The Volokh Conspiracy
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Goodbye "Race Checkbox," Hello "Diversity Sentence"
How universities will get around whatever the Supreme Court decides in the affirmative action cases.
I was a freshman in college in 2003. That year, I took a required course in cultural competency. In one class, we discussed the then-pending affirmative action cases, Grutter and Gratz. I recall that a student asked the professor what our public university would do if the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. The professor, who I think also served in the university administration, gave an answer that still sticks out in my mind nearly two decades later: it doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says, we will find a way to continue granting racial preferences. At the time, I didn't appreciate her candor. The many briefs filled in Grutter and Gratz predicted an horrific parade of horribles if the Court overruled Bakke. Won't somebody please think of the service academies?!
Now, not-quite twenty-five years later, advocates for affirmative action are singing a similar tune: if the Court reverses Grutter, terrible things will happen. To quote Justice Scalia, "Do not believe it." I doubt the Roberts-six will be bothered like Justice O'Connor was. Grutter is going down. And everyone knows it. So what is Plan B for the Universities? Surely these super-intelligent institutions have considered a host of contingency plans for when the Court rules against them. They aren't going to roll over and say, okay everyone, let's be colorblind!
Allow me to spell out one such alternative. Perhaps the Court will, as I suggested, hold that universities cannot use a "race checkbox" on the application. What will the universities do in response? They will still need a way to quickly sort people based on their race. Goodbye "race checkbox," hello "diversity sentence."
Readers of this blog will likely be familiar with so-called "diversity statements." Many universities require applicants for professorships to discuss their commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Invariably in this process, candidates will write about their race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and any relevant characteristics that might check a DEI box. But really, who needs an entire statement when you are sorting through thousands of college applications. Certainly, as a matter of "triage" (to use Seth Waxman's phrasing), the Common Application can require a "diversity sentence." Yes, describe your commitment to DEIdeology in 20 words or less. See, it's not a check box. We are holistically assessing a person as a whole, with very few words.
Of course admission officers can quickly scan through those sentences looking for important words: black, hispanic, transgender, and so on. CTRL-F is their friend. Universities can develop filters that highlight applications with certain words. To save words, applicants can even include a pride flag or the raised-fist emoji in the appropriate color, to signal their commitment to social justice. Who needs to be constrained to a handful of check boxes when you have thousands of progressive emojis?
Don't laugh. In the wake of Bruen, states like New York and California engaged in massive resistance to the Court's ruling that would make Orval Faubus applaud. Who cares if the Supreme Court strikes down these gun control laws in 4 or 5 years? The struggle is worth it. Universities who deem the Supreme Court as an illegitimate body will fight, kicking and screaming, to maintain their affirmative action hegemony. Sure these universities will get sued. And the discovery will be damning. But don't expect admission offices across the country to go quietly into the good night.
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I hear there's this new invention to "sort peoples based on their race"
it's called the "Eye", I've got 2 of them, 20/15 last time I checked. (at distance, need the cheaters for up close)
But seems I remember some dude, preached in Atlanta, has a Federal Holiday who thought we shouldn't do that (sort peoples based on their race, not preach in Atlanta)
I told my very white daughter to identify as African American. She got a full ride to an excellent business school, saving me $130000. She dutifully attended meetings of the African American Student Association. No one said a word. The lawyer profession has been very good to me.
Interesting handle you got there. Content nothing like its long lamented namesake. /mewonders
That’s done on the grad level. On the undergrad level, you’re dealing with 5000-10,000 applicants for 2000-5000 seats, and you have to admit more than that due to shrink.
And you have a staff of 5-10 people.
You need checked boxes to sort.
Need GPT. I want to write and submit federal lawsuits in 10 seconds, for free. Replace lawyers with GPT.
The obvious solution, beyond the intelligence of the lawyer?
"What was the yearly income of your parents?"
Do you really need to favor the children of very dark skinned professionals recently from Africa? They outperformed whites economically in the 2010 Census. They will make your diversity efforts look really good by their great success after graduation. But it will be fake diversity.
Now this reply-to-thy-self style is more like it. How long can you behave?
I do not want to say anything. I just want to branch my comment.
Was I the first person whose political speech was banned for comment branching in US history? Could be.
Actually, they DON'T WANT middle class Black kids with two parents -- those kids "act white."
Racial preferences will result in a bunch of Africans, the new Koreans, and top performers. The most famous, of course, was Obama. Not really a Black American, but a genuine African American. His so called white mother may have had black ancestors from 200 years ago.
They might even have to admit some white kids of unemployed factory workers who voted for Trump, or kids of meth addicts. The biggest factor in deciding who will go to college and complete it in 4 years is if the student’s parents are college grads. If the ivies really wanted diversity, especially economic diversity, they would do away with legacy admissions
Now hold on, Son. That is getting too close to home.
Texas just uses the high school one graduates from as a proxy for race…so Harvard can admit people because they are from Mississippi and New Mexico as a proxy for race. How do you think JD Vance got into Yale?? He probably listed his Kentucky address as his home.
"But don't expect admission offices across the country to go quietly into the night."
And why should they?
Any group (righties too!), should use all available means - WITHOUT VIOLENCE - to achieve their goals.
"should use all available means "
Legal means?
It was "by any means necessary" when Waed Connerly was attempting the state referendums, and violence was explicitly INCLUDED.
BAMN (I lived in Michigan at the time.) were quite explicit that everything was on the table, including violent crime. They were actually bragging that they'd stop at nothing to win, and really did mean it. In fact, they got formally identified as a terrorist organization more than once by police agencies.
I was on their email list for a while with a machine-direct that they didn't initially know was me. Scary stuff.
Memory is that Gail Herriot nearly got hit in the head by a thrown chair at one incident.
BAMN largely became Antifa.
Just go by underrepresented zip codes or high schools which is what Texas currently does to achieve diversity.
I dunno, apedad - I do like the idea of people finding a value to guide them in following the spirit of the law as our nation currently sees it rather than an individual's idiosyncratic values.
Trump 2024 -- AG Ted Cruz doing wholesale arrests on college campi which is what Nixon ought to have done in 1970.
You people are just thirsting for an American Tiananmen Square.
...and will you be "tank man"?
Tianamen Square WORKED, it prevented China from breaking up the way the Soviet Union was at the time -- and in 1989, we thought that democracy in China was actually possible.
That said, Tianamen Square was peaceful -- those kids weren't burning things, etc. And the American left is anything but peaceful.
Why shouldn't we treat them like the Jan 6th protesters?
Oh my god. He admit it.
Interesting comment. So concise yet meaningful.
Hi, Ed.
You still tell stories that are untrue, and lust for liberal death.
Nowadays, though, I can mute you.
Good move, S_0!
You assume, without evidence or argument, that the group's goals are legitimate and legal. When those goals are to discriminate on the basis of race (in either direction), they are not.
Suppose there was a group that wanted white applicants to be favored over nonwhite applicants with the same qualifications.....
The obvious remedy is to reverse Hans v Louisiana. That would comply with the Eleventh Amendment, prohibiting litigation against a state by a citizen of another state. Citizens should sue their states and get money damages. In the case of violation of a law, that would make the case per se, and justify exemplary damages. Make these rogue states pay, and bankrupt one. To deter.
On a serious note -- yes, I know who I replying to -- doesn't the enforcement clause of the 14th And supercede the 11th when a Constitutional right is involved?
Anyone ever try to get a state university defined as "person" under 46 USA 1983?
Sovereign immunity is delusional, and makes violence totally justified. The sovereign does not speak with the Voice of God. It is not busier than a car mechanic to be sued. It is actually far less productive and far more toxic than a car mechanic. Full tort liability will help a state improve its products and services.
If you agree that legal liability is a replacement for endless cycles of violent revenge, if you agree legal liability is necessary to civilization, if you agree it makes possible to achieve other tasks than personal survival, then immunity justifies violence in formal logic. Formal logic has more certainty than the laws of physics. It is supreme over all the laws and ratified treaties of the United States. I am looking for a case of a violent attack on an immune party to try to make this point. Critical thinking should be introduced to the legal profession. It is intellectually adrift and just a dumbass failure.
Section 1983 violates the Eleventh Amendment except for lawyers on the Supreme Court just making shit up to protect their government rent seeking.
It was initially called the Anti Klan Act.
I support the Klan Act. The Army hanged dozens of KKK. Half were lawyers. Blacks thrived without affirmative action. That is the untold story of the Reconstruction. Want Blacks to thrive? Kill a bunch of lawyers. To deter.
Lawyer scumbags removed the Army in an election deal in 1876. That plunged our nation into darkness for 100 years.
Maybe they’ll make you write an entire statement where you praise and worship minorities and list out actionable steps you’ll take to harm your own race like you have to do if you want a professorship.
Prediction;. SCOTUS will throw out these diversity statements using the prevenent on employment tests and disproportionate impact.
Anyone know if it is legal to require applicants to include a photo anymore?
Must be legal, otherwise actors wouldn’t be getting head shots.
Actors can be hired on the basis of rase -- BFOQ.
“Many universities require applicants for professorships to discuss their commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion”
At one university interview, I was asked “Explain what bias and privilege mean to you. What privilege do you carry?”
My reply was that their question was biased and I was privileged to have been born in America, the best country in the world.
I didn’t get the job.
I didn't even get the interview...
You need to add more jogger worship and white-hatred to your DIE statement.
Using a winking reference to a murder victim as a substitute for the n word is super gross on many levels. You're a pretty bad person.
jogger worship
If you want to say nigger, just say it, you coward.
Like Barry Hussein did in his bestseller "Wet Dreams of my Father"
Great, now Kirkland has to start his count over.
One never needs to wait very long for the Volokh Conspiracy to launch yet another vile racial slur. Less than a month, on average . . . a pace set by the proprietor of this white, male, bigot-hugging, movement conservative blog.
Excellent comment, bruh.
"jogger worship"
Odd way to sneak in a reference to Fetterman.
the real "Stuttering John" would be a better choice than Stuttering John Fetterman.
I mean, red states prosecute and imprison guys who attack black joggers with guns. Blue states send them to the Senate.
Cute, but you're still deflecting from BCD being racist.
Dr. Oz attacked a black jogger with a gun??
No wonder
Been a long time, but every last one of the 52 med schools I applied to asked what specialty you wanted to go into (correct answer was "Family Practitioner in an underserved blighted (HT C. Griswald "No that's bad. We can't just ignore the Blight of the inner cities. See the Blight kids?") Rural/Inner City area"
Then the Professor (usually Biochemistry/Anatomy/Microbiology PhD's because who better to pick future Docs than some Poindexter who never gets out of the lab) would discuss his current research on Histoplasmosis in the Australian Bush for the rest of the hour...
Wanna bet that said professor was a major donor or rainmaker?
they all brought in Beaucoup Dinero from NIH FDA, for their areas of research, only real criteria for their continued employment.
" okay everyone, let's be colorblind! "
Colorblind is one of the euphemisms conservatives like to use -- with traditional values, conservative values, family values, heartland, and the like -- after determining they no longer wished to be known as bigots, at least not in public, consequent to the liberal-libertarian victory in the culture war.
Conservatives continue to embrace and appease bigotry -- gay-bashing (dressed in superstition, as if that improves bigotry or transforms it into something other than bigotry), racism (race-targeting voter suppression, for example, and white grievance/nationalism/supremacy), misogyny, selective xenophobia, antisemitism -- but have become guarded in public as society passes them by.
This is progress; during my childhood, the bigotry was open, common, official, even casual. The bigots of yesteryear wanted everyone to know how they thought and acted, and that their bigoted ways would prevail. Today's bigots, however, reserve genuine expression of their views for what they perceive to be safe spaces -- private homes, online message boards, militia gatherings, Republican committee meetings.
America has experienced successive waves of intolerance and ignorance (often related to immigration, skin color, religion, perceived economic pressures, nationality, and the like). Those targeted have included Italians, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Catholics, gays, the Irish, agnostics, women, Hispanics, Muslims, eastern Europeans, atheists, other Asians, other Hispanics -- most of America, at one time or another.
A great thing about America is that our bigots do not win, not over time. And our latest batch of bigots seems nothing special, its reliance on the charms, insights, and integrity of Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party notwithstanding.
Carry on, "colorblind" clingers. But only so far and so long as your betters permit, as has become the custom in modern, improving America.
Great comment, bruh. Personal insults. Fallacy of Irrelevance, bruh.
Hmm, not the usual tired canned response "Reverend" Jerry, warming up for tonite/tomorrow's impending Butt-Hurt....
Frank "BOHICA"
99 44/100% of the work we do on a day in, day out is internet and phone based. There is no way of knowing the race or politics of anyone we deal with, we never see them. Why would it be important or necessary to even know? Either you can do the job or not.
Likewise for a school, either you can do the coursework or you can't. I can't see why any other criteria is even relevant.
" I can’t see why any other criteria is even relevant. "
What is to be done, in your judgment, with respect to schools that collect loyalty oaths, or impose statements of faith?
Not that I've ever heard of such a thing outside of a parochial school, I'm not sure how they are relevant in hiring or school placement, unless you are talking about some sort of sham such as Liberty U where I suppose they can be as whacko as they want.
Most of the hiring we do is all very heavy STEM, so I doubt we'd personally ever have to deal with someone like that, thank whatever powers that be. We spend most of our days taking to Engineers of one sort of another.
"Colorblind" is a euphemism for fairness and equality. If you are against being fair, Rev., just say so. You don't need to dress it up.
“Colorblind” is a euphemism for fairness and equality.
They will get sued. Depositions are a bitch.
So you settle with a nondisclosure agreements. Happens all the time.
"Sure these universities will get sued."
Will they? Have universities in California, Michigan, Washington, Oklahoma, etc. been sued? If not, is that because they are adhering to race-neutrality or for some other reason?
So it seems pretty clear that Blackman feels like he has been personally aggrieved by affirmative action right? That he blames it as the reason that he wasn't at a T-14 for law school, the reason he only got one circuit clerkship interview, the reason they wouldn't let him be a SCOTUS clerk, and the reason he is stuck at South Texas College of Law.
You know he thinks that some "lesser black woman" took HIS spot that HE was entitled to.
But he shouldn't blame affirmative action. He absolutely was beat out for all the things he think he deserved by more talented white men.
IANAL but the most recent Surpreme Court pick does seem like a Dim-bulb.
It's not because you're not a lawyer. It's because you're a racist.
Ah, racism. The left's answer to everything.
By the way, just why was PBJ put forward for the SC except for her race?
Because she was also a brilliant lawyer? Why was ACB put forward but for her sex? She’s less accomplished than Jackson overall.
So far she has failed to show any "brilliance" but you are of course entitled to your opinion.
Amy Comely Barrett?? way easier on the eyes than KJB/EK/SS anyday
If that were the case for either why was it deemed necessary to limit the candidate pool and prequalify on the basis of sex or race?
Because there are hundreds if not thousands of brilliant and qualified people to be one of the nine SCOTUS justices. There is no such thing as an "objectively" best pick in this context. So there is a benefit in deciding to add diversity and signal to everyone: that yes Black women are an important part of our citizenry and just as a capable of sitting on this Court. It is an effort to fight back against innate biases and a default assumption that white men are the most qualified.
You can't reason with bigotry, superstition, or belligerent ignorance. It is pointless, perhaps even counterproductive, to try.
The sensible course is to defeat the clingers in the culture war and await progress and replacement, which solve the relevant problems.
No amount of grade school level insults are going to convince me that something so unimportant as skin color is more important than intellect and quality of thought, and if you think that is important I hope to hell you are far from any position of responsibility as possible.
It just seems to me physical appearance is the shallowest of things to differentiate someone by. Diversity of thought? Yes. Diversity of background? Of educational experience? Definitely.
Race or gender seems so superficial as to be a cheap cop out, an easy and lazy way to tick a box, if you will. It appeals to the basest of low stereotypes.
Like all the peoples who say worse thangs about Clarence "Frogman" Thomas?
Someone who doesn't know what a woman is ought not have graduated from the 8th grade.
What makes you say that? (I’m genuinely interested in your thoughts.)
I’m the last one to criticize dunking on Prof. Blackman, but this isn’t really my read. I someone or something for the paucity of his accomplishments would require him to acknowledge that how unimpressive his 130 page CV actually is, which would involve of introspection and self-awareness that seem entirely beyond his capabilities.
Well he obviously thinks very highly of his intellect, no doubt. And probably thinks he should be in a position above his station. I think we can agree on that.
But the way he writes about affirmative action compared to other things suggests a personal affront. Like this sentence:
“ Of course admission officers can quickly scan through those sentences looking for important words: black, hispanic, transgender, and so on. CTRL-F is their friend.” It’s so smug and sneering.
He probably thinks that happened to him. That he was denied opportunities because someone was searching for black people and didn’t want the brilliant Josh Blackman because he was a white man, despite the fact he is so thoroughly mediocre.
Funnily enough if they Ctrl-F “black,” find his name, and be like: wow this guy sucks.
I mean this is just me pop-psychologizing but there is a really aggrieved tone in these posts not present in his others.
I mean, Grutter was brought by a disgruntled, mediocre white law student, so there's a pattern. They found a better plaintiff this time around.
They whiffed it on Abby Fisher too.
I mean, other than insulting people because you don't like their politics, what on earth is your basis for this claim? Grutter wasn't a law student at all.
I don’t disagree, but in that regard it strikes me as exemplary of his style rather than exceptional.
You've hit the nail on the head. He should have put a space in his name, i.e., Josh Black Man.
"he only got one circuit clerkship interview"
He got the job. What Circuit did you clerk for?
Its really going to bug you when he is a federal judge.
He got the job. What Circuit did you clerk for?
None. I work in state courts. Where real law happens. Not culture war bullshit.
"Its really going to bug you when he is a federal judge."
You're right. It will. Bad lawyers like Blackman shouldn't be judges.
I don't like the idea of mediocrities who don't understand attorney-client privilege or the rules of evidence or remedies, or employment law being federal judges. Indeed, I don't relish the idea of a bloviating ignoramus conducting a painful and laborious sentencing proceedings. Can you imagine this moron trying to manage a discovery issue or talk to a pro se litigant? Nightmare.
Unlike you I recognize this a profession of service. Not lording over people. Blackman doesn't get that. He should not be a judge.
Use more lube next time.
" He got the job. "
From a nondescript Republican judge.
In Johnstown.
Which resembles Can't Keep Up, Ohio, and every other emptying, declining, parasitic, half-educated, backwater community populated primarily by disaffected, downscale Republican voters.
(Johnstown is the town Bruce Springsteen chose to represent shambling America in "The River.")
Thanks Kasey Kasem!
Frank "And next an AT40 dedication...."
I'm with Noscitur on this.
We know what Blackman is like when he's personally aggrieved - check out his posts on Chief Justice Roberts.
This is just his run-of-the-mill conservative judicial headassery.
That's a good point. And I concede its speculation and pop-psychology here. But something about his tone combined with his personal background signals to me that there is something else at work here.
Your feelings of guilt for taking the place of a disadvantaged colored person??
I mean fair enough - there is no one right way to dunk on Blackman.
How many law schools are ranked below South Texas College Of Law Houston (among roughly 200 American law schools)?
(What was Bill Russell's number? Stan Musial's? Dr. J's?)
6, 6, 6, almost like you're trying to make a point.
and BTW, where did you go to Law School Jerry?
Trick Question, you didn't, just like moi' (or A. Lincoln, Tommy J, J. Adams, JQ Adams, A Jackson.......)
"Sandusky played for Rip Engle at Penn State, starting at defensive end from 1963 to 1965.[17] He graduated first in his class with a B.S. in health in 1966 and physical education in 1970.[15][17]"
Six sounds like a reasonable number in this context.
Anyone wish to disagree? Anyone want to try to defend the honor of South Texas College Of Law Houston?
The difference is that unlike the governments, universities don't enjoy sovereign immunity and the ones most likely to play those games have rather large deposits of cash that can be hoovered up in class action lawsuits.
The big problem here is not the "diversity" requirement. It is the method, described by the "Don't laugh" paragraph, which states use to endlessly violate people's consitutional rights with impunity, and as that paragraph illustrates it has already been used successfully against gun rights for more than a century. All you do is design and enact a statute that is very hard to challenge because it's hard to get standing to challenge it. Then if it ever appears it will be overturned soon, you invent another one with different bogus reasoning to rob individuals of the same right. New York's Sullivan Act was obviously unconstitutional the day it was enacted in 1920, but it stood until 2022. Now they're just fishing for the successor law that will cheat people for another century or more.
The underlying problem seems to be the Constitutional rule against courts issuing "advisory opinions." I would like to amend the Constitution so that once a state or Congress has a record of cheating people this way with laws on a certain topic, the Court can insist on reviewing all subsequent laws on that topic by the same state or body before they can become operative.
For posterity,
The Democrats have already started fortifying today's elections with their sharpies and machine malfunctions and gaslighting about a red mirage.
It's a moot point because #34 (we don't call him by that other name in Jaw Jaw) is gonna beat the Black Surpremercist Preacher 50-48 with the delusional Libertarian (definition of delusional, Libertarian thinking he can beat #34) eating the crumbs, obviating the need for a December Run-off so we went get to hear how requiring a majority is "Jim Crow 3.0"
A Herschel Walker victory would not change the trajectory of the American culture war to a discernable degree. It merely would demonstrate that there are still plenty of stupid, character-deprived losers left in our southern stain, including Georgia.
Reason, modernity, education, inclusiveness, science, progress will continue to defeat superstition, backwardness, bigotry, dogma, insularity, ignorance, and pining for illusory good old days at the American marketplace of ideas. Educated, successful, modern communities will continue to stomp ignorant, shambling, bigoted, rural and southern backwaters. Our nation's strongest teaching and research institutions will continue to shame backwater religious schools and homeschooling by substandard parents.
The culture war is not quite over but it has been settled. Clingers hardest hit.
C'mon Jerry, you're just still butt hurt that #34 scored his last collegiate TD on your Nittily Lions (HT Barry Hussein) (83' Sugar Bowl, past isn't past, nome sane?) but hey (man!) your "Well disciplined "D" held him to 102 yds, clinchin a Natty ... and why were Penn State Players all "Well Disciplined" "Smart" "Tough" while #34 was a "Great Natural Ath-uh-lete"??
1970: Stop asking race on applications!
1970: Ok, done. Please provide a picture of yourself.
1970: Please stop doing that, too!
Prof. Blackman's prediction is incompatible with the actual results at the University of California, where black enrollment shrank considerably (and Asian enrollment rose proportionately) after Prop. 209 was approved. But why should facts be allowed to intrude on paranoid fantasies?
Do you have a source for the numbers on that? Just for ammo in future discussions!
OCT. 31, 2022 UPDATED 9:11 AM PT
Initially, Proposition 209 drastically reduced diversity at UC’s most competitive campuses. In 1998, the first admissions year affected by the ban, the number of California Black and Latino first-year students plunged by nearly half at UCLA and UC Berkeley. William Kidder, a UC Riverside civil rights investigator, recalled his shock when he entered UC Berkeley law school in 1998 and found that his first-year class of 270 included only six or seven Black students, compared with four times that many in the class two years ahead of him enrolled before Proposition 209.
But campuses are making notable strides. Black and Latino students increased to 43% of the admitted first-year class of Californians for fall 2022 compared with about 20% before Proposition 209. For the third straight year, Latinos were the largest ethnic group of admitted students at 37%, followed by Asian Americans at 35%, white students at 19% and Black students at 6%.
Frank "I love LA"
Here is a good summary. Four points stand out. First, the percentage of Hispanics in the California has increased dramatically, so one would expect that their share of the UC student body would increase. Second, it may be that the admissions officers have found a way in the past five or ten years to favor black applicants, although the data is ambiguous. Third, it may be that the primary effect of Prop. 209 has been to benefit Asians at the expense of whites, although again the data is ambiguous. Fourth, given the ambiguity of the data, it's clear that Prof. Blackman's fears are overblown.
While that is substantially correct, the world is not entirely binary. The UCs are extremely large, and thus it is difficult to engage in disguised race-sorting of 100,000 applications. Difficult, but not impossible.
There has been a long-running dispute at UCLA with respect to whether the admissions office continues to silently put its thumb on the scales, led by a few UCLA professors (Sander, Groseclose). Their arguments are quite persuasive, but obviously they're playing at the margins here; the "big picture" statistics are as you describe.
Nonetheless, because the Harvard Title VI case will apply to even small private universities with class sizes under 1200, the potential to evade a ruling through subterfuge is material in these settings.
It isn't just college. While reading this I got an e-mail naming the winners in our Company's Supplier Diversity Awards.
it doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says, we will find a way to continue granting racial preferences.
(I understand that Prof. Blackman is just referencing this argument, not making it himself.)
I haven't read the relevant briefs (supporting the continuation of racial discrimination in college admissions), but I don't see why such discrimination is any more appropriate in the service academies than elsewhere. If anything, the service academies is the one place where you do want to admit people based on merit, as opposed to skin color.
Spoken by someone who's never served.
The law can do nothing to stop people from being racist. Being racist is a matter of conscience.
All the law can do is forbid racism from being acted out in public and where there is actual harm being done.
Some legal humility is desperately needed. There has to be an acknowledgement that the Law has limits, and outside those limits it must be absolutely silent.
Fight in your arena, yes. Fight to the bitter end. But stop thinking your voice has any impact outside. And be content with that.
" All the law can do is forbid racism from being acted out in public "
or not, if conservatives get their way.
Same for gay-bashing, xenophobia, antisemitism, misogyny, and the rest of the right-wing playbook.
The Democrats have claimed that blacks can't be racist because they do not control any systems of power.
How, then, was Kanye racist against Jews?
I mean the Jews, of all races, are overrepresented more than any other demographic in our systems of power.
Harvard gets 60,000 applications a year.
Their IT staff will never be able to distinguish “I’m black” from “black lives matter” from “I have black friends”.
I would hope they don't use it, but semantic AI exists and would render that problem trivial.
I think people underestimate how much the elite Ivies invest in their admissions process. A random state school that gets 60,000 applications may resort to automated processing, but Harvard has a massive admissions staff.
I've seen diversity statements on private *high school* applications!