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Judge O'Connor Rules that the Boeing 737 MAX Crashes Victims' Families Cannot Enforce Their Right to Confer with Prosecutors
While expressing great sympathy for the victims' families, Judge O'Connor concludes that no remedy is available for the Justice Department's failure to enforce the families' right to confer under the Crime Victims' Rights Act.
About two weeks ago, Judge Reed O'Connor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled that families whose relatives were killed in two Boeing 737 MAX crashes could not enforce their rights under the Crime Victims' Rights Act (CVRA). This is an unfortunate ruling that, in my view, interprets the CVRA much too narrowly. On behalf of the families, I will seek review of the ruling in the Fifth Circuit tomorrow.
I have previously blogged about this case, including a post about the initial CVRA challenge and Judge O'Connor's ruling regarding "victim" status. The case arises from the Justice Department secretly negotiating a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) with Boeing concerning its crimes connected to the two Boeing 737 MAX crashes. Both crashes were caused by a new part Boeing built into the 737 MAX--a software system called the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS). Tragically, in the two crashes, MCAS improperly activated and drove the planes down. 346 people died in the crashes.
After the two crashes, the Justice Department began investigating whether Boeing had lied to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) about the new MCAS system. Ultimately, the Justice Department learned that Boeing had concealed from the FAA how MCAS operated. The reason for the deception was to secure less onerous training requirements for pilots transitioning to fly the MAX from other older 737 models. These less-rigorous training requirements enabled Boeing to earn millions of dollars when selling the plane; as a selling point, Boeing had promised its airline customers that additional flight simulator training would not be required for pilots already qualified to fly the 737 MAX's predecessors.
In late 2020 and early 2021, the Justice Department and Boeing negotiated a DPA. The agreement was swiftly criticized as being one of the worst plea agreements in history. Critics pointed out that the $1.7 billion payment to customers was something that Boeing was already contractually obligated to do; the amount was included in the DPA to inflate the apparent amount of the settlement. Moreover, the agreement contained an unprecedent provision in which the Justice Department stated (without explanation) that "the misconduct was neither pervasive across the organization, nor undertaken by a large number of employees, nor facilitated by senior mismanagement."
But the DPA's worst feature was that it was negotiated secretly. In the federal criminal justice system, the CVRA requires prosecutors to afford to crime victims the reasonable right to confer about a case and also timely notice of any deferred prosecution agreement. In a case involving the death of a crime victim, a surviving family member can step into a case to assert the rights of the person killed. The families should have been involved in negotiating such a far-reaching agreement. Instead, the families learned about the deal only through media reports.
In December 2021, on behalf of eighteen family members of the crash victims, I filed a CVRA challenge to Boeing's DPA. After briefing and an evidentiary hearing, in October 2022 Judge O'Connor ruled that those killed in the crashes were "crime victims" of Boeing's crime of conspiring to defraud the FAA. (Yesterday I blogged about my new, co-authored law review article, discussing that important issue of "victim" definition.) Accordingly, because the Justice Department had never conferred with the families, the Department had violated their rights under the CVRA. Judge O'Connor then directed briefing on the appropriate judicial response to that proven violation.
Following briefing by the Department and Boeing--and a response from the victims' families--Judge O'Connor ruled that families could not enforce their rights. Here is the conclusion from the thirty-page opinion:
This Court has immense sympathy for the victims and loved ones of those who died in the tragic plane crashes resulting from Boeing's criminal conspiracy. Had Congress vested this Court with sweeping authority to ensure that justice is done in a case like this one, it would not hesitate. But neither the Speedy Trial Act nor this Court's inherent supervisory powers provide a means to remedy the incalculable harm that the victims' representatives have suffered. And no measure of sympathy nor desire for justice to be done would legitimize this Court's exceeding the lawful scope of its judicial authority.
The Speedy Trial Act gives the Executive exclusive discretion to negotiate deferred prosecution agreements without judicial oversight, even in response to the most heinous crimes. Despite increasing and perhaps legitimate criticism of these agreements, Congress—not the courts—is the appropriate venue to redress the inadequacies of this statutory enactment. In our system of justice, a judge's role is constitutionally confined to interpreting and applying the law, not revising it. For this Court to step outside those constitutional bounds in an attempt to remedy wrongs it has no legitimate authority to correct would compound injustice, not see justice through.
In my view, Judge O'Connor's opinion takes an unduly restricted view of judicial authority to enforce CVRA rights. I will be presenting those arguments tomorrow in a petition to the Fifth Circuit. I'll try and pass along some highlights from the petition after it is filed.
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This is kind of interesting. I believe that one of the crashes was caused by a bird strike on the Angle of Attack sensor. This fed the MCAS system erroneous information. The Pilots didn't know how to override MCAS's inputs to the flight control system, leading to the crash. An AOA sensor component was found a distance from the crash site with residue from the bird on it.
I'm having a problem with how the FAA's issues with Boeing would effect an aircraft bought by a foreign airline. Wouldn't it be up to the airline's government to decide if the aircraft complied with it's regulations? I could see this if a US airline had a crash, but, it's a foreign carrier.
Most other civil aviation authorities (CAAs) don't have anything like the FAA's budget for regulatory oversight. (The FAA also includes service provider functions, so the total FAA budget is more than its regulator role gets.) Especially in small countries, CAAs often take the position that if something is good enough for the FAA, it's probably good enough for them.
Even among big countries, and in this context the EU practically counts as one country, there is concerted effort in ICAO and other fora (such as RTCA and EUROCAE) to align national regulations for aircraft to enable mutual near-recognition of certification.
It's far worse than that. There were two redundant AoA sensors available on the aircraft, but MCAS was deliberately designed to consider only one of them, and slavishly adhere to whatever reading it returned.
Had both sensors been considered, the glaring discrepancy between the two readings following the failure would and should have caused MCAS to squawk like hell, turn itself off, and let the flight crew take over and fly the damn airplane.
Redundant systems are a good part of what has kept us all alive in commercial airplanes over the years. Boeing's choice to throw that basic principle in the dustbin for the MAX upgrade was stupefying.
The main part of "what's kept us all alive in commercial airplanes" is flight crew training. That's something that is lacking in other countries. That incident with the AOA wouldn't have resulted in a crash for a US crew. I've seen several reports stating that.
MCAS is a software solution for a hardware problem - the airplane design. The root cause of these crashes isn't the design of the software, but the design of the 737MAX airplane; it's unbalanced and unstable, and apt to go nose-up and stall even with the pilot holding the elevator controls in full nose-down. MCAS was meant to correct that by also using the trim system - automatically moving the whole tail when additional control authority is needed. This concealed the differences between older 737's and the MAX from pilots trained on the older 737's, except that handling an emergency was very much different.
Boeing wanted to put new, far more efficient high high-bypass fanjets on the old 737, but high-bypass fanjets have to be much larger in diameter than the original jet engines and would not fit under the wings. They should have designed a new airplane similar to the 737 but with more room for the engines, but this would have meant a going through the entire FAA acceptance process for a new design (that's slow and expensive), a new name (it's easier to sell new versions of an old name), and formally retraining pilots (this is costly for the airlines, so it's a second hit in marketing.) Instead, they just moved the bigger engines out in front of the wing, which unbalanced the airplane. Now, sometimes the elevator controls, which are linked to the control yokes in front of the pilots, are insufficient to control the pitch (fore and aft angle of the airplane), and it is necessary to use the pitch trim also. This is a motor that moves the whole tail, and it is normally used to trim the airplane into balance so it maintains level flight with no pressure on the yoke.
MCAS monitors both AOA (angle of attack) sensors for pitch control (fore and aft tilt) going out of the normal range, and takes control if it seems to be needed. These are vanes on each wing that follow the air flow to measure the aircraft pitch relative to the air flow. The two sensors are _not_ for redundancy, but because in a turn the AOA is different between the two sides. To guard against a stall, the MCAS uses the higher AOA measurement.
That works pretty well until one vane gets smashed and stuck in a position corresponding to very high AOA. Because it's higher, the MCAS uses it and ignores the working sensor, so it drives the nose down until disabled by the pilot. The nose-down trim is shown in the cockpit by a spinning wheel, and all the pilot has to do is grab that wheel and stop it to disable MCAS. (Without MCAS, I think you turn that wheel manually to adjust the trim.) But first, the pilot has to realize what is happening, and two poorly-trained foreign pilots took too long to figure it out, so MCAS dove the airplane into the ground.
Boeing engineers chose to not have MCAS comparing the sensor readings and trying to figure out whether differences were normal or indicated a broken sensor. That would have introduced other possible failure modes, and Boeing's design philosophy has always been to rely on the pilot's judgment and skill rather than on automation when things are going wrong. (The other surviving airliner manufacturer, Airbus, has a different philosophy; it's software tries to diagnose and automatically correct problems. It probably wouldn't go nuts over a broke AOA sensor, but at least once it's apparently gone haywire when the airspeed sensor was blocked by ice and crashed the airplane, in conditions when Boeing software would have just gone into manual control and any decent pilot could have flown the plane to a safe landing.)
Boeing engineers also designed a cockpit display that showed both AOA readings and warned if they differed greatly, but someone (marketing?) chose to save a few dollars on the base model by making this an extra cost option. Marketing also chose to minimize the special training needed to recognize when MCAS went haywire, and to fly the plane manually. Airlines could go beyond the minimal pilot retraining Boeing told them was sufficient, and maybe that's why there have been no such accidents with American carriers.
That's a lot of factors working together to cause this accident, but IMHO, the root cause was that Boeing wanted the benefits of a new design without meeting the regulatory and training requirements that come with a new design. It's a much larger form of Ford's decision to save $5 on protection for the Pinto gas tank. Boeing should be sued for much more than their savings, but criminal charges seem excessive.
“In late 2020 and early 2021, the Justice Department and Boeing negotiated a DPA.”
Boeing Charged with 737 Max Fraud Conspiracy and Agrees to Pay over $2.5 Billion (7 Jan 2021)
“Critics pointed out that the $1.7 billion payment to customers was something that Boeing was already contractually obligated to do; the amount was included in the DPA to inflate the apparent amount of the settlement.”
Thinking about absolute prosecutorial discretion and the right to confer a couple incidents come to mind.
The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jesse Helms, refused to hold a hearing on the nomination of William Weld as ambassador to Mexico. Weld was popular and a majority of the committee voted to overrule Helms and convene. But Helms as chair still controlled the agenda of the committee and was able to block the nomination.
In a widely publicized case Malaysian professor Rahinah Ibrahim was mistakenly put on the no-fly list. Computers talked to each other and soon she was known government-wide as a terrorist. The State Department refused to grant her a visa. After a protracted lawsuit a federal judge ordered her removed from the no-fly list. But he had no authority to grant her a visa. The best he could do was order the embassy to notify her that she was eligible to apply for a waiver to excuse her (nonexistent) terrorist intentions.
There is no such thing as a right without a remedy. If one's rights depend on the good faith of people with no interest in enforcing it, then it's just an illusion.
A true republican house would defund both the FAA and DOJ until this agreement was voided.
That's not a thing.
The agreement was approved under Trump's DOJ.
The CVRA does not give crime victims the right to negotiate anything. All it gives them is a right to confer with the government.
Which in this case would be difficult, since all of the victims are dead.
This brings up Cassell's other post as to who can be considered a "victim".
I wasn't quibbling over who had the rights here, but what those rights actually were. Alive or dead, they have no right to "negotiate."
And I think that's a stupid right, but it's the law.
On the other hand... a remedy of vacating the plea seems, potentially, unfair. The government negotiates a plea deal with a defendant but "forgets" to spend time with one of the victims, thereby negating the plea.
I think the rights of the defendant must outweigh the rights of the victim in such cases. If you really think it's important, maybe allow the prosecutor to be sued. (As if we'd ever allow that.)
The DOJ similarly screwed Epstein's victims
Its good that some people resign from the bench.
Prof. Casserole,
I remain a little confused by your position in this case.
As I understand it, establishing that your clients were victims required expert analysis (that you arranged for). It seems untenable to me to suggest that the CRVA requires the government to hire an expert to try to identify everyone who could possibly be classed as a victim before moving forward with a prosecution. But if the government had no reason to know that your clients were victims, I don't see how there could have had a duty to confer with them, or how they could be entitled to rescission of actions the government took.
Prof. Casserole,????
Autocorrect is a hell of a drug.
My all time favorites:
"Agreement to medicate" (rather than mediate); and
"Motion to Dismiss Cunt 1"
Heh. Wouldn't fix this even if I could.
thats (Crashes) what happens when you try to make a Boeing fly like an Airbus
"I will seek review of the ruling in the Fifth Circuit tomorrow."
Good for you. It is an admirable effort.
Oh, the insolence of office!
Boeing's conduct here was actually worse than described. Remarkably worse.
The problem actually derived from a circumstance under which sensors might be disagreeing, and feed the "Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System" inaccurate information, which would cause it to think the plane was entering a stall condition. The MCAS would then pitch the plane down to recover from the stall, regardless of what the pilot did, unless the MCAS was deactivated.
The flight computer was able to know when this was happening. Boeing sold notifying the pilot of the problem as an expensive option.
Mr. Cassell, perhaps it is time for you to think outside the litigator's box. Take your arguments to a hearing in the House of Representatives instead of petitioning another court. There's a new gang in charge there, and they may be receptive.
1. The agreement was negotiated under the Trump administration, so I'm not sure why you'd expect a Republican majority in the House to be more opposed to it.
2. Receptive to what, exactly? Congress (much less one house of Congress!) can't rescind or renegotiate agreement.
It may not be within the court's power to reverse the plea bargain, but the prosecutor did willfully violate a law, and apparently the court did nothing. Did the court notify his employer (the AG of the USA) and the Bar Association of each state where he is licensed to practice law of this violation? Did it bar him from practicing law in front of this judge? Could it enjoin him from practicing law in any federal court? Could it indict him and appoint a special prosecutor?