The Volokh Conspiracy
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Trump and Steve Bannon Waive Executive Privilege they do not Have
The "waiver" opens the door for Bannon to testify before the congressional January 6 Committee. But former presidents are not entitled to executive privilege, and especially not when it comes to testimony by private citizens.

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon has agreed to testify before the congressional committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol, and Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Bannon previously cited executive privilege as a reason to refuse the Committee's subpoena. But he has changed that position after Trump sent a letter agreeing to waive the privilege if Bannon reaches an agreement with the Committee.
Inspired by Trump's generous waiver, I hereby officially proclaim and declare that I am waiving the share of the spice revenue of Arrakis due to me as Sublime Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe! Are you not impressed by my generosity? If not, it might be because I'm not actually an Emperor, and do not actually have any spice revenue.
Much the same points apply to Trump's "waiver." Executive privilege is a power of the office of the presidency. Trump has not been president since January 20, 2021. Since that date, he is no more the President of the United States than I am an Emperor. Therefore, he is no longer entitled to assert executive privilege.
The DC Circuit said exactly that when it rejected Trump's efforts to use executive privilege to shield White House documents from the January 6 Committee. In a January decision refusing to block the release of the documents, the Supreme Court did not rule on the issue of former presidents' privilege, but did conclude that Trump wasn't entitled to assert executive privilege here, because he could not do so even if he were still in office. If that's true of official White House records, it's surely even more true of the testimony of a private citizen.
Even if he were still president, executive privilege would not give Trump the power to to restrict the testimony of private citizens. Executive privilege cannot extend to controlling people who aren't part of the executive branch. If President Biden calls me up to discuss some issue (which he should do more often!), he can't then use executive privilege to keep me from telling Congress about it.
Bannon was a White House employee back in 2017, until his acrimonious departure from the Trump administration. But he was a private citizen throughout the period covered by January 6 Committee investigation (late 2020 and early 2021).
It's good that Trump lost the case over the release of the records, and that Bannon will have to testify. But it is unfortunate that the issue of former presidents' supposed claims of executive privilege has not yet been fully resolved. The idea that such a privilege exists is a fallacious one, for reasons I summarized in my January post about the January 6 documents case:
If it exists at all (some scholars argue it does not), executive privilege is a power of the office of the presidency, and can only be wielded by the person who occupies the office at the time in question. Once he leaves office, he loses all the power and privileges associated with it, except perhaps those specifically extended by laws enacted by Congress (e.g. - pension rights and continuing security provided by the Secret Service). As the Court of Appeals opinion in this case explains, "the privilege, like all other Article II powers, resides with the sitting President."
No one claims that a former president can continue to issue executive orders, receive ambassadors, or act as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He cannot keep on wielding any of those powers, even if he feels he needs to do so to prevent a successor from embarrassing him. The same logic applies to executive privilege. These are all powers of the office that expire as soon as the president's term in office at ends. At that point, he has no more executive authority than any other private citizen.
I also addressed the standard rationale for allowing ex-presidents to wield the privilege - fear that otherwise their successors could authorize embarrassing revelations for political reasons, which in turn could in inhibit discussions with presidential advisers:
It's true, as [Justice] Kavanaugh and others have pointed out, that this approach allows current presidents to release predecessors' documents in ways that might embarrass the latter. Fear of such an eventuality might indeed inhibit current presidents' deliberations with their advisers. But there are many things incumbent presidents can do that might embarrass predecessors, including reversing the latter's policies in ways that make them look bad, blaming them for various problems, and so on. The possibility that such things might happen can potentially inhibit presidents from adopting various policies, as well as inhibit advisers from recommending a given course of action.
But the Constitution does not give former presidents any general power to block successors' actions that might embarrass them. And, while fear of future embarrassment might sometimes inhibit good policies, it also can prevent bad ones. If future revelation of your activities in office might prove embarrassing, that may be because you're doing something wrong!
Regardless, the Constitution does not grant executive privilege - or any other official power - to former presidents. Absent specific laws to the contrary, they should be treated as private citizens, on par with everyone else.
If potential embarrassment is enough to justify letting former presidents retain the power of executive privilege, why not other presidential powers, as well? To really protect himself against embarrassment after leaving office, perhaps a former president needs to retain control of the FBI and the CIA, so he can use those agencies to forestall unflattering revelations.
Down that road lies a pretty obvious slippery slope, one that would make a hash of the time-limited nature of presidential terms. That limitation is, of course, a key constitutional safeguard against the accumulation of power in a single person.
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Executive privilege applies to deliberations with a President, which occur while the President was President. You are a highly partisan hack. It has nothing to do with embarrassment, as you well know. It has to do with deliberative decision making. Should this disclosure requirement apply to judges and their clerks? Can Congress subpoena the clerk? These rules will outlive President Trump and will damage the nation.
Your comment doesn't at all sound like you're actually the partisan hack about whom you spoke.
Oh, yes it does. It also sounds like someone who isn't familiar with even the most basic facts of this case. If you were, you might have noticed that he was in fact charged by the DOJ despite Trump's claims of 'executive crayon privilege' for someone who was not a US Government employee at the time, or anywhere near the time in question.
Read Trump's "letter." That's the dipshit you people support. A global embarrassment.
They both sound like partisan hacks to me...
Pretty much this.
In the past, a Vokokh contributor would note in passing of their article, that executive privilege was about protecting frank discussions necessary for policy decisions and hard arm twisting, dealing with foreign countries, whatever, then move on to the real point of their article.
When a lawyer's client dies, the lawyer client privilege evaporates and the lawyer can talk about it, or a judge can crack it open with a simple order.
Oh wait, they can't.
If executive privilege between the President and advisors is to be considered like lawyer-client privilege, then you'd have to establish who the client is. Hint: it isn't the President. The President doesn't pay anyone in an official capacity from his own pocket. They make oath or affirmation to uphold the Constitution, not to serve the interests of the President. Every government employee's duty is to their actual client, the people.
Executive privilege, to whatever extent is actually exists, would only be legitimate when it serves the interests of the people. A vague claim that a President could block advisors from speaking to Congress (also servants of the people) because the President wouldn't be able to be candid with them if he couldn't is not legitimate. At a minimum, any claim of executive privilege would have to be in response to specific questions, not a blanket assertion that they can completely ignore congressional subpoenas. Even our 5th Amendment protections against self-incrimination don't allow us to ignore subpoenas.
But that's the wrong analogy. The Office of President is more like a corporation, wherein different CEOs/boards may inhabit the board room. Later CEOs can absolutely waive attorney-client privilege for conversations between earlier CEOs and their counsel. The privilege belongs to the organization, not the human.
Ilya is a Democrat Party attack running dog. Dismissed.
Jason. I know you have strong emotions about Trump. He is a threat to the Democrat rent seeker and to your tax sucking parasite living. Aren't you a lawyer? Just that fact means, dismissed. Nothing you say has the slightest validity outside of rent seeking and some men with guns. You are the Mafia, except 1000 times more toxic.
Was Trump President? Did he get private advice? It was privileged. That is just plain English. It is derived from the constitution's imparting supremacy to each branch in its area of governmental function. Derived means, based on lawyer feelings, biases, whims.
You are a partisan denier, as are the hate and fear filled, big government, Ivy indoctrinated Swamp creatures on the DC federal bench, including the scumbags on the Supreme Court.
David, just curious... what is your profession or line of work?
It is derived from the constitution's imparting supremacy to each branch in its area of governmental function.
No. Each branch has very few powers where they are "supreme". There are "checks and balances" between the branches in many ways. This kind of strong form of executive privilege that you seem to advocate (when it is a Republican President, at least) is as ahistorical as the "independent legislature" theory.
The "letter" is hilarious though. He is embarrassment proof, at least internally.
Doug. You are not understanding half the nation. You look down on them. They are the half that is rich, productive and good looking. Democrats as as a group are ugly. Check that.
Not "Good luck in all your future endeavors." lol
What a jackass.
Doug: "He is embarrassment proof, at least internally." Internally maybe, but my god what an embarrassment to us on the world stage.
Because drooling Joe has been so great? You're delusional if you think the corrupt, senile pedo in office now has done anything but turn world opinion against the US.
You're the one who's delusion. Only one president in recent memory turned world opinion agains the U.S. As bad as GW Bush was, even he maintained a positive net approval of the US. Trump ruined US standing as he ruins everything he touches. (Under Trump, the US fell behind not only Germany, but also Russia....Russia!, in global leadership rating.) The election of Biden (or maybe just ditching Trump) has improved US standing in the world.
All probably wasted on you, because when you start throwing around the "pedo" slur, it marks you as an unserious troll.
Fuck the (rest of the) world.
Common sense suggests that former presidents, and former losing candidates for that matter, should be granted respect for privacy, so long as they aren't assembling some kind of armed coup, or actively involved in some crime.
That's just one of the differences between the USA and South America.
In addition to your (a) armed coup or (b) active crime exceptions, I'd add a third: (c) when it is reasonable or likely or certain that this person will run for an elected office again in the future.
We don't want our govt targeting politicians for obvious and good reasons. But, we similarly should not let criminal politicians get away with their crimes, if there is any likelihood of that person being elected in the future.
If Garland abdicates his responsibilities and gives Trump a pass under, "We just don't prosecute former presidents," then that's a hundred times more shameful, and more harmful, than the bad effects that will or might result from a prosecution. (It's my sense that a Garland [ie, federal] prosecution will have fewer downsides if--as everyone in America expects--there are state prosecutions from Georgia, New York, etc, as well that are going on.)
What the hell ever happened to the tax fraud case, by the way? Oh, and a huge advantage (to Trump and to Trump supporters/opponents) of doing prosecutions is that it gives Trump the chance to publicly clear his name. Not Guilty verdicts would go a long way to rehabilitating his reputation.
But, we similarly should not let criminal politicians get away with their crimes, if there is any likelihood of that person being elected in the future.
So Hillary should have been prosecuted for her obvious crime of failing to protect secret information?
Trump did not prosecute her, despite a far more clear cut case than any against Trump.
1. If Hillary were guilty of a crime, then I'd have no problem with her being prosecuted. But I think that "clear-cut" does not mean what you think it means.
2. During the 2016 campaign, Trump talked HUNDREDS of times about prosecuting Hillary after the election. "And there were *thousands* of chants of "Lock her Up." And yet (as you note), Trump never prosecuted her after he was elected. Now, this could mean (a) that Trump was lying to you, his loyal voter, all that time, re his promise to have the Justice Dept prosecute her. Not sure how that would make you feel, if accurate. Or, it could mean (b) that, during the campaign, Trump repeated a truthful plan of his to prosecute her. But, after becoming president and after assessing all the evidence...his Justice Dept concluded that there was not enough evidence to convince any reasonable juror of her guilt. I think that this is the most likely choice, and obviously cuts against your theory of "clearly guilty." I guess there is also alternative (c): That he meant his promise to prosecute, his Justice Dept recommended prosecution, but that some advisor(s) said, "Politically, it's a bad look for you to prosecute. It will hurt you in the polls." And then, Trump, being a spineless politician who has no problem lying, went along with his advisors, ignored the Justice Dept, and went for the gutless move, rather than having the integrity to follow through on his campaign's repeated (and repeated and repeated) promise to Lock. Her. Up.
I'm not seeing how Trump comes off looking good in any version.
If Hillary were guilty of a crime, then I'd have no problem with her being prosecuted. But I think that "clear-cut" does not mean what you think it means.
Clear cut: Hillary copied classified data from a classified context into an unclassified context.
That's a criminal offense. Ignorance etc are explicitly non-defenses.
We've yet to see what, if any, case will be put forward against Trump.
Six years and counting, and the gotcha is always coming next week.
Dude's been investigated more intensely than any non-criminal in America, with nothing important showing up.
But they can't believe that, on account of interpreting everything through a "Trump is guilty!" filter. If he said "Excuse me, I need to take a dump." they'd hear him confessing that he was going to steal somebody else's.
The criminal offense would be if she transferred classified material to people that did not have authority to handle that material and there is no indication she ever did that. Material she passed was to her staff. Nor were there ever any finding that material was hacked from her server. As Comey noted what she did was unethical but not criminal.
The criminal offense would be if she transferred classified material to people that did not have authority to handle that material and there is no indication she ever did that.
Hillary's private server was accessible without regard to security clearance, and accessed by people without security clearance. She knew this when she copied the classified information. End.
You're wrong on multiple counts.
First of all, the criminal offense is taking the risk of it ending up in the wrong hands. It doesn't have to actually end up in them for you to be guilty, being careless is the actual offense.
Second, she did in fact arrange for people without clearances to be exposed to classified information; According Comey himself. He just couldn't prove they'd used the access to read it.
Third, what the authorities actually found was that her computer security was so freaking bad that it wouldn't have left any trace if people had hacked into it.
And finally, what Comey said was that her behavior wouldn't be prosecuted, not that it wasn't criminal.
You've outed yourself as incredibly ignorant. Trump doesn't get to make prosecutorial decisions in our system. Yes, he can hire and fire the AG, but there is long-standing respect for the independent prosecutorial discretion of the AG. Moreover, any decision by Trump to prosecute his political opponent is obviously rife with conflicts of interest. It would be supremely bad government for a U.S. President to direct the AG to prosecute his political enemy.
"a far more clear cut case than any against Trump"
We've yet to see what, if any, case will be put forward against Trump. Having not seen DOJ's evidence, you've outed yourself as a partisan hack by claiming to know they don't have clear cut evidence of a crime (in addition to the fact that the investigation isn't over).
Be a better person.
You've outed yourself as incredibly ignorant. Trump doesn't get to make prosecutorial decisions in our system. Yes, he can hire and fire the AG, but there is long-standing respect for the independent prosecutorial discretion of the AG.
Sure. You really think that's how it works? You think Garland is independent of Biden these days? When it comes to this kind of monumental decision, they both participate. If the president wants the past opponent prosecuted, and there is a legitimate crime to prosecute, the AG will get along with the prosecuting.
On the other hand, if the president says "give some respect", then there will be no prosecution.
Sure. You really think that's how it works? You think Garland is independent of Biden these days? When it comes to this kind of monumental decision, they both participate. If the president wants the past opponent prosecuted, and there is a legitimate crime to prosecute, the AG will get along with the prosecuting.
The important point in your description of how you believe this works is "If . . . there is a legitimate crime to prosecute . . ." That's the nub and that's a determination that DOJ makes without the President's interference. After that, all what you say amounts to is that if the President directs them not to prosecute, then they won't. Sure. I don't disagree that a President (and this President in particular) might weigh in on whether to forgo prosecution in a politically fraught environment, if DOJ has independently determined that there is a sufficient evidence of a crime to warrant a prosecution. But that is far different than ordering a prosecution.
Which is what you implied Trump could (but didn't) do with respect to Hillary. That isn't how it works. The President can use his power for leniency, but he can't "prosecute" anyone if DOJ hasn't independently determined there is sufficient evidence of a crime to warrant prosecution. The President does not make prosecutorial decisions (or shouldn't and no AG should go along with any such order, and very likely wouldn't).
It would be supremely bad government for a U.S. President to direct the AG to prosecute his political enemy.
Like the President condemning Mounted Border Patrol agents? And the then using administrative rules to punish them.
Or Mayby firing a General, because he hurt your wifes feelings?
"Like the President condemning Mounted Border Patrol agents? And the then using administrative rules to punish them."
Condemning with words is not the same as subjecting to a criminal prosecution. Yes, the President may criticize other members of the government, particularly including people who work for him.
Employees are subject to discipline if they violate the standards of conduct for their position. That process is underway with respect to Border Patrol agents alleged to have used unnecessary force. Again, not a criminal prosecution. You cannot hold a President responsible for the conduct of executive branch employees but also prevent him from either criticizing them or proposing discipline for violating standards of conduct (and they have plenty of procedural protections to assert they didn't commit the violation).
"Or Mayby firing a General, because he hurt your wifes feelings?"
I am not aware any general got "fired". There is a recent story about a retired general was suspended due to political comments. I don't see any indication Biden had anything to do with it. The matter is pending and not sure what his contract with the Army required. If he was active duty, his statements would be a violation of the prohibition on active military making such statements (except in very proscribed circumstances). I assume whether his suspension stands will be determined based on his contract, to include whether it required him to adhere to the same or similar standards of conduct as active military.
Again, not a criminal prosecution. Let go your pearls.
You've outed yourself as incredibly ignorant.
you've outed yourself as a partisan hack
So then you two have a great deal in common.
Uh, there was no tax fraud. And never was.
You seem awfully confident that ex-Presidents can't assert executive privilege over matters that occurred while they were President. I take it there's substantial precedent on the question?
The current President is the executive, Brett. Privilege is not Trump's to waive. That decision is no longer his.
If what you are saying is true Biden should be afraid, very afraid.
Oh, I absolutely agree that Trump has no authority to assert executive privilege over anything that happened after January 20th, 2021. I think whether his ability to assert executive privilege over events that happened while he was still the Executive, is still up in the air.
No, Trump's ability to assert executive privilege over events that happened while he was still the Executive, is not "still up in the air"
Under current precedent, a former president has no ability to assert executive privilege. As in none, zero, zip, nada, bupkis. Capice?
Of course, with the current composition of the Supreme court, who seem to have no respect for law, precedent, logic, facts, evidence, and reason, all bets are off.
You may be right.
So, what's the relevant precedent, then?
No precedent because with the exception of former President Trump, there has been no issue of criminal behavior. Maybe with Nixon but most of that came out before he left office through other routes.
No precedent
Then your response should have been directly to ah....Clem to tell him that his...
"Under current precedent..."
...claim was bullshit.
This is an outright imagining pulled out of whole cloth, so you can git 'im!
Now he may deserve to be git, but stomping all over norms is unseemly misuse of government power to git opponents
Which part of the phrase “executive privilege” suggests to you that it is not reserved to the Executive?
Norms are not being violated. Trump is no longer the person who decides what the Executive branch keeps secret.
“I take it there's substantial precedent on the question?”
Brett thinks he has a bone here but it’s just another one of those white dog turds he’s always playing with.
Turnip never invoked EP. Bannon hasn’t been a government employee since 2017. And even his own attorney has admitted that much of the testimony and documents sought by the committee could not possibly be privileged.
No surprise - the J6 committee doesn’t really have legal subpoena power, since it violated House rules by for example, not giving the minority the power to appoint members to it. They were all, Democrats, and two Republicans, picked by Speaker Pelosi. Bo surprise, either, that the DC courts ignored this, essentially rubber stamping the subpoenas by her hand picked, highly partisan, committee.
In other words, actual courts said that your opinion is that of a fucking clown?
Your opinion is that of a fucking clown!
Nice comeback, Frank. With all the subtlety and persuasive power of a nursery school recess argument between two kids.
That's what's called for sometimes, I was responding, not initiating.
Jason. Try to calm down and to be more lawyerly.
Has George W Bush issued a statement about Dobbs?? You people are like Urkel with Bush/Cheney…did I do that?? Except you didn’t break a vase, you “elected” a man that spent $5 trillion slaughtering innocent Muslims while killing more Americans than Osama Bin Laden all the while selling us out to China!!
No House rules were violated. There is no minority power requirement on ad-hoc committees.
I do like how you're like 'I'm right on the law, and the courts are wrong, so this power is illegitimate.'
Bruce, your hot take and 8 bucks will get you a cup of coffee.
Somin seems to be taking the same position as Chief Judge Sirivasan on the emoluments case discussed a few posts down. It is so because I say it is so.
Trump and Bannon decide to cooperate with this sham "get Trump!" committee, and Somin, naturally attacks Trump for it.
The purpose of executive privilege is to facilitate presidential advisers' giving candid advice to the President. To claim it does not survive after a presidential term ends is like claiming attorney-client privilege ends once a court case is concluded.
Completely correct. Too bad "Professor" Somin has Trump Derangement Syndrome and can't understand these basic points.
FD, nobody claims the privilege doesn't survive. It survives, but it belongs to the office not the individual.
That seems rather a semantic quibble. If a privilege protects you one day, but not the next day, to say it has "survived" to protect someone else, particularly someone invested in your downfall, makes it a rather hollow "privilege".
Not really. When you represent a corporation, the attorney-client privilege is owned by the corporation, not the officers. If a new management comes in (e.g., through hostile takeover or bankruptcy), then the new management can waive the privilege, and the old management has nothing to say about it. Sometimes to their great chagrin, if they were raiding the company.
That seems to be the paradigm here, but I am not completely sanguine with the comparison. The presidency is an elected position by an individual. To say that the privilege is owned by the United State is clearly wrong, as Congress, which is also part of the United States, or the federal courts, which are also part of the United States, cannot invade it. So you are left with saying that the Executive Branch owns it. I don't think that each it is so obvious that the Executive Branch has continuity like a corporation is necessarily correct.
"When you represent a corporation, the attorney-client privilege is owned by the corporation, not the officers."
Shockingly, the President of the United States is not a corporation. He is a natural person over the age of 35 and (except in the case of Barack Obama) a natural born citizen of the United States.
Brett bellmore, is that you??? Birthers never say die!
You didn't read what you responded to. The privilege doesn't protect you, one day, the next day, or ever. It protects the office. The next day, it still protects the office.
We've discussed this before: a CEO's legal conversations with his company's counsel are of course protected by attorney-client privilege. When the CEO steps down, the privilege doesn't evaporate; those earlier conversations are still privileged. But the privilege belongs to the company, not the first CEO, and therefore the new CEO decides whether to assert it or not. The first CEO has exactly zero say in the matter.
Except Executive Privilege is not the same thing as attorney client privilege. Try again.
This isn't that hard. It's not a personal privilege.
I do understand the point, but I am not sure the analogy to a corporation is the correct one. The president is an elected office, and one could argue that each Administration is a separate entity. Under Rule 501, it's ultimately a matter of policy.
BTW, I don't understand the point that Bannon was not a federal employee. So what? The president can't seek advice from outside experts (granted, in Bannon's case "expert" is a misnomer)? Why should executive privilege require that the person be a federal employee at the time?
David. Cool comment, bro. You make shit up and spew ipse dixits. Love it.
I don't accept your analogy to a corporation.
To understand a legal privilege, you must understand the reason why the privilege exists, and executive privilege exists to protect the rights of advisors to give candid, unfettered advice to the President. The necessity for that should be obvious.
In May 1951, Gen. Omar Bradley was testifying before the Senate Armed Service Committee about events surrounding President Truman's dismissal of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Bradley refused to answer questions about his private conversations with Truman regarding the matter. Some Senators wanted to demand disclosure, but the Committee voted 18-8 in favor of Bradley's right not to disclose the content of those conversations.
Twenty-two months later Truman would be out of office. Would Bradley have had to disclose those conversations then? Would the interests in keeping them secret have fundamentally changed? It would be nonsensical to say he had a right to keep his private advice confidential during the President's term, but not after it. It would eviscerate the very purpose of the privilege, to facilitate the offering of candid advice to the President.
None of this matters. All is secondary to using the power of government to get a policital enemy.
And what goes around comes around. But that's for future generations to worry about. We need to knock him out of this race so our guys can win and our gravy train continue as our spouses investment IQs, already in the psychic genius range, increase still further.
No, if the privilege existed to protect advisors then the advisors would be the ones asserting or waiving it. The privilege exists to protect the President's ability to receive frank counsel from his advisors, and the President is the one who decides whether to assert or waive it in a particular instance.
That logic also explains why the current President has ultimate control over the decision. A former President may tentatively assert the privilege with respect to communications when he was in office, but the current President gets the last word because it is his privilege and his right to counsel that are at stake.
It might be a mistake for a President to waive privilege for the communications of a previous President, in case future advisors are discouraged from being forthright. Even if it were, that in itself isn't reason the courts should get involved, the Constitution gives the elected branches plenty of opportunities to make mistakes. But maybe that outcome isn't a mistake when traded off against the good that can come from exposing bad acts that the privilege was never intended to hide. If future Presidents and advisors are discouraged from acting corruptly because they can't count on omerta, maybe that isn't a bad thing.
It was the advisor (Bannon) asserting the privilege in this case, as it was in the Bradley case. Akin to the attorney-client privilege, which exists chiefly to protect the client, but protects the attorney as well. While only the client can waive the privilege, an attorney should assert it if, for example, asked by a court about a communication with the client. The client could, of course, waive the privilege and allow the attorney to testify, but the attorney cannot waive it.
One could describe "executive privilege" as advisor-President privilege, roughly equivalent to attorney-client privilege, with the President as the "client" and the advisor as "attorney".
If you're going to argue that executive privilege does not exist for a former President, you might as well argue that it doesn't exist at all, because, as in the Bradley case, the asserted interests do not disappear when a President's term ends. Many, of course, have made just that argument, like Raoul Berger in his Executive Privilege: A Constitutional Myth (1974).
Bannon can say whatever he wants, but he can't assert provide - it doesn't protect him.
One could describe "executive privilege" as advisor-President privilege, roughly equivalent to attorney-client privilege, with the President as the "client" and the advisor as "attorney".
Attorney-client priv *cannot* be waived by the attorney.
The interests continue, but the person deciding how to weigh those interests has changed.
Imagine a President considering whether to remove a general commanding troops in combat operations overseas. To this end, he solicits the advice of some of the general's colleagues and subordinates. Perhaps one or more of the subordinates suggest that he is a terrible general, is making terrible decisions, and should be removed for such-and-such reasons. Perhaps the President decides to relieve the general or perhaps he decides to retain him.
Now, imagine after that President's term ends, these subordinates are called by a congressional committee to reveal what advice they had given the President. Can you not see the importance of allowing them to keep their counsel confidential? Can you not see the potential tremendous consequences of advisors' not being able to give candid advice, free from possible future recriminations, to the President, even after that President has left office?
And the current President in your hypo likely would want to protect the confidentiality of those deliberations, so would assert the privilege. The current President would want the same sort of advice and would likely want to avoid the consequences you identify.
Nobody is saying the privilege (assuming it exists) vanishes. The question is who holds it. The answer is the current President.
Well put post. Well written too.
This blog has become an embarrassment. If a law student turned this in as part of a Con Law exam, I'd give them an F. Entirely devoid of cogent analysis.
Actual quality analysis goes as follows:
1. American courts, and all common law courts, have a proper role in fashioning privileges of all kinds.
2. Executive privilege is a court-created privilege. It's application to former POTUSes (POTII?) is for all practical purposes a question of first impression, because Donald Trump is the first POTUS to have caused to much butthurt to the opposition that they literally still want to hang him after his term has ended.
3. Whether or not Trump retains executive privilege as to matters occurring during his time in office is a "You show me the judge, I'll show you the law" kind of question, and the only judges whose opinions ultimately matter are on SCOTUS.
4. Accordingly, no one currently has any idea whether Trump and Bannon can assert executive privilege. The smart thing to do is assert it until SCOTUS says not to, except where doing so would cause more political harm than good.
That's what this article should say. But it was written by a hack, and so does not. Sad. Many such cases.
If a law student turned this in as part of a Con Law exam, I'd give them an F. Entirely devoid of cogent analysis.
So you are a Con Law professor?
lol, clearly not.
In fact, given the writing style, there's a non-zero chance it was written by one of Trump's sons.
But Ginny, you are confused. It was Trump supporters who literally wanted to hang Mike Pence. No one has literally called for hanging Trump.
Seriously, you can't be stupid enough to claim that "No one has literally called for X", for basically any X, right?
No one of consequence, Brett. That someone, somewhere may have said hang Trump is meaningless. As you say, someone somewhere has said nearly anything. But Trump supporters chanted hang Mike Pence while storming the Capitol. It has been testified to under oath that Trump himself said the chants were "deserved."
Now, while it is possible someone somewhere said hang Donald Trump, only somebody really stupid would misunderstand my comment in context. Ginny, after all, identified "the opposition" as wanting to hang Trump. Any reasonable interpretation of her comment and mine limits the universe of speakers to people in the opposition which implies some level of power and authority or at least notoriety.
So no, I'm not that stupid. It would appear you might be, though.
Let us grant that. Now, about stomping norms to get political enemies...
So you have no actual critiques of anything I wrote other than "the writing style." I weep for your clients. Their lawyer is an idiot.
I obviously did critique one of your points. So you get an F.
And your point 4 is trash. Bannon cannot assert executive privilege. Full stop. There is no question of that. Unless you mean, he can say the words. Sure. But he has no power to assert executive privilege.
But you aren't a lawyer or a professor, so it's understandable you probably don't even comprehend why that's such a clear cut fact.
No one cares about your tears. They like winning their cases.
"Bannon cannot assert executive privilege. Full stop."
So if you got a subpoena for attorney-client privileged info, you'd turn it over on the grounds that the privilege isn't yours to assert, but the clients? I weep for anyone dumb enough to hire you as a lawyer.
Bannon, like a lawyer, is a fiduciary of his client, President Trump. He has standing to assert all privileges Trump could until Trump tells him not to. Bannon is actually duty bound to do so, but I wouldn't expect you to understand why.
Whatever ambulance chasing you do must not involve any issues of privilege or confidentiality, because you clearly have no idea how such objections are made in the real world. I hope no doctor or lawyer or trade secret holder or financial fiduciary ever believes you on such matters, or else you'll end up on the wrong end of a malpractice action.
Even if Bannon did have a fiduciary relationship with Trump, that would impose a duty not grant an authority.
As your chosen screen name indicates, you aren't a serious person:
"So if you got a subpoena for attorney-client privileged info, you'd turn it over on the grounds that the privilege isn't yours to assert, but the clients? I weep for anyone dumb enough to hire you as a lawyer."
So you supply answers to your own questions and then excoriate me for the answers you came up with? You're a clown.
Not that it matters, but I have raised and won privilege claims. You can go back to angrily surfing the web.
Does the constitution grant supremacy to each branch over its area of responsibility? Is privilege inherent in that supremacy? Would breach of privilege by another branch endanger the separation of powers? Is the Bill of Rights the source of the little freedom we have or is the separation of powers?
Why is this hard?
This post is not well thought out. The stuff about ex presidents keeping control of federal agencies is irrational and not at all analogous. Here are better analogs:
Does spousal privilege survive as to things that happened during the marriage if the couple divorced?
If a lawyer is removed/quits as to representing someone does attorney client privilege still apply to conversations during the period of representation?
Does pastor/congregant privilege survive if either the priest or the congregate leave the church?
Does doctor/patient privilege survive if I change doctors?
The answer to these questions is clearly yes. The same logic applies to executive privilege. If it terminates after the presidency ends it might as well have never existed.
I'm never sure what the courts will decide, but the above seems sensible to me as a matter of policy. I'm also not excited about congressional or legal witch hunts of ex-elected officials. It invites more of the same in the future. But if Trump (who I'm no fan of) committed crimes which normal people would be indicted for, so be it, let him be charged. And regardless I hope the next election has neither Trump nor Biden running. My hopes are often not met alas.
HIPAA applies after death.
As has been pointed out, the issue isn't whether the privilege survives. The question is who holds it.
"If a lawyer is removed/quits as to representing someone does attorney client privilege still apply to conversations during the period of representation?"
If the client was a corporation and the conversation was with the CEO, but the CEO leaves, the privilege survives, but the corporation holds the privilege and can waive it or assert it. The former CEO has no say in the matter. Likewise, a former President has no say in waiving or asserting executive privilege, because it's not his personal privilege. It belongs to the Office, not the individual.
(And this is all assuming executive privilege, a thing not stated in the Constitution and we know how the current SC feels about such things (see Dobbs), is an actual thing at all.)
The reasons to grant executive privilege, though, counsel against having it reside in an elected office -- this administration is clearly willing to break with precedent and decline to assert privilege of a past administration's decisions on a partisan basis. That will lead to future reprisals and a general corrosion of the entire privilege.
Maybe pruning or removal of the privilege is a good thing overall, but partisan corrosion of it seems likely to be a net negative.
Michael P,
You say: "this administration is clearly willing to break with precedent and decline to assert privilege of a past administration's decisions on a partisan basis."
Are you aware that Ronald Reagan waived executive privilege in the Iran-Contra investigation? There is a prior example of a sitting President waiving executive privilege where asserting it might stymy investigation into possible criminal conduct or other governmental misconduct. That bar is pretty clearly met here, given at least some people have been convicted of obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress. The White House, as an institution, has an interest in being transparent with the public much like in the Iran-Contra investigation.
This seems to fit with precedent, rather than depart. It's Trump's assertion which is novel and could result in erosion of the privilege. Bad cases make bad law and Trump's desperate attempt to shield his and his sycophant's actions is unlikely to garner the symptathy of a judge. He should be more like Reagan. But that was always one of his bigger lies. He has all of Reagan's worst qualities, none of his better ones.
Who can waive the privilege against defamation lawsuits held by congressmen? If Liz Cheney loses to a MAGA candidate, can that person waive the defamation privilege held by "Wyoming At Large" so that Trump can sue Liz Cheney for defamation based on things she said on the House floor?
That's not a privilege, it's an immunity.
Guess what? They're the same thing.
No. They aren't. Immunity from suit and a privilege to protect records/testimony from discovery and production at trial are conceptually and legally distinct issues.
You're really bad at this.
This is not meant to be a comment on the extent of Executive Privilege, but as an Evidence law nerd, I will note that there are two distinct types of spousal privileges, and one survives the end of the marriage but the other does not.
As someone who has actually practiced law, this depends on the jurisdiction. There is no standard way of handling marital privilege.
What Privilege did Eric Holder claim when he refused to comply with a subpoena from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in 2014???
I mean besides "Black Privilege"
The real question is how foot voting affects ex-presidential privilege.
Or maybe why executive not existing after the presidency means we need to have more permissive immigration rules.
executive privilege. Sigh, please give us an edit comment function for Christmas...
Ex-executive privilege is a cruel policy that unfairly targets vulnerable immigrants just trying to seek a better life.
Hmm, possible Ilya sock puppet detected 🙂
Really Looking forward to the Hunter Biden testimony in next year's Repubiclown version of the "January 6th" Committee,
You know that Crackhead will turn on Sleepy Joe faster than he (redacted) his Dead Brother's wife....(even for me, that's a little sick)
Frank "Dont (redacted) your dead brother's wife, BJ? OK, but don't (redacted) her"
Frankie. Helping the sister in law is from the Bible.
Somin cites the D.C. Circuit opinion in Trump v. Thompson for authority for the proposition that executive privilege does not survive the end of a presidency, but fails to note that in the very same case, on Trump's motion for a stay, the Supreme Court essentially vitiated that argument.
To do something like that on a law exam would get you an F. To do so in a legal brief would constitute a breach of ethics and would be grounds for discipline.
SCOTUS, intelligently, anticipates the shoe being on the other foot, and leaves the Court of Appeals an opening to allow a D ex-president to claim privilege. Especially in regards to one AG Holder, methinks.
You are absolutely correct, though I doubt it has much to do with Holder.
It is yet another example of the judiciary beclowning itself with "Trump law", precedents which will only apply to Trump, not to future presidents (or ex-Presidents), not to REAL presidents. We wouldn't want future Congresses and hostile states running lawfare and harassment campaigns against future presidents, but as for Trump, screw him.
It was a curious statement by the Court: yeah, so we're kinda, sorta vacating PART of your opinion. I don't recall anything quite like it.
Man, you must have hated "Bush v Gore," where the Sup. Ct--after gift-wrapping the presidency and handing it to Bush--made a point of emphasizing, "Hey, everyone; you can't use our ruling as precedent going forward."
These statements by the Supreme Court that this controversial decision with poor reasoning only applies to this case (Bush v. Gore; Dobbs) are incredibly embarrassing. That's just not how law works. And it positively reeks of insecurity about the reasoning of the decision.
Man, what a bunch of insurrectionists you all are, trying to overturn certified election results.
What a weird non sequitur. I've never questioned the legitimacy of George W. Bush's election in 2000 and never claimed the 2000 election was in any way illegitimate. It's both possible to criticize the reasoning of a Supreme Court decision and think the ultimate result turned out not to have practical consequences in that case.
Shorter: Stop projecting. Just because you lack the integrity to acknowledge when elections don't go your way, not all of us suffer from that deficiency in character.
And just for giggles: You think it is fine for the Supreme Court to purport to set forth a rule of law for one case only and no other?
Or were you just trolling again?
I think you need to read the decision in Bush v. Gore again, because what the Court said was only good for that decision was the analysis of the underlying facts, not the questions of law.
One hopes that neither Florida not any other state will violate equal protection in a similar way in the future -- but you can bet that decision would be cited as precedent if they did.
But you knew that.
You're wrong about Bush v. Gore:
The recount process, in its features here described, is inconsistent with the minimum procedures necessary to protect the fundamental right of each voter in the special instance of a statewide recount under the authority of a single state judicial officer. Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances, for the problem of equal protection in election processes generally presents many complexities.
No limitation to questions of fact.
OK let’s do lawyers, doctors, and psychiatrists next. As soon as a client ends their relationship then privilege no longer exists.
Sure. Attorney-client privilege is a real thing, when the individual is the client. But the president is not the client of the AG oe the DOJ , the US government is the client. There is no attorney-client privilege for discussions between the president and the various attorneys who work for "the people". The president's personal attorney, yes. But not the DOJ.
The president's personal physician is bound by HIPPA and other constraints, likewise it would be inappropriate for any therapist *hired in a therapist-client relationship* to violate confidentiality.
The privilege doesn't belong to the doctors or lawyers. It belongs to the client, who can waive it.
Executive privilege belongs to the office of the President, not the individual. The privilege is still their but can only be asserted by the currently sitting President. In all of our history President's have asserted it for the predecessors precicesly so they don't have it happen to them, but it is the President's determination of what it best.
"Executive privilege belongs to the office of the President, not the individual."
Citation needed.
The analogies between executive privilege and other forms of privilege fail because the former adheres to the office, not to the individual.
That's merely a conclusory statement.
Whether a former president can claim executive privilege remains an open question. The D.C. Circuit, in the opinion cited by Somin, said an ex-president could not claim it, but the Supreme Court said that was nonbinding dicta. So, the question remains unresolved.
In my opinion, to deny a former President the privilege undercuts the very purpose of the privilege, which is to facilitate and protect open, candid communication between a President and his advisors. Advisors should not have to fear subpoenas from a future, opposition administration.
I suspect if a future Republican Congress starts coming after advisors of a former President Biden, many will adjust their views on executive privilege accordingly, but, I assure you, I will not.
If an ex-President can assert it then he would also be able to assert it against the current President learning the discussions. That completely flies in the face of what everyone acknowledges which is that anything the executive department knows the current President can demand to be told about.
You realize that "executive privilege" is one of those 'implied' things, so there's no text to anchor it, right? So there's nothing preventing it from evolving to have useful exceptions.
Sounds like something which doesn’t exist in the literal Constitution.
Odd that your perspective on it is so wildly different than abortion.
Has anybody asked my opinion whether executive privilege should be a thing? All I've asserted here is that Trump no longer being in a position to assert it is far from as clear cut as Somin makes it out to be.
I don't think anything in the Constitution even suggests that Presidents have any special privileges or immunities. On the contrary, Congress has very limited immunity to legal proceedings, and that was explicitly granted, which tells me the authors knew how to award immunities if they so intended.
I'm personally kind of tired of Presidents being treated like royalty, I think it's been taken so far it arguably implicates the title of nobility clause.
But, whether or not I think it should be, Executive privilege is an established thing, and that ex-Presidents aren't entitled to assert it in regards to events that took place while they WERE President... isn't established.
Then there’s no purpose in the privilege. The purpose of any privilege is to encourage communication. Any privilege that expires as to an individual doesn’t accomplish that goal.
The office doesn’t need privilege because it’s not communicating with anyone.
Nonsense. If I'm president, I want to encourage open dialogue with me, so that--WHILE I AM PRESIDENT--I can make well-informed decisions. I want people to be able to speak freely with me, to help me end up making good decisions. I think that is why America allows the assertion of Ex. Priv. It helps ensure that my advisors feel as free as possible to be honest with me while I am president.
But, once I no longer am president and no longer have the official need for super-honest advice and counsel; it seems really weak to argue, "Well, people advising the past president might now be embarrassed by disclosing past conversations." Yeah, some people might be embarrassed, but so what? (Maybe it's not a bad thing that advisors know that, if their advice is *really* out of the mainstream, or if it's criminal, it might come out, once that president leaves office?)
I'll also make the obvious point that, typically, current presidents don't expose embarrassing details about past presidents. Not b/c there is any legal duty, but because it's unseemly. Biden undoubtedly has a crapload of embarrassing info on Trump (and Trump's advisors) that he [has] never released during his almost two years in office. Trump certainly had tons of embarrassing info on Obama and Obama's advisors that Trump never released. Same with Obama not going out of his way to embarrass Bush et al.
I have the sense that most people posting here didn't live through Watergate . . . the notion that it's okay to cover up criminal behavior in the White House under the legal fig leaf of Ex Priv is deeply un-American to me. (I have no problem with President Rubio going after Hunter Biden in 2026...especially if bad actions can be tied to the White House while Joe Biden was president.)
Sorry, but I don’t think that’s right.
Hypothetical situation - I’m president and a situation comes up where we’re negotiating a “prisoner” exchange with Putin. I’ve got one person he wants. He offers me one in return. Only one. Problem is there are two American targets there - say one is an American soldier and one Is Brittany Griner. Whichever way I decide, I don’t want the deliberations we did to be able to be made public just because I’m not president any more.
It’s got to be that way. Otherwise communication is diminished. Or presidents completely stop keeping records - everything is destroyed at the end of the week and all of my handwritten notes are burned the day before I leave the White House. If my conversations can be used against me by a hostile successor, then we’ll just pretend there were none.
If my conversations can be used against me by a hostile successor, then we’ll just pretend there were none.
bevis — Which is equivalent, in terms of what the public may learn of its government, to unlimited executive privilege which outlasts a presidency. Of course, your conjecture about a bonfire of the records supposes a federal crime. What might a hostile successor make of that?
The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that there have been too few hostile successors—and way too little concern about them among sitting presidents.
That would, of course, be illegal.
And I'd like a pony. But who cares what you want? "Just because you're not president any more" makes you an ordinary citizen, no different than 329,999,999 other Americans. My temple's constitution makes the immediate past president of the congregation a member of the board of trustees. But the U.S. constitution does not have any similar provision for any such position as "former president" or "president emeritus" or anything like that. There is one president, in whom all executive power is vested.
That's actually more or less what happened back during the Clinton administration, you realize? They stopped keeping all sorts of records Presidents had formerly kept, and the ones that had been retained became much less extensive.
I think your hypothetical supports my position, rather than your own position. When you leave office and I come in; I can think of lots of reasons to continue your secrecy on this matter. We got Grimes home; now let's let the next president get the solider as well.
But that's a moral or political decision. Not a legal one. Under your theory, a former president can stifle a current president, which *can't* be correct, no? On the other hand; suppose I come in to office, look at what you did, and now conclude that it's actually going to help bring all this prisoners/hostages home if the information (that you wanted, and still want, kept private) is instead released to the public. Say, it will shame Russia into doing the right thing. It will get a 3rd country involved, which will grease the wheels. Or whatever. But you think you have the legal right to prevent me from trying this new negotiating strategy.
Or, as a new wrinkle on your hypo. You get Grimes released and are still working on getting the soldier released as I come into office. Some time later; there is now a report that you accepted a $1,000,000 bribe from Grimes' family/agent/whatevs. Congress, obviously, starts an investigation. My White House expresses its anger and shock as the alleged behavior and pledges to cooperate fully with Congress. I think you are arguing that you (the past president) can continue the bribe cover-up with a valid claim of Ex. Priv--a privilege that will successfully tie my hands and will continue to keep the truth from the American people and its representatives in Congress. Again, this can't be correct.
The future administration(s) will have access to their predecessors' papers because of record retention laws. The question of executive privilege is whether those can be disclosed (especially through compulsory process) to third parties.
And evidence of that hypothetical bribe wouldn't be covered by executive privilege. At most the privilege would cover whether someone remarked on the propriety of the bribe.
If my conversations can be used against me by a hostile successor, then we’ll just pretend there were none.
If your conversations can be used against you by a hostile successor, you're incentivized to make sure that there is no hostile successor.
And I was in high school during Watergate. Oh how my mother despised Nixon.
This discussion doesn’t apply to Watergate because Nixon was still president when he tried to use it.
Good people, those moms. I had one too. So did my wife. Yours explains why you grew up with good judgment. She isn't responsible for your occasional deviations, of course.
But, once I no longer am president and no longer have the official need for super-honest advice and counsel; it seems really weak to argue, "Well, people advising the past president might now be embarrassed by disclosing past conversations."
That's not quite the issue, though. The advice was accepted while the person was a sitting president. Now he has left. Why should the privilege evaporate? That's certainly not the case with attorney-client privilege, which survives the end of the representation, and even the death of the client. Swidler & Berlin v. United States, 524 U.S. 399 (1998)
But the client here hasn't died. The client here — the office of the president — is very much alive. And no longer wishes to assert the privilege. A living client has every right to waive privilege.
(By the way, Swidler & Berlin expressly rejected the parallel between executive privilege and A/C privilege on the grounds that the latter was an established common law privilege and the former wasn't.)
That's begging the question. One could as easily say that Exective Privilege is owned by the Administration, not the "Executive Branch" or the "Office of the Administration."
Under Rule 501, it's ultimately a matter of policy. As I said above, I am not convinced the better policy is to treat the Office of the Presidency the same as a corporation.
David and santamonica - I guess the gist of our disagreement comes down to the owner of the privilege. And I’m an engineer, not a lawyer, so my perspective tends to be more straightforward and I’m not as good at parsing commas as y’all are.
To me the claim that the privilege belongs to the Office is irrational. I see the distinction, but it’s as silly and nebulous as the fiction that allows civil asset forfeiture (the party is the seized property, not the owner). The Office doesn’t need privilege because the Office isn’t communicating with anyone (and the property doesn’t have 5A rights). In my hypothetical the Office didn’t discuss anything, didn’t decide anything, and can’t be embarrassed by future disclosure. Offices and property don’t have rights and privileges. They’re just things.
And what a can of worms your interpretation opens. Say what you will about Obama , but he did do some embarrassing stuff. The IRS mess, spying on reporters, etc. Trump could of just dumped all those records out there just for spite. Given Trump’s spiteful nature I’m surprised he didn’t. Why hasn’t every president thru history dumped all of his predecessor’s dirty laundry out to the public? Because they all want the privilege and don’t want it done to them.
Why hasn’t every president thru history dumped all of his predecessor’s dirty laundry out to the public? Because they all want the privilege and don’t want it done to them.
Respect for the office.
It plays a crucial role in our peaceful passage of power mechanism.
True,. But you're neglecting the double standard. It has been determined that Trump has no executive privilege. Not the office of the president.
IF a President DeSantis decided to disclose Obama's private communications within 10 seconds it would be stayed by an Obama judge. That's how they roll. For me not for thee.
Hypothetical hypocrisy is by far the most damming
I recall something about executive privilege being a constitutional myth.
Naturally, the duopoly parties disagree.
I didn't count, but I suspect that the majority of privileges and immunities are constitutional myths.
Hasn’t the Supreme Court rejected your argument that the former president can’t invoke executive privilege? As the DC Circuit put it: “in Nixon v. GSA, the Supreme Court held that former Presidents retain for some period of time a right to assert executive privilege over documents generated during their administrations.”
It did but it also noted that Nixon v GSA said 1) the privilege belongs to the office, not the individual and 2) the sitting President is in the best position to determine the need to disclose vs the need for privilege for strong communtication so if he doesn't support it that weighs heavily against the claim. In practice, no court has upheld a former President's claim of privilege against the waiver of the sitting President.
I am incluned to agree with Professor Somin on this one.
But in fairness, as Professor Somin notes, the DC Circuit never reached the question, holding that even if Ex-President Trump could still assert executive privelege, it wouldn’t apply to the matter before it and/or Congress’ claim would still win in any event.
So it appears the argument is still live and non-frivolous, and hence open to Mr. Trump to make.
But it's frivolous to make in this context, because conversations between Bannon and Trump (during this time period, long after Bannon's government position ended) wouldn't be covered by executive privilege in any case.
I heartily encourage all private conversations people in elected office have with private, non-office holders be scoured at will by people of the opposing party!
Can we get a feature where we can mute post authors in the same way that we can mute useless commenters?
I've been reading The Volokh Conspiracy for more than 15 years, and only now have I found a conspirator who couldn't possibly have something to say that I'm even remotely interested in. Prof. Somin used to be thought provoking, but now he's so overtaken with TDS that it seems unlikely he will ever recover.
While he is a bit one note, here you are commenting. You surely could notice the author and skip the article manually?
Prof. Somin used to be thought provoking, but now he's so overtaken with TDS that it seems unlikely he will ever recover.
And yet, he commands your attention much as Trump commands the attention of contemporary Democrats.
Somin doesn't command anyone's attention, except his poor students (who should ask for refunds). He does command my boredom, from time to time, when I've read everything at Instapundit and Ace.Mu.Nu and the Atlanta Braves fansites I frequent.
Figures a huckleberry would be a fan of those tomahawk chopping morons
Does "executive privilege" necessarily mean forcing someone else not to testify? Did Bannon claim that he was required not to appear for testimony, or just that he could assert privilege through the President as a reason not to discluss certain matters?
That's a generally true observation. Outside a criminal trial where the defendant need not testify, you generally have to appear and then refuse to answer specific questions. You can't assert privilege to "What's your name?"
Would actually like to watch Steve Bannon run rings around Uncle Remus, too bad his "Interview" is going to be behind closed doors, almost like they don't want us to see something...
Gloria Stivik Chaney should want us to see Bannon, finally someone with more ridiculous hair than hers....
Frank "Hair is wasted on the Hirsute"
Behind closed doors or not the material will be collected, transcribed and eventually released. I am suspicious of Mr. Bannon because he might make a bloviating opening remark and then just plead the fifth for the rest of the testimony. I like to see him in open testimony, but I also see him as a hostile witness.
Much like the woman in charge of the IRS during the scandal of investigations of Republican organizations did, even as her talking colleague heads asserted no wrongdoing.
Whoa, this analogy turned our more accurate than I'd hoped!
Then don't call him, I'd call Uncle Remus and his dwarves a Clown Show Circus, but I'd be insulting Uncle Remus, Dwarves, Clowns, and Circuses.
Perhaps the Emperor has been smoking the spice?
The Presidential club is very small and most Presidents support former Presidents. I don't believe most Presidents would turn over material to embarrass his predecessors. Former President Trump is trying to protect material that would implicate himself in a crime, not material that would embarrass him.
Note: Trump is incapable of being embarrassed.
"Repeat the Line"
The work of the Select Committee on January 6th has not been good for former President Trump, and I suspect the Steve Bannon testimony is an attempt to get a different headline in the news. Little more. There are really a lot more interesting people to testify.
"The work of the Select Committee on January 6th has not been good for former President Trump"
You've got to be joking. It hasn't hurt Trump one bit. It briefly made him look like an action hero until it turned out the girl who told the story of him commandeering the Presidential limo made it all up.
The only meaningful effect of the January 6th committee has been to fully destroy the tiny chance Liz Cheney had of still being a congressman after January of next year.
“Look like an action hero”
Lol, wut? You must watch some funny action movies
Except that Ms. Cassidy's testimony is holding up. Nobody has yet testified to contradict what she has said. Except that Trump is now mad at Kevin McCarthy for not appointing people to the committee. Trump is losing in polls to DeSantis. Everything is going the Select Committee way and not Trumps.
What's Trump's standard move in cases like this, try to grab the headlines. Frankly I don't think Steve Bannon has much to add.
How do you contradict Hearsay?
She did not give hearsay. That is already been debated and resolved.
"that is already been"????
So dat be meanin' I beez, wrong???
who debated and resolved this? Gloria Stivik-Chaney and the 7 Dwarfs????
If you looked at the comments after her testimony, there was a robust discussion of hearsay. The hearsay rules, first apply only in court, second are more complicated than people think, and there are numerous exceptions. There is nothing to suggest Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony is not truthful. And it appears to be holding up as no one has challenged it in sworn testimony.
"There is nothing to suggest Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony is not truthful."
The Secret Service agents say she's lying.
"And it appears to be holding up as no one has challenged it in sworn testimony."
The Committee refuses to hear testimony from anybody who would contradict it.
Why are you such a dishonest poster?
If someone wants to contradict it, they can come forwards, publicly or to the GOP who is sure to quickly make it public.
So far, no one has.
They have. The Secret Service advised the January 6th committee that the girl's testimony was false. Do you live in some kind of bubble where news doesn't exist?
The work of the Select Committee on January 6th has not been good for former President Trump
You really do not understand the Trump attraction.
On reflection I agree that Nixon v. GSA, which accepted Nixon’s claim to have standing to assert executive privelege, means that Supreme Court precedent accepts that a former president can assert executive privelege for what happened during his presidency. A former president has a more attenuated claim than a current president, but nonetheless still has a claim.
Nixon v. GSA would not, however, extend to anything that happened after the Presidency ended.
And I would repeat a criticism of Professor Somin I’ve given sometimes in the past. When Professor Somin disagrees with potentially on-point Supreme Court precedent, he should cite the precedent and explain why either he disagrees with it or he thinks it doesn’t apply. He shouldn’t simply assert that the Constitution says something when there is on-point Supreme Court precedent suggesting otherwise.
Lots of precedents have bit the dust of late, so precedent is not necessarily an obstacle to Professor Somin’s view prevailing. But it is a consideration that ought to be mentioned in an opinion by a law professor.
Here’s DOJs motion on this, worth a read if you’re not an unreachable:
“On June 29, 2022, former President Donald Trump’s attorney, who sent the letter on which the Defendant claimed his noncompliance was based, confirmed what his correspondence has already established: that the former President never invoked executive privilege over any particular information or materials; that the former President’s counsel never asked or was asked to attend the Defendant’s deposition before the Select Committee; that the Defendant’s attorney misrepresented to the Committee what the former President’s counsel had told the Defendant’s attorney; and that the former President’s counsel made clear to the Defendant’s attorney that the letter provided no basis for total noncompliance.“
This should be applauded right? Unlike Eric Holder.
I suspect the J6 kangaroos may not want Bannon to actually testify
I suspect that's why Bannon wants to testify - in "open court."
“Flood the zone with shit” is pretty transparently what he has in mind here
Would take a Friggin Tsunami of Shit with that Human Dung Pile of a Commitee...
LET STEVE SPEAK! LET STEVE SPEAK!! Just heard Trump's calling his supporters to march to the Capital!!!
Sorry, everytime I see Chairman Benny "and the Jets" Thompson I expect to hear "Zippity Doo Dah" playing...
Frank "Do Dah Bus Stop Here?"
The rule that executive privilege expires at termination of office would come as a surprise to pretty much every prior President of both parties. Prof Somin, you make that claim as an axiom but failed to substantiate it in your original post and provide no greater support for it now.
That is standard operating procedure for every law professor and legal commentator afflicted by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Their brains are broken. They can't do analysis anymore. All they can do is spit out claims without support and play the "It's so because I say it's so" game.
Very sad. A lot of respected legal minds have committed reputational suicide over the Bad Orange Man, including several at this very blog.
I don't think you're at all right about the expectations of Presidents as to executive priv.
Your own ignorance does not map onto everyone else.
So which Ex-President are you? Please tell us what your qualifications are that allow you to dispute that.