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"The 'Common-Good' Manifesto" Is Now Published
reviewing Common Good Constitutionalism.
We have now published The "Common-Good" Manifesto, our review of Adrian Vermeule's Common Good Constitutionalism, in the Harvard Law Review. (For previous posts, see here and here.)
Here is the introduction:
Two prominent scholars once described a "genre" of literature — the "constitutional manifesto" — that "sits uneasily between the scholarly or theoretical analysis of constitutional law and the buzzwords of day-to-day constitutional politics." Such a work must "expound a philosophical vision of constitutional law and politics" that's intellectually serious but "nonetheless accessible to a broad audience." Not only that, it must be "politically savvy, so that it may guide a political and legal movement in particular directions over time." Yet the case for its constitutional method, "openly defended as a tactic for achieving a political agenda," can't succeed as a political matter if it also adheres to traditional academic values like "a commitment to public candor." If it tries to split the difference, the wires will show.
One of those scholars, Professor Adrian Vermeule, has now tried his own hand at the genre. Three years ago, he announced that originalism had "outlived its utility" for producing a "substantively conservative approach to constitutional law and interpretation." In Common Good Constitutionalism, he offers a new constitutional manifesto, expounding a philosophical vision that might "direct persons, associations, and society generally toward the common good." Alas, the wires still show.
Common Good Constitutionalism has been accompanied by an impressive intellectual and rhetorical campaign, and it has already been widely (if mostly skeptically) reviewed. We share the skeptical bottom line, but we worry that the book's critics have yet to cut down to the bone. What's wrong with the book is not that it advances a form of living constitutionalism, that the common good is unknowable, or that pursuing the common good will necessarily lead to untoward results. Indeed, the book highlights important strands of Founding-era and nineteenth-century legal thought, of which scholars of all stripes should take account. What's wrong with the book is that it fails to hold up at a theoretical level — either on its own terms or as compared to the originalist approach it purports to threaten. Vermeule is a very deep thinker, working with a many-centuries-old legal tradition, yet the results are surprisingly superficial.
The problem, we think, is that the demands of a political and legal campaign and those of a constitutional theory are not the same. Though Vermeule writes with extraordinary skill, the sort of red meat that inspires a movement can, on reflection, seem rather thin gruel. Vermeule once reminded his many Twitter followers "that twitter is a dark arena of rhetorical combat, not an academic seminar. Tweet accordingly." We fear that the spirit of the dark arena has now spread to the monograph — and that the tools and techniques that serve so well in one medium turn out to be handicaps in another.
Nonetheless, we take the book seriously as an intellectual challenge, which is why we feel compelled to respond. This poses a further issue. If Common Good Constitutionalism were more straightforwardly structured, it might be easier to lay out its argument, to explain where we disagree, and then to set out the evidence that might support one position against another. Instead, communicating a full sense of the book sometimes requires careful attention to its rhetorical strategies and direct criticism of what seems to us to be failures of scholarship. Noting such failures can sound ad hominem, particularly because you, the reader, have no way of assessing them, short of reading the book yourself and deciding whether we have been fair. If these constraints lead in places to an unusually sharp tone, we apologize for its necessity.
In any event, we proceed as follows. In Part I, we take Common Sense Good Constitutionalism on its own terms, arguing that the theory fails to support the book's hostility toward originalism, to motivate its surprising claims about outcomes, or even to offer an account of constitutionalism at all. In Part II, we argue that its chief objections to originalism are unpersuasive and already answered in the literature it cites. In Part III, we attempt a sympathetic reconstruction of the book's arguments as contributions to originalist debates, though we find them underbaked as a matter of both history and jurisprudence. In Part IV, we discuss Vermeule's political aims and their relation to the book's cult following.
And the conclusion:
Common Good Constitutionalism is both an achievement and a disappointment. While Vermeule performs a real service in refocusing attention on the American natural-law tradition, his account of that tradition may mislead as much as it enlightens. And while his forceful writing will win him wide readership and some applause, it also keeps him from engaging carefully with alternative views or recognizing potentially shared ground. Opposing views are composed of "myths," "shibboleths," "chatter," "horror," and "panicky, bewildered outrage" (pp. 18, 34, 62, 67), while his own views are pugnaciously, though inconsistently, expressed. A rhetorical pose in which common good constitutionalism must always be victorious, its enemies always cringing and pitiful, lends itself more to political than to intellectual advance.
Some readers might not mind. They might favor common good constitutionalism for the outcomes it promises to license, or even just for the combative posture it lets them take. We have little to say to these readers: one doesn't need to read a book to lobby for preferred outcomes or to start fights online.
What Common Good Constitutionalism purports to add to the project is an intellectually rigorous foundation. If it had, it could have moved the scholarly ball forward, persuading some to share its views and obliging the rest to refine their own views in its light. Unfortunately, it too often lets other goals get in the way. So while we can't root for the book's success as a manifesto, movement, or call to arms, we wish it were better as a book.
Click here for the rest!
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The constitution generally permits social change, even radical social change, as long as it is implemented through a legitimate process with the consent of representatives accountable to the people, and as long certain core rights are respected.
But just as the constitution does not pile every item on the liberal wish list onto its set of core rights, it does not pile every item on the conservative wish list either. Just as the constitution’s enumerated powers and rights do not imply or call for a fully liberal or libertarian society – liberal and libertarian claims to see it between the written constitution’s interstices reflect mere wishful-thinking illusion – they also do not imply or conjure up a fully conservative society either. Conservatives are being similarly delusional in thinking it does.
And just as liberals should look to legislatures, not courts, to institute social change, conservatives should look to legislatures, not courts, to stop it.
But are not conservatives on a Mission From God?
Anyone who perceives a Mission From God is going to see a lot of other (illusory) things, too.
No, it was Jake and Elwood who were on a Mission from God.
That seems like an impossibility. The outcomes desired by the outer 25% of the left and right are incompatible with getting 60 votes. The most extreme (and vocal) portions of each party can't get their preferred policies passed through legislation, so they try to figure out other ways to accomplish their goals.
For example, insisting that replacing a Supreme Court Justice less than a year before a Presidential election wasn't justified but, when the opportunity to solidify a conservative majority arose, claiming that it was different when there was less than 2 months.
Extremism has no integrity. It is unwilling to accept slow, incremental change. With 60 votes necessary, legislation is the definition of slow, incremental change. So the fringes find other ways, like the courts, to get around having to legislate.
If conservatives have been so successful in getting legislatures to stop social change, why would they be looking to courts? And it’s not like Congress is the only legislature.
Mainly the right has been concerned about stopping the Court from being used to force social change; They've been in a defensive posture, while the left has been attacking.
Of course, unless you resign yourself to losses being permanent, success at defense transitions into attack. Heller/McDonald/Bruen would qualify as recapturing lost territory; The right legitimately is in the Constitution, all that was needed was for the judiciary to stop pretending otherwise, and uphold it.
Dobbs, too, can be seen this way: Undoing the judicial creation of a phony right is recapturing lost territory.
When defense manages to push the invading army back to the original border, though, the question arises: Stop there, or grab some of the foe's territory?
Vermuele doesn't want to stop at recapturing lost territory, he wants to play the left's judicial game in reverse, and keep pushing past the Constitutional "border" into enemy territory. And he's trying to create a rationale for doing so.
Kind of tough when the right has all along been justifying its actions on the basis of simply restoring the legitimate border.
But the right has repeatedly demonstrated that once it attains power, it will immediately use political power the same way it criticized the left for doing. If Congress were to pass national abortion rights legislation, I think the current Supreme Court might well find it unconstitutional and might even find that the Fourteenth Amendment requires a national ban on abortion. I'm waiting to be proven wrong. Do you think Mitch McConnell wouldn't happily abolish the filibuster if it were in the GOP's interests to do so?
But on the broader issue of the Court being an instrument of social change, that's unavoidable, and the only real question is in which direction. If you take seriously the idea that fundamental rights exist (even if we don't always agree on what they are) and that legislatures are prone to invade them (partly because they reflect the views of their constituents that they don't really exist), then the courts are always going to have to intervene. I don't see how it can be any other way.
I don't think you should mistake me for a "Rah, Rah, Right!" guy. Yeah, the right sucks. I don't thing they suck quite as much as the left, I think they suck to a survivable extent, but they suck.
I've often said that I see the left as totalitarian in impulse, because they can't admit anything is outside the reach of politics, while the right is "merely" authoritarian.
"But on the broader issue of the Court being an instrument of social change, that’s unavoidable,"
Sincerely? Like hell it's unavoidable. That's just a rationalization.
What I mean by it being a rationalization, is that yes, fundamental rights "exist", for some value of "exist", (They're not natural entities, they're moral concepts.) and, yes, legislatures are inclined to violate them, and the courts are supposed to enforce them to the extent the law directs them to.
This is not a license for the courts to pull rights out of their nether orifices and impose them on an unwilling society. Society is perfectly capable of putting rights it wants respected into the law.
So, no, I don't think for one moment the courts should ever be driving social change. They are categorically, literally, the last institution that should be leading that fight.
They really are just supposed to be umpires upholding the rules while the teams compete.
This is not a license for the courts to pull rights out of their nether orifices and impose them on an unwilling society.
You not believing a right is legit does not mean it's made up.
Is there any such thing as other people with valid yet different opinions in your world?
I think that the “common good” framework goes beyond simply a defensive approach that objects to creating and using unwritten constitutional doctrines to support left-wing causes, and is really an offensive framework, proposing to create and use a different set of unwritten constitutional doctrines to support right-wing causes.
It’s a different framework, and proposes a different approach, from what the judicial restraint folks on the right of the previous generation did.
They have been successful, especially with the bait-and-switch with local/state/federal control (which one they champion depends on which one they control). They have been especially successful lately (10 years or so) in carving out special legal status for religious people, establishing corporate personhood, and increasingly restrictive abortion bans (achieved by removing protections from citizens and empowering governmental coercion).
They are looking to the courts because when they pass coercive legislation the courts were, in the past, willing to protect individual rights. That worked against cultural conservatives, since their problem is that fewer and fewer people find their social platform convincing. But if they can get enough judges who are willing to ignore individual protections in favor of culturally conservative beliefs? Then they have vertically integrated cultural coercion.
Part of the reason they've been successful at this is that, for instance, the 1st amendment actually does carve out a special legal status for religious people. It protects free exercise of religion; Notice it doesn't say anything about free exercise of secularism?
I may think that a proper respect for secular rights would leave no particular need for religious liberty to get an explicit carve out, that it shouldn't matter if you won't eat pork because you're Jewish, or you won't eat pork because you don't like the taste. But, whoa, right there in the text, there is one. Kind of hard to ignore, if you think the text matters.
Corporate 'personhood' is just a judicial shorthand for corporations being Soylent Green: They're made of people! People who don't lose their rights just because they decide to work together. No, not even if money changes hands.
Especially when they're only forming corporations in the first place because the government itself made not forming corporations legally perilous.
And, of course, in exactly the way religious liberty is easily found in the Constitution, abortion rights... simply aren't. Which, again, matters, if you think the text matters. So the Court finally did the right thing, and sent it back to the states.
Yeah, a lot of conservatives will try to get federal abortion laws anyway. People are largely unprincipled, news at 11. They'll find it a hard roe to hoe.
"It protects free exercise of religion"
Yes, that also protects atheists, agnostics, those who don't believe in specific religious tradition or texts, etc. Your practice of religion cannot be infringed, but it also cannot be forced upon anyone else. Freedom from religion is the part that religious folks like to ignore because they want a two-tiered legal system where there are laws, then there are the laws that religious people can ignore. That isn't the purpose of the First Amendment. Antonin Scalia said that and he had a small, slight reputation as an originalist.
This theory is frightening to me. The thin layer of originalist veneer hiding the outcome-based desires of cultural conservatives is completely abandoned. It is an open call for a legal attack on personal and individual rights in favor of the "common good".
For those of you who are cultural conservatives, is this an acceptable trade-off? For example, if Common Good Constitutionalism could deliver a national ban on abortion, would that be a valid reason to weaken or eliminate individual rights in favor of the "common good'?
I mean this quite sincerely, since I can't imagine any issue (or collection of issues) that would make me abandon my belief in individual rights or the constitutional protections of the same.
I hope you were similarly outraged when it came from the left. I'd hate to think any Reason commenter is biased.
I would be. You'd have to tell me what legal theories the left has put forward that explicitly subjugate individual rights to an amorphous "common good" for me to be able to specifically agree with you. But I don't care who is trying to weaken individual rights. I would oppose them.
Much of the expansion of the commerce clause has been about the supposed common good.
Raich (here the left, though strongly in favor of legalizing weed, supported the government because otherwise the left's much loved and expansive Commerce Clause powers would have been implicated).
That seems to be a mixed bag of subjects.
Wickard is a pure Commerce Clause case where the central issue is literally commerce that takes place between the states and the Federal Government’s right to regulate it.
Kelo is also a Commerce Clause case, but it is a property rights case. I am not a lawyer so I may be wrong, but I believe that property rights are treated differently than individual rights like bodily autonomy.
Raich is another Commerce Clause case that seems to center more on individual rights (pwrsonal drug use) while arguably also dealing with commerce (growing pot) and the Federal Government’s authority in outlawing something that is legal in the state.
I don’t see a strong correlation between individual protections like privacy and Commerce Clause cases. I also don’t see anything particularly “left” about the Commerce Clause, except perhaps that the right sometimes champions federalism (any time there is a D in the White House or in control of Congress) and the Commerce Clause effectively makes commerce the FedGov’s territory, since these days most commerce crosses state lines.
All that said, I haven’t seen any large-scale legal theory from the left that calls for the subjugation of individual rights to the “common good” like Common Good Constitutionslism does. I could be wrong and someone may tell me about, as a silly, made-up example, “AnarchyInTheUSA Constitutionalism which calls for the subjugation of individual rights to the will of the nearest 100 people at any given moment. But so far there hasn’t been such a legal theory pointed out to me.
In Kelo, the majority, which was mostly on the left, watered down the protection from government takings. The exception for public use was replaced by the weaker public purpose standard. The individual right to property cannot stand in the way of the greater good. That is about as left as a thing can get.
You cannot see the infringements on individual liberty by expansive interpretation of the commerce clause? How about in NFIB where the court said that economic decisions in the aggregate are subject to regulation by Congress' by way of the commerce clause?
I'm saying they are two different legal arguments. I believe property rights and individual rights are treated differently in the law, but I'm not a lawyer.
All that said, you haven't identified a legal theory that explicitly subjugates individual rights to the "common good", other than a vague accusation that it was "the majority, which was mostly on the left" who expanded eminent domain.
So what you're saying is that the expansion of eminent domain, which was mostly, but not completely, a decision by left-of-center Justices (which describes every Supreme Court decision when there is a liberal majority) and wasn't the result of a legal theory that subjugated individual rights to "common good", is exactly the same as a specific legal theory that specifically advocates for ignoring individual rights in favor of a common good?
Yeah, that is insane.
"For example, if Common Good Constitutionalism could deliver a national ban on abortion, would that be a valid reason to weaken or eliminate individual rights in favor of the “common good’?"
IDK, what do you mean by "individual rights" exactly? Rights supported by the Constitution's text or just because 5 justices felt it was a "right".
Freedom of speech is a good individual right but much of its current expansive interpretation is either not supported by the text or is actively counter-constitutional. No one in 1789 thought porn was part of freedom of speech. I would support restricting 1A to its proper role, protecting political [broadly defined] speech from federal legislation.
I would support restricting 1A to its proper role, protecting political [broadly defined] speech from federal legislation.
Let’s see.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,…
Funny, I don’t see the word “political” in there. Classic originalism. Make up what you think the framers thought about something (usually this imputes 1950’s orthodoxy to the framers) , and then claim that that’s what the Constitution really means.
Well, the 1950s were the "good old days."
Or was it the 1850s?
I think it's funny Bob skipped your quoting of the actual text since he was appealing to what's supported by the text to instead nitpick Nelson's longer response.
"IDK, what do you mean by “individual rights” exactly?"
That's the rub, isn't it? I believe that, among others, the natural rights that individuals are inherently endowed with include privacy, bodily autonomy, and medical decision-making. I don't believe that five Justices have the right to infringe on freedoms (like those) that are natural rights. I also don't believe that the legislature has that right, without an overwhelming case for an exception.
I believe in a minimal, protective government that shields citizens from impositions on their rights. Not quite a night watchman state, but definitely one that is defensive rather than offensive.
I also believe that things that some people call immoral or wrong, but don't impact others (like gambling, sex, drug use, suicide, etc.) shouldn't be the government's concern.
"I would support restricting 1A to its proper role, protecting political [broadly defined] speech from federal legislation."
That isn't what the First Amendment has ever meant. It isn't a miniscule, narrow, politically-oriented right. It is literally the freedom to express yourself and your beliefs. Porn is absolutely protected by the First Amendment. As is Scientology. As is The Gateway Pundit.
Whether through words, images, film, actions, or other means, the First Amendment protects free expression no matter how good/bad, moral/immoral, accurate/inaccurate, etc. that expression is.
The fact that you view the First Amendment as such a tiny, narrow thing is saddening.
The First Amendment is a broad, vital, and indespensible expression of freedom. It is literally the most important foundation of a free society.
"gambling, sex, drug use, suicide,"
All of these impact others.
"That isn’t what the First Amendment has ever meant. It isn’t a miniscule, narrow, politically-oriented right."
It is exactly politically-oriented. The Constitution is a political document.
"All of these impact others."
If the standard is whether something impacts others, nothing is off the plate. The standard is personal choice that doesn't harm others (and no, making them sad doesn't count).
You want to gamble with your money? Have at it. It's yours to do with as you please. You want to have sex with another consenting adult (or two or three or whatever blows your hair back)? Great. That is a choice for you and them, no government necessary. You don't want to live any longer (for whatever reason, or none at all)? That is your choice to make, and no one else's.
Once you start talking about who might be impacted by your choices, as opposed to who might be harmed, you are saying that the Nanny State is a great idea and if people can't make the "proper" moral decisions, the state should do it for them. It's paternalism of the worst sort.
"The Constitution is a political document."
It is the foundational legal document of our country. Was it created through a political process? Absolutely. Was it designed to impose the politics of the day on America from the Founding to the end of time? Absolutely not.
This was a document that was laid out with the expressed purpose of allowing change, with expressed procedures to overturn anything and everything in the document. Nothing was excepted. Nothing was spared. If you could get the requisite signatures and support, you could literally repeal the Bill of Rights.
That's not a constrained, narrow, picayune document. That is a broad, sweeping, and revolutionary document that stands for the idea that nothing should be beyond scrutiny, not even itself. But you want to claim that it limits the freedom of expression to only political expression? That it doesn't recognize the freedom of (and from) religion as a universal right, but one that can be easily constrained if the states do it?
"It is exactly politically-oriented."
Yes. And political speech is part of freedom of expression, not the entirety of it. Porn may offend you, but the only person who that should restrain is you. Your neighbor doesn't (and shouldn't be forced to) care about your disapproval.
"I believe that, among others, the natural rights that individuals are inherently endowed with include privacy, bodily autonomy, and medical decision-making."
But we've never seen this in practice. I mean, appeals to these principles are made in the context of sex, but only in the context of sex, and not even consistently there; If medical decision making says you can chop your dick off, why doesn't it say you can voluntarily undergo conversion therapy?
Medical regulation would look drastically different if these principles were actually treated as more than pretext. Incredibly different.
why doesn’t it say you can voluntarily undergo conversion therapy?
Does it say that, or does it say that licensed medical/mental health professionals can't offer conversion therapy, because it's fraudulent?
Yeah, what's the diff? It's unambiguously more fraudulent to say that you can turn a guy into a girl by chopping off his dick. That's just an outright lie. Whereas that conversion therapy never, ever works isn't a scientific conclusion, it's a political one. Certainly there must be some people whose orientations are sufficiently marginal and flexible as to be amenable to modification. That there aren't any is a matter of ideological faith, not science.
But, again, if you took this medical autonomy crap seriously, it wouldn't matter if it was fraudulent. The fact that some people wanted it would be the end of it.
If medical autonomy was taken seriously, why are drugs like aromase inhibitors so tightly locked down? Why are narcolepsy drugs like Modafinil treated like heroin?
The examples are endless.
Because "medical autonomy" is a bullshit excuse that is only deployed for sex related stuff that the left wants to defend, NOT a principle.
Yeah, what’s the diff?
Big diff. Licensed practitioners are only supposed to use known valid treatments. (No whatabouttery, please. It's irrelevant.)
You want to set up as a conversion therapist, go ahead. Please just don't "treat" children or teenagers, and make sure you have plenty of liability insurance.
Whereas that conversion therapy never, ever works isn’t a scientific conclusion, it’s a political one.
You think it works? You have evidence, or did you do your own research on the Internet?
Certainly there must be some people whose orientations are sufficiently marginal and flexible as to be amenable to modification. That there aren’t any is a matter of ideological faith, not science.
Big fallacy, Brett. Even if that were true it would not mean that conversion therapy will modify that orientation. Just because we think there may be a way to do something in some cases does not mean we actually know how to do it.
Here you go, Brett.
But all is not lost. You've got Pat Robertson on your side.
"why doesn’t it say you can voluntarily undergo conversion therapy?"
You can. You just can't be forced into it. And parents can choose that for their children, barbaric as it is, but if they are harmed physically or mentally they should face charges. Sleep deprivation, witholding food, beatings, and other coercive methods are fine if you are choosing them for yourself, but subjecting a child or an unwilling adult to them isn't OK.
"if these principles were actually treated as more than pretext"
Pretext in what way? Giving cover for what? If a "treatment" has no medical benefit and almost never achieves its theraputic goal (like conversion therapy), should it be considered a medical procedure?
"You can. You just can’t be forced into it. And parents can choose that for their children,"
Wrong. Half the population of the country lives in jurisdictions that outlaw it for minors. Not, outlaw it if the minor doesn't consent. Just outlaw it, period.
Here's California's law, for instance.
"865.1. Under no circumstances shall a mental health provider engage in sexual orientation change efforts with a patient under 18 years of age.
865.2. Any sexual orientation change efforts attempted on a patient under 18 years of age by a mental health provider shall be considered unprofessional conduct and shall subject a mental health provider to discipline by the licensing entity for that mental health provider."
Nothing about whether they're forced into it, just a flat out ban.
At the same time, of course, California permits minors to undergo hormonal treatments to 'change' their sex without parental consent. Even if the children don't live in California.
If they approve of it, no consent needed. If they disapprove, doesn't matter if the minor wants it.
Like I said, I personally think it is the parents' choice and when, as it almost inevitably does, it turns out to be abusive they should go to jail. But the choice should be theirs. It definitely shouldn't be covered by insurance because it is religious, not medical nor psychological, treatment. And if an adult chooses to pay for this treatment for themselves, good for them.
Conversion therapy is neither therapy, nor does it convert gay people into straight people. It's a farce and abusive, but people can pay a dominatrix so I don't see why they can't pay to be abused by someone else.
"At the same time, of course, California permits minors to undergo hormonal treatments to ‘change’ their sex without parental consent."
Yeah, we get it. Cultural conservatives are strongly in favor of parental rights ... sometimes. Depending on if they approve of the issue or not. Recognizing hypocrisy isn't a strength of cultural comservatives.
"If they approve of it, no consent needed. If they disapprove, doesn’t matter if the minor wants it."
Like I said, hypocrisy awareness isn't your strong suit.
The law refers to "mental health providers," which I assume means some sort of professional clinicians.
As I said, you want to try it, go ahead. But get liability insurance.
You can't accept that it's bullshit promoted by yahoo preachers, so you make up crap about the objections being political or idiological or something.
Bob bloviated:
"IDK, what do you mean by “individual rights” exactly? Rights supported by the Constitution’s text or just because 5 justices felt it was a “right”"
Speaking of the constitution's text, see that part where it says that enumerated rights aren't the only ones retained by the people?
The United States Constitution was written to overcome the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation by creating a federal government that assumed responsibilities the individual states could not accomplish effectively, to provide the wherewithal for that government to exist, to organize that government to deliver its required services, and to protect the states and the people in their God-given rights from usurpation by the federal government.
The current Leviathan based in the District of Columbia and spanning the globe with its unimaginable and frankly unauthorized leaden and corrupt hand is nothing at all like the modest and effective state the founders sought and built a Constitution to establish and preserve.
The founders knew that good government was the product of good men, and that no document would sustain a healthy land absent broadly and deeply held faith in the principles of Christianity that underpinned society in the late 18th Century in America. The freedom they preserved for us is a gift from our Creator, and - just as in Eden - a messy thing that men will corrupt and ultimately destroy.
In short, the only viable originalist view of our Constitution is through the prism of the sanctity of human life, of God-given rights of individuals, and of the necessity of organizing government to serve individuals by protecting their freedoms while infringing as little as possible on the freedom of others. Mosaic law underpins our culture and is part and parcel of the Constitution.
Competent adults neither advance nor accept supernatural (or superstitious) arguments or positions in reasoned debate among adults, especially not with respect to public affairs.
How much faith in Bugs Bunny, John Blutarsky, or Obi Wan Kenobi is essential to a healthy society or worthy document, Yogis_Dad?
You should omit references to the 'reality of Eden' if you want anyone to take you seriously beyond the context of a white, male, faux libertarian, right-wing blog.
Swap "for God" with "for The People", and "authorize me power to crack those other people over the head" with, well, the same thing, and I'll make your life better (after death, or after my conveniently distant plan), I promise!
Otherwise it's the exact same rubes being abused by the power hungry.
"Mosaic law underpins our culture and is part and parcel of the Constitution."
Yes, a document that is expressly and explicitly against the government being religious somehow advocates for America as a Christian theocracy. Using similar logic, up is down, left is right, good is evil, black is white, and water is dry.
Yogis_Dad is powerful evidence for the proposition that mainstream America should not recognize accreditation for or degrees from any "school" that teaches nonsense to flatter religious dogma.
People should be entitled to believe, teach, and study as they wish. They should be protected if they wish to believe in creationism or rules against cheeseburgers and pork; teach that evolution is a demonic hoax hatched in a hell or that eating shrimp cocktail is a sin; or study or offer a curriculum that treats the Bible, Dianetics, or any other religious text as a nonfiction work. But none of that constitutes legitimate education that should be respected as such by employers, lenders, or any government agency.
"a document that is expressly and explicitly against the government being religious"
That is not accurate. 1A is against Congress violating religious freedom. Its silent on the other branches or the states. States had established churches in 1789, 1A can be interpreted as merely stopping Congress from banning ["affecting"] such churches.
"That is not accurate."
Yes, it is. It isn't some minimalist set of suggestions that the states can ignore if they choose. That was called the Articles of Confederation and it was a miserable failure that required the Constitution to save our fledgeling nation.
It is protection of citizens from coercive religion. While concepts that religions share with most other moral codes aren't banned from being legislated, most of the Ten Commandments, for example, are unconstitutional.
Freedom of religion means, ultimately, that no concept that is purely religious should be legislated in America. While I understand federalism, it has limits. It isn't an unbound workaround of the natural and Constitutional rights of Americans. So no, states don't have the right to impose a theocracy.
"1A can be interpreted as merely stopping Congress from banning [“affecting”] such churches."
Sure, by someone who thinks that the proper way to interpret First Amendment protections is in the most reduced and minimal way. For example, someone who would think that free expression should only apply to political speech ... oh, wait. You said that, too.
"Sure, by someone who thinks that the proper way to interpret First Amendment protections is in the most reduced and minimal way."
No, somebody who thinks the proper way to interpret it is accurately.
That's why they said "respecting an establishment of religion"; Some of the states had established churches, some didn't, all agreed that they didn't want the federal government getting it's nose into that topic AT ALL. Either establishing its own, or interfering in any way with state establishment. The whole topic was simply put off limits for federal legislation. "Respecting" means "having to do with" and "establishment of religion" means making a religion an official state religion.
After the 14th amendment, the topic of establishing a state religion is off limits for federal AND state legislation. Which effectively is the same as banning it, because there are no other constitutional actors that could "establish" a religion, all political entities below the state level are parts of states for federal constitutional purposes.
somebody who thinks the proper way to interpret it is accurately.
Your take is one Justice Thomas agrees with, and that's it.
I know this is what you think, and I know you have a reservoir of unearned certainty. But you don't get to make yourself the arbiter of which takes on the Constitution are the accurate ones just because you personally super duper believe it.
To be a good citizen of this republic, you should consider that maybe your take isn't the be-all end-all.
For instance, rights did not operate as you believe in the Founding era - they were not a full forbiddance (see for instance, the way the rest of the 1A like speech and petition were treated historically up through today).
Then you go on to just kinda read the Founders mind all on your own, which is more an indictment of the political project of originalism than actual originalism.
"all agreed that they didn’t want the federal government getting it’s nose into that topic AT ALL"
Exactly. Legislating religious principles would inevitably prevent other churches from practicing their religion. Ban gay marriage (or homosexual conduct, writ large)? There are churches that interpret the Bible to support homosexuality (or at tge very least not condemn it). Should those churches be constrained by more conservative readongs and denominations?
The tortured and swiss-cheese logic required to justify theocracy in America is painful to watch. Americans are protected from religion by the Constitution. Specifically and intentionally. If you want to believe in the High Holy Rutabaga and his divine message of the sacred nature of root vegetables, great. But don't try to prevent me from eating kohlrabi. I didn't sign on for your religion, don't try to force me to abide by it.
"Which effectively is the same as banning it"
No one is banning religion. Never have, never will. As long as the only people forced to live by religious beliefs are those who chose it for themselves, every religion under the sun is allowed in America.
This isn't a fereralism issue. It is an individual rights issue. And cultural conservatives are histile to individual rights because when people choose their own cultural beliefs, they by and large don't choose conservative and/or traditionalist beliefs. And even when they do, they choose individualist exceptions over blanket orthodox restrictions. Ultimately everyone is (in a phrase from my youth that may not be used any more) a cafeteria Catholic.
Effectively the same as banning state established religions. Thought I was clear about that.
It isn't limited to "state established religions". That's my point. It never has been.
No, actually it was, originally. Adopted when some of the states HAD established churches, remember?
Religion itself was protected from the federal government by the free exercise clause.
I believe this is incorrect. The founders seemed to think that governmental involvement in religion was just as bad when government was promoting religion, as when it was restricting its practice. Both clauses were meant to protect religion. That's why I think the very narrow reading of the establishment clause put forward by you and others is incorrect, and non-originalist (whatever that means).
Please re-read Memorial and Remonstrance. Imagine if it were enacted again by some state, would SCOTUS strike it down?
Mike, I think Madison's argument there is exactly what I'm saying.
If what were enacted again, the Virginia Assessment Madison was fighting? I think SCOTUS should strike it down, but I wouldn't want to bet on it.
Also, your premise that "good men" and "Christians" are synonymous is provably false.
Christians are no more (or less) likely to be good than any other group. Religious or otherwise.
"The founders knew that good government was the product of good men. . . "
No, and actually the exact opposite.
The founders knew that people are selfish, narrow-minded, and parochial.
That's why they built in so many checks and balances.
One, who believes Mosaic law underpins our culture, is completely clueless both about our legal system and also about Mosaic law.
Virgil illustrates the Roman legal system, which we inherit, in Aeneid 2:157-159.
fas mihi Graiorum sacrata resolvere iura,
fas odisse viros atque omnia ferre sub auras,
si qua tegunt; teneor patriae nec legibus ullis.
Fas is divine law.
Ius is the legal system.
Lex is statutory law.
The Torah (Mosaic Law or the Pentateuch) is pure fas. The US Constitutional legal system rejects fas unless one wants to equate natural law with fas. It's hard to claim that Mosaic Law equates to natural law.
Vermeule is like an Amazon delivery person who delivers (or re-delivers) an important package – the classical legal tradition – but who, instead of leaving after making his delivery, stays behind to expound on what the package means in the American context.
And what it seems to mean is a federal government with general police powers, and an executive branch which governs through the processes of administrative law (with *some* judicial checks). While these doctrines are currently used for left-wing ends, Vermeule seems to hope that, in the course of time, his people will be able to take over and use these instrumentalities for different ends.
Yet as Vermeule describes, the classical legal tradition is compatible with all sorts of constitutional arrangements, not merely the specific vision he has for the United States. The classical tradition is even compatible with various approaches to judicial review other than the American approach.
One thing different regimes have in common under the classical tradition is that the positive law is supposed to be read in harmony with the natural law and the law of nations. This doesn’t need to mean invalidating the positive law when judges find conflicts with other sources of law, but with minimizing the conflicts. Think of a slightly less rabid version of Lysander Spooner’s approach.
And one of the principles of natural law is laws being adopted by competent authorities to promote the common good, and unless the power to govern is delegated to judges, that means having judges as (in many cases) junior partners who don’t always have the last word.
What American judges can do is, if the positive law is vague (a frequent occurrence) is to interpret the positive law in light of the other sources of law – natural law and the law of nations. And as Vermeule points out, American courts certainly do this even if they’ve rhetorically stopped invoking the classical tradition.
It’s possible to believe this, without believing that the federal government has general police powers and should operate through an administrative state.
Once the delivery man gets his tip and goes away, then would be a good time to take a look at the classical legal tradition without looking at it through AV's New-Deal-integralist lenses.
I agree with much of what you say here. But, based on previous posts you have made, I don't think we end up in the same place. I believe that the "harmony" you speak of, between positive law, natural law, and the law of nations, mitigates against cultural conservatism. The assumption that tradition has inherent value isn't supported by any of those three.
There are traditions that are good and traditions that are bad, but most of them fall somewhere in between. The default isn't (and shouldn't be) that tradition is supported by natural law (in particular) and the laws passed by legislatures are as likely to be flawed by the cultural biases of the past as supported by the inherent rights of all free people. Hence we have the embodiment of Enlightenment ideals and natural rights in our Constitution, yet slavery is explicitly mentioned (and validated) by the same document.
Not all traditions are created equal, some are good (Prov. 22:28), and some are bad (see Mark 7:13).
While any definition of good and bad that has a reference to chapter and verse is inherently limited, but I see we agree that tradition is not intrinsically good.
One practical problem with Vermeule's integralism is that most Americans aren't Catholic. He kind of just assumes that his vision of the common good will be the dominant vision, and that other species of Christian will just fall into line behind his people's leadership. We've already seen strong hints that the latter isn't going to happen. (Strong enough to see the wisdom of the establishment clause.)
At least one Catholic church closes every year in my area.
The closure rate with respect to Catholic schools seems similar.
An overall federal police power isn't Catholic, either.
Vermeule's main problem isn't that he encourages Catholicism, but that he encourages the administrative state which is currently leftist-run. He co-authors books with lefty defenders of the administrative state.
His version of subsidiarity is to have the feds stroke their chins and thoughtfully consider the federalist/local-government implications of their policies - then go ahead and pass the policies.
Agreed. It is the unitary executive power and assumption of the inherent power in a single branch that is frightening. The fact that he wants to use it to impose minority cultural values on the entire nation or outlaw things that are morally opposed by cultural conservatives isn't surprising, given the comfort cultural conservatives have with legislating morality.
It would be equally problematic if Bernie Sanders was making the same arguments, but this is specifically and intentionally a theory for how conservatives can avoid the limits imposed by originalism and reach a more outcome-oriented legal utopia.
I would prefer if he’d written two booklets instead of one book – the first booklet would re-introduce Americans to the classical legal tradition, and could be read with profit by many people – the second booklet would try to fit his administrative-state idea into the classical legal tradition – this booklet could be read with amusement by people who aren’t taken in by it.
But the classical legal tradition, IMHO, while hardly partisan – there were no Democrats and Republicans during most of the period while that tradition was being developed – contains a lot of stuff incompatible with modern woke progressivism.
So your definition of this ‘classical legal tradition’ IS partisan. Explicitly.
This is the issue with such an unmoored tradition – Margrave calling something woke and bad means she gets to advocate for ending it.
Except it does.
Very well, by all means suggest some ways the classical legal tradition *is* compatible with modern woke progressivism, in your nonpartisan view.
Jesus was black. Which means classical legal tradition explicitly includes critical race theory, which is an element of what many here would refer to as the woke progressive view.
See? I can ipse dixit about made up terms as well.
Beyond your citing a nullity to instantiate your priors, lets look at what you've thus far laid out: a legal tradition whose main novel attribute is its explicit hostility to a faction of a major political party.
Hard not to see what that kind of license would allow.
Are you saying the classical legal tradition is made up? That may come as a surprise to those who've spent their lives studying it.
Seriously, can you give any examples where the classical legal tradition is woke?
I'm saying it's definition seems quite protean.
It's main loadstar has been instantiating something explicitly conservative, whether theocracy or anti-wokeness or the morals of 1776.
I’m not sure what at “loadstar” is.
I’m not sure what you mean by theocracy – do you mean a country governed by a panel of mullahs, or a country where unborn human brings are recognized as having the right to life? I’ve heard both definitions.
And I’m not quite sure what you mean by “the morals of 1776.”
I was critical of Vermeule, especially his partial philosophical alliance with secular progressives and their charming faith in the power of the administrative state.
Despite his overtures, when push comes to shove the progressives of today wouldn’t want him because of his views on abortion, man/woman marriage, etc. Those are evil enough to outweigh “regulatory measures aimed at public benefit.”
Come to think of it, whenever you have people using the term "progressive," there's usually some baggage in addition to "regulatory measures aimed at public benefit."
[comment moved]
I agree. The classical legal tradition (as I understand it, but IANAL) is as incompatible with the lunatic left as it is with the conservative crazies. It creates a process of constant, but slow, change based on foundational principles centering around individual rights. It rejects both the intersectional idiocy of the progressives and the moral self-righteousness of the cultural conservatives.
That seems inherently hostile to Common Good Constitutionalism, which specifically sets itself as devaluing individual rights and raising the "common good" (which is specifically identified as religious abd conservative) above them.
One of the things I think would be an interesting conversation to come from this theory is a discussion about the proper role and extent of the administrative state (a real discussion, not a Neanderthal "administrative state bad" response).
Obviously in a country as large as ours it is impossible for Congress to micromanage the federal government through legislation. So some administartive bureaucracy is necessary for the governemnt to function. But it also cannot be unfettered, because it is completely unaccountable to the citizenry. So what would rein it in, but still allow it to function? What would prevent it from usurping the power of Congress or the Judiciary, but still keep pay the bills on time and keep the lights on?
I mean this seriously. Where is the balance point and how could we create a center point that allows for a slight shifting from left to right from that point, but prevent it lurching from pole to pole?
On that subject, ideally we could have a constitutional amendment reinstating the one-house veto of administrative decisions.
Also, if Congress should happen to pass a law regulating something, then interpreting that law should be a matter for Art. III courts, rather than dividing responsibility between courts and agencies.
If you don’t think courts have enough expertise, have specialized courts – with Art. III tenure – to deal with specialized subjects.
Also, I think Vermeule is giving the common good a bad rap. Virtually every example of the common good which he cites in his book involves the interests of the state overriding the rights of the citizen. He acknowledges that liberty is a component of the common good, he simply has some difficulty finding examples where the common good requires the govt to respect liberty.
This is you. Writing what the classical legal tradition should mean. And then pretending it's a baseline truth.
Why not go through my comment, paragraph by paragraph, and identify the parts you disagree with.
Unless of course you were simply using the Reply function to comment on something else which wasn't in the comment.
What is there to refute? You're all ipse dixit no facts.
Every time you cite the classical legal tradition for a principle. Which has been thus far...woke progressivism being bad. And the administrative state being bad because it's leftist.
You cite nothing; you disagree with the main proponent's definition.
It seems to come from your own self.
“And the administrative state being bad because it’s leftist.”
If I said *that* (which I doubt), post a rebuttal in response to the comment where I said it.
"you disagree with the main proponent’s definition"
If I disagreed with Justinian, find the post where I said that and reply to it.
Let’s see what I actually said in the comment you’re currently replying to (rather than the comment in your head):
“On that subject, ideally we could have a constitutional amendment reinstating the one-house veto of administrative decisions.”
Agree or disagree?
“Also, if Congress should happen to pass a law regulating something, then interpreting that law should be a matter for Art. III courts, rather than dividing responsibility between courts and agencies.”
Agree or disagree?
“If you don’t think courts have enough expertise, have specialized courts – with Art. III tenure – to deal with specialized subjects.”
Agree or disagree?
“Also, I think Vermeule is giving the common good a bad rap. Virtually every example of the common good which he cites in his book involves the interests of the state overriding the rights of the citizen. He acknowledges that liberty is a component of the common good, he simply has some difficulty finding examples where the common good requires the govt to respect liberty.”
Agree or disagree?
Margrave — Do you really think, "modern woke progressivism," is an integral part, or even an important part, of the progressive political tradition? I see it as a sideshow, off the midway, and mainly of interest to folks who would like to use it as a club to damage more-salient progressive advocacy—advocacy which could otherwise be pursued with less fractious effects. I get that progressives are struggling to get past that distraction, but except for opponents' abiding interest in maximizing progressives' struggles, what does that prove?
I'm sure there are plenty of people who believe in what they thought were progressive ideals - help for the poor and marginalized, revitalizing responsive government, skepticism of concentrated corporate power - but who have put themselves beyond the pale of civilization by believing Bruce Jenner is a man. This would probably make them politically homeless and wouldn't exactly encourage their civic engagement.
Constitutional law should revolve around one concept - the 10th Amendment. The Court should resolve every case in such a way as to maximize personal liberty for the individual versus the federal and state governments, the rights of states versus the federal government and the power of the federal government must be strictly limited to those areas expressly given to the federal government in the Constitution.
Overturn the cases that broke the Constitutional compact -Wickard, Griggs, Slaughterhouse cases, Darby, Nebbia and Carolene Products.
Law school must have been miserable as hell for you, what with the Constitution being repeatedly shown not to be the libertarian document you still think it is.
It IS a libertarian document. The fact that it’s original meaning has been stretched to NOT be libertarian doesn’t mean it wasn’t initially a libertarian document.
Local man convinced the Constitution instantiates his preferred political philosophy.
Great example of your moniker: sarcasm, but no steak.
How do you not see what a circular argument you’re making here? You’re as local as me, and your opinion is just that as well. However, According to every study of the founding fathers, what they wrote, how they felt, proves out my point and negates yours.
If you have the gumption, explain to me how I’m wrong in general.
You are right. He is wrong. He knows it, that's why he mocks (he doesn't have anything else).
The Constitution is not a philosophical document; it is a practical framework aimed at gaining broad consensus.
Anyone who thinks the Constitution agrees with their personal philosophy is wrong. That includes progressives and libertarians.
You haven't established shit - just claimed with zero evidence that 'every study of the founding fathers' agrees with you and disagrees with me.
That's not an argument, that's stamping your foot.
And if I included links to where the founding fathers were saying the very same thing as I, would it also be an example of me "stamping my foot"? Ed Grinberg is right - you mock, but you haven't provided a single example of how I'm wrong.
You claim the constitution is a libertarian document, and purport to support that with links (not provided) about what the "founders were saying." What matters isn't what they were saying, but the text of the document that was written and ratified. Make your case from the text, if you can.
I Callahan — The founders' notion of liberty was not a libertarian's notion of liberty. Here from the 4th resolve of the First Continental Congress is the founders' notion of liberty in a nutshell:
That the foundation of English liberty, and of all free government, is a right in the people to participate in their legislative council: and as the English colonists are not represented, and from their local and other circumstances, cannot properly be represented in the British parliament, they are entitled to a free and exclusive power of legislation in their several provincial legislatures, where their right of representation can alone be preserved, . . .
That is a notion which founds liberty on sovereignty, and its constitutive power to create governments at pleasure. It has nothing to do with libertarians' notion of pre-existing divine endowments.
Modern libertarians follow Locke. This from the Declaration of Independence is anti-Locke:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
That posited liberty to create government at pleasure, without constraint, in any form that pleased the sovereign People, has no place in Locke, just as it remains anathema to modern libertarians.
It is worth noting in passing that Locke's notion of liberty came with an implied expiration date, now long-since past. In fact, Locke's system was done for before the United States got properly underway.
Locke's entire philosophical system depended on a theoretical availability of resources, claimed by each person as an equal share of a divine endowment—with an entitlement for use shared alike among everyone (except slaves, serfs, and Indians, of course), but with a power of personal expropriation attached. There was a seed of paradox in it right from the start.
It is to defend that notion that Locke's Second Treatise returns repeatedly to muttering about the interior of North America. He apparently had a sense that Britain was a bit past equal material opportunity, but supposed his system was self-evidently saved by limitless unclaimed (as he saw it) land in the New World.
Whatever anyone might have made of Locke in 1690, by the mid 18th century there would come a generation of North Americans who saw it otherwise. With Ben Franklin (born in 1706) at its leading edge, that generation had power to foresee an oncoming practical end to Locke's cornucopian notion of the proper foundation of government.
With Franklin's example as a point of comparison, it is easy in retrospect to put Locke in his proper perspective. His work was more a lagging expression of pre-modernism's struggle against a secular Enlightenment than it was the leading edge of anything. Whatever modern libertarians might make of Locke's influence in North America, Franklin's influence in Europe promptly overwhelmed and dwarfed Locke's legacy there, as it later did around the rest of the globe.
But especially in America. The United States of America never became a Lockean nation, except in Locke's imagination. The United States was founded instead on the founders' invention of popular Sovereignty, which empowered the People jointly to choose at pleasure which rights to protect, and what forms of government would serve them best. Modern libertarians do not like it, but Locke's God-given cornucopia is gone. It disappeared before America was founded.
Capitalising "is" doesn't make it true.
The original constitution did not abolish slavery. It did not recognise women's right to vote. Hence it cannot conceivably be a libertarian document. The End.
Uh, it was AMENDED for those changes. A process that has been in place since the original constitution was adopted. The constitution, in it's original form, was most certainly a libertarian document, and even the amendments don't change the spirit of that.
You can't say that Document X stood for principle Y when the only way it could do so is if it were amended, even if X made allowances for amendments.
Why do you seppos persist in this mythical bullshit about the constitution? It's a pretty good document, the result of much horse-trading, includes deliberate and inadvertent ambiguities, was the work of politicians some principled and some no doubt not, and by the standards of the day was more libertarian than it might have been, but who had their rights recognised and who not? Why was 14A needed? Why was 19A needed? And how did 18A get passed?
An ~50 page review on an ~250 page book! I already love Will Baude and Stephen E. Sachs. Now I have to read the book!
The OP takes as tacitly obvious, whether from the Vermeule side of the argument, or from the Baude/Sachs side, that Locke was enormously influential in America at the time of the founding. And from that it is but a short step back to surmise a common-good interpretation of founding era political philosophy, derived originally from Catholic natural law. Or, it is but a short step back to surmise a rival originalist libertarian political philosophy, derived more directly from Locke.
Left out on both sides of that argument is the possibility that Locke was less influential than post-Civil War historians (and a host of grade-school civics teachers) have supposed—and that the founders were neither libertarians, nor Catholic-regarding natural law philosophers. That is a possibility worth delving into.
Consider this. According to one account I read recently, Locke’s Second Treatise was published but once in North America prior to the 20th century. That single instance occurred in Boston during 1773. The article mentioning this, written by James Schmidt, does not say how many copies circulated, or how broadly they were distributed. It scarcely seems possible that single publication by itself could have supported the enormous influence attributed to Locke throughout the colonies, and later among the states. Conversely, how could it be that such a broad and powerful influence could have remained dominant in America for so long, without calling forth successive North American publications?
Maybe the answer is that Locke’s influence had been somewhat less than supposed. For instance, Locke’s overtly religious take on natural rights seems a poor fit for the resolutely secular likes of Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and James Wilson.
But perhaps Locke, who justified slavery, and practically urged colonial expropriation of Indian-occupied land—to which Locke’s philosophy denied any claim of ownership, for want of cultivation—went down better among the Anti-Federalists. And perhaps better still among Lost Cause crusaders post-Civil War, who were happy to present an ameliorating Lockean influence as evidence of a will to liberty among the drivers of slaves.
Also, make it a point to notice that some notable excerpts among founders’ writings which have been attributed to Locke’s influence, were not attributed that way by their founder authors, but only afterward by scholars who pointed to thematic and language similarities. Quite often, quotes like this one from the Declaration of Independence get that treatment today:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
That notion of an unrestrained ability to choose at pleasure among forms of government, or to invent new ones, is utterly anti-Lockean. It is also a terrible fit for any notion of libertarianism founded on either Locke or natural rights. But still the civics-minded attributers roll on, blithely noting some wording similarities, and overlooking the overall reversal of any message Locke himself could have intended. A possibility they overlook is that the wording they focus on may have come originally from Hobbes, to be reworked later by Locke, and still later re-purposed by Jefferson, possibly with a boost from James Wilson, who had previously written something similar, but in a decidedly Hobbesian vein. Wilson, in whose hand much of the Constitution was drafted, went on after the Constitution was published to explain its meaning at least in part in terms which echo Hobbes, not Locke.
The Declaration itself of course announces for the first time a political invention. It transforms a customarily Hobbesian interpretation of sovereignty by recasting it as a paradox—a popular sovereignty, by which people jointly become all-powerful, with capacity to rule at pleasure, but who remained individually subjects of their own sovereignty.
Nothing like that had ever been seen in politics anywhere. It was decidedly not something invented by Locke. It was not natural law common-good politics. It was not Locke-inspired libertarianism. It was a new idea, derived from the past, but breaking away from it, and it transformed world politics to this day.
Interesting factoid, but a quick google got me this:
"American revolutionaries often drew a direct line between Locke’s principles and their own. They frequently cited him during the Stamp Act protests and the Pamphlet War. Thomas Jefferson, describing his writing of the Declaration of Independence, commented that “All its authority rests then upon the harmonizing sentiments of the day,” taken from “the elementary books of public right, as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, &c.” (1999 edition of his Political Writings: 148)."
I don't pretend to scholarship is this area, but these guys were educated men at a time where it was quite possible to read the majority, if not all, the political/philosophical books ever published. They were not at all limited to what was published in the colonies. Indeed the magic of the internet tells me: "nearly all the books in the colonies were British...most books were either brought in by immigrants or ordered from London by their readers."
I also note that the tidbit quote from Jefferson mentions Hobbes not at all, though I expect he would be included in the "&c."
This, it seems to me, does not take away from Jefferson's extension/innovation, and does not suggest how weighty Locke's contribution was, but it hardly supports the notion of minimal influence.
Formerly Known as Stash — That remark by Jefferson—which I recall was written in a letter Jefferson wrote almost 50 years post-Declaration—is one of the few I am aware of where a principal founder mentions Locke by name. A better example I know of came from Samual Adams, and dated to the time of the revolution. I am sure I must have missed other unambiguous attributions to Locke. But if you look into it, I know you will discover that far more founder quotations, in addition to the rare unambiguous ones—have been attributed on the basis of latter-day assumptions that presumed (and not necessarily sharply analyzed) similarities in wording establish Locke's original influence. Attributions of that sort have been made by the hundreds, or by now by the thousands. They typically get asserted without further evidence, as facts upon which history agrees. That kind of ambiguous citation gives us the bulk of the evidence upon which Locke's founding era influence is predicated. You yourself just provided an example:
American revolutionaries often drew a direct line between Locke’s principles and their own. They frequently cited him during the Stamp Act protests and the Pamphlet War.
See? Nothing specific to that. Look into it, and you will find behind that quotation mostly Lockeish sort of wording here and there, offered as proof of Locke's actual, but otherwise unattributed, influence. And a great deal of that kind of assertion dates, as does the example you are quoting from, to the late 19th and 20th centuries. Your quote was even later, from an article written not during the founding era, but in 2009. The entire article that came from goes on in the vein I described—line-by-exegesis of Locke, followed by asserted presumptions of Lockean influence, without historical attributions to show any direct connection to Locke.
You did mention the only direct attribution to Locke that article contained. It also contained this:
Although Locke’s name was invoked less often during the framing of the Constitution, his concerns about the protection of “life, liberty, and estate” were universally shared by the delegates in Philadelphia, who worried that the state governments had failed in this basic Lockean task. Prominent Anti-Federalists, disappointed by the initial lack of a bill of rights, appealed to Locke’s philosophy as well. As Richard Henry Lee wrote, “There are certain unalienable and fundamental rights, which in forming the social contract, ought to be explicitly ascertained and fixed” (1985 edition: 232).
To which I think I am entitled to add: QED. That, "were universally shared by the delegates in Philadelphia," amounts to an impossible historical whopper. And also, don't bother going to look for those, "invoked less often during the framing of the Constitution," citations. I could be mistaken, but I have read Madison's notes through twice, and do not recall even a single mention of Locke in them. Which if true, or even true except for an exception or two, would be a pretty remarkable oversight for such a thunderous influence. I will thank anyone who can help me out with evidence to the contrary.
But my challenge does not stop there. Look at the supposedly stronger part of the record. Look at the Declaration of Independence itself. I assume you understand your Locke well enough to know why I called my original quote from the DoI, "utterly anti-Lockean."
Next, look past the preamble, and get to the substance of the document, which is a bill of particulars—evidence which my civics teachers always skipped past in a state of puzzled ennui. Problem is, there is almost no citation among those many items which is even colorably a response to an alleged offense against a Lockean-style natural right. Nope, not at all. What the Declaration repeated instead, in example after example, were alleged incidents of offended sovereignty. Go ahead and read them yourself, and see if that is not right.
I do not want to make this too long, and just bore everyone. If you remain unconvinced, tell me why. There remains more to say.
Formerly Known as Stash — By the way, I just re-read your comment, and spotted something you did in a way I had not previously noted.
You claimed notable influence for Locke, but without marked insistence that influence was exerted via the principal founders. I agree that Locke's opinions have exerted undoubted influence on latter day libertarians; I dispute their claims to a line of intellectual descent from founding-era Americans. Except perhaps in the case of influence descended from Anti-Federalists.
As to those, the liberty interests asserted have always been equivocal, as advocacy on behalf of all-but-unbounded liberty interests for slave holders. Which, as a matter of Locke's own equivocal history on questions relating to slavery, serfdom, and exploitation of native Americans, does suggest a provocative role indeed for Locke's influence.
What did Mao, Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler have in common? They all appealed to the Common Good, that indescribable and invisible something that trumps unalienable rights.
Stalin is said to have enjoyed sending workers to the Gulags on the charge of "criticizing the Workers Paradise"
I am a Catholic and Common Good is part of Catholic Social Teaching but far as I know it can never be invoked to violate even one person's human rights, so if a million people get more income from the killing of one innocent person you cannot and should not do that.
"[ Dietrich ]Von Hildebrand recounts many stories of academic conferences with Franciscan priests and philosophy professors who overemphasized the notion of community at the expense of the individual. Because they were infected by this collectivistic tendency, they advocated ideas that deny the fundamental dignity of the human person. These ideas paved the philosophic path for collectivism and, in turn, a justification of anti-Semitism. The small concessions became large compromises. The philosophical rhetoric became physical reality. Eventually, the actions that flowed from the collectivism espoused at these conferences justified sending truckloads of Jews to the gas chambers. It all began with an idea, for which many lived and millions died."
1. The phrase "natural law" does not appear in OP.
2. I understand you disagree with proponents of natural law, but your argument against it is somewhat obscure (I don't get it).
I cannot find any instance where a proponent of natural law actually went out and examined what was natural and concluded that natural laws differed from what he thought they were. Funny, that.