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AHM v. FDA: A Contrary View and a Rejoinder
ADF's Erin Hawley responds to my post on the jurisdictional problems in AHM v. FDA and I reply.
On March 15, a federal district court in Texas heard arguments in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. Food & Drug Administration, in which AHM is seeking to force the FDA to revoke its approval of mifepristone, a widely use abortion medication. While most commentary on the case has focused on the substance of the suit, the administrative law questions are more likely to control the outcome.
As I noted in this post on the case, there are substantial obstacles to a court properly reaching the merits of the case, including Article III standing and the statute of limitations for suits of this kind. Drawing on an analysis by Adam Unikowsky, I explained why these issues should spell the end of the case. AHM's case relies upon a very aggressive theory of standing and stretching the reopening doctrine to overcome the statute of limitations.
Erin Hawley of the Alliance Defense Fund is one of the attorneys representing AHM in the case. Below the fold I reproduce her response to my post, which largely focuses on the question of standing, and my reply.
Here is Hawley's response:
Without addressing the merits of the FDA's approval of mifepristone in 2000—under regulations requiring the FDA to find that pregnancy is a "serious or life-threatening illness"—or its deregulation of mifepristone to allow mail-in abortions in violation of the FDCA and other federal laws, Professor Adler suggested in these pages that the serious legal issues involved in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA should never see the light of day because the plaintiff doctors filed suit too late and because they failed to identify any particular patient who will come to them for medical help after suffering adverse consequences from a chemical abortion.
Neither procedural hurdle poses a bar here.
First, as to standing. Commentators claim that Plaintiffs' allegations are too "speculative" under the Supreme Court's decision in Clapper v. Amnesty International USA, 568 U.S. 398 (2013). The FDA similarly relies on Clapper, asserting that Plaintiffs seeking prospective relief must demonstrate "certainly impending" harm. Other commentators focus on Clapper, too, criticizing Plaintiff doctors for failing to allege "specific facts demonstrating that any particular patient will come to them." But as that post acknowledges, "these facts are impossible for the doctors to provide."
Were FDA and commentators correct about Clapper, standing to address future injuries would almost never exist. But they are wrong. At the outset, the "certainly impending" standard from Clapper does not stand alone; that case noted that the Supreme Court has also "found standing based on a 'substantial risk' that the harm will occur." Clapper, 568 U.S. at 414 n.5. And Justice Thomas recently explained that the Article III injury inquiry encompasses both: "An allegation of future injury may suffice if the threatened injury is 'certainly impending,' or there is a 'substantial risk' that the harm will occur." Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus, 573 U.S. 149, 158 (2014) (citing Clapper, 133 S.Ct. at 1147, 1150, n. 5) (emphasis added). In fact, cases proceeding Clapper equated "certainly impending" with the imminence requirement, rather than viewing the former as heightening the Article III inquiry. DaimlerChrysler Corp. v. Cuno, 547 U.S. 332, 345 (2006) ("[W]e have no assurance that the asserted injury is 'imminent'—that it is 'certainly impending.'").
The Supreme Court's recent decision in Department of Commerce v. New York puts a fine point on it. There plaintiffs asserted several injuries "all of which turn[ed] on their expectation that reinstating a citizenship question will depress the census response rate and lead to an inaccurate population count." Dept. of Com. v. New York, 139 S. Ct. 2551, 2565 (2019). The Court concluded that Article III standing for the alleged future injuries existed if plaintiffs could show that "the threatened injury is certainly impending, or there is a substantial risk that the harm will occur." Id. (emphasis added). Relying on the latter formulation, the Court upheld the district court's conclusion that trial evidence "established a sufficient likelihood" that the inclusion of a citizen question would depress census response rates which would lead to undercounting of noncitizen households and the loss of federal funds. Id. The Supreme Court did not require plaintiffs to identify a "particular" non-citizen census respondent who would refuse to answer based on the citizenship question.
Department of Commerce also rejected the Clapper-based argument that harm was insufficiently imminent because it depended the independent action of third parties. The Court was "satisfied" that plaintiffs had "met their burden of showing that third parties will likely react in predictable ways to the citizenship question." Id. at 2566. This was based on the lower court's crediting "the Census Bureau's theory" that a lower response rate among noncitizen households "is likely attributable at least in part to noncitizens' reluctance to answer a citizenship question." Id. As a result, the Court fund that the plaintiffs' theory of standing did "not rest on mere speculation about the decisions of third parties; it relies instead on the predictable effect of Government action on the decisions of third parties." Id.
In this case, Plaintiff doctors and medical associations allege facts that show a sufficiently imminent future Article III injury. Plaintiffs point to FDA's own numbers which establish that between 5-8% of women who take chemical abortion drugs will need surgical intervention. When coupled with the fact that over 50% of abortions today are chemical abortions, the injury to plaintiff doctors who routinely treat emergency conditions resulting from chemical abortions is sufficiently imminent. Further, in contrast to the plaintiffs in Clapper who had never suffered harm, here, past is prologue. Plaintiff doctors attest that they "often" treat patients suffering adverse complications from chemical abortions—several doctors treating emergency medical conditions caused by chemical abortion a dozen times. And as the district court noted at the hearing, these injuries will only increase due to the FDA's approval of mail-order chemical abortions. With respect to future injury, plaintiffs have clearly shown that "there is a substantial risk that the harm will occur." Dept. of Com., 139 S. Ct. at 2565. With respect to traceability, the Plaintiff doctor's harm is not speculation but relies on "the predictable effect of Government action on the decisions of third parties." Id.
Some commentators also suggest that there is no limiting principle to Plaintiffs' theory of harm. But the harm suffered by Plaintiff doctors here is not only the harm of being forced to divert time and resources away from their other patients, but also a constitutional injury. They allege that when they are forced to complete an elective abortion by removing unborn children and pregnancy tissue this causes them to feel complicit in that elective abortion and violate their most deeply held moral, medical, and religious beliefs. And Plaintiffs' allegations also fit comfortably within caselaw regarding harm caused to the plaintiff organizations (organizational standing), OCA-Greater Houston v. Texas,867 F.3d 604 (5th Cir. 2017), as well as third-party standing, June Medical Services LLC v. Russo,140 S. Ct. 2103 (2020).
Commentators and the FDA fault the Plaintiff doctors for filing suit too late. But it is the FDA that has repeatedly dragged its feet in this case, taking over a decade to respond to Plaintiffs' 2002 citizen petition. And on the same day in March 2016 that it denied the citizen petition challenging the 2000 approval of mifepristone, the agency completely changed the regulatory framework, potentially mooting any potential court review of its decision. This delay-and-moot strategy is to blame for the decades that an unsafe drug has remained on the market. Indeed, the reopening doctrine applies to situations just like this, where the government has reexamined the necessary safeguards—here, by stripping nearly all of them from the REMS, removing in-person visits, changing the dosage, route of administration, and timing of the drugs, and allowing mail-order abortions—that served as the basis to approve the initial agency action. See Sierra Club v. Environmental Protection Agency, 551 F.3d 1019 (D.C. Cir. 2008).
The federal courts have a virtually unflagging obligation to exercise the jurisdiction given them by the Constitution. All that is required of Plaintiffs in this case, as in any case, is to establish a sufficiently imminent harm. Plaintiffs' claims have merit and they deserve to see the light of day.
I appreciate Hawley's arguments, and her taking the time to respond to my post, but I am not convinced. Starting with standing, AHM relies upon an unbounded theory that would blow apart existing limits on Article III standing. In multiple cases the Court has expressly rejected the argument that an objectively reasonable likelihood of harm is sufficient to show that an alleged injury is "actual or imminent." Indeed, that is the precise standard that a majority rejected in Clapper.
Hawley correctly notes that, in Clapper's footnote 5, the Court noted it had "found standing based on a 'substantial risk' that the harm will occur," but she truncates the quote. What Justice Alito wrote for the Court in Clapper was that "In some instances, we have found standing based on a 'substantial risk' that the harm will occur, which may prompt plaintiffs to reasonably incur costs to mitigate or avoid that harm." In other words, there have been cases in which the "substantial risk" prompts a party to take actions, at their own expense, to prevent the harm. Standing is appropriate in such cases because these costs born by the plaintiffs themselves constitute a concrete injury. The "substantial risk," by itself, does not.
More broadly, the standing argument pressed by AHM would effectively declare open season on health, safety and environmental regulations of all stripes. Under AHM's theory, for instance, an auto repair shop would have standing to challenge an allegedly lax NHTSA auto safety regulation on the grounds that it will result in auto accidents that will result in more vehicles for the shop to repair. Standing does not work that way.
Unikowsky makes the same point in his post on the case:
the logical implication of the plaintiffs' position is that medical organizations have standing to challenges literally all rules that are alleged to decrease safety in any way. Suppose OSHA lifts some safety standard. A medical organization can sue claiming that (1) this will make workplaces less safe, (2) hypothetical injured employees will come to the doctor-members, and (3) the doctor-members' attention to their current patients will be diverted. Or suppose EPA alters some pollution rule. A medical organization can sue claiming that (1) this will cause people to breathe in more toxins, (2) hypothetical people who breathe in these toxins will seek medical care and come to the doctor-members, and (3) the doctor-members' attention to their current patients will be diverted.
Usually slippery slope arguments don't work because courts are able to find a limiting principle, but here, none exists—plaintiffs' argument is logically identical to those arguments. It's interesting to note that the defendants' brief makes this slippery-slope argument, and the plaintiffs' reply brief ignores it altogether. They have to ignore it, because there are no responses to it.
I am also unconvinced by Hawley's claim that AHM has filed its suit in time. (For more on why the claims may be time-barred, see this Notice & Comment post by Susan Morse and Leah Butterfield.)
There is a six-year statute of limitations for challenging an FDA action, like its approval of mifepristone. Accepting her claim that the FDA "dragged its feet," AHM's suit is still too late. That is, even if we assume that AHM is challenging the FDA's 2016 petition denial (instead of its 2000 approval of mifepristone), the statute of limitations on that claim ran in March 2022, and AHM's suit was not filed until November.
AHM wants to claim that it can challenge the FDA's 2000 approval of mifepristone because in 2021 the FDA denied their 2019 challenge to FDA's 2016 approval of a supplemental petition loosening restrictions on mifepristone. This argument rests on the claim that the FDA's 2016 action "reopened" the FDA's 2000 approval decision, but (under the relevant reopening doctrine precedents), the FDA did nothing of the kind. For good or ill, the FDA in 2016 was not considering whether it properly approved mifepristone in 2000. It was only considering whether access to mifepristone should be expanded further by loosening the restrictions on its prescription and distribution. Not only can AHM not claim that the FDA actually reopened its prior administrative decision, it also cannot claim that FDA's actions somehow prejudiced its ability to challenge the FDA's decision (a claim the Sierra Club was able to make in the D.C. Circuit case upon which Hawley relies).
As with my prior post, none of my claims are dependent upon any particular view of the merits. Whether or not the FDA should have approved mifepristone in 2000, and whether or not the FDA should continue to allow mifepristone on the market today, AHM's suit should fail on jurisdictional grounds.
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You'll never persuade this one, Prof. Adler.
She is a crusader on a Mission From God. Her superstition is impervious to your arguments of man (reason).
According to Unikowsky,
The plaintiff-doctors’ theory of standing is, in a nutshell, that if mifepristone stays on the market, other doctors will prescribe mifepristone to their pregnant patients, the pregnant patients will suffer side effects, and then the patients will switch doctors and come to the plaintiff-doctors. This, in turn, will injure the plaintiff-doctors because it will divert their attention from their other patients, potentially force them to complete “unfinished abortions,” and possibly expose them to malpractice lawsuits. By contrast, if mifepristone is off the market, these women will elect to carry their babies to term (as opposed to seeking surgical abortions), thus preventing the plaintiff-doctors from facing these risks.
This is utterly bizarre. Bonkers.
If that shit works, there’s this:
If guns (beyond reasonable firearms suitable for self-defense in the home) stay on the market, antisocial gun nuts will buy them and use them — somewhat regularly — to engage in mass shootings. Innocents, including many schoolchildren, will suffer grievous wounds, and those who survive will seek treatment from decent doctors. This will divert them from other patients, potentially force them to try to save the lives after small bodies are ripped to ragged pieces by military-grade bullets, traumatize them as they confront the senseless carnage caused by gun nuttery, and expose them to malpractice actions.
By contrast, if gun nuttery is leashed, children may get through entire schooldays without being torn apart by rapid-fire bullets, thus preventing plaintiff-doctors from experiencing all of the needless consequences of antisocial gun nuttery.
Prof. Adler doesn't really address the other half of the looniness:
But that's not an injury at all! "Doctors might have more patients" is a benefit, not an injury. (To the doctors, anyway.)
So then, don't do that.
The problem with Hawley’s defense of AHM’s standing claim, like the claim itself, is it strings together multiple dubious leniencies, compounding them. Possible future organizational standing is neither current organizational standing nor a risk of personal harm. I personally think Havens Realty organizational standing ahould be overruled. But it would be an extraordinary and far-fetched extension of it to try to apply it to a far-from-imminent risk of possible future organizational standing.
Even setting aside the speculative element, the standing claim doesn’t fly. It is the business of doctors to treat patients. Doing so hardly interferes with their business. It is their business. Doctors simply do not have standing to sue even people who cause their current patients injury on grounds they would need to treat them, let alone people who might cause a possible future patient injury. Even if one buys their theory that mifepristone is far more harmful to pregnant women than the FDA’s fact-finding process found, a merits claim that is dubious at best.
Nor are these doctors in any way standing in for or representing their supposed possible future patients. Any such patients currently want what these plaintiffs are trying to get banned. They don’t currently want what these doctors are trying to sell them and wouldn’t want them representing them. The possibility that they might, in the future, later regret it and think otherwise is exactly the sort of rank speculation that doesn’t support standing.
If they get past standing (they won’t) and other procedural defenses, they will lose on the merits. Their merits claims hold no more water than their standing claims. Mifepristone isn’t far more dangerous to pregnant women than the FDA found, and the FDA didn’t engage in a grand conspiracy to hide the truth. Moreover, Roe was in effect at the time. It was eminently reasonable to interpret as Roe setting aside any previous objections to the FDA’s handling of abortifacients. The Supreme had held that abortion is a medical procedure and not e.g. an act of homicide. The FDA was required to interpret the FD&C Act in light of that holding. And seen through the light of Roe, the FDA’s actions at the time were completely reasonable and quite possibly legally compelled.
If there is to be a lawsuit challengimg the legality of mifepristone, it will have to be based on some other merits claim than an Administrative Procedure Act claim arguing the FDA engaged in a grand conspiracy to conceal the dangerousness of mifepristone to pregnant women. Nor is a claim that the FDA had no right to consider abortion a medical procedure AT THE TIME OF THE APPROVAL going to fly any farther.
"Without addressing the merits of the FDA's approval of mifepristone in 2000—under regulations requiring the FDA to find that pregnancy is a "serious or life-threatening illness"—or its deregulation of mifepristone to allow mail-in abortions in violation of the FDCA and other federal laws,"
Pregnancy may be "serious" and it may be "life -- threatening " however, pregnancy is not an "Illness" as required by the statute or by the regulations.
For purposes of this lawsuit’s APA claim, the question isn’t what it is now. The question is what it was at the time of the FDA’s administrative procedure, the one being challenged. I think it’s entirely fair to say that Roe and progeny, which were in effect at the time, forced an interpretation that elective abortion is a medical procedure and unwanted pregnancy a disease which abortion treats.
I am inclined to suspect that Dobbs may have changed things in this regard. But in order to find out what the current situation is following Dobbs, you would need a case with a claim that focuses on the current situation, not an APA claim over the underlying approval that focuses on the situation and legal environment back in the 1990s when mifepristone was approved.
This is not that case, and an APA argument is not that claim. That’s why I think this case is doomed to failure. I think the approval was legitimate under the legal environment at the time. And I think that a fair-minded court would be obligated to conclude that it was and because it was, the APA claim must fail.
GenBioPro, the manufacturer of mifepristone, recently sued West Virginia, claiming that under federal law, the FDA’s approval of mifepristone preempts West Virginia’s abortion ban and asking the court to enjoin West Virginia from enforcing its law.
This would seem a much more appropriate case to determine what the current legal situation is. A case that focuses on whether the FDA acted correctly or not at the time of and under the law of the original approval is just an irrelevant and unnecessary distraction.
West Virginia’s motion to dismiss in the GenBioCase raises one of these issues, but only barely and perfunctorily. The brief argues only that the FDA’s approval doesn’t pre-empt state law. It raises, among other arguments, that the major questions doctrine requires a specific grant of authority to set national abortion policy and preempt all state abortion laws.
It doesn’t look at the historical meaning of the FD&C Act, and while it briefly mentions the Comstock Act, it does so only to support an argument that the FDA approval does not create a federal policy against state abortion restrictions.
Here is the brief mention of the Comstock Act:
“And federal law points in the opposite direction, by limiting access to abortion drugs, not promoting it. See 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1461, 1462 (shipping abortifacients is illegal).”
“Finally, as noted above, it is especially unlikely that a state prescription law preventing the prescription of abortifacients via telemedicine violates any congressional objective given that Congress has prohinited the transmission of these laws via the mails. See 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1461, 1462. Given these laws, there is no basis for concluding West Virginia’s limitatikn on prescribing authority in such circumstances undermine [sic] any federal purpose.”
West Virginia has chosen a distinctly non-aggressive approach to litigating the case.
West Virginia makes an argument GenBioPro doesn’t have standing, but it needn’t have bothered. GenBioPro has obvious standing to challenge restrictions on the use of its product. It will lose sales, the retrictions cause its loss, and a court decision in its favor lifting the restrictions will likely restore its sales.
Transmission of such drugs. Accidentally saved before correcting the typos.
If the statute or the regulation under the statute uses the term "illness" in the manner described “serious or life-threatening illness", then the approval of the drug to terminate the pregnancy would be invalid since pregnancy by definition is not an illness. Note that is separate and distinct from an illness related or caused by a pregnancy.
Federal agencies must treat terms of federal law as the Supreme Court defines them to be. Between Roe and Dobbs, the Supreme Court had defined pregnancy to be an illness. I don’t think any other interpretation of Roe and its progeny is reasonable. If abortion is a medical procedure, it must follow that an abortifacient is a medical drug. So for purposes of FDA administrative actions that took place during the Roe period, unwanted pregnancy was an illness and all federal agencies were bound to regard it as such.
The fact that Dobbs may have changed this background understanding of what pregancy and what an “illness” legally is, is wholly irrelevant to this APA lawsuit, which is concerned only with the validity of FDA actions under the law that existed at the time of those actions.
Frankly, attention to this stupid lawsuit is distracting people from paying attention to lawsuits, like the GenBioPro lawsuit, where the parties have standing and the claims are based on current law rather than throwbacks to the law of more than two decades ago. Courts are going to have to toss this stupid lawsuit out. And the opinions judges will write in doing so will more likely hurt than harm your side’s position. This suit is a loser that should never have been brought. It appears to have been brought by people more interested in fundraising appeal than legal strategy, which is why their public relations campaign has succeeded in giving this loser of a case far more attention than it deserves.
Opponents of abortion would be well advised to focus their attention and resources on cases where the parties both have a better claim to standing and are attempting to litigate the CURRENT state of the law. Look forward, not backward. Focus on potential winners, not obvious losers. Cases where people with no standing attempt to rehash the past are at best a waste of everybody’s time, at worse may result In counterproductive blowback.
just a crappy made up definition of an illness
No, it hadn't. Please stop with your weird analogies.
If the FDA and governments generally were required by dictionaries to treat unwanted pregancy as a normal condition, what made elective abortions “therapeutic?” What justified doctors having anything to do with it? How could an abortifacient be considered a medical drug? Roe required allowing doctors to do abortions, and required government to facilitate or at least not prevent it. And that required fitting pregnancy into medical disease terminology, making pregnancy an untoward medical condition for which abortion constituted therapy. And that happened.
Let me ask you this question. If characterizing unwanted pregnancy as an illness is merely a “wierd analogy” having nothing to do with Roe, would you agree that the FDA’s actions in the 1990s were completely unlawful and it was in fact obligated not to have approved mifepristone? If unwanted pregnancy wasn’t legally an illness, disease, or similar untoward medical condition however labeled, the FDA had no legal right to approve it, and AHM ought to win on the merits if they can get past standing. And if it’s just the word “illness” you’re objecting to as opposed to calling it some other kind of adverse medical condition, you’re just being grumpy and argumentative, you’re not really disagreeing with me on substance.
Does any of this matter? As they say, "A good lawyer knows the law, a great lawyer knows the judge."
And really great lawyers can pick the judge of their choice, as has happened here.
Does anybody really think
a) that this case has any business being filed in Amarillo or
b) that the judge will rule against the plaintiffs or
c) the fifth circuit will restore sanity here?