the students covered by this policy are actually legal adults.
Unlike the case holding that the student wasn't entitled to wear a "there are only two genders" shirt, this strikes me as a correct application of Tinker because the banned speech is likely to be disruptive.
And again, I agree with Justice Thomas that high school students shouldn't have first amendment rights and there shouldn't be a role for courts here. High schools can require students to call all their classmates 'Evelyn' and it raises no constitutional question IMO, though that's not the current state of the law.
And then there is the child found face down in the swamp...
Murder fantasies on a legal blog. Why do you insist on doing this, over and over?
What's disruptive is the boy demanding to be described as "she".
If attendance at the school is compulsory then the compelled speech is unacceptable. Full stop.
If the school agreed with you and wanted to require students to address each other by pronouns reflecting biological sex that would also be consistent with Tinker IMO. The school’s allowed to pick a side and say that whoever goes against the side they picked is being "disruptive."
It might or might not be consistent with Tinker, but don't think for one second that this judge would uphold such a rule either way.
Trans people are often very disruptive. People not calling them their preferred pronouns are not. This is heckler's veto logic.
I'm trying to think of what an actual pluralistic, tolerance approach would be.
Calling someone something they don't want to be called is unkind, *but* so is forcing someone to say something that they don't believe.
These things should at least be approached as "line-drawing" exercises, instead of acting like the "other" side is evil. Start with the premise that each side has *a* point, even if you think it's outweighed by a different/better point.
Don't you understand? It's 2023, and speech is violence; people have a constitutional right to state-conferred dignity, and you also have a positive right requiring others not to hurt your feelings.
Get with the times.
In the end, everything'll just be "they" within a generation or two, just like China.
Back in the old days of the VC— before the huckleberries— I remember reading a very informative comment about just this— we lack a gender neutral third person singular pronoun in English. Eventually “they” will be widely adopted and become the norm, I imagine.
What's wrong with "it"?
I’ll let you ponder that one in your own time
"It" is more accurate than "they", which implies multiple people.
'They' can be singular or plural.
No, it really cannot. "They" is plural. Period.
"They" is commonly used when the sex/gender of the person is unknown. For example, when I am meeting a person unknown to me to pick up an item I ordered, it is common practice to say, "They will hand me the item after I show them a QR code."
That battle was lost long ago - or, more accurately, never won.
The singular 'they' dates back centuries, to before English was formalized. And despite the attempts of grammarians to make their formal rules stick, it never worked - singular 'they' was always term in common usage.
The attempt to appropriate it for 'non-binary' usage is new, but the term itself is almost a millennia old.
What about singular millennia?
Well, it is the third person neutral pronoun in English.
Transphobes tend to think of it as referring to inanimate objects, largely because transphobes think that people have to be male or female.
But if you’re not a transphobe, what’s the problem?
Only among you liberal whacko's.
You and Kyle Duncan can go on being dicks if you must, the rest of us will move on I bet.
Yeah I doubt America is going to change it's language to a gender neutral one to support a bunch of short-lifespan mentally ill degenerates and perverts.
The transgender social contagion will pass just as fast as the Covid Hoax. The major difference will be instead of trust in governmental, scientific and medical institutions being laid to ruins it will be the lives of tens of thousands of Democrat children.
I'm kinda good with both those outcomes.
Again— you and the other 11% comet pizza cohort can go on doing as you wish. Most people don’t go out of their way to offend, despite whatever personal beliefs they might hold. Unfortunately— someone who has a lifetime job as a federal judge is not one of those people.
It's already happening. Talk to a Gen Z. Or an Alpha. They say they a lot. It's almost to the point already where he and she are only used when gender needs to be emphasized for some reason.
I don't talk to faggots,lmao, I avoid them at all costs. I'm a family man of high social stature with little children.
Randal is probably a Boy Scout leader who goes on camping trips to molest the boys and now girls who attend.
You think everyone under 25 is gay? You are really fucked in the head you know.
People are entitled to be dicks . . . until they are replaced in the normal course, as our society continues to progress.
The *real* First Amendment injury here is the poor transgendered kids feeling stigmatized!
No, really, read the last page of the decision. That's what this judge thinks.
Instead of this kid getting kind, compassionate biology affirming care, the Democrat crazies have inverted traditional medical practice and have put the onus on everyone else to provide mental health treatment for mentally ill individuals instead of a private therapy between a doctor and their patient.
They took their treatment hypothesis for homosexuals and are applying it to transgenders. They’ve even created an entire medical ideology around stigma, where the prescriptions for curing individual people requires the manipulations of everyone else and not compassionate therapy for the individual sufferer.
Speaking of which, how's your compassionate self-therapy going?
Judge rules that the sacred and exalted rights of the special people -- such as their right to never experience negative emotions -- matter a lot and the rights of everyone else don't matter at all.
Ben the virtuous conservative choosing being a prick over being nice to people.
You guys seem to want a world where it is illegal for Ben_ to be a prick and hurt your feelings.
Ben is entitled to be a prick.
Prof. Volokh is entitled to habitually use vile racial slurs.
Clingers are entitled to believe that fairy tales are true.
The Volokh Conspiracy is entitled to impose viewpoint-driven, hypocritical censorship at its white, male, blog.
Bigots -- racists, gay-bashing hayseeds, chanting right-wing antisemites, half-educated Islamophobes, old-timey misogynists, white supremacists, immigrant-hating culture war casualties -- are entitled to be bigots (although better Americans may be entitled to impose consequences -- social, legal, criminal -- on bigoted conduct).
Only during the schoolday.
But Randal will enlist the staff to be pricks all day every day to any kid who doesn’t exalt the sacred feelings of the special people.
You mean the little children? Yes, they are special, aren't they.
Who's being nice to the people that know what reality is, and don't want to be forced to lie about it?
Punishing innocent children is "being nice"?
Demanding everyone around you talk a certain way or else they get punished is somehow "nice"?
No. In fact it isn’t at all nice.
Trans people go out of their way to make everyone else uncomfortable instead of playing along, trying to cope, and thinking of others.
Also, your comment is not at all nice. But everyone except the special people can go fuck themselves, right?
Want not at all nice? Fuck off.
You act like you want freedom until anyone makes a choice you don’t like then you want them destroyed.
You’re just nige wearing a different jersey.
^ I’ll be as nice as you are right here.
Problem solved.
Thanks for showing everyone the standards of behavior you really believe in.
Ben, I believe you’re evil and in need of a lobotomy, so would you please be nice and play along? Please, think of the rest of us and help yourself cope by scheduling your lobotomy appointment for as soon as humanly — or in your case, devilishly — possible.
Thanks, you’re a dear!
^ This is the standard of behavior Democrats believe in. When they pretend to care about anyone’s behavior, you can compare it to this to know it all an act.
You seem to have missed the joke.
You’re a terrible person. No joke.
I was quoting you. And yes, you're right, you're a terrible person.
How is demanding I lie and call a boy a girl NOT being a prick?
You are obviously not married and probably don't have many friends.
Happily married, thanks just the same.
And few entities on Earth are more self-absorbed pricks than a tranny.
Is this a real judge?
I hope I never have to testify in court.
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
Well, that depends. How many delusional people will be involved in this trial?
Men are men.
Women are women.
The earth is not flat.
Is that perjury now?
What is wrong with you people? Did your mamas never treat y’all basic politeness? I thought the whole conservative thing was letting people be to choose whatever. Turns out y’all are every bit as hateful as the CRT woke people.
You thought wrong.
In what country are you currently residing?
You can choose to call yourself a girl.
I can choose to call you a donkey.
How's that?
No problem. But you can't go around school calling the other kids asshats. Duh.
But you could go around calling boys "boys" and girls "girls".
Super mega duper duh.
"Choose to be whatever" and "Force other people to play by your fantasy" are not at all the same thing.
Anyone has the freedom to believe what they want. It is not "freedom" to force others to accommodate and obey your beliefs. Just like no one else has the right to force you to abide by their beliefs, either.
Not a fan of snowflake-class extra special privileges for the superstitious?
You’re not being forced to believe anything. You’re not endorsing anything. You’re simply being compelled to avoid bullying other students at scol.
Your “forcing you to obey their beliefs” is every bit as overwrought and insipid as queens denying their existence stuff. What is it about politics that makes all you zealots ramp every little thing up to a five alarm problem?
Over the last decades schools everywhere have created anti- bullying policies. Are all of them unconstitutional? Or just this one because the targets of this bullying are someone you hate?
Bullying? Like the school threatening expulsion if you don't use the "correct" pronouns you believe are false. That bullying?
No, that’s punishing bullying.
Y’all on the right are completely deranged over this shit.
I’m not crazy about the trans stuff either but bullying a teenager accomplishes absolutely nothing.
You’re the one going nuts.
And enlisting the school staff to punish a kid is bullying. You don’t think a kid feels bullied when authorities are punishing him?
I think that if a kid has some sort of gender dysphoria then (s)he shouldn't be a political football - or a candidate for mutilation...or a weapon to be used against other kids. If their condition is serious enough, maybe they should have one of those individualized education plans I understand are available.
But these disability issues shouldn't involve forcing other kids to say of a wheelchair-bound kid, "look at him walk," for example.
But a diagnosis of gender dysphoria isn't a learning disability.
The issue here seems to be a desire to protect kids who tell the wheelchair-bound kid that whatever put them in the wheelchair isn't real and that by obliging them to act as if it is real they are being forced to act as if something false is real, and this is horrifically inconvenient to them is some oddly unspecified way, mostly related to adults who have decided it's politically expedient for, say, spina bifida to be against biology and that there's a spina bifida rights movement grooming kids to think they have spina bifida.
Sorry, but there are four fingers, Mr O'Bevis.
All your insistence otherwise doesn't change reality... but we all know what the purpose actually is.
What do you think the purpose is? Drinking the blood of children?
Because one kid matters and the other doesn’t. One kid has obligations. The other is owed.
Otherwise you’d have to have sympathy/empathy for each kid.
Ben, you’re not allowed to taunt the other kids in school even if you think the taunts are true. It just doesn’t work that way and you’re being intentionally moronic.
You think it’s ok for one kid to refer to another as bastard, even if it’s true? Sorry man. On the street, sure. In school, shut up you have detention.
Referring to a boy as "he" isn’t a taunt, so no problem.
Referring to you as a retardo isn't a taunt, so it's no problem.
It’s protected speech, in fact.
But thanks for confirming to everyone that you don’t believe in standards of behavior. We can all remember who you really are next time you try to pretend anything different.
Hold on a sec. Are you agreeing that intentionally misgendering someone violates acceptable standards of behavior, but should be allowed in school anyway on free speech grounds? Just like when I called you a retardo in second grade?
You are defining “bullying” as not performing the ritual, as not repeating the false reality, that someone else demands. It isn't allowed to simply ignore the false belief, but you are required to behave as if you do believe it, in word and deed.
But it makes it easy to defend your 'argument' when you simply declare all disagreement to be out of the pale from the get go, doesn’t it? It’s not an argument at all, actually, but it sure makes you feel good, I bet.
But there’s no difference between that and defining bullying as not abiding by the rules of, say, Wahabbism or Scientology, then punishing people for that. Personally, I’d consider that to be wrong as well, but you do you.
And, seriously, you complain about others being “overwrought” and “zealots” while you repeatedly insults others and complain about people that disagree with you being “hate filled” and “deranged”? Do you recognize the problem here?
We just made up these new rules of behavior for you to obey and for others to benefit at your expense. You’re a deranged evil monster if you don’t immediately agree to obey these new rules we just made up.
Why would anyone have a negative reaction to that? Sooo mysterious. Must be insanity.
Where is the basic politeness of the people demanding the world change every aspect of itself to fit their wants and desires?
Nobody is ruder than a trans. Nobody.
The smaller and more insignificant the point of contention the more massive and ridiculous the rhetoric.
Every aspect! That's a lot of aspects!
Um really it's just one aspect: the pronoun you use to refer to the person by. Use "them" if you really have such a huge hang-up about it.
Do you flip out like every time a woman asks you to call her Ms or Mrs?
Today is Transgender Day at the Volokh Conspiracy.
Yesterday was Racial Slurs Day at the Volokh Conspiracy.
Tomorrow will be Muslim Day, Drag Queen Day, Lesbian Day, or something similar at the Volokh Conspiracy.
The important point is Kevin McCarthy Is A P__ssy Day everywhere in America.
Conservatives and Republiacns in general are pusillanimous; McCarthy, it turns out, is a p_ssy.*
* Prof. Volokh -- or the Volokh Conspiracy Board of Censors, for which Prof. Volokh speaks -- forbids liberals and libertarians to use that term to poke fun at or criticize conservatives. I respect the Volokh Conspiracy's censorship rules, because authoritarian hypocrites have rights, too, including the right to establish the rules at their blogs.
Dear Diary,
The big bad meanies at the Mean Girl Blog are making fun of some very important people. It's not right and it should be illegal! I'm going to write a letter to Homeland Security and tell them all about these awful meanies.
Arthur the Brave
Again, I apologize to the Rev for quoting him as using the term "leftover human residue," when the actual term he used was "depleted human residue." Thus you can see that he himself never utters any slurs.
As much of a coward and blowhard as Kevin McCarthy has been conclusively demonstrated to be, he isn't nearly the pusillanimous, cowering loser than Ted Cruz is.
Kevin McCarthy had his tough-guy bluff called, and turns out to be a sad, all-talk coward, but Ted Cruz watched someone call his wife a hideously ugly pig, claimed he would do something about it, then did . . . by figuratively kissing the ass of the guy who repeatedly and publicly called Mrs. Cruz a hideously ugly pig.
The Cruz children must still be severely confused about how a man reacts when someone attacks the mother of his children. As if being Ted Cruz' children wasn't enough of an affliction.
You haven’t tried to defend your use of vile slurs against rural whites, you just vomit up unrelated talking points repeatedly.
And of course your use of gendered language is, by your standards, homophobic, transphobic, etc. As is your assumption that fathers should be moral guides for their children. You’re a patriarchal misogynist, etc., etc., or whatever other nonsense your allies call it.
Calling a poorly educated racist a half-educated bigot is not the use of a slur.
Depleted human residue is not a slur.
Describing a white supremacist as an old-timey racist is not the use of a slur.
Calling a stupid person a stupid person is not using a slur. Calling a superstitious rube a superstitious rube is not using a slur.
Others are welcome to wallow in political correctness and enable bigoted culture war losers to try to hide behind euphemisms such as "traditional values," "conservative values," Republican, "religious values," and "color-blind," . . . but I call a bigot a bigot.
"Depleted human residue is not a slur."
Sure it is.
By that standard, uniformed, high school graduate, conservative, West Virginia resident, Trump supporter, unsuccessful, and Republican are slurs.
I would surely ask the administration to give you detention if you misgendered me as a Republican in school.
The answer is homeschooling.
So, it isn't "preferred" pronouns, but "mandatory" pronouns. Riiiight. . . .
You didn’t think you were a first class person able to choose pronouns based on what you know, did you?
You’re a second class person who must speak as instructed by the first class people — unless you decide otherwise and reject the rules they make for you.
You're so through the looking glass you think having gender dysphoria makes a child 'special' and that not treating them like shit is oppression.
Not calling me "master" is treating me like shit.
Good, but what has that to do with anything?
You are demonstrating you do not buy your own bullshit.
Was shockingly easy to show how little you believe it.
It’s always shockingly easy to show that someone doesn’t buy into the incredibly dumb version of their bullshit that you invent, because it's not their dumb bullshit, it's yours.
If a kid spent all their time calling another kid, a boy, by female pronouns, and the second kid didn't like it, felt ridiculed and humiliated, is the first kid being a brave rebel throwing off the shackles of mandatory pronouns or just a nasty little bully?
Imagine someone repeatedly and loudly calling a transgender kid by the "wrong" pronouns, with emphasis on the pronouns, right next to the kid. Sure, that's likely bullying.
Now, what if you take that exact scenario but change the pronouns so they're the preferred pronouns? It's still bullying, right? So the pronouns aren't the problem. It's the singling out for different treatment.
No, the probem is the person doing the bullying with whatever opportunity presents.
Depends on where and when this is happening.
Does it?
Lot of people here on the side of bullying. If a school can’t stop one student verbally abusing another student because he or she is calling the other student names that he or she believes reflect something he or she thinks is true and accurate, ie, the kid is oveweight, black, gay, ugly, poor, unintelligent, weak, etc, then schools are not allowed to protect children from bullying and punish or reprimand bullies, because in the formulation favoured by commenters here, it is the targeted child that would be oppressing the bully by restricting their speech and the targeted children causing the disruption by being or doing whatever the bullies choose to target them over.
This of course, is consistent with their attitudes to 'protecting children.'
Nige, you're the one on the side of bullying here. You're demanding that kids lie, speak the lie you demand, or be punished. THAT is bullying.
Smearing a group of children as liars who are forcing other children to lie - that's a great advertisement for your whole 'Protect The Children' grift. 'If I don't keep calling that overweight kid 'fat' then I'm being forced to lie!'
Nobody's being forced to "lie." They are being told to use the NAME someone wants to use.
It's remarkable how obsessed a senile piece of shit is about how grade-school children are not allowed to bully each other to prevent disruption of the school environment.
You're just a cunt. There's nothing more to this issue than that.
Fiction is fiction. Your social opprobrium is hilarious!
Come on, I'm pretty sure you know the difference between a "name" and a "pronoun".
I'll call you any name you want.
Not going to call a man a woman or vice versa.
World of difference. One is true. One is false.
Seriously? Your birth certificate has a name on it dude, right next to the gender. How come you're so fixated on one but not the other?
Because the name you want to be called is a fact. You want to be called that.
A man is not a woman. No matter how much they REALLY want it.
The gender you want to be identified by is a fact. You want to be identified that way.
A Gerald is not a Jerry. No matter how much they REALLY want it.
Wait. I forgot again. How many fingers do I see?
The policy refers to "i.e., failing to address a student by their preferred pronouns…."
If I address someone, it is with second person pronoun, you, your, yours, yourself. Have these changed in trans-speak? Do any trans use different first person pronouns, I, me, my, mine, myself?
They(third person plural) should at least create an internally consistent fake language.
The English language lacks sex-specific second person pronouns.
Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503, 508-09 (1969).
We’ve come a long way from wanting to instill strength, independence, and vigor in schoolchildren to needing to protect them from the hearing the wrong pronouns, lest they commit suicide.
Committing suicide if someone doesn’t address you as you desire totally causes mentally healthy people to commit suicide.
Trust the APA and trust science when they declare transgenderism as perfectly normal and totally healthy.
In another year or two, the historians will come along and announce all sorts of historical cases of transgenderism being totally normal and socially accepted and it’s been that way all along, but our Victorian morality caused us to erase it!
Then nature scientists will uncover hundreds of thousands of transgender behavior in animals thereby further buttressing transgenderism is totally natural and normal.
Religious scholars will discover religious texts supporting and embracing transgenderism (the Jew scholars will find it in the Christian & Islamictexts, but no one will find it in the Jewish texts 😉 )
Finally the sociologists will perform studies of transgenders families and they will conclude that children adopted into or otherwise raised and chest-fed by transgenders will have superior outcomes to natural, biologically intact normal families.
That’s the Homosexual Blueprint anyways, I’m sure they’ll apply it to this case too since both treatment hypotheses are the same. I.e., if they eliminate social stigma, then these people won’t suffer. Inverting the responsibility of care from the doctor/patient to society/patient.
No. You’re completely wrong about that.
Homosexuality is abnormal in the same way that being left-handed is abnormal or your 4″ dick is abnormal. It’s a natural variation that doesn’t have a significant health impact. Sure, you probably wish you had a bigger dick, and probably a lot of gay people wish they weren’t, but you and they can go through life just fine as y’all are.
Gender dysphoria is different. It requires medical treatment. Think of someone with chronic pain. You don’t tell them to just suck it up because it’s all in their head and then hope for the best. You give them painkillers and surgeries.
Unlike homosexuality, there’s no world in which gender dysphoria doesn’t require treatment. The whole point is that the patient is at odds with their own body, just like with pain, or even cancer. It’s an internal problem, and no amount of societal acceptance will fix it.
If there was an alternative treatment for gender dysphoria that made it just go away without drugs or surgery, oh my god everyone would be so happy. Nobody wants to go through life as the “wrong” gender.
Obviously, there isn’t. Whatever you classify it as, mental illness or whatever, the treatment is the treatment. It’s the best known treatment.
You’re not the only one who wishes there were a better treatment. But you are the one pretending to believe a falsehood. There simply is no better treatment for gender dysphoria than gender affirming drugs and surgeries.
Right, there goes the whole fake concern for children and for mental health in general. I don’t know why you guys are so insistent that classing gender dysphoria as purely a mental health issue is somehow meaningful – if it was, you’d still treat them like shit.
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the US and has has risen to the eighth most common cause of death in children 5-11. But it’s great that there’s absolutely nothing you won’t reduce to a punchline while professing to care about things like child safety and mental health. Real edgy.
Oh, what a heavy burden your moral superiority must be to carry.
The people who would sexually mutilate children would lecture us about how much they care for children. These confused children are victims of progressives who would encourage them to mutilate themselves so they can boast about how progressive they are. Someone with your keen insight into mental health will recognize this is Munchausen by proxy.
No child is born into the wrong body, but children are vulnerable, and need to be protected from those that would prey on that vulnerability to advance their own agendas.
I’m not morally superior, I just haven’t decided that it’s politically expedient to launch a hate campaign against one small vulnerable group of people, to the extent that you support bullying those of them who are children, claiming to be speaking for modern medicine, all the while directly contradicting it. Hang on, maybe I am morally superior, but that’s more to do with you than me. Go on, make more dismissive suicide jokes, your co-conservatives love a good laugh.
Look, I realize you're not too bright, or, at least, have chosen not to use your intelligence in favor of parroting faddish left-wing nonsense. Also, as a typical progressive, indistinguishable from any other, you are emotionally unstable, easily offended by any innocuous comment, and have no idea what a joke even is. My suicide reference (or "joke" as bizarrely perceived by you) was a direct reference to the court's opinion, which, I may safely presume, you did not even glance at.
But, ultimately, you're just boring the shit out of me, and I don't wish to waste any more time with your idiocy. So, I'm just going to block someone for only the second time. It's not you; it's me. I'm just not as patient as I used to be. Godspeed.
Good for you! You can go on pretending that it's faddish nonsense despite being a recognised medical condition with a prescribed set of proven treatments! So you can keep up the hate campaign! Yes I know why you felt comfortable making fun of suicide in this particular instance, it never takes much, does it?
F.D. Wolf is the kind of conservative asshole who can't stand the idea that someone, somewhere is treating a gay person with respect rather than celebrating superstition-based bigotry.
He is also culture war roadkill, disaffected because he knows he will spend the rest of his life complying with the preferences of better Americans.
Reason, science, education, inclusiveness, and modernity have triumphed over superstition, dogma, ignorance, bigotry, and backwardness at the modern American marketplace of ideas, and conservatives like F.D. Wolf can't stand it.
Not a fan of circumcision, F.D. Wolf? Does it matter to you whether that mutilation is precipitated by ignorance, mean-spiritedness, or silly, delusional superstition?
I think it’s worth focussing on what “misgendering” really means. When A refers to B as “she” when B is has female sex but “presents” as male, A is referring to B’s sex. Even if A has any clear notion of what “gender” means, A isn’t referring to B’s gender. The reference is to B’s sex. A is “correctsexing” not “misgendering.”
So the crime of “misgendering” is not intended to be taken literally. It’s not mis-gendering. It’s referring to someone by their sex, rather than referring to them by their gender.
So to prohibit “misgendering” is not forcing people to lie. It’s banning references to sex, and demanding references to gender instead.
The opposition to this involves so much tortuous over-thinking and agressive under-thinking that you'd think you were all allergic to just thinking.
It is amazing to watch, though. Like rats eating their babies as a snack between meals.
"She" might refer to sex or gender. Context matters. That being said, you are correct that the school is saying (at least as a default), "she" should refer to gender. And that makes sense to me given part of the treatment for a person with gender dysphoria is to use pronouns consistent with their gender.
Can anybody provide to actual success of this "treatment"? Suicide rates are still off the charts for that group who face the constant threat of being condescended to to death.
Here is a literature review of gender-affirming care research studies.
Yes, these days (ie in the last 15 years or so) "she" could refer to sex or gender. A small part of the population now uses the 3rd person sexed pronouns to refer to "gender" as opposed to "sex", which is what everybody meant up until then. But a usage used by a minority is still a usage.
But majority usage is that he and she are about sex, not least because most people have no idea, or only a very foggy idea, of what is meant by gender. (Indeed I recall we discussed this at length and your effort at explaining the concept of gender was somewhat underwhelming.)
However, in context, when someone uses "she" to refer to a biological female, who has expressed the desire to be addressed as "he", the someone is not a member of that new usage minority.
If the reference is to sex, it's easy to understand what the communication means. It means "that person is a she not a he." ie that person is female not, as she claims, male.
If "she" in this case (a reference to a female sex, male gender person) was intended to be a reference to gender, what would the communication mean ?
I know you are of male gender, I have nothing to say about your sex, but I'm going to pretend your gender is female, so........I can make what point ? There's no point to make.
The only point of using "she" is to make the point "you're female, not male." And that only makes sense if you're referring to sex.
You are right that most people used "she" to refer to sex because they didn't distinguish between sex and gender. Well-informed people have progressed beyond that.
Of course a person who insists on using "she" to mean sex is making the point, "you're female, not male." The school, most medical professional groups and I think that person is doing harm to the person with gender dysphoria.
Even the "well-informed" cannot give a coherent account of "gender."
You have tried but even after several tries you came up with nothing better than the necessary placeholder for "gender dysphoria" - ie I feel I should be one of them, not one of these. (Which is fair enough for you since you're big on the treatment angle.)
But this obviously won't do for the "cis-gendered" thus failing to support the notion of a free standing non-dysphoric notion of gender.
And most people using the "gender" usage couldn't do even as well as you in having a stab at what gender refers to.
I am big on treatment. It is the experience of those with gender dysphoria that gave rise to the idea of gender identity being separate from sex (data forced us to change the model). And yes, gender identity is self-reported and subjective. So what? So is sexual orientation.
The fact is people suffer from gender dysphoria and using the pronoun that matches their gender identity is often what the doctor ordered. Why are you opposed to that? Why do you insist on not recognizing gender in light of the data?
And yes, gender identity is self-reported and subjective. So what? So is sexual orientation.
No, not really. Sexual orientation to males implies sexual arousal will result from exposure to (reasonably attractive) males. Sexual arousal, though it certainly has a "self reported" angle, also has objective involuntary bodily responses. If you exhibit none of these objective involuntary bodily responses to an array of hot males, but exhibit them all when confronted with an array of hot females, you are sexually orientated to females, and not to males, whatever you might try to persuade yourself.
The fact is people suffer from gender dysphoria and using the pronoun that matches their gender identity is often what the doctor ordered. Why are you opposed to that?
Because it could not possibly work. If a gender dysphoric person could genuinely be knocked into a mental breakdown by somebody using the "wrong' pronoun, the treatment is doomed to failure. It's like trying to save Tinkerbell not by getting the whole theatre to assert its collective belief in fairies, but by getting everyone in the city to do it. 24/7. Never gonna happen.
Doctors are frequently wrong, and psychology doctors have a splendid record of wrongness going back to Freud.
And even if it could work, the fact that the "treatment" requires the whole of the rest of humanity to be "treated" rather than the patient, means that we should be super cautious about adopting such a revolutionary idea.
Your medical knowledge is not derived from how certain you are on the Internet.
There are indirect objective indicators of arousal that can be used to assess sexual orientation. There are indirect objective indicators of distress that can be used to assess gender identity.
It would help if everyone used the right pronoun 24/7. But, the treatment is not doomed to failure if they do not. The more who do, the more likely the treatment will work.
The rest of society isn't being treated. They are merely being asked to accept the data, something which you are unable to do, even though you are hurting people as a result.
There are indirect objective indicators of distress that can be used to assess gender identity.
Such as ? (ie Sexual arousal is pretty specifically sexual. What objective tests can be used to distinguish distress about gender from distress about other things ? )
It would help if everyone used the right pronoun 24/7. But, the treatment is not doomed to failure if they do not. The more who do, the more likely the treatment will work.
It's not simply about pronouns. Pronouns are but a small part of the general insistence that the world should stop distinguishing between people by sex. It includes, as we have discussed, the question of what "man" and "woman" mean, and though you - a moderate - allow adjectival qualification (ie biomarker male, or some such), the game has moved on from you. The use of such a marker is itself deemed offensive. The world is now expected to write distinction by sex out of the script altogether.
The rest of society isn’t being treated.
They are being treated, in the same sense that Cool Hand Luke was being treated, to get his mind right.
They are merely being asked to accept the data, something which you are unable to do, even though you are hurting people as a result.
I am merely an example of why the proposed treatment cannot work. Serious docs would be working on a treatment that could actually work in the real world.
It’s likely the same indicators of stress as other causes, but when someone presents claiming they have distress because of the mismatch between gender and sex, and we can objectively confirm stress, that’s strong evidence gender identity exists.
Of course the new data have challenged the meaning of “man” and “woman” (new data are supposed to challenge old ideas). However, we are not writing out sex from the meaning. Context matters.
You remain blind to treatments that have good success.
Of course the new data have challenged the meaning of “man” and “woman”
No, the new "data" simply describe - and I will stipulate its reality - an inner feeling of some kind that one's body is "wrong" (as to its sexually differentiated attributes) and ought, somehow, to have the sexually differentiated attributes of the other sex.
There is nothing new about a minority of people of sex A, having a secondary sexual characteristic that is atypical for people of sex A and typical of sex not-A. Homosexuality is an obvious example. The new "data" is just another demonstration that there is sufficient variability in some secondary sexual characteristics to create an overlap between males and females as to a particular characteristic. Men are usually taller and stronger than females, they usually have thicker and more prominent body hair, and deeper voices. But there can be some women with deeper voices than some men. All this has been known forever. "Gender dysphoria" adds nothing significant to this.
The point about sex, and the reason why we distinguish, and always have distinguished, between males and females, men and women, by sex is that sex is a, arguably the, fundamental quantity in human life, individual and social. And in the individual and social life of any other animals.
The relevant "context" is that the only reason to distinguish between male and female at all, is because they represent the two different, but complementary, reproductive categories.
"Man" in the traditional usage, makes a critical fact about him known to the world. He might be able to father children. "Man" in the genderish sense tells you squat. It's an exercise in narcssism.
There was no conceivable need to try to change the meaning of man and woman to accommodate the fact that homosexuals exist. Even less reason to do so for the gender dysphoric.
The success of the treatments argue for considering a different context for "man" and "woman." It's an insult to call the transgender narcissistic.
There's nothing narcissistic about those transgender folk who simply want to try to live their life "presenting" as the sex opposite to the one they actually are.
The narcissicism - applicable to only some transgender folk - consists in a self obsession so overwhelming that you insist that the whole world should change the way it refers to men and women from what is natural, normal, logical and consequently very well settled, to the opposite, when you're not even a party to the conversation.
You are begging the question as to what is the natural, normal and logical usage by refusing to accept the data that social support is part of the treatment.
‘There was no conceivable need to try to change the meaning of man and woman ‘
Wow, the anti-gay marriage argument repurposed: acting as if the whole world has been shattered when it turns out there’s a bit of a complication around something you thought was straightforward, even though it has absolutely no effect on your personally.
‘consists in a self obsession so overwhelming that you insist that the whole world’
This is just your basic negging. They have exactly as much right to change the world as everyone else does.
Where did you get that paranoid delusion from? Transgenderism doesn’t even make sense if we write distinction by sex out of the script. Nor does the L or G of LGBT.
(Almost) everyone agrees that gender is a very important thing. (Haven’t you seen Barbie?) It’s just not quite as simple of a thing as you thought it was.
But I will say, if people like you keep trying to get in the way of transgender treatments, it’ll force society to de-emphasize gender as an alternative solution. It’s already happening with genderless bathrooms. Genderless bathrooms wouldn’t be necessary if trans people could just use the bathrooms they identify with. Same with universal use of “they.”
Generally, except for the ‘Q’s, people want to be normal. A transgender woman wants to be a normal woman… that’s the whole point. There’s no big societal change required, in fact it’s the opposite… the better the transgender treatments get, the less society will even need to notice transgender people.
Gay marriage required more of a societal change in that gay marriages aren’t invisible, but they’re nothing special. Letting gay people participate in normal life just means there are less people not participating in normal life, i.e. less closeted gay priests, less closeted husbands and wives in straight marriages, less old, lonely single people, less unmarried promiscuity.
It’s better for everyone if we allow people to participate in traditional society rather than try to keep them all out.
This is pure viewpoint censorship not to promote a safe learning environment, but to suppress a governmentally disfavored opinion.
Here’s a question for those supporting this:
How should this person be treated?
They's post-transition, so do you think this person should be treated as what the present and claim to believe, or what they actually are?
You don't have to treat them either way. Just nod, and move on.
Did Toco say to use "They"? Seems awfully presumptuous of you.
Oh wait, you don't believe in preferred pronouns anyway.
Trans people and extreme body mod people aren't as obsessed with preferred pronouns as you guys.
Toranth, are you trans? Do you identify as BCD and this is your attempt at transitioning?
Did you even read the article? He should be treated as a guy in a dog costume. There was no “transition.”
Good god damn. Your guys’ heads are gonna explode come Halloween. You identify as dead!?! Well I’m not willing to go along with your fascist narcissism and refer to you as a ghost!
The 0.2% of the population that is transgender is driving the politically zealous out if they’re fucking minds. Both ends if the spectrum.
It’s a data point on just how trivial our politics has become - how much rage and fury and effort is being spent in something so trivial.
The article before this one describes an actual government abuse - a SWAT team destroyed a guy’s business over a fugitive that was apparently not there and the city is refusing to pay for the damages. An actual outrage. 10 comments. Y’all would rather scream at each other about a minor issue than address real stuff.
You do realize that there are regularly articles about police damage as takings, and that they all get comments?
And that when there's widespread agreement, there's little incentive to write comments? Few articles need more than a dozen comments reiterating the post's content.
Yes. The article I referred to got a whopping 10. It accomplishes more to have 300 posts arguing about pronouns related to something that impacts less than a percent of the population. Not even arguing, really, everyone is yelling but nobody is listening. And everyone is hysterically overstating their argument. “Telling people they don’t exist” and “endorsing their lifestyle”. None of that shit is happening.
Meanwhile the government is constantly fucking up people and their things and nothing changes because everyone is focused on worthless culture war garbage like what we should call someone who changes gender.
It "affects" more than 1%. I have to trip over my words and use pronouns implying a female is actually a male if I want to keep my job. I have to deal with a female in the men's room using the only stall, which is mentally uncomfortable and sometimes physically uncomfortable.
The police takings? An outrage, but not only have I not been affected by it, nobody I know has been affected by it.
You literally just highlighted the contrast between minor inconveniences due to shifting social values and the effects of state abuse of power. Absolutely you are directly affected by one and not the other, and that should not be beyond the bounds of discussion, but the difference should give you perspective on how little you actually have to put up with.
If your point is "hey, at least trans people aren't destroying your house and refusing to pay for it" then by that logic I could say "why are you complaining about the police destroying your house when other people are getting outright shot by them?" The government doesn't get a pass on all the bad stuff it does just because it's currently also doing something worse.
This *is* a state abuse of power. Forcing people to essentially lie for the sake of someone else's therapy is not something government should be requiring of people.
I would characterize forced speech as more than a minor inconvenience, just like you'd likely characterize removing certain books from a school library as more than a minor inconvenience even though you could easily get the books in another library. Being forced to say something you don't believe is *way* worse than having to go somewhere else to read a book.
“why are you complaining about the police destroying your house when other people are getting outright shot by them?”
If you think pronouns are the same as your house getting destroyed you really need a lie-down.
'I would characterize forced speech'
I'm all for overhauling education, but teachers not being allowed to get kids to say and do some stuff and not say and not do other stuff is fairly radical. Unless you're talking about your place of work, in which case, eg, not being able to tell male workers not to say sexist shit to female workers would set things back a bit.
'Forcing people to essentially lie'
Not a lie.
There is no forced speech here. You’re just not allowed to say certain mean things to other kids. Nothing new about that.
Kids can say “they” or otherwise avoid gendered pronouns if they want.
Not that it even really matters… there’s tons of forced speech in schools anyway.
‘Both ends if the spectrum.’
Ah, yes, both the people calling trans people groomers and passing anti-tans law and the people who think this is pretty terrible behaviour. I would think one side of the political divide going all-out for a minority heralds some potentially awful government abuse, myself.
It's actually terrible behavior that you don't disclose your "poz" status to the hundreds of men you bareback at the local bath house.
Yes, don't do that, either.
So you do disclose your poz status to those men at the bath house?
I hope you learned a lesson after last time.
'VIDEO THREAD: Today, avowed Neo-Nazi group "Blood Tribe" rallied with rifles and swastika flags outside an LGBT "Pride in the Park" event in Watertown, Wisconsin.'
Nice strawman. If you want a response address what I said and not your hysterical tranny tropes.
“ Uh, yeah, telling kids they should not exist can’t push suicide of them!”
Doesn’t the fact that you have to frame your point this dishonestly make you think that maybe your point is bunk? I suspect it does, but you’d rather be dishonest than admit the truth.
If I call you "he" and you think you're female, that is not saying that you should not exist.
You know what else causes suicide?
Lying to kids and telling them their fantasy world is real, then they become adults and find their fantasy world is a nightmare but there is no going back.
"Uh, yeah, telling kids they should not exist can’t push suicide of them!"
We've reached the point in the script where urging mentally ill people to get treatment is referred to as genocide. It is as disappointing as it is predictable.
Sorry you still haven't gotten over being jammed into your locker.
“ Uh, yeah, telling kids they should not exist can’t push suicide of them!”
Calling a boy a boy is not remotely akin to saying he "should not exist".
Or that he "should".
Look into what ADHD kids deal with --- can you say Phoebee Prince?
God, here we are with the “don’t exist” canard again.
Probably helps your argument gain more traction if you avoid pushing absurd concepts.
I admit, I do occasionally miss being called something I'm not or no longer am.
(In the spirit of a former comedian)
Me: Do something bad.
Parent: "JESUS CHRIST get over here!"
Me: responds when called, doesn't tell 7th grade teacher Sister Antoinette Marie that I go by Jesus Christ because that's what my parents call me. Not a second time anyway.
That was a quick trip to the principal's office by the way. 🙂
"The phenomenon of calling someone a “she” when they are a “he” is " not what is being forbidden by this policy, except maybe acciidentally. What is being forbidden is speaking certain truths.
It doesn't, fundamentally, matter what lies the school demands the students agree to. It could have been anything. It just matters that they give up and tell the lie, accept that the school is entitled to demand they lie.
I do wonder if these schools are still teaching 1984. The irony must burn if they are.
"It’s amazing how strongly so many people want the right to refer to people by something the people in question don’t prefer."
Uh...are you saying you DON'T want that right? Like it or not, name-calling is protected speech. I'm sure Trump hates it when people call him an asshole (among many other things), but that's something everyone has the right to.
It’s a gross violation of your rights if you can’t call it whatever you think it is, so long as it’s not a slur. Calling a guy in a dress “he” is not a slur. It’s not even uncivil.
Neither is calling Gerry “Gerry” even if he prefers “Bubba”.
This I agree with. Simple politeness goes a long way and in this case it’s very easy. Call everyone – not just trans people but everyone – what they want to be called.
Choosing to be an asshole is not a virtue or a brave statement for Jesus. It’s just being an asshole.
You're, of course, correct. But in the olden days that custom of calling cross-dressers "he" or "she" was not tightly tethered to an ideology that claims a contested understanding of gender/sex that everyone must acquiesce to. That's the difference. Today, one side in this debate--the one that pretty much controls everything in education--cannot simply concede that not every rationally informed person agrees with them, and that perhaps schools should accommodate those differences. But no. It's either their way or you're a transphobic bigot. This is why we have these fights. A little bit more epistemic modesty on both sides would go a long way in crafting policy compromises.
Relax, Queenie. Nobody doubts YOU. love Big Brother.
He knows that. Saying that you see five fingers is pointless if you actually SEE five fingers. Being willing to say what you know isn't true is the point.
Ok, I'm glad you had your notebook handy!
Good arguments Queen, you're really making difference!
Response: Calling a boy a boy even if he's allowed to wear address is not remotely akin to calling him a bastard. (Assuming his parents were married.)
Your hypothetical fails because requiring students to call others by their legal names is requiring them to tell the truth, while requiring students to refer to a male student as "she" and "her" is a literal lie.
IF the student knows the correct last name of the student, yes -- and this is often an issue with temporary foster placements.
Telling kids that they’ll find adolescence less confusing if they cut their dicks off can’t help either.
“CHLOE COLE: My name is Chloe Cole and I am a de-transitioner. Another way to put that would be: I used to believe that I was born in the wrong body and the adults in my life, whom I trusted, affirmed my belief and this caused me lifelong, irreversible harm.
I speak to you today as a victim of one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the United States of America. I speak to you in the hope that you will have the courage to bring the scandal to an end, and ensure that other vulnerable teenagers, children, and young adults don’t go through what I went through.”
“I look in the mirror sometimes, and I feel like a monster. I had a double mastectomy at 15. They tested my amputated breasts for cancer. That was cancer-free, of course, I was perfectly healthy. There is nothing wrong with my still-developing body, or my breasts other than that, as an insecure teenage girl, I felt awkward about it.”
Now of course I’m going to be told this is just an anecdote not data, but its just anecdotes on the other side of the transition spectrum too.
In any case this is a decision that should be made by an adult, not a child.
You must hate Christian schools, which teach absolute fucking nonsense to children who deserve better from ostensible adults, even in West Virginia, Alabama, Wyoming, South Carolina, Kentucky, Texas, and other conservative-controlled jurisdictions..
Fuck You.
Tolerance only goes so far....
But how does that work when a person with a d--k gets government paperwork that says that person is F rather than M?
Speaking of literal lies, if a student asks a teacher about God, Jesus, Christianity, Easter, and the like, should the teacher tell the student that fairy tales aren't true and that organized religion is fictitious bullshit . . . or should the teacher lie to the student and appease the superstitious hayseeds who believe in childish nonsense?
Your mixing gender and sex. Gender is masculine and feminine and anything in between. Sex is male and female.
The case specifically mentions misgendering (whatever that is).
That's gender, not biological sex.
Two completely different things.
A lie is a lie, no matter who spouts it.
Wait one second, the Krycheks and the Sarcastr0's of the world swear up and down that children getting genital mutilation surgery wasn't happening nad was a Q-Anon Conspiracy!
This girl is a liar!
WTF does any of that have to do with simply calling someone what they want to be called?
In what other area of health care are a small number of post-procedural regret used to deny health care to other people?
Right. But, that refutes Kleppe's claim that referring to a natal-sex male whose gender identity (and government paperwork says) is female as "she" is a literal lie.
* a dress.
I wasn't even subject to autocorrect, so I don't know how that happened.
Ed, you wouldn’t know tolerance if it slapped you in the ass with both hands.
Being an asshole is about all many conservatives have left in modern America.
Congratulations. It takes real commitment to miss the "the adults in my life... affirmed my belief and this caused me lifelong, irreversible harm" bit, but you manage it with apparent ease.
Why should anybody be REQUIRED to do that?
Is it rude to not do so? Perhaps. Also quite rude to demand that.
What is your position on schools that teach nonsense -- fairy tales -- to children? Should modern America recognize accreditation of schools that teach delusions, lies, and fairy tales to young children?
Try to catch up. This post is about some miserable excuse for a judge affirming the right of compulsory State schools to teach absolute fucking nonsense. At least Christian schools can't require any parents to send their children there.
What about liberal universities that teach lies like "Blacks are just as smart as whites, and tested IQ differences are due to racism?"
Or, the teacher could say that they have to figure that out for themselves.
OK Kirkland, for once you actually raise a good point: What if a PUBLIC school required students to say "Jesus Christ is my Lord & Savior" on a daily basis? Might that be problematic?
Same thing here. It's compelled speech -- and unconstitutional.
A fairytale like if you’re a boy you can close your eyes and wish upon a star and *poof* you’ll magically transform into a real authentic little girl? And everyone will look at you and see a beautiful little girl and not a big fat hairy retard in a dress?
Those kinds of fairy tales?
Didn’t know you were a conservative.
If there is a government paper, official even, that says 2+2=5, does that make 2+2=5?
The last people who can be trusted with any form of the truth are the people in government.
If a student asks whether Jack and the Beanstalk is a true story, or whether Goldilocks, Snow White, or Little Miss Muffett are real people, or whether storks deliver babies, or whether the moon is made of green cheese, a teacher should respond 'figure that out for yourself, kid?'
What about a student who asks whether France, Oz, Alaska, Alice's Wonderland, or Manitoba are real places?
Lies told to children are improved if the child doesn't have to be there? Teaching absolute nonsense to children is something a good person does under any circumstances? You seem to be a disaffected, flailing, gullible culture war casualty.
You mean act in accordance with best medical and health practices in relation to a specific condition?
The fairy tales gullible, stupid, delusional clingers believe.
Ed trying to make ADHD oppression happen.
He also doesn't like other people diagnosing anyone from afar; that's for him to do!
As a group, ADHD kids mostly have to deal with difficulties accessing services. At least there isn't a political movement devoted to preventing them.
Of course just because the government says it is true doesn't make it true. Just like because Kleppe says it is true doesn't make it true.
Ok Brenda.
'to demand they lie.;
Two things
1. Gender dysphoria is medically recognised.
2. You people are invoking mental health a lot lately, and clearly you know even less about that subject than gender dysphoria.
Given that gender dysphoria is a medically recognised condition, it's like saying they don't agree with depression or ADHD or left-handedness. Your opinion on another person's condition is not only irrelevant, but actively telling somone they don't have the condition is, in fact, bullying.
Tolerance is not tossing these mental defectives off bridges.
Delighted to find you on the right side of this issue, but. How many of the commenters exercised by this think trans people are are real, and that gender dysphoria is real? How many are calling them lies, delusions, religious beliefs, and some sort of plot to corrupt children? What do you think those people want, if not for trans people to stop existing?
You're telling that child that you know better than they do who and what they are. You're ordering them to be the sort of person you approve of and nothing else. Close enough.
So not the fairy tales gullible, stupid, mentally ill virtue-signalling morons get their children to believe? And many of those children do, of course, until they become adults and discover the truth and off themselves.
That’s a weird gerrymander for you.
The fact that it's medically recognized that somebody thinks they're what they're not doesn't make them what they're not. It's no different from refusing to call an anorexic "fat".
You know, "The Emperor's New Clothes" was not meant to be a how-to guide on running society.
Lobotomies were medically recognized not that long ago.
Anorexia is a medically recognized condition. Does that mean I have to treat a skeletal anorexic like she's fat?
Apparently Nige has Intellectual dysphoria. But I’m sure he identifies as intelligent.
So even if someone is diagnosed with gender dysphoria, they're not gender dysphoric, but the approach to this (existent but also non-existent) condition should be roughly the same as this other seperate, different condition. Utterly incoherent.
Good, you (think you) know how not to treat an anorexic, but your brain shuts down at the idea of treating different conditions in different ways. Does not compute.
Like bleeding?
“Gender” is what happens when people like you lose an argument and, rather than change your thinking, decide to take a subjective defense by inventing an arbitrary medium and insisting on its existence. It’s the Luminiferous Aether of the social sciences. Complete nonsense and Very obnoxious. Stop it.
I don't believe psychic people exist. That doesn't mean I don't think Madame Cleo existed, or that I wanted her to die. I did kind of wish she would stop making false claims, though.
“Gender” is made up pseudoscientific nonsense
She, he, or it. Or, simplified, "Shit."
There, a nice gender neutral pronoun for you.
You already come across as stupid most of the time, you don't have to work at it.
That’s ok. ‘Being psychic’ isn’t a medically recognised condition with a medically recognised course of treatments. Mind you, you could still mercilessly bully a kid who thought they were psychic because you find the idea both ridiculous and hilarious and it marks them out as a target, and that would still be bad.
What do you call it when you guys invoke medical science and mental health while ignoring best practices and diagnoses in both?
Dipshit, I'm not saying they're not dysphoric, I'm pointing out that dysphoria consists of being convinced that you're something you're NOT. A girl thinking they're a boy, a skinny person thinking they're fat, a person thinking their right arm is an unnatural growth in need of amputation rather than a normal appendage, they all suffer from dysphoria, and dysphoria is sadly real, what it isn't is true.
You're making it sound as though whether someone is a boy or girl is up to debate. It's not. You're a moron.
Children, especially those going through puberty, have doubts of who they are and whom they want to be.
"Medically recognized" today is a matter of politics, nothing more. The leftist AMA and APA basically parrot the Marxists.
See, there's a difference between "mercilessly bullying" and refusing to refer to her as "the seer" to other people. We can eliminate the merciless bullying without making everyone pretend something is true when it's not.
Not to mention that the AMA and APA do whatever is politically expedient for the left. They removed homosexuality as a disorder, not because of any new research, but because it would "hurt the feelings of homosexuals."
Dipshit, you're not qualified to prescribe treatment for particular conditions, dipshit, and you're a bigoted layman demanding that particular conditions to which you have irrational responses be treated in ways that satisfy you, the dipshit, and have nothing to do with what's best for the child, you dipshit.
It looks like you can't get past the difference between sex and gender. A natal-sex girl with gender dysphoria doesn't think they are a natal-sex boy.
Yes, well, there you go, another point of view heard from.
You make it sound like you don’t understand the issue and think if you act as maximally ignorant about it as possible you can harm as many people as possible.
I understand the issue just fine. These people are mentally ill, and they want us to humor them. We won't.
See? Classing them as mentally ill apparently means a license to be even more shitty to them, and, presumably, other mentally ill people.
The right-wing rejection of grammar continues apace. If the Orwell fans here knew what Newspeak actually was, they might discountenance this as doubleplusungood.
No, your example is a government endorsement of religion which is very explicitly unconstitutional.
The government can restrict some speech in schools to create a safe and effective learning environment, they can't start indoctrinating kids into a specific religion.
The bigotry has become so common and intense at the Volokh Conspiracy that the judgment and character of every law professor who continues to associate with this blog can reasonably be questioned.
Carry on, clingers.
That's where the 'recognised medical condition' come in. If there was a professional consensus that it would be best for them if people called them 'The Seer' for a while, because, say, undermining their belief at this point would do more damage than reinforcing it, the idea that people would refuse to do it because it offended their sense of reality would be weirdly rigid and inflexible, especially for kids, who can accomodate and incorporate all sorts of unreal things in their day-to-day.
That might be a good distinction if gender ideology weren't one of the many up and coming secular religions of our time.
"The government can restrict some speech in schools to create a safe and effective learning environment, they can’t start indoctrinating kids into a specific religion."
They cannot obligate you say specific things, either. That is the issue here. Trans ideology is as much a religion as Christianity at this point.
It may also be a separation of church & state issue, but it is compelled speech.
And just because they didn't get an injunction doesn't mean that the district can enforce this with impunity. IMHO -- IANAA -- that is where the really interesting cases will arise.
A, in his own home, in a private email to B (also in his own home) "deadnames" C. I'd love to see how the school claims jurisdiction over that.
@brian, @damikesc,
So your clever idea is Intelligent Design in reverse? Pretend an idea you don't like is a religion so it's not allowed in schools?
@Dr. Ed 2
No, it's not compelled speech because the student is not being forced to say the new gender. The student is just being restricted from bullying by calling the student by their former gender, and schools definitely have the power to restrict speech.
As for your "private email" example that's a tricky example. And it's just as tricky as every other example that involves school jurisdiction over off-campus bullying.
Why do you support trannies?
Because nobody deserves to be the focus of a politically motivated hate campaign.
Saying "We do not want to maim you or have you ruin your life" is a bizarre definition of "hate".
'We know what's best for you based on our personal repugnance for what you are, our complete lack of qualifications, and our savage political campaign against all things we identify as 'woke'.'
"But, daddy, I AM a unicorn".
"Well, who am I to question the wisdom of a 4 year old? You clearly know better".
I'm slightly terrified of what exactly you'd to a child who tried to play a game of make-believe with you.
Why not let kids go through puberty?
Nige 8 hours ago
Flag Comment Mute User
In what other area of health care are a small number of post-procedural regret used to deny health care to other people?"
The regret rate is much higher than reflected in those surveys - Its been explained to you multiple times why a 50% response rate for a population required constant mental health care and hormone treatment can never be a responsive or accurate survey.
Opiates for pain relief comes to immediate mind.
Hard to believe he bought into this bullshit.
That doesn't stop them getting diagnosed with various conditions and receiving treatments and supports related to who they are and how they behave, and often much sooner than puberty. Generally, early intervention is best.
Why let them go through puberty untreated in cases where it involves acute suffering and distress?
Why do you people, of the "party of science," deny science when it's an inconvenient truth?
Define "acute suffering".
They are sad? Hate to break it to them, but nobody will take them seriously when they're older, too.
You'd think with the outsized number of trans mass shooters, that perhaps therapy might be more of an option to consider.
Ritalin would like a word.
If Ritalin is talking to you, seek medical help.
Oh, so ONLY in this case should the delusion be humored. Got it. Tres scientific. Not for schizophrenics. Not for anorexics. ONLY trans should have delusions humored. Sure. And the whole world has to play along or else they will commit suicide and it is everybody's fault.
See? Mental health doesn't mean shit to you people, let alone the physical health of people you hold in such profound contempt.
You're looking to hold me responsible for somebody else killing themselves.
And "mental health" has beclowned itself for many years now.
I wouldn't make you responsible for the well-being of a dog, buddy.
Bravo - nige, krchecks , randals of the world claim there is 98% happiness with genital mutilation. They have to cite some crappy study with 50% response rate & short time period among a sub population which requires weekly & monthly lifetime care.
Nige is incapable of recognizing how crappy such a survey might be
So you’ve done a survey of all the treatments of all the things you class as delusions and have concluded that all the rest are treated in exactly the same way, except for this one. And you have decided that this treatment must not be designed with the best outcomes for the patients in mind but for the satisfaction of the ‘whole world,’ or at least the portion of it that hates the patients. Have you published your work?
This dismissal of suicide is getting increasingly unpleasant.
No, it isn't. It has been explained to you multiple times that no matter how flawed you claim to find the studies, they are the only ones available, therefore claims such as 'The regret rate is much higher' are entirely fabricated.
Tom is incapable of finding any study that says otherwise.
'outsized number of trans mass shooters'
Far outsized number given their tiny number in society.
Feel free to define "Woman" with a non-circular definition.
And, I have little more than sheer contempt for people committing suicide. Fucking over people who care for you because you're selfish and stuck up your own ass. Fuck the lot of them.
The Detransition Rate Is Unknown
J. Cohn
Archives of Sexual Behavior volume 52, pages1937–1952 (2023)Cite this article
Nige - you are an activist who promotes the mutilation of children - of course that heavily influences your inability to apply normal critical thinking and analytical skills to evaluate the reasonableness of most , if not all the science / pseudo science with the mental illness. You cant even acknowledge its a mental illness. Explains why you cant evaluate the reasonableness of those "pro satisfaction" studies.
The right wing has rushed to declare every perpetrator of a mass shooting to be transgender, whether they have any evidence or not. Statistics seem to bear out that perpetrators of mass shootings are not disproportionately trans (rather they are almost all cisgender white males).
Most mass shooters are less than 30, an age group which has a much greater percentage of transgender people than the percentage of mass shootings committed by transgender people. Just another campaign to distract from the most common element of mass shootings.
Not much to say to that, is there?
Yeah, still absolutely no study that shows otherwise.
Nige 2 mins ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Yeah, still absolutely no study that shows otherwise.
Nige - Just pointing out
1) the studies you cite have serious flaws
2) you lack the ability to recognize those flaws.
Your ideological belief that encouraging the mutilation of those suffering a mental illness is pure evil.
Yeah, and I keep pointing out that you have no other studies showing anything else, which is why your rhetoric has to be so hysterical and hyperbolic.
Not in school.
Every perpetrator of a mass shooting? That's quite the claim. Can you actually provide some evidence for it?
Additionally, a "Fact Check" that openly admits that they do not know if any of their 'mass shooters' were trans or non-binary (and doubles down on that by questioning the self-identification of one of the subjects), but then still draws a conclusion about the data (that they don't have) is better off called "Bullshit". You'd be much better off not citing obvious propaganda; it hurts your credibility for anything else you say.
You ignored the evidence presented and now you're rewriting your response.
Now you agree with the statement you started off disputing.
and yet earlier
Transgender is the current bogeyman. It's not that hard to understand, even for you. I got tired of providing links to evidence, since you ignored the ones provided. Your turn to provide some evidence of, well, anything.
No, it's true. The DSM is nothing more than a popular vote and it explicitly states that in the front flyleaf of the DSM V.
Dr Ed you just concentrate on heroically not throwing anyone off bridges like a good boy.
If there's no evidence of shooters being trans, then claims that they're trans shooters are lies. Doesn't seem that difficult.
Please acquaint yourself with the concept of "hyperbole". Thanks in advance!
Here's an example:
Philadelphia shooter was not transgender:
When damikesc asserted "outsized number" twice, you offered no challenge to the absence of any evidence there. I will add that the common element of mass shootings is guns; but cisgender male, white and right-wing are all way up there.
Oh, so when you state things as facts, no one should take you seriously. Got it! Nice to know that's how you value your writing; it saves a lot of time.
However, I am glad that you managed to find one example of a small of number of people incorrectly thinking someone from one single shooting was trans, to establish that any large or "outsized" number or "every" shooting was seized upon by the entire Right-wing to blame trans people. 0.1% of shootings and a few Twitter accounts certainly qualifies, as long as you are only interested in overblown hyperbole rather than rational discussion. But who around here would do behave that way?
Incidentally, I am under no obligation to argue with damikesc for you; if you have a point to make, you can damned well make it yourself. Did you also notice, I'm didn't comment on his post in any way? So why would you even think I would have any obligation to say anything?
As for the most common factors in mass shootings, pointing out 'guns' may be more idiotic than anything else I've seen posted here is a while. It's like saying that the most common factor in murders is that someone died, or that most common factor in crimes involve breaking a law. Did you manage to think of that yourself? Or did the definition tip you off?
Male, yes, white is not correct ('unknown' is), and 'right-wing' is below actually left-wing, which in turn is way below non-political... seeing as most 'mass-shootings' are gang-related. Generally by lower and lower-middle class black and hispanic urban males between the ages of 15 and 30 who are gang members.
You jump on me when I provide evidence, and ignore the nonsense from people you agree with; I get it, you're a partisan clown. You criticize motes in the eyes of those whose politics differ from yours while ignoring the beams in the eyes of your political fellow travelers. You strain at gnats of reality while swallowing dishonest partisan camels. And above all, you're too stupid to even do a good job of it.
You really believe that Republicans don't scrutinize every shooting for some evidence they can point to that puts the blame on what they currently demonize (here, transgender people)? They're doing everything they can to derail red flag laws, improved background checks and other things that have majority support.
No, I jumped on you when you resorted to blatantly false insults - sorry, I mean "hyperbole".
After that, when you did provide some 'evidence', I pointed out the flaws in what you supplied.
Pointing out the flaws in someone's claims is precisely the thing known as "argument", and it should be expected. Your frequent steps away from argument and into insult and ranting is not argument, discussion, reasoning, or anything other than you venting your bile.
Notice how in your last paragraph, you switch to another entirely different topic again in order to pretend your personal attacks on me are justified, and to push a narrative you've already admitted was not true? (Unless you think "hyperbole" means "true").
No, I never suggested that those that support 2A rights do not look for every way to blame the other side for shootings - the exact same way people like you look for every way to blame the other side for shootings. For you to make this statement in the same post you use Biblical references to "the beam in your own eye" is truly amusing. Did you do it deliberately as a joke, or are you so lacking in selfawareness that you don't even realize the irony?
And finally, as for "too stupid", well. To start with, you paragraph long attempt to be insulting kind of falls apart at the end. What is "it" that I'm "too stupid" to "do a good job of"? All of your preceding statements are about me supposedly being partisan and biased. Are you saying that I don't do a good job of being partisan and biased? Or did you just get so distracted that you forgot what you were writing?
In the end, I'm the one making rational arguments about a limited topic. You are the one screeching insults about whatever pops into your head.
If you were actually interested in being persuasive, you would argue, not rant. But based on your past behavior, I don't expect you to be capable of that.
I guess we disagree on that.
But also, I think it's perhaps different when it's not being presented to the kids as "we're just humoring this person". It's being presented as "this is reality" and "nobody is allowed to disagree."
The condition and the treatment are real. The objections come across as contrived and disingenuous and disproportionate.
Do you tolerate an anorexic saying I'm too fat or the guy who claims to have imaginary friends?
Oh, my, did your “hyperbole” run off with all of your capacity for logic, too?
To start with, not everyone on the Right supports 2A rights. On top of that, not everyone on that supports 2A rights is on the Right – there are those on the Left that support them, too. Additionally, declining to disagree with your exaggerations does not mean I agree with them, or even that I don't disagree with them at all. Considering that, trivially, the two statements you chose to quote out of context here are not contradictory.
And then, no, you did not provide any evidence for your claim that “everyone” on the Right rushes to blame trans people for every mass shooting. And that’s even discounting the fact that you already admitted that it was “hyperbole” rather than a fact.
Instead, your so-called ‘evidence’ was a tweet about a single shooting by a lone unpopular (24% approval among Republicans) Congresswoman, to try to smear the many millions of other people in the ‘right-wing’. That’s the laziest sort of stupid “guilt-by-association” fallacy (or maybe the stupidest sort of lazy).
That’s evidence of you being unable to make an argument, nothing else.
As for me failing to provide evidence, what claims have I made – other than the fact that your “arguments” are garbage? Not even garbage, as they are just insults or fallacies. I mean, how bottom of the barrel do you have to be to demand that I make your arguments for you?
Do you actually have anything to say in response to my last post? It did have a number of questions for you. I can understand why you'd be embarrassed to try to answer them, but it is becoming rather sad how you avoid almost everything I say in each response just to make up a new irrational rant. Don't you get tired of showing how incapable of argument you are?
Where is the evidence that I said "everyone" on the Right rushes to blame transgender people? A strawman which pretty much undermines everything else in your long rants.
What I said:
I am sure that many on the right rush to look for any evidence they can spin, no matter how dishonestly; you can find the results all over the internet. It's only hyperbole to the extent that they may not bother with a transgender lie when there's some more immediate "evidence" to spin.
A simple internet search will net you multiple instances of right wingers putting forth the same lies. It's in the links I provided! "Marjorie Taylor Greene leads far-right voices falsely claiming Philadelphia shooter is trans" -- that's more than one far-right voice being led by Greene, who may be unpopular but is well known. "Republicans Are Already Blaming Trans People for the Philadelphia Shooting: There is no evidence that the mass shooter was trans, but that isn’t stopping the far right." -- how nice it would be if the only person on the far right were Marjorie Taylor Greene. Neither link is saying "everyone" on the right does it, but it's not just one nutcase.
Since your ability to search the internet for yourself is doubtful, I'll offer another link. I expect it's wasted effort, since you don't appear to have read the earlier ones carefully and can't quote me correctly.
That one has Paul Gosar and Alex Jones accusing the Uvalde shooter of being transgender (others listed there only claim he wore dresses, if you want to quibble), based on repeated misidentifications.
To the question of Marjorie Taylor Greene's significance: I can only find Greene having 24% approval among Republicans in articles* that are from February 2021, when she was stripped of her committee assignments in the previous Congress, and which also report only 20% disapproval. She's better known now and more influential, as described in the following link:
* articles from FiveThirtyEight, and from Newsweek based on the FiveThirtyEight polling averages.