The Volokh Conspiracy
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An Orthodox Rabbi Makes the Case for Legalizing Organ Markets
Some of the points made by Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman in the course of assessing the issue under Jewish law have broader significance, as well.
In a series of two recent pieces published by the Bais Havaad Halacha center, Orthodox Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman, an expert on Jewish commercial law, makes the case for legalizing organ markets. In the first article, he defends organ markets against claims that they violate Jewish religious prohibitions against "charging for the performance of a mitzvah" (a good deed). In the second, he defends them against various public policy objections, most notably that they would lead to exploitation of the poor. Ultimately, the rabbi concludes that "the halachic consensus aligns more closely with the laissez-faire, libertarian stance of allowing payment for organs espoused by Professor Somin than with the current secular legal and ethical consensus that opposes such payment" (he cites here, one of my pieces on organ markets).
I am no expert on Jewish law, and therefore can't say much about that aspect of the matter. But it seems to me that many of the points on which Rabbi Grossman focuses are of interest to more secular people concerned about this issue, as well. It's also significant that he and I reach similar conclusions based on similar reasoning, despite having very different starting points (I am a secularist and an atheist). I think the value of preserving life can potentially be the basis for further common ground on organ markets between the religious and the secular.
The issue of paying for a mitzvah has a clear secular counterpart: fears that legalizing organ markets will somehow deter or devalue altruistic donations. This kind of argument was most famously made by Richard Titmuss in a well-known book attacking payment for blood donations on the grounds that it would "crowd out" free donations. Rabbi Grossman correctly points out that if this kind of reasoning is applied consistently, it would bar paying physicians for their services. After all, they too are doing a mitzvah, and they too could potentially provide services for free instead (or at least only charge enough to recoup costs).
More generally, the Titmuss theory is refuted by studies showing that payment for blood donations does not in fact reduce supply, and may well increase it. When it comes to blood plasma, supply is much greater in countries where payment is permitted than those where it is banned. In the area of organ supply, altruistic donation has not been enough to prevent a massive kidney shortage that leads to the deaths of some 40,000 people per year in the US alone, and consigns many thousands of others to years of suffering on kidney dialysis. Financial incentives are likely to increase organ donations more than blood and plasma donations, because the former is much more costly and uncomfortable for the donor. People are far more reluctant to make uncompensated gifts (especially to unknown strangers) when doing so is very costly.
In response to concerns about the exploitation of the poor, Rabbi Grossman cites religious law indicating that it is often permissible to pay workers to take risks on the job, and asks "Why should offering a poor person payment for his kidney be any more exploitative than offering him a dangerous job in exchange for a paycheck?" I have made similar points in various pieces myself, one of which Grossman quotes. As he notes, I also make a number of additional points against the exploitation argument.
I end on another point that I hope might be common ground between the religious and secular. It seems to me that among the central values of Judaism and other major world religions, are the preservation of life and the alleviation of needless suffering. Legalizing organ markets can achieve these goals on a truly massive scale. To put it in more religious terms, legalizing transactions that can save tens of thousands of lives is itself a huge "mitvzah."
Any argument against legalization must be compelling enough to outweigh this enormous good. If you want to ban life-saving transactions, you have to have an incredibly good reason - one that cannot be addressed by regulations that fall short of a ban. That seems true from the standpoint of any plausible moral theory, whether religious or secular.
Existing justifications for banning organ sales don't even come close to meeting such a heavy burden of proof. In previous writings, I have critiqued many of those arguments, such as concerns that it would be too dangerous for organ donors, claims that it amounts to to immoral "commodification" of the body, and fears that it would lead to exploitation of the poor (see also here). Even if some of these objections have more validity than I give them credit for, I hope secular and religious observers alike can agree they have to meet a very high standard to justify restrictions that literally kill tens of thousands of people every year.
UPDATE: I have made a few additions to this post.
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So why is pork not Kosher but a pig heart valve is?? I mean besides the inconsistencies inherent in believing in a Spirit in the Sky?? (HT N. Greenbaum)
Because eating pork does not result in saving a life but a pig heart valve does. Note than in Mishnah Yoma 8, someone with pathological hunger (bulmus - in the original, literally "ox-hunger") is permitted not merely to eat, but to eat anything they wish, kosher or not, "until their eyes are opened", variously understood to mean that they had recovered their mental senses, or that this affliction had affected their sight but returning sight indicated the end of the affliction. (The latter is Adin Steinsaltz's position - Neusner disagrees. I approve of the opinion of Neusner.)
Doesn't work out so great for the pig (eating them or snatching their Aortic Valves)
So then the Nazis weren't forcing Jews to choose between Kosher and starvation when they offered them pork stew. I never saw Mishnah Yoma 8 mentioned in any discussion of this being done during the Holocaust -- how widely is this known/accepted in the Jewish culture?
Well, the Nazis offering Jews pork wouldn't be covered under Yoma, of course, but would be intentionally vile and offensive. I am sure many Jews refused, but they should not have done where the alternative would be starvation. And it is well known in Jewish law that if you are ill and the doctor advises against fasting, you are not permitted to fast.
A pig heart valve is not kosher. If someone asks a Jew to eat it.
Transplanting it into a person's chest cavity is not eating, so is not prohibited. For the same reason, throwing a football made out of pig skin is not forbidden.
And, as others below point out here, even if it were prohibited, all but three prohibitions are set aside when needed to save a life. It's called pikuach nefesh.
Breaking a commandment in order to save lives - pikuach nefesh - necessarily takes precedence over the prohibition against being paid for a mitzvah.
Are you Shlomo from that Sopranos episode??
LOL no. Clean shaven, no peyus nor shtreimel – I look more like a skinnier Shlomo Mintz. But my second Hebrew name is Shlomo.
Hasidim, but I don't believe em!!
Hesh from the Soprano's one of the best characters ever, (as much as he did for Tony, he still insulted him with that "Da Rent, Da Rent")
except maybe for Hyman Roth, "I loved baseball ever since Arnold Rothstein fixed the World Series in 1919."
And I approve of the arguments of Rabbi Grossman and rabbi (double sic) Volokh.
OK, poll for the forum.
1. Have you donated blood recently (in the past 5 years)?. How
2. Have you sold blood plasma for money recently (in the past 5 years?). How often?
Let's see if there's a difference between donating versus selling.
I can't donate as I am on prescription meds - I did donate for a while, but have AB+, so not worth much anyway!
I'm AB (Neg) you're supposed to type out "Neg" or "Pos" too easy to type a (-) instead of a (+) only a shift/key away. AB Negative means you can donate to any blood group, red cells, plasma, platelets, but YOU only can get from other AB (Neg), which are like 1% of the population, and if you want Left Handed Blood Cells AB Neg, its like 1/1,000 (what? blood cells don't have "Handedness", umm, maybe not, since they don't have hands)
I donate regularly, not for any humanitarian reason, but that regular blood donation has been shown to reduce incidence of congestive heart failure (something about reducing the number of cells the heart has to pump, and you have about 25% more cells than you need anyway)
And for the Milk/Cookies/Headrush you get...
That only applies to donating blood plasma. You cannot donate whole blood to most other groups. O Neg is the universal donor.
I identify as O Negative, if somebody has a Transfusion reaction, that's their Anti-Blood Typism problem
In school, even when my finances were poor, I donated blood. I sold plasma only once, as much from curiosity as anything else.
in 1987 made more from Plasma than I did from working (was in Med School, so working was limited) Once you get used to some schlemiel jabbing you with a 14g/16g needle it's easy money (HT R. Dangerfield) not being able to afford cable, I'd try to time it to the last few innings of Braves games (1987 Braves?? THEY should have been selling Plasma)
1. No, I'm gay, so I haven't donated since I was 20 or so. But once the ban-lift is implemented (hopefully soon) I'll be back to donating regularly.
2. No, never.
You do realize that donating blood versus plasma occur on wildly different timelines, right?
The demand is not the same.
The uses are not the same.
The two are not even remotely comparable.
I can see anti-Semites having great fun with this.
Yes, sadly. Until they too need blood or organs.
In Saudi Arabia (and Kuwait, the Kuwaitis didn't seem to have trouble with Jews) 1990-1991, occasionally we'd have to treat a "Native" Saudi. As we were supposed to be "Sensitive to their Cultural Sensibilities" I'd always make sure to ask if they were OK being treated by a Jew...
Mother fuckers, I'm convinced my daughters Highschool Tennis Team could take the Eastern Province (only one strategically important) in an afternoon, maybe two.
Competent adults neither advance nor accept superstition-based arguments in reasoned debate, particularly with respect to public affairs.
People are entitled to believe as they wish. They are not entitled to respect for supernatural claims, nonsense, and other religious arguments in reasoned debate among adults.
That's the great thing about being Jewish - you can have all manner of moral arguments, knowing that somewhere in the last 2,000 years some rabbi has beaten you to that same argument, or alternatively you can enjoy participating in an ongoing debate that started 2.000 years ago - and you don't even have to believe. I don't.
You should probably at least believe your own arguments.
When they are my arguments, I do. But if I know the principles and can provide an internally consistent argument based on those principles I nonetheless don't have to accept the principles.
I think they should put more effort in organ collecting from the recently deceased. Maybe one of those obnoxious mandatory questionnaires like the one you get about donating to the Save the Whales fund everytime you go through the checkout.
Fuck the whales --- save the lobstermen!!!
Simple: you have to opt out, not opt in.
Today's policy preference: "allowing" poor, desperate people to have their crushing debt relieved through having their organs plundered by the wealthy. Jesus Christ, even the Broken Clock Principle doesn't apply to Ilya.
1. I feel like you haven't actually write his arguments.
2. Why do you think that it's the rich who will benefit from an adequate supply of organs, and not also the poor? (I would not be shocked if rich people were disproportionately benefited. But I would not be shocked if rich people were already using their money to game the donor list system to some extent, so the poor ended up being helped by a new system.
I'm in favor of trying it out, if only to see what the results end up being. It's possible that the parade of horribles turns out to be true. In which case, we end or modify the system. But maybe it will save 30,000+ lives a year, and avoid tens of thousands of needless trips for dialysis, with few negative costs. You certainly would admit that this positive result is a possible outcome, no?
Studies from Iran (which has a legalized organ donation market) show the following.
"Then they were grouped according to whether they were poor, rich, or middle class. The results showed that 84% of paid kidney donors were poor and 16% were middle class, and of their recipients, 50.4% were poor, 36.2% were middle class, and 13.4% were rich."
Wow.... Not a single rich donor. But 13.4% of recipients were rich.
Wait, rich people don't feel the need to sell things? Why, you'd think they have money or something.
Seriously, that isn't the argument you think it is.
"I’m in favor of trying it out, if only to see what the results end up being. It’s possible that the parade of horribles turns out to be true. "
Once a system's hard to stop. Especially if rich people benefit disproportionately. What about a system of indentured servitude? Shouldn't we just "try it out"?
We'll be making artificial organs before we get a free market (or a nearly-free market) in donated human organs.
Yes, that would be nice and solve many problems. And artificial will include replacement organs grown from the recipient's cells.
...or even printed.
I’ll take a Hammond B3 plus a Leslie speaker.
Jewish law is amusing sometimes, but it is not helpful in deciding any moral or legal issues for anyone else.
But Jewish law is not about the law, it's about the arguing! That's one of the things that makes the Mishnah a strange read for goyim.
Jewish law is amusing sometimes, but it is not helpful in deciding any moral or legal issues for anyone else.
Jewish law was refined over centuries by a bunch of smart people dedicated to thinking about morality and implementing rules.
Thinking it's not worth checking out is leaving plenty of potential wisdom on the floor.
Okay, lay it on me. What's the Jewish wisdom hidden in Jewish law that applies to non-Jews and hasn't already made it out of the Jewish community into the broader culture?
I strongly suspect that any wisdom that'll be meaningful to non-Jews has already escaped into the wild. Good ideas that don't require the religious basis tend to.
I'm picturing the "live organ transplants" scene from Meaning of Life but with a rabbi present to do the persuading and ensure the proper rituals are followed.
"Must"? Hah. Very funny.
Dude, this isn't an argument you can win with numbers and charts. You've got to change the culture.
As an aside, I have a very simple view on this: I don't care what Jewish/Catholic/Buddhist/Muslim/Mormon/Wiccan law says, as long as it's only applied to people that willingly submit to it. Maintain that, and you can believe whatever you want.
Once you go from "we believe X, so [members of our group] shouldn't do Y" to "and it should be illegal for everyone to Y", I have a problem.
To the best of my knowledge, that's not the case here. So I don't care.
American Jewry is big on declaring people who don't want to be members of the group as being members, but not by the force of law.
It floors me that people still care about this nonsense.
I sometimes view the posts here with a bit of amusement; this strain, however, gives me the chills. Deeply wrong on many levels, and the fact that it seems to be trying to lamprey itself onto social and economic conservatism seems an accident of academic affiliations, and an unfortunate one at that.
Idea: why stop at the sale? Utilize the leverage of a potential donation. Say an explorer has some cash coming in on his argosies, and he's certain that it will get here in time. Just leverage a pound or so of flesh--still in the body, mind you--to secure the loan. What could go wrong? And there's bound to be something useful in there, maybe even stem cells, or plasma, or at least DNA.
In the Roman law, technically a living debtor's body parts could be taken to collect the debt. I'm a bit vague as to whether that ever actually happened, and I'm content to remain in such vagary.
Mr. D.