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What I Learned From Justice Stevens' Papers on Kelo v. City of New London
There are several interesting revelations, including an unpublished dissent by Justice Antonin Scalia.

In my last post, I outlined some things I hoped to learn from Justice John Paul Stevens' papers about Kelo v. City of New London, the controversial 5-4 decision in which the Supreme Court ruled that the condemnation of homes for "private economic development" is permissible under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment (which only allows takings that are for a "public use"). Stevens wrote the majority opinion. Kelo was an important decision that drew a massive political backlash (over 80% of the public opposed the ruling, and 45 states enacted eminent domain reform laws in reaction to it) and remains contentious to this day.
There are two big revelations. First, there was no vote switch. Five justices intended to uphold the takings from the beginning of the Court's deliberations. However, Stevens did apparently worry that he might lose the support of key swing voter Justice Anthony Kennedy. Second, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a draft dissent [Update: I have put up Justice Scalia's draft dissent in a separate post, along with my comments on it], which he eventually chose not to publish (though he did join Sandra Day O'Connor's dissenting opinion).
Here is what I have learned about the answers to the five questions outlined in my previous post, plus a few additional revelations:
1. Was there a chance the case could have gone the other way? Did Justice Kennedy flip?
The evidence indicates that five justices, including Justice Kennedy, wanted to uphold the New London condemnations all along. However, Stevens seems to have been concerned that Kennedy might defect. At one point, he sent an e-mail to Roberto Gonzalez, his law clerk working on the Kelo case, saying that "I don't think we need to reply [to Justice Scalia's draft dissent] - of course we do need five votes, but I don't think this reference to Lawrence [v. Texas] is likely to be persuasive to AMK [Justice Kennedy]." This implies that Stevens was on guard about a potential switch by Kennedy, but thought that Scalia's draft dissent was unlikely to sway Kennedy into the dissenters' camp. Yet he also may have worried that some other argument might indeed be "persuasive to AMK."
Kennedy did not agree to join what became Stevens' majority opinion until just a few days before the Court's decision was issued on June 23, 2005. On June 16-17, Kennedy asked Stevens to make a number of changes to the majority draft, in exchange for his support, and Stevens agreed. Kennedy then finally agreed to join, but also authored a solo concurring opinion, which has confused takings lawyers and lower court judges ever since.
I won't go over them in detail here. But, in my view, the changes Kennedy requested mostly concern minor issues, and did little to change the bottom-line reasoning and effect of the Kelo decision. The admittedly limited available evidence suggests Stevens worried about the possibility of Kennedy flipping, but the risk probably wasn't all that high. We may never know for sure how great it actually was, at least not unless Justice Kennedy reveals his papers someday.
2. Why did Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, author of the lead dissenting opinion in Kelo, change her mind about "public use" between 1984 and 2005?
As discussed in my previous post, O'Connor endorsed a very broad view of public use in her opinion for the Court in Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff (1984), but switched to a much narrower view in her influential lead dissent in Kelo, which garnered the support of four justices. Sadly, the Stevens papers shed no light on this important issue. We may know more when and if Justice O'Connor (who retired in 2005), releases her own papers.
3. Did any of the justices anticipate the massive political reaction against Kelo? Did it influence the decision in any way?
The files don't reveal any anticipation of the reaction Kelo would generate, on the part of any of the justices. That doesn't prove none of them foresaw it. But, if so, it isn't reflected in their communications with Stevens. I think some significant negative reaction was foreseeable based on the extensive media and public attention the case attracted even before the Court issued its ruling. But the justices may have been oblivious to this, or at least underestimated the extent of public anger.
4. Why didn't Justice Scalia join Clarence Thomas' strong originalist dissent?
As already noted, the Stevens papers reveal that Scalia authored a solo dissent of his own, that he ultimately chose not to publish. I will say more about it in a future post. Here, I will only note that the Scalia dissent says almost nothing about the text and original meaning of the Takings Clause, and therefore doesn't tell us anything about why he chose not to join Thomas. Nor is there anything else in the Stevens papers that bears on this question. Scalia did join Justice O'Connor's mostly non-originalist dissent.
In my view, outlined in my book about Kelo, the Thomas dissent is the best of the four opinions in the case. Scalia apparently had a different view. But we still don't know why.
5. Does anything in the Stevens files strengthen or weaken the case for overruling Kelo?
Kelo remains a highly controversial decision, and four current Supreme Court justices have expressed interest in overruling or at least revisiting it (I hope they do!). I don't think anything in the Stevens papers is likely to persuade many people to change their minds about the case. Certainly, there's nothing there as dramatic as Stevens' earlier public admissions that he made a "somewhat embarrassing to acknowledge error" in his interpretation of precedent in his majority opinion.
However, it's worth noting that Stevens' claim that the majority's broad view of public use is backed by "more than a century" of precedent figures prominently in all of his draft opinions contained in the files, and may have played an important rule in persuading other justices. This, of course, is the very thing Stevens later admitted he got badly wrong.
In a May 13, 2005 note conveying her decision to join Stevens, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg praised the draft opinion for being "as clear and fair as can be in conveying our precedent and where it leads in this case." Would she and others have been so quick to join Stevens' opinion if they knew its analysis of precedent was based on an "embarrassing to acknowledge error"? Impossible to know for sure. But there is at least room for doubt on that score. And it would only have taken one defection to shift the outcome in the case.
In addition to providing insights on two or three of the questions I raised in my earlier post, the Stevens papers also include a few other interesting revelations about the case:
6. "A fine teaching opinion."
In the same note where she praised Justice Stevens' draft for its analysis of precedent, Justice Ginsburg also called it a "fine teaching opinion." And so it was! But not in the way Ginsburg had in mind. Stevens' ruling had the effect of awakening public opinion to the reality that Supreme Court precedent allowed government to condemn private property for almost any reason it wants. That generated the broadest political backlash against any modern Supreme Court opinion. In his 2019 memoir, Stevens called it "the most unpopular opinion that I wrote during my more than thirty-four years on the Supreme Court. Indeed, I think it is the most unpopular opinion that any member of the Court wrote during that period."
In combination with O'Connor's and Thomas' dissents, the Stevens opinion also helped awaken elite legal opinion to some of the serious flaws in the broad view of "public use" and thereby broke the seeming expert consensus on that question.
7. Stevens probably knew the New London redevelopment plan was likely to fail.
The justification for the Kelo condemnations was the need to promote "economic development" in New London, Connecticut by transferring the condemned property to a private developer who would supposedly put it to more productive use. In his opinion for the Court, Stevens highlights New London's "carefully considered development plan" and distinguishes this from cases where there is no such plan, and therefore stronger suspicion that the condemnation was undertaken purely to benefit a private party.
In reality, Stevens had good reason to question whether there really was any "carefully considered" plan. The files contain a memo from Stevens' law clerk Roberto Gonzales, in which he includes several media articles documenting the flaws of the redevelopment plan. "Overall," writes Gonzales, "they present a pretty dim picture of the prospects of the plan," though he also notes that the "'facts'" in the articles "are certainly not before us in this case." This adds to the extensive evidence of the plan's flaws that was in the official record before the Court - including that the trial court had invalidated 11 of the 15 condemnations precisely because the City had no clear plan for how to use the land it was trying to take.
As it turned out, the plan's prospects were indeed "dim." To this day, nothing has been built on the condemned land, and its only regular users are a colony of feral cats [but see update below].
I don't think this fact by itself proves Stevens got the decision wrong. If you combine a broad definition of "public use" with an ultradeferential approach to government planners' judgment, then it can still make sense to uphold the New London takings. Nonetheless, given what he knew, Stevens should at least not have relied so heavily on the planning process in justifying his decision.
8. Seven of nine justices wanted to hear the case.
Most experts - myself included - were surprised that the Court decided to hear the Kelo case. The conventional wisdom was that the Court had already definitively endorsed a broad definition of public use in Berman v. Parker (1954) and Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff (1984), and therefore there would be little interest in revisiting the issue. I think Berman was a terrible decision - worse than Kelo. But I too recognize that it endorsed an extremely broad view of public use, even broader than that Stevens ultimately endorsed in his majority opinion. Stevens was wrong to claim his position was backed by "more than a century" of precedent, but right to believe it was supported by Berman and Midkiff.
The Stevens papers suggest the justices may have seen the precedent as less definitive than most outside experts did. They reveal that seven of the nine justices (all but Ginsburg and David Souter) voted to hear the case. Supreme Court rules only require the agreement of four justices to grant a petition for certiorari.
The files also include a September 27, 2004 memo written by Stevens clerk Melissa Beth Arbus, in which she evaluated whether the Court should take the case. Stevens was the one justice, at the time, who did not participate in the "cert pool" in which clerks for the other justices divided up petitions for certiorari and made common recommendations to the Court on whether to grant them. The Kelo cert pool memo isn't in the file, probably because Stevens didn't participate in the pool.
Arbus wrote that Kelo would be a good vehicle for "elaborating or clarifying 'public use' doctrine" and that the justices could potentially vote to strike down the New London takings without overruling Berman and Midkiff, because "neither case directly addressed the particular public purpose at issue here - economic development in a non-blighted area." This distinction, of course, foreshadows the very similar one made in Justice O'Connor's dissenting opinion.
There are also some less significant revelations that I will not cover in this already long post. But I may include them in a future academic article.
In sum, despite the absence of truly earth-shattering revelations, the Stevens papers deepen our knowledge of the case in several ways. I will consider Justice Scalia's draft dissent in a follow-up post. Stay tuned!
UPDATE: My post on Scalia's dissent is now available here.
UPDATE 2: The condemned property was recently sold to a developer and there may soon finally be some new construction there, eighteen years after the Supreme Court's decision.
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3. Did any of the justices anticipate the massive political reaction against Kelo?
This strikes me as profoundly myopic. Kelo wasn't exactly the Dobbs of 2005.
8. Seven of nine justices wanted to hear the case.
Most experts—myself included
Well, that says a lot about Somin's posts.
On the topic of government takings and related eminent domain practices, Somin has long easily cleared the bar of widely-acknowledged expertise in the field.
Why do you disagree, and do you have support beyond your reflexive dislike triggered by his positions on immigration?
“However, it’s worth noting that Stevens’ claim that the majority’s broad view of public use is backed by “more than a century” of precedent figures prominently in all of his draft opinions contained in the files, and may have played an important rule in persuading other justices. This, of course, is the very thing Stevens later admitted he got badly wrong.”
And nobody else noticed this? Was everybody phoning it in?
Hm, given that they all were apparently clueless about public opinion on the topic, maybe they thought the case wasn't any big deal, and did phone it in.
On (2), I think the big thing to remember how different Midkiff and Kelo are. Midkiff is probably the best possible argument for a strong untethered eminent domain power, while Kelo is probably the best possible argument for a strong Takings Clause.
While Kelo involved kicking a working class family out of their own home, Midkiff involved what was essentially land reform, redistributing land on islands (which had limited real estate) that belonged to a tiny cartel of families who were lucky enough to have received the land titles by royal decrees.
I'm not saying you have to agree with or disagree with either case, but it's perfectly clear why the equities in Kelo and Midkiff are very different.
I don't know, I tend to think that the best possible argument for a strong Takings clause is the fact that the Constitution actually has one. Which renders any argument for a strong untethered eminent domain power automatically weak.
And Brett, the fact that you don't understand the concept of bad facts is one of the many reasons you don't know as much as you think you do about the law.
What your comment illustrates is that judges need to be mature enough to understand that the rule they announce in one case will have effects in another. Any rule applied universally will lead to difficult outcomes in extreme cases. That a party before the court is very sympathetic creates a danger that a rule adopted just for him or her will end up applying to other cases where a sympathetic party will be hurt. Kelo is an excellent illustration of that.
The answer is, it is up to the People, not the Justices, to make the policy choices in enacting a rule that serves the best overall outcome in most cases.
That's silly too. And you are a lawyer and ought to know how silly it is.
The life of the law is not logic, but experience. Facts matter to cases. Facts are the reasons we want cases to be decided correctly. And doctrines are crafted to deal with differing facts.
Here, it's perfectly natural for O'Connor to want a doctrine that doesn't freeze the unfair royal distribution of property into place on the Hawaiian Islands while also not allowing the taking of some working class family's home for urban renewal. This isn't complicated, and it isn't some nefarious desire to ignore the law. This IS the law. The law is applying legal rules to get cases to come out right.
No, sorry. That kind of ad hoc adjudication is not law. It's precisely that kind of thinking that Scalia and others worked against.
The scary thing here is that this is very much an "ought"/"is" preposition. You can believe that ad hoc justification is equal parts evil and stupid. You can believe that one can twist and rationalize so much that they actually can believe "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." You can believe rationalization describes the real world poorly and always leads to tears. All of these are "oughts".
You "ought" to have principles, which at the base is a logically consistent morel code, but often people don't. They are lazy. There is what the law ought to be, but to a large extent Dilan is right. The law is what folks like him have made it. Never let a logical contradiction get in the way of what you feel is right ! Those are "bad" facts. Sadly, that is what the law "is".
I would also add, the principles are not generated out of pure logic. That's Holmes' point. I assure you he believed in legal rules. But the reason you generate legal rules is to try and get the cases to come out right, in a principled way.
There's a weird thing among conservative thinkers where they are almost proud of reaching monstrous results in cases. Think of Scalia's concurrence in Herrera v. Collins, where he says of course the Constitution permits executing innocent people. He was proud of it. See what a principled person I am? I'm willing to say that the Constitution permits the state to just murder the innocent.
But when you are generating bad results, that often means your legal principles are bad. Because good principles tend to generate good results.
Of course principles do not arise from pure logic. That is not the claim that is being made. There are two points being made:
If you rationalize your principles away to achieve results that you feel are better at the moment, they are not principles are they ? I won't murder or steal unless I can rationalize it to my benefit really doesn't have the heft of a real principle does it ?
The demands of logic are simply that things are self consistent. Believing A and not A at the same time does not identify us as being brilliantly flexible. It is fundamentally wrong. If your logic leads your principles to contradiction, you have a fundamental problem with your principles.
You believe that you need to abandon principles and correctness to get a result you like. I disagree. Any good you achieve is momentary. Laws that can have anything read into or out of them at the emotional whim of the political will is not much of a guarantee and frankly a great danger.
He doesn't just believe that he needs to, is obligated to, abandon principles and correctness to get a result he likes. That would be a bit sociopathic, but understandable.
He believes that YOU need to, are obligated to, abandon principles and correctness to get a result HE likes. He's that weird.
It's almost as if they think something like, "I have been in a minority of one as to the proper administration of the Sherman Act. I hope and believe that I am not influenced by my opinion that it is a foolish law. I have little doubt that the country likes it and I always say, as you know, that if my fellow citizens want to go to Hell I will help them. It's my job."
The weird thing about 'liberals' is that they're proud of being unprincipled. They're proud of taking a position where they're supposed to do one thing, and instead doing another. Proud of abusing ministerial positions to usurp decision making policy.
Look, the justices didn't write the Constitution. They're not sitting as a permanent amending committee. Their job is just to apply the Constitution that actually exists, and do so honestly. Nothing more, nothing less.
The 'liberal' position is that, if lying about the Constitution would produce a better result from your own perspective, the justices are morally obligated to lie about it.
The conservative says "The end doesn't justify the means."
The 'liberal', puzzled, says, "What COULD justify means, except ends?"
The US rejected the benevolent tyrant model of government centuries ago, and most of the world has grown up enough to follow suit. It's disappointing to see people like you wanting to bring it back - as long as you get to choose the tyrant, I guess.
Sure beats that unreliable 'democracy' thing, eh?
I understand the concept of bad facts just fine. It's akin to the concept of waking up on the wrong side of the bed: Something the law should not hinge on.
There is a story that two of the greatest figures in our law, Justice Holmes and Judge Learned Hand, had lunch together and afterward, as Holmes began to drive off in his carriage, Hand, in a sudden onset of enthusiasm, ran after him, crying, "Do justice, sir, do justice." Holmes stopped the carriage and reproved Hand: "That is not my job. It is my job to apply the law."
The thing to remember is when I said the life of the law is not logic but experience, I was quoting Holmes. He also said the law was not a brooding ominpresence in the sky.
He very much wanted justice to be a consideration.
"I have said to my brethren many times that I hate justice, which means that I know if a man begins to talk about that, for one reason or another he is shirking thinking in legal terms." Letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes to John C.H. Wu (July 1, 1929).
The key point here is that, while the person making the law ought to take justice into account when crafting it, he was not the person making the law. He was the person applying it.
And when you're applying the law, what you're supposed to take into account is the law. Justice is somebody else's job. If you don't honestly apply the law, you're thwarting the guy whose job actually was to take justice into account!
By the way, they just now started making use of the taken land over there at Ft. Trumbull. Looks like they are building "The Residences", a 200 unit luxury condo. It’s fenced off so that you can’t see what’s going on. Local townspeople of ordinary means are not impressed, I am told.
There are some news articles from the beginning of this year about it but they are paywalled so I couldn't read them.
Information in my post was from a local resident. Here is a slightly different report. It seems to say that the 200 unit luxury condo is elsewhere nearby. What is going on the Kelo site is a 104 unit luxury condo and an extended-stay hotel (primarily for defense contractors at the submarine base, I would imagine). There is also to be a fancy community rec center. (However, local residents think it won’t really be for them.)
“Development booming at Fort Trumbull in New London”