The Volokh Conspiracy
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Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Chastising finger wags, derogatory reports, and steel threats.
Please enjoy the latest edition of Short Circuit, a weekly feature written by a bunch of people at the Institute for Justice.
Friends, come join us in D.C. on Tuesday, March 7 for a symposium on Shielded: How the Police Became Untouchable, a timely new book by Joanna Schwartz. The event will feature panels on official accountability—including an appearance from one of the plaintiffs in Monroe v. Pape!—as well as a live recording of the Short Circuit podcast. Co-hosted by IJ and the Georgetown Center for the Constitution, the event will take place at the law school. Click here for details and to RSVP.
- For over 50 years, New York City has enforced multiple iterations of its "rent stabilization" law, which it has repeatedly amended in the face of a seemingly perpetual lack of affordable housing. Will the Second Circuit say these restrictions work an unconstitutional taking, or will it instead call them an exercise of "finely tuned, legislative judgment"? Click the link to solve the mystery! (It is not, granted, a particularly difficult mystery to solve on your own, but the link's right there.)
- But wait! New York's rent regulations may not work a taking on their face, but perhaps they're unconstitutional as applied! What will the Second Circuit say about that? (Again, it says what you expect. But if the courts refuse to provide dramatic tension, your editors reserve the right to manufacture it.)
- In Lackawanna County, Penn., if a court finds you can afford to pay child support but you didn't, you get a prison term and won't have access to work-release to earn money unless you spend the first half of the sentence doing "community service" at a private recycling center, for nearly no pay in unsanitary and dangerous conditions. Third Circuit: That may sound like involuntary servitude, but it doesn't violate the Thirteenth Amendment. It does, however, sound like it runs afoul of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and labor laws. Dissent: "Choices usually come with consequences," and these deadbeat dads should have just paid their kids' child support.
- A 90-year-old North Carolina law makes it a crime to publish a "derogatory report" about a candidate for office if the speaker knows the report is false or speaks with reckless disregard for its truth or falsity. A campaign threatened with prosecution under the law brings a First Amendment challenge and seeks a preliminary injunction. District court: No likelihood of success on the merits. Fourth Circuit: It's actually difficult to imagine how the plaintiffs could lose.
- A Winterville, N.C. police officer who ordered a passenger to stop livestreaming during a traffic stop is protected by qualified immunity, says the Fourth Circuit. Prior cases involved video recordings (not livestreams) by onlookers (not an individual being detained). That said, livestreaming the police is indeed protected by the First Amendment, so the claim against the town (which allegedly bans such livestreaming) should not have been dismissed.
- Just as two wrongs don't make a right, the Sixth Circuit explains that "a policy that benefits out-of-state interests doesn't justify another that burdens them." So Kentucky's tax on its own coal—leading to its own power plants to buy coal from other states—can't be offset by artificially discounting the cost of in-state coal because it likely violates the dormant Commerce Clause.
- Allegations: Man in Lewis County, Ky. dies of alcohol withdrawal (or dehydration resulting from the same). So why does his death certificate say he died of fentanyl intoxication? And if the jail's doctor (who ignored contractual obligations to visit the jail) called in to say the man should be taken to the hospital, why is there no record of the call? Sixth Circuit: These are some of the questions that should go to a jury. Grants of QI reversed pretty much across the board, and the county may be on hook too for failure to train.
- At one point in Dickens's Bleak House the doomed Mr. Gridley asks Mr. Jarndyce, "Do you know anything of Courts of Equity?" To which Jarndyce replies, "Perhaps I do, to my sorrow." We won't say if it's sorrowful or not, but the Sixth Circuit takes a bit of a dive into the history of these "Courts of Equity" and their powers of receivership in this case about a debtor who operated a network of colleges and wanted to stay out of bankruptcy (so it would remain eligible for those sweet federal student loans).
- Ticked off at his sergeant for writing him up, Mansfield, Ohio police officer makes a public records request for her personnel file. Yikes! The file contains a statement given during polygraph exam about "unnatural sexual behaviors, … part of which may have occurred while she was a minor." Can she sue the city's public-records officer for releasing the file without redaction? District court: No qualified immunity. Sixth Circuit (unpublished): Reversed. State law seemingly required disclosure, and the info could arguably help the public evaluate her fitness to be an officer.
- St. Charles County, Mo. jail nurse does not provide mentally ill inmate with his medications, which his mother had dropped off, instead putting him on suicide watch where he can be closely observed. And indeed an officer—who is reluctant to enter the inmate's cell without backup because of his imposing size and erratic behavior—closely observes as he claws out his own eye. Eighth Circuit: Qualified immunity for the nurse and no penalty to the county for deleting the video.
- WinRed, Inc. is a federal political action committee that raises contributions for Republican candidates. In the 2020 election it came under fire for allegedly tricking donors by having prechecked boxes for recurring donations and convoluted processes for opting out. In response to an investigation by the Minnesota AG, the group files a federal lawsuit, claiming that, as a federal committee, they aren't subject to state consumer-protection law. Eighth Circuit: The Federal Election Campaign Act doesn't preempt every law that might touch on federal PACs, and it doesn't preempt this one in particular.
- Video shows angry pretrial detainee throwing a hygiene kit and some papers on the ground (in front of him). A Ramsey County, Minn. jail officer (who was behind him) tackles him, breaking his ankle (among other injuries). Eighth Circuit (unpublished): A pretrial detainee who is agitated but complying with the last order he's been given and not posing a threat has a clearly established right not to be taken violently to ground without warning. No qualified immunity.
- Police fire tear gas at two members of the National Lawyers Guild who were acting as legal observers at a large protest in St. Louis in 2015—while they were standing on property one of them owned. Eighth Circuit: Sorry, but in 2015 it wasn't clearly established that people had a First Amendment right to observe police doing their job. Dissent: We established it in 2005!
- "To be sure, handcuffing a well-behaved, unarmed, 83-year-old woman who complied with police direction may violate standards of societal decorum. In hindsight, it seems unnecessary. And grandmas around the country may rightfully wag an experienced finger chastising the police action here. But . . ." So writes the dissent in this (unpublished) Ninth Circuit opinion. No qualified immunity for these decorum-violating Chino, Calif. officers.
- To seek a writ of habeas corpus, one must be "in custody," and that doesn't necessarily mean "physical custody" (per SCOTUS in 1963). Eleventh Circuit: Nevertheless, individuals subject to Florida's lifetime registration and reporting requirements for sex offenders are not in custody. Concurrence: Custody ought to mean physical custody.
- Is it an unconstitutional delegation of Congressional authority to allow the President to call steel imports a threat to "national security" based on . . . not much and then slap tariffs on them? Federal Circuit: No, and there was no statutory time limit problem either.
- And in en banc news, by a 6–6 vote, the Second Circuit has decided not to reconsider its opinion that a priest—whose appointment as Bishop of Miami of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia stalled after accusations of forgery and swindling—may continue to pursue his defamation claims against the church. The church autonomy doctrine, which counsels courts to stay out of religious affairs, doesn't mean the church is entitled to interlocutory review of some adverse rulings below.
The "Vermont Constitution vigorously protects private-property ownership," and it says so right in the state's declaration of rights, which dates to 1777. Sounds like something we'd write in a brief. But in fact, hearteningly, that quote comes from a recent ruling by the Vermont Supreme Court! Indeed, protecting "citizens' rights to security in their land was a key motivating force in creating the Vermont Constitution." Shout it from the Green Mountains to the Connecticut River and back to Lake Champlain, and click here to learn more.
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“Police fire tear gas at two members of the National Lawyers Guild who were acting as legal observers at a large protest in St. Louis in 2015—while they were standing on property one of them owned. Eighth Circuit: Sorry, but in 2015 it wasn’t clearly established that people had a First Amendment right to observe police doing their job. Dissent: We established it in 2005!”
Outrageous case, but it warms my heart that it was used against evil commie liberals from the National Lawyers Guild.
“”Choices usually come with consequences,” and these deadbeat dads should have just paid their kids’ child support.”
So should the woman’s “choice.” She exercised her “choice” not to abort her spawn, so she should have to deal with the consequences on her own.
"A Winterville, N.C. police officer who ordered a passenger to stop livestreaming during a traffic stop is protected by qualified immunity, says the Fourth Circuit. Prior cases involved video recordings (not livestreams) by onlookers (not an individual being detained). That said, livestreaming the police is indeed protected by the First Amendment, so the claim against the town (which allegedly bans such livestreaming) should not have been dismissed."
The state will ALWAYS be able to find some ridiculous distinction, no matter how slight, as to why it's not "clearly established." The whole doctrine needs to go, along with standing, disparate impact, and a host of others.
“Police fire tear gas at two members of the National Lawyers Guild who were acting as legal observers at a large protest in St. Louis in 2015—while they were standing on property one of them owned.
What about trespass????
“”Choices usually come with consequences,” and these deadbeat dads should have just paid their kids’ child support.”
Which is why I cry no tears for a woman who made a choice that could (and did) lead to her pregnancy, and her not being able to kill the child anymore. She should have kept her legs together....
That’s my feeling. If woman want the “choice,” they should have to bear the consequences alone. I’d be happy to support mandatory child support in exchange for a federal ban on abortion, alone with a sedition/hate speech law that would make it illegal to even advocate for legal abortion.
Dr. Ed 2 : “She should have kept her legs together….”
You never fail to see this. Anti-Abortion types always have the rote pieties memorized because they’re so easy to recall. After all, that’s why it’s such a popular cause on the Right: It’s the most sacrifice-free consumer-friendly way to play-act righteousness available in today’s marketplace. So they all know the stock phrases about “sanctity of life” and repeat them with packaged delivery.
But whenever the Anti-Choice crowd talks about the issue, someone inevitably slips-up and says the quiet part out loud. Then you see the real core of the movement, which is spiteful petty malice. Strip away all the faux-pities and you find anger & contempt over the effrontery of women. Those harlots believe they can get away with anything. They think they can blithely escape the consequences of their actions. Well, America’s Taliban is here to see they don’t!
Cheapest Oral Contraceptive,
an aspirin held between the knees
OK, still gave my daughters the Depo, good girls, but never knew
when they could get raped,
Frank "Trust but Contraceive"
Mengele: "Cheapest Oral Contraceptive,
an aspirin held between the knees"
Don't know much about anatomy, do you, Herr Doctor.
OK, yes, even a Mongoloid can stick a Square peg in a Round hole, it's like with Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, goal wasn't not to have any Roosh-un Missiles get through, but to bleed them to death trying to make more. (What? you gonna tell me "Just say no" doesn't work (it does, hard to OD on Heroin if you "Just say no" to Heroin)
And it's an Anal-ology, "Hey, maybe just fuck only 1/2 the guys you usually do, you'll only have to get 1/2 as many abortions"
What the hell does that even mean?
Next time: "we established that it's ok to use an iPhone for livestreaming, but this has not been established for Android phones. QI confirmed"
Sadly; yeah, pretty much.
(Twin Cities resident here.)
Thank you, dear government, for protecting me from evil Republican PACs. Now, is there any chance you could do something to protect me from getting shot while having lunch? No? Oh well...
We need common sense black control.
a ban on "Assault Blacks"!!!!!!!!!!
Mad that Republcan PACS might not be allowed to effectively steal from anyone foolish enough to trust their probity.
It is good that the 4th Circuit livestreaming case had a decision whether the police behavior was a violation of rights. I wish courts had to answer that question -- or give a good answer to why they don't -- whenever they grant qualified immunity.
They used to, but then SCOTUS decided on 'efficiency' grounds that they didn't need to.
4 democrats investigate GOP group. I wonder how it will turn out.
You could hardly trust Republicans to do it. The benefit of having Democrats do it is their tendency to rely on actual evidence.
The grandma arrest case is disturbing both that someone could argue that forcing a small, cooperative elder to their knees and handcuffing them while waiting for a radio call was not unnecessary force, and also that someone could argue that an unlawful arrest lacking any probably cause did not rise to the level of violating a clearly established right.
Who could seriously argue that there is no right to be secure from unlawful arrest? didn't pay your child support. So the court is going to throw you in jail can't actually pay your child support. Because you're in jail.
Every so often I'm like....what?!?
Kind of like suspending your driver's license because you didn't pay your child support. So now you can't get to work and make money, so now you can't pay your child support...
What do you care, you unemployable basement-dwelling fuckhead? No-one's ever going to conceive a child with an incel lump like you.
I am happily married to a Christian woman, and have three children. You, on the other hand, are too busy pounding your pud to gay fisting photos you find on Grindr.
Then you should be nicer, clinger, or I might instruct my children -- who have advanced degrees from legitimate universities, rather than the backwater, nonsense-soaked religious schooling clingers inflict on their children -- not to hire your children to wash the vehicles, mow the lawn, and shovel the snow.
Do you figure your children will develop to a point at which they disdain your bigoted, superstitious, obsolete conservatism, or will they be deplorable culture war casualties, too?
What are your childrens' "advanced degrees" in? African-American studies? Critical Race Theory? Sociology? How to have gay sex?
Hey (Man!) Jerry's packed more Fudge than Barney Fag, Pete Booty-Judge, and Dr. Richard Levine combined! You look up "Gay Sex" in the dictionary you see his picture!! His anal sphincter's looser than Madonna in the 80's,
These are your fans, Volokh Conspirators.
And the reason no one outside the doomed, disaffected clingerverse -- Federalist, Republican, Heritage, etc. -- respects you.
Umm, Jerry, know you've been out of circulation for awhile,
but..............(Jerry loves the Butts, Big Ones!!!!!!!!!!)
ain't no "Clingers" washing vehicles, mowing lawns, shoveling snow for Eons,
it's all done by our "Replacements" meet the Nuevo Jefe, same as the viejo Jefe,
Seriously, call Stuttering John's Office, get him to commute your sentence before he throws another Embo. Survival rate for a second embolic stroke? 90%
I wouldn't know where to find 'gay fisting photos'. You though, apparently...
You've never heard of Google?
Not that I'd WANT a "gay fisting photo" but that's where I would start...
Yeah, right, you were searching for "Guys Fishing" but had your hands a little mis-alligned,
Frank "Chris Hansen is ready for you"
How often do you express your view that gay people, for expediency, ought to be thrown from rooftops to said children?
How about to your Christian wife? Throwing people off rooftops doesn’t strike me as particularly Christian
It's Republican-Volokh-Federalist-Trump-clinger-style Christian.
Don't worry too much about them, though. It's a dying sect.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Jerry, than are (wet) dreamt of in your (Sex Criminal) Philosophy
Dying?? like S-s-s-s-t uttering John Fetterman?? Sorry to be blunt, but he'd have a longer life expectancy if he had Lung cancer,
Is Prof. Volokh still clinging to that "civility standards" bullshit he tried to hide behind when censoring liberals and libertarians at this right-wing, faux libertarian blog?
She ain't that Christian, nome sayin??
3 Children?? any that lived????
C'mon (Man!) ranking you is like slapping a (blind) Jap,
Yeah. I don't know much about liens beyond "i before e", but this seems like the kind of situation that liens were made for.
It occurs to me that just because a court orders you to pay a given level of child support doesn't mean that you're ACTUALLY capable of paying it, and still, say, eating. Divorce courts can be casual about financial realities.
Because Duh, you're not in jail forever, and when they let you out, maybe you'll think twice about making that BMW payment instead of the Child Support,
My solution would be to cut off body parts, starting with the little toe, and advancing proximally with each missed payment (Maybe my 9 months in Saudi Arabia jaded me)
So many examples of the shitty government that Democrats want us to have MORE OF!!!!!!!!!
Humanitarians every one of them!
So rent control leads to fewer properties being built as rental properties, and the solution is maintaining rent control.
Sounds like the usual Democratic solution to everything.
Stop starting from the assumption that the Democrats have America's best interests at heart, and then everything makes a lot more sense.
It isn't just democrats who advocate and/or support and perpetuate the insanity that is rent control. Pretty sure Rudy Giuliani isn't a democrat.
Giuliani is a stupid liberal wop. He supported gun control and he was proud of his anti-American Catholicism.
Not a fan of Catholicism? Which fairy tale Jesus are you gullible enough to embrace?
Adult-onset superstition is a terrible affliction.
No. I'm a proud descendant of Protestant English colonists. The real Americans.
Scotch-Irish-Catholic-Jew hear (what can I say? my ancestors slept around) Best of all worlds, got the Jewish brains, Catholic dis-zee-pline, and Irish Last name, the better to infiltrate the Goyim establishment, (run the world? I'd like to run my household)
Not really sure where the Scotch comes in, except I like to drink it,
So what Religion are you a "Reverend" of? or does "Rev." really just stand for "Revolting".
I mean besides your worship of the Alabama Black Snake,
Congregation Of Exalted Reason.
Victor in the culture war, shaper of American progress, resident of the right side of history.
It's Black History Month and, in the interest of diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE), can we talk about Idi Amin?
that's "Dr" Idi Amin Dada Oumee!!!!!!! get it right!!!!!! (or he'll eat you)
So 50 years of government bullshit in New York City hasn’t worked to make housing affordable. NYC has a huge homeless problem and it’s getting worse. Can Democrats learn from 50 years of these failures?
No. No they can’t.
It’s interesting that people don’t get prior notice that their personnel files are being released. And they aren’t given the opportunity to request redaction.
Surely if she had asked for that redaction, the clerk would have asked for legal review.
Of course now I want to know wtf that was.
Yes, you are evil.
FYI, only a third supported the Patriot cause.
I'll be impressed when they go after someone like the NFL who's subscription service does exactly the same thing.