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New Statistical Evidence Supports the "Minneapolis Effect" as an Explanation for Increases in Homicides
A recently published statistical analysis of homicide rates in New York City finds strong support for the hypothesis that de-policing resulting from the George Floyd protests caused the 2020 homicide spikes.
It is well known that there were significant spikes in homicides in 2020, particularly in major urban areas. In an article I published in 2021, I attributed these spikes to what I dubbed the "Minneapolis Effect"--specifically reductions in proactive policing as police pulled back in the wake of the George Floyd protests. I blogged about my article here.
A few days ago, an important new statistical study found corroboration for my hypothesis in New York City. Professor Dae-Young Kim's article "Did De-Policing Contribute to the 2020 Homicide Spikes?" answers the question posed in the title in the affirmative.
Professor Kim's article examines NYC homicide data from 2017 through 2020. It divides homicides into six different categories: gun, non-gun, domestic, non-domestic, gang, and non-gang. It assesses the connection between homicide rates in those categories and a significant reduction in NYPD police stops of pedestrians. In NYC, stops fell from 13,453 in 2019 to 8,375 in 2020--a 30% decrease in proactive policing.
Professor Kim's article found that the reduction in stops led to an increase in three homicide categories:
… the interaction term of police stops and the pandemic presents the extent to which the 2020 homicide surges were attributable to reduced proactive law enforcement. Specifically, gun, non-domestic, and gang homicides significantly increased as police stops decreased in the pandemic and post-Floyd era. In addition, the supplementary correlation analyses present a significant correlation of police stops to gun (r=−.406, p =.008), non-domestic (r=-.321, p=.041), and gang (r=−.364, p=.019) homicides, respectively, in the pandemic and post-Floyd era. In contrast, the significant correlations disappear in the pre-intervention era.
While the full article is behind a paywell, one can gain a quick sense of the strength of Professor Kim's analysis by looking at graphs depicting NYC police stops, total homicides, and the six homicide categories described above:
In the first of the eight charts above, the reader can see the dramatic reduction in police stops by NYPD following the George Floyd protests. In the remaining charts, the simultaneous significant increase in homicides in the gun, non-domestic, and gang categories (but non in non-gun, domestic, and non-gang categories) is visually evident.
The explanation Professor Kim gives for this pattern tracks the one that I gave in my paper on the "Minneapolis Effect"--specifically, that police stops are targetted at gun crimes and related gang activity, and thus a reduction in stops will produce the greatest increase in homicides in these specific categories. As Professor Kim puts it:
Pedestrian stops are used to stop and frisk anyone, but mostly known gang members, on the street they suspect might engage in criminal activity or carry concealed weapons. Given the goal of pedestrian stops, the effects of de-policing should be more pronounced on gun, non-domestic, and gang homicides that usually occur in public settings. The current findings echo Piza and Connealy's (2022) study in that the lack of policing caused crime increases, ultimately compromising public safety and endangering communities.
In an earlier paper on the 2016 Chicago homicide spikes, Professor Fowles and I saw a similar pattern in the Chicago data.
Professor Kim's findings support the conclusions that I reached in my paper on the "Minneapolis Effect" about the compelling need to increase proactive policing. Here is the conclusion from my earlier article:
The quantitative data and qualitative evidence strongly suggest that a "Minneapolis Effect" has struck—that is, in the wake of antipolice protests following George Floyd's death in Minneapolis, police officers are being redeployed from antigun efforts and are retreating from proactive law enforcement tactics. This reduction in law enforcement efforts targeted at firearm crimes has led, perhaps predictably, to an increase in firearm crimes.
This article attempts to quantify the size of the Minneapolis Effect, estimating that about 710 more homicides and 2,800 more shootings occurred because of reduced policing in June and July alone. And the victims of these crimes are disproportionately Black and Brown, often living in disadvantaged and low-income neighborhoods.
While these estimates are stated in the cold precision of an economic calculation, it must be remembered that behind these grim numbers lies a tremendous toll in human suffering—lives lost, futures destroyed, and families left grieving. Understanding the nation's recent—and ongoing—homicide spikes requires urgent attention. And even more urgently, the nation needs to consider all possible responses to this tragedy, including responses that involve increased and proactive law enforcement efforts directed at combating gun violence.
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Yeah, because absolutely nothing else happened in 2020 that might have stressed the population or changed behaviors.
Kim's analysis mentions but as far as I can tell does not even attempt to control for the pandemic, attributing all of the noted changes to "de-policing".
People not leaving their homes should result in less murder not more.
People are not passive automatons. People forced to isolate themselves from society, from friends and family, thrown out of work, students forced to communicate by monitors, bored and restless, with either less money or a sudden flood of too much — have you taken all that into account?
People who don't meet other people don't have the opportunity to harm other people.
Then obviously those crimes never happened.
A lot of murders occur within domestic relationships, which implies victims being in close proximity to their killers even during pandemic lockdowns. And likely harder to leave an abusive relationship at that time. And none of the lockdowns were so strict that nobody went out; essential businesses operated, people worked in them, and customers still went to them for essential needs.
The chart for domestic murders shows domestice murders were generally down from prior years with the exception of one month, with three other months slightly higher. Though total domestic murders overall were down
And increasing stress should result in more homicides, not fewer.
Besides, how much of the reduction in stops was caused by there being fewer people (including police) in the street, as opposed to the "Minneapolis effect?"
Incidentally, there really are not three correlations here, there is one. Notice that the rates in all his categories are highly correlated with each other. IOW, gang, gun, and domestic, especially the first two, unsurprisingly show a very high correlation, since you are counting the same incidents.
Actually, no. Being confined to your homes leads to dramatic increases in domestic violence - and to increased violence when finally allowed out of confinement. Look at the extensive data on depression, alcoholism and violence that are seasonally (and geographically) related to long periods of winter confinement every year.
There's relevant data from post-9/11 NYC if anyone feels like dredging it up. There were both predicted and surprising crime trends.
Is your hypothesis that Covid infection made people more homicidal than before?
No, COVID lockdowns, government destruction of economies and societies.
Sure! Made them worse drivers too!
Sure, if you ignore the relative lags and the disproportionate effect that gang murders were up more than others. The Minneapolis Effect kicked in after Q2, not during it, which is what we would expect if the response was to government response to the pandemic.
As ABC said, not the disease itself but the government reaction to it.
As I recall, there were several analyses done looking at police protest pre-pandemic that found similar effects (Baltimore and St Louis come to mind). There were also analyses that looked at the Minneapolis effect on a weekly basis and found that the uptick in violence occurred well after lockdowns were in effect and coincided with widespread protests and their responses.
I guess you'll have no problem finding cities that did NOT decrease their policing, but had the exact same murder spikes, right?
Probably. If the effect is real - anti police rhetoric lowered morale resulting in less active policing and increased crime, I would expect the morale issue to spill over to other cities as well. The intersection of local politics and nationwide trends probably should lead to some stochasticity.
Newsflash: Statistician proves something everyone already knew from basic commons sense.
Common sense ain't so common anymore.
"Surprise, surprise, surprise...." -Gomer Pyle, USMC
This is a correlation. A correlation made assuming such a correlation would be found and would be causal.
No attempt to address confounding variables seems evident in the OP. Common for outcome-oriented statistics.
I'm skeptical, but this kind of work is the sort that could convince me. If it were done in a more disinterested manner and went through the established statistical wickets. Maybe it did; hard to tell from the OP. But given the tone I doubt it.
Perhaps some peer review would be in order.
"Behind a paywall" is the best place for serious academic analysis.
No attempt to address confounding variables seems evident in the OP.
No attempt to PROVIDE confounding variables seems evident in your post.
Because even you know your positions is crap
Yes, other comments here give examples.
I don’t post positions I think are crap. Do you?
If "police officers are being redeployed from antigun efforts" led to more crime, then antigun efforts actually are effective. Nice admission on the effectiveness of gun laws.
I can't tell whether you're being disingenuous, or just dumb.
I am all for draconian gun laws -- that is, draconian toward people who use guns to commit crimes (as opposed to law-abiding gun-owners).
That's the problem with stop-and-frisk. There's minimal evidence the people being stopped are about to use guns to commit crimes. You're talking about enforcement ex post; the OP is talking about enforcement ex ante (aggressive pretextual stops).
Conversely, we could give everyone including gang members constitutional carry rights which would satisfy the 2A folks but take stop-and-frisk to zero. That's the tension Magister is highlighting.
But what it does do is minimize the number of prohibited people concealed carrying in public, which in turn, reduces the numbers of spontaneous gang shootouts, etc.
Regardless of your creative arguments, Stop and Frisk worked.
That depends entirely on your definition of "worked". I could guarantee the security of your computer from all malware and other attacks if you just let me encase it in concrete and drop it to the bottom of the ocean. Sure, I stopped the malware but that hardly counts as "working".
Similarly, your police-state tactics (and make no mistake - that's exactly what stop-and-frisk is) will reduce crime but they don't make society as a whole "work". They certainly don't "work" if your definition includes any kind of freedom.
Similarly, your police-state tactics (and make no mistake – that’s exactly what stop-and-frisk is) will reduce crime but they don’t make society as a whole “work”
So disarming all law-abiding citizens is "great!", and not a "police state tactic" at all?
But cracking down on actual criminals, keeping them from getting and illegally carrying guns, THAT is a "horrible police state tactic", that must not be allowed?
What's it like, being a total monster?
re: "So disarming all law-abiding citizens is “great!”"
Where the hell did you get that? Harassing and ultimately disarming law-abiding citizens is exactly what stop-and-frisk is about. If you want to crack down on actual criminals, you need to stop the actual criminals, not random citizens walking down the street.
New York was very aggressive about stop & frisk. Ending stop & frisk did not cause crime to go up; it continued to drop. How does that show that stop & frisk worked?
Ending stop and frisk caused murders to go up.
Which is what Bruce wrote. Amusing how you can't read, but can write. Stupid, babbling, BS, but you can write.
Crime "drops" when people dont' bother to report the crime, because they know the police aren't going to do anything about it.
So when the murder rate is going up, but other "crime is dropping", it's because the police and DA are doing a bad job punishing criminals, NOT because crime is actually going down
Are you really so pig ignorant that you're unaware of that?
1) That is not in fact what Bruce wrote. The word "murder" does not appear in his comment.
2) If that had in fact been what Bruce wrote, it would still have been wrong.
It's a lot more complicated than that.
According to NYPD data, drug and weapon possession (felony and misdemeanor) arrests went up significantly after 2013, then had a major dip during the pandemic, and are rising again in 2022 and 2023 - but only in certain precincts, the ones with higher crime totals. Low crime areas are steady or continuing to drop.
Most crimes, like the "Seven Major Felonies", continued going down even after stop-and-frisk ended. Those are now on the way back up, with felony assault and grand larceny at the worst they've been since the 1990s, but that didn't start until years later.
The introduction of stop-and-frisk in 1991 was done with a lot of other changes in policing, and resulted in major changes in crime rates. The termination did not correspond with increases in crime city-wide, and minor increases in some crimes in only some places.
USCVS does not show any major changes in crime reporting for the period, although it is broader (geographically and in definition) than the NYPD data.
From that, it seems pretty clear that stop-and-frisk was certainly not THE policy that improved things. While I found a few papers that claimed to do detailed crime/precinct analysis, I do not have access, and their abstracts are contradictory. Without better data, I don't think anyone can conclude that implementing stop-and-frisk again, or implementing it elsewhere, would have the results suggested by advocates.
You left out the qualifier "illegally" between people and concealed.
Reallynotbob babbled:
That’s the problem with stop-and-frisk. There’s minimal evidence the people being stopped are about to use guns to commit crimes.
No, we've got solid evidence right here that stop and frisk kept them from murdering people, because the end of it led to more murders.
If you think you're likely to face a "stop and frisk", and be arrested if you're illegally carrying a gun (because you have a criminal record), then you are less likely to carry a gun.
Which means you're less likely to shoot someone.
Have you even heard of logic?
You have made a solid argument for gun control. Congratulations.
A couple of comments:
"Pedestrian stops are used to stop and frisk anyone, but mostly known gang members, on the street they suspect might engage in criminal activity or carry concealed weapons." -- It is not entirely clear, since the language is imprecise, but that sounds suspiciously like constitutionally dubious police practices. It is not news that Fourth Amendment violations reduce crime. It is also not news that that is irrelevant; to quote Justice Scalia in the oral arguments in Maryland v. King, "Well, that's really good. I'll bet you if you conducted a lot of unreasonable searches and seizures, you'd get more convictions, too. [Laughter] That proves absolutely nothing."
"one can gain a quick sense of the strength of Professor Kim's analysis by looking at graphs depicting NYC police stops," Well, no, not really. The article might be behind a paywall, but surely Prof Cassell has access to it. And surely (one hopes), the article does not simply note a correlation but attempts to control for other variables and comes up with an estimate of the effect of decreased stops. The usual language is something along the lines of "a decrease in stops of X is associated with an increase in shootings of Y." If the article did not do that, it is of limited value. If it did, then Prof. Cassell should let us know what it said.
that sounds suspiciously like constitutionally dubious police practices
Yes, you are correct, the OP does not like the 4A.
"After an ACLU consent decree with the Chicago Police Department dramatically reduced the number of stop and frisks, homicides significantly increased as a result."
“Are you going to believe your eyes, or the story I’m about to tell you?”
Interestingly, NYPD’s stop-and-frisk measures were severely reduced, due to a 4A-based court finding, around 2013. Contrary to the predictions of many, crime did not go shooting up in subsequent years.
The elephant in the room, to me, is the emptying of the prisons (down from around 70,000 in NY in 2012 to around 30,000 now) that was accelerated in 2020 (after years of steady reductions). So-called “bail reform” measures were really a litany of new sentencing rules that denied judges the discretion to put people in jail. In NYC, to this day, the police don’t bother to arrest many people because they’ll just spend the next four hours with a nasty (laughing) a-hole who knows he’ll be walking free before the day’s end.
If you empty the prisons, why would you *not* expect crime to increase? (Oh, sure, the judge put him in jail because of his race, and not the fact that it was his third brutal aggravated assault.)
Come to NYC (and pretty much all major cities) and feast your eyes on the recently released people walking the streets. Watch them carefully, for a few hours. You’ll see how they survive with no source of income, and no willingness (or in some cases, ability) to avail themselves of shelter or support services. Talk to the store owners, and I dare say, the weaker or more vulnerable people who try to avoid these would-be (going-to-be) predators. The pandemic is gone, the policing is more active, but the reality on the streets is unchanged. And our crime stats in NYC, up roughly 30% over 2019 in almost all categories, reflect that reality.
How does our left-leaning government and news media try to hide that reality? By using the 30-year peak in crime, in 2021, as their new reference point. Crime is down, schmucks. Nothing to see here. Oh, and yeah, we just don't know why crime increased so quickly.
You raise some fair points. A problem arising from the George Floyd murder is that it crystalized the fear of police and propagated it into the general community -- not just people of color, and not just gang communities. That fear is proving to be as pernicious as petty or mid-level crime. My view is that it's the police's fault; they pushed their authority and unaccountability so far that communities see allowing the policing status quo to be more risky than the predictable increase in crime. The police in many major cities forgot that they trade on the community's trust and have to maintain it. That will take some time to rectify, and only if they make concerted effort to rehabilitate what "police" stand for.
I would be quite doubtful if there were a single effect responsible for violent crime's increase in recent years. Prisons may explain NYC, but NYC is hardly the only city that saw an upswing.
So-called “bail reform” measures were really a litany of new sentencing rules that denied judges the discretion to put people in jail. does this track? Bail and sentencing are like utterly different legal regimes!
In NYC, to this day, the police don’t bother to arrest many people because they’ll just spend the next four hours with a nasty (laughing) a-hole who knows he’ll be walking free before the day’s end.
I believe this. But it's weird, eh? We have such a high per capita prison population, and yet it's not high enough? More jail may be a band-aid, but something else is going on.
"Bail and sentencing are like utterly different legal regimes!"
Yes. Bail reform reduced use of jails for pretrial detainment. The accused walks free the day he is caught. (What could possibly go wrong with that?)
I can see the potential issues, but I’m still not tracking a litany if new sentencing rules. Are you saying bail is basically a sentence? Because that’s horrible.
NYC isn't the only place that has been draining its jails onto the street while stopping criminals from going to prison.
Unless it's most every city seeing a rise in violent crime, that's irrelevant.
I think this is probably right. It's too soon to call it, but mass incarceration is likely what drove the crime rates low. Prison isn't much of a deterrent or even that much of a punishment, but it does confine predators to hunting other predators inside a cage. That's probably the best we can do, so long as people continue choosing to become predators.
"...behind these grim numbers lies a tremendous toll in human suffering—lives lost, futures destroyed, and families left grieving..."
But Democrat elites living in gated neighborhoods got to congratulate themselves. Plus race grievance grifters cashed in like never before.
This consequentialist take seems to ignore the 4th Amendment. In order to avoid suffering by the non-elites, would you be okay with letting the police do a bit of unjustified search and seizure?
No amount of others' suffering and loss is beyond Democrats’ ability to ignore it and change the subject.
You still missed talking about the Constitution.
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
You mean THAT part of the Constitutions? Or is it good to ignore that part?
Then there's the whole "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech", unless the Biden Admin has decided it's "disinformation" or "malinformaiton", in which case it's open season for gov't officials to pressure social media companies into censoring any speech they don't like
If you want the US Constitution to protect you, you have to allow it to protect us, too
And none of you on the Left are willing to do that
Stay on topic fucko. Your take on the constitution being the only legit one is not under discussion.
Do you have a new interpretation of the 4th to offer, or just angry deflections?
He's just pointing out your hypocrisy.
Did you miss that or are you just dishonest?
Your take on the constitution being the only legit one is not under discussion.
No more so than to require liability insurance as a condition for gun ownership, or forbidding the manufacture, sale, and possession of high capacity magazines, or doing away with criminal trial attorneys.
Are you proposing a trade? Lower probable cause standards for heightened gun regulation?
The two are pretty much joined at the hip.
So yes, you would accept that trade?
Cause a gang banger will have the liability coverage on his illegal piece up to snuff at all times. Sure, Jan.
Who's calling for violations of the 4A? That's a classic leftist misdirection: to pretend that the only way to enforce existing laws is to violate rights.
Check out stop and frisk, it's 4A implications, and what Prof. Cassell thinks about it.
I would like to see the relationship between Black men killed by police and Black men killed by other Black men -- over time.
Go back before Ferguson and plot it out -- likely would be interesting.
And do you kill one Black man to save the lives of 1000? It's the classic ethics question of do you throw a switch to send a streetcar off a cliff (killing the five people aboard) to save the lives of the 500 it would have killed by running into?
I don't have an answer to that -- but it gives perspective.
do you kill one Black man to save the lives of 1000?
Warming up the A-10s again, eh?
No, crime is not a real-life trolley problem.
Why would it be interesting?
I would expect [X killed by police] to be smaller in nearly every instance than [X killed by Y arbitrary other color /gender /socioeconomic category].
It would seem at least possible that the stresses of COVID itself, which was socially isolating and atressful, and happened to be occurring at the same time, tended to cause an increase in crime.
Also, it’s at least possible that at least some of the police slowdowns etc. were caused by police protest actions against the possibility of being defended, i.e. were caused by police labor actions initiated by police as a group, and perhaps increased attrition by disgruntled individuals, rather than actually being caused by any actual defunding.
In the proverbial “Washington Monument Syndrome” Congress cuts the Park Service budget slightly and the Park Service responds by closing the Washington Monument in protest. Are all the consequences of closing the Wshington Monument really entirely and solely caused by the slight budget cut? It might be fairer to attribute the consequences to the Park Setvice bureaucracy’s decision to protest rather than anything Congress itself did.
Perhaps a certain amount of Washington Monument syndrome might be true here.
When other workers go on strike or engage in work slowdowns, we don’t attribute the consequences entirely to management. Labor-friendly professors who conducted studies showing that labor protests had consequences for constumers and then tried to pass off those consequences as being the result of the mangement actions or threatened actions being protested had those consequences would be thought fools by any serious academic, i.e. anyone who taught in a business school. It would be seen through immediately.
Why should this particular class of laborers, and their labor-friendly friends in academia, be treated or thought of any differently?
Let me make the point more bluntly. It’s one thing to be labor-friendly. It’s another to be a crazy radical far-left socialist like Professor Kim appears to be (and Professor Cassell appears to be for endorsing him), incapable of seeing the world through anything but labor’s eyes.
I don't have time to analyze the above post right now, but is this statement accurate?
How does analyzing data three years before George Floyd, and ending a few months after George Floyd, show anything at all about George Floyd? Shouldn't any analysis at least go to 2023?
Since it takes time for the police to record, organize, and release the data, and further time for the authors to by code the data, run the analyses, and write, edit, and publish the papers, I imagine that we will have similar studies done on such trends extending through 2023, but only in a couple of years. Demanding that such a study include "at least" the current year, which is only half over, reveals a deep ignorance about this kind of work. At least you didn't demand they go to 2024!
Read the first paragraph of the OP and don’t be such a condescending jerk.
Did you have a monopoly on being a condescending jerk?
Which OP? The one asking whether the statement about the period of time in Prof. Kim's study was an accurate statement? (Yes, it's accurate.)
NYC does have some raw data for 2021 and 2022, at . I don't know whether that's the same source data that Prof. Kim used. It does show that 2021 had more homicides than 2020, while 2022 had slightly fewer than 2020 but still many more than either 2018 or 2019.
"It is well known that there were significant spikes in homicides in 2020, particularly in major urban areas. In an article I published in 2021, I attributed these spikes to what I dubbed the "Minneapolis Effect"–specifically reductions in proactive policing as police pulled back in the wake of the George Floyd protests. I blogged about my article here."
Flatulus - "Demanding that such a study include “at least” the current year, which is only half over, reveals a deep ignorance about this kind of work. At least you didn’t demand they go to 2024!"
The demand is based on the claim in the OP. SO any deep ignorance is in the checks the OP is writing.