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Sixth Circuit Upholds Sanctions Against Kraken Attorneys for Michigan Filings
The sanctions imposed on Sidney Powell and other attorneys raising frivolous challenges to the 2020 election were narrowed and slightly reduced, but largely upheld.
This afternoon the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit largely upheld a district court order imposing significant sanctions on Sidney Powell and other "Kraken" lawyers who had filed various unsubstantiated and frivolous claims challenging the results of the 2020 Presidential election in Michigan. While trimming the total penalties awarded, and lifting the sanctions imposed on two named attorneys, the court's decision affirmed that the attorneys engaged in sanctionable conduct through a combination of filing frivolous claims and failing to exercise proper diligence as to the veracity of claims made in their filings.
Judge Kethledge wrote for the unanimous panel in King v. Whitmer, joined by Judge Boggs and Judge White. His opinion begins:
Three voters and three Republican nominees to the electoral college in Michigan brought this suit in a bid to overturn the results of the state's 2020 presidential election. The complaint plausibly alleged that Republican election challengers had been harassed and mistreated during vote counting at the TCF Center in Detroit, in violation of Michigan law. But the complaint also alleged that an international "collaboration"—with origins in Venezuela, extending to China and Iran, and including state actors in Michigan itself—had succeeded in generating hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes in Michigan, thereby swinging the state's electoral votes to Joseph Biden. Many of those allegations—particularly the ones concerning Dominion voting machines—were refuted by the plaintiffs' own exhibits to their complaint. Other allegations arose from facially unreliable expert reports; still others were simply baseless. The district court found the entirety of the plaintiffs' complaint sanctionable, and ordered all of plaintiffs' attorneys, jointly and severally, to pay the defendants' and the City of Detroit's reasonable attorney's fees. We find only part of the complaint sanctionable, and thus reverse in part and affirm in part.
While rejecting the district court's conclusion that the evidence showed the attorneys had filed suit for an "improper purpose" under Rule 11(b)(1), the panel found ample basis for the district court's conclusion that the attorneys failed to fulfill their obligation to "engage in a reasonable prefiling inquiry to ensure that a pleading or motion is 'well grounded in fact[.]'" As the panel explained, "a court may sanction attorneys under Rule 11(b)(3) for factual assertions they know—or after reasonable investigation should have known—are false or wholly unsupported."
Among other things, the panel concluded the district court was correct that a "whole raft of allegations" concerning alleged foreign interference in election equipment was sanctionable, and that the attorneys' made readily falsifiable claims concerning equipment and systems used in Michigan, submitted "baseless" affidavits, and misrepresented others. For instance, the panel agreed that the "most provocative allegation" made about the Michigan election results--that ten of thousands of fraudulent votes were added to the election totals--lacked any "credible basis." Claims alleging violations of Michigan law were also found wanting. "The statute at issue here ran three pages," wrote Kethledge. "A reasonable prefiling inquiry as to all these allegations would have included reading it."
The court concluded that a few of the allegations were not sanctionable, and that two attorneys were sanctioned who should not have been, but otherwise affirmed the district court's conclusions, and reduced the financial award by a modest amount.
I expect Powell, et al., will file further appeals, but I doubt additional filings will produce different results.
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Oh my. Adding this to my collection of favorite Bench Slaps.
As I understand it, the sanction is 12 hours CLE on pleading and election law their own dime. And address a referral for disbarment in MI. I guess my question is how much does CLE actually cost?
It varies widely. NY, where I practice, requires 24 credits of CLE every two years. I constantly get offers in the mail to do all 24 credits online, for a cheap price, like $ 79. (One of my favorite providers is, which I pronounce M-sleaze.)
I also get very expensive offers -- fly to Tahiti to do CLE, get 12 credits, pay $ 5,000.
Whether either kind of CLE would fulfill the sanctions here, I don't know.
Against the $150,000 penalty, the cost of 12 continuing legal education hours is a rounding error.
The 12 hours devoted to educational presentations are likely 12 fewer hours during which these lawyers could do something stupid enough to humiliate themselves, risk disbarment, and arrange six-figure punishment for professional misconduct.
I'm surprised the Left and DOJ aren't going after these people for committing treason against our Sacred Democracy like they are doing to Trump for having similar legal theories.
Do you think these attorneys were properly sanctioned? Or are they innocent victims?
I think I can help with your confusion: Don Trump is not in being prosecuted over "similar legal theories".
I like the part where you sneer out “Sacred Democracy.” The rest seems contrived.
A victory of sorts: The appeals court called some of the claims meritless instead of frivolous.
As Groucho Marx said, time wounds all heels.
FWIW, each member of the Sixth Circuit panel was appointed by a Republican president.
The district court found the entirety of the plaintiffs' complaint sanctionable, and ordered all of plaintiffs' attorneys, jointly and severally, to pay the defendants' and the City of Detroit's reasonable attorney's fees.
Fair enough, but inadequate, IMO.
I think they should also forfeit any fees they charged their clients, paying them to some sort of charity, perhaps.
That looks like a pretty strong incentive not to file this sort of crap.
This -- penalties imposed by the insulted and abused court -- likely is merely one element of the accountability mainstream America is positioned to impose on these right-wing losers. The professional disciplinary authorities could -- and seemingly should -- impose additional and harsher consequences.
The silver lining for these lawyers is that they will have gripping stories of ostensible persecution that will land them plum speaking spots at Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, QAnon-MAGA, Republican Party, and John Birch Society events. Maybe that could offset the financial losses associated with losing their law licenses.
Not that it should matter, but for the record: all three judges on this panel were GOP appointees.
EDIT: As not guilty already said.
It's really worth taking the 10 minutes to read the court's opinion. It just excoriates the attorneys. And lays out the factual basis for rebutting the list of idiocy. Plenty of facts I was unaware of.
I appreciated the fact that this court bent over backward to try and help these unethical lawyers. It searched for any plausible good-faith explanation for each thing (and reversed the lower court on the few times it could find that these attorneys acted within the realm of "plausibly ethical."
It was disheartening to read just how moronic and crazy almost all the factual allegations were by the various Trump lawyers. Not their finest moment in the sun.
It's worth a read.
The problem is that the people who actually need to read it are the people still blathering about all the "evidence" of "fraud" that there was in 2020, and those people aren't going to understand why there wasn't such evidence even if they do read it.
The problem is that what actually happened were a lot of extra-legal changes to voting procedures, some of which would have skewed the results without generating actually fraudulent votes, and others which broke chain of custody of ballots, creating an opening for unprovable fraud.
The courts generally refused to do anything about these changes before the election, on the basis that it was premature, (And in cases because they approved of the changes!) and afterwards, on the basis that it was too late for any remedy, and anyway you couldn't prove that it changed the outcome.
So, the result was no proof of "fraud", but more than sufficient evidence of dirty dealings that anybody who didn't want to accept the outcome as legitimate could reasonably justify rejecting them.
Elections are about the absolute last place courts should take this casual attitude towards complying with the letter of the law. Instead in some states they almost took the lead in encouraging violations.
Well said. If the Democrats weren't cheating, they sure wanted people to think they were.
I'd seen some speculation before the election that they were anticipating losing, and setting the stage for their own election denial. But I think it was more a matter of not particularly caring if people thought they were cheating, so long as they won. They've really given up on any desire to be seen as being legitimately in power, so long as they ARE in power.
Going off of some of Biden's remarks about AR-15's and fighter jets, they may even hope for a reaction that would allow them to sic the military on their domestic opponents.
Telepathy shows Dem bad faith once again!
Going off of some of Biden’s remarks about AR-15’s and fighter jets, they may even hope for a reaction that would allow them to sic the military on their domestic opponents...
You keep inching towards civil war hoping, I mean warning, I mean blaming the Dems for wanting. Not you. No.
I keep pointing out to you that it's not "telepathy" when you're just paying attention to what people come right out and say.
"I think it was more a matter of not particularly caring if people thought they were cheating, so long as they won" is you speculating. About the interior of other people. And finding liberal perfidity. You even say you think because you know it's speculation.
"Going off of some of Biden’s remarks about AR-15’s and fighter jets, they may even hope for a reaction that would allow them to sic the military on their domestic opponents" is you speculating. About the interior of other people. And finding liberal perfidy. You even say 'may' because you know it's speculation.
You're certainty doesn't come from deduction based on what you've heard. You even acknowledge this is far from clear in what you type.
So yes. Telepathy. Saying more about your priors than anyone on the left.
When did you stop barebacking little boys?
You mean like when Trump calls for a coup, and you pretend he didn't?
You guys are being very rough on Brett Bellmore, so I will redirect attention toward a subject he likes:
How is the search for former Pres. Obama's Muslim Kenyan communist birth certificate -- his "real" birth certificate, not the Hawaiian plant -- coming along, Mr. Bellmore?
extra-legal changes to voting procedures
You not agreeing with a court decision does *not* make it extra legal!!
broke chain of custody of ballots, creating an opening for unprovable fraud Apart from the chain of custody thing being a lie you happen to believe, unprovable fraud meaning ‘dirty dealings’ is an impressive leveraging of no evidence into proof of *something bad*
We all saw the process in your comments – you wanted to join in the 2020 election denials, but had enough self-image to pull back from the shameless idiots on here. But your desire was palpable. And over time you seized on ever other thing about the election you could complain about, until here we are. All bullshit-created smoke, no fire, but you at least get to join the side of the anti-democratic forces in the GOP (while claiming to be in it to save democracy, natch).
So here you are, 'just the tip' in support of the Kraken. LOL, LMAO.
Every word of this is factually and legally wrong.
To elaborate: if you're challenging election procedures, you have to do it pre-election. That's absolutely not premature. (You can't wait to see who won, and then say, "Oh, it should've been done differently" if you lose.) What you claim happened simply never happened. You confuse the fact that courts didn't agree with you about the procedures being "extra legal" (Remember, Brett: what you personally think the law is doesn't matter) with the claim that courts said it was premature to challenge the procedures.
'The problem is that what actually happened were a lot of extra-legal changes to voting procedures,'
These were so much not a problem the Kraken team preferred to use actual made-up bullshit.
Lies! You are such a nincompoop, Brett. Nin-come-poop!
They refused to do anything before the election because it was already too late. The Republicans tried to game the system by waiting until October to file challenges. You can't change the rules in October. They had all summer to file challenges but didn't. Because what they really wanted was chaos and suspicion. Sowing distrust.
And it worked! Just look at you!
Thanks for encouraging me to read the opinion. The most important thing I learned was this:
Good grief. Election security is a "non-trivial" problem as we like to say in the software business, meaning it is a deep, abiding, and constant one that can't be solved quickly or easily. Because of this, of course we are ready to listen to reports about failings in this area.
But to not even correctly identify which voting equipment was used in your complaint is an instant loss of my respect.
Sanctions earned, 100%.
Some of the elections challenges were, admittedly, so poorly based that they looked like the lawyers were just scamming their clients. Sanction away!
Yeah, Michigan mostly uses Scantron ballots, which I think are about the sweet spot for security and convenience. Hand marked by the voter, human readable with just a template, scanned as they're inserted into the ballot box, with objective errors like over-votes kicked back for the voter to get a fresh ballot. And individual voting stations are dirt cheap.
Not at all like the Dominion machines, which are provably insecure. Even left-wing sources find them horrifyingly vulnerable.
Computer engineers have been warning that using computers as voting machines is insane since the practice first started. Yet governments insist on doing it. If it's not because of actually wanting to be able to rig elections, there have to at least be some kickbacks involved.
Careful. You're edging toward rationality and commonsense in this post. (Did someone hack your account? Where's the Brett we know and love?)
All of the elections challenges were so poorly based that they looked like — and were — the lawyers scamming their clients. (Or, more accurately, scamming the loons who donated money for the elections challenges. Trump wasn’t spending his own money!)
Actually, there were two types of challenges:
1) The ones like this, that were based on lies and were frivolous and sanctionable; and
2) Ones that may or may not have had some merit (mostly no, but not necessarily frivolous), but that had no realistic probability of changing the outcomes, even if they prevailed.
There may have not been "fraud" in the traditional sense, but there was fraud in the sense that the founding fathers would not have approved of the voting process, the electorate, or the tactics used.
If they did not express their approval or disapproval in the Constitution or other laws, it matters not. But that constitutional amendments had to be passed in order to recognise the rights of women and blacks to vote, perhaps their disapproval shouldn’t be given a shit about.
Every day, it looks more and more like the founders were right.
When women and blacks have the vote, they use it maliciously to damage the moral fabric of society.
"Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic troll!"
Okay, *that's* pretty funny.
The opinion's treatment of Lin Wood at pp. 23-24 is particularly delicious.