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Federal Jury Awards $59,000 in Takings Compensation to Property Owner Whose House was Severely Damaged by SWAT Team Pursuing a Suspect
The ruling authorizing the award is at odds with other federal court decisions holding that law-enforcement exercises of the "police power" are exempt from takings liability.

Yesterday, a federal court jury awarded Vicki Baker $59,656 in takings compensation because her house was severely damaged by a police SWAT team trying to apprehend a fugitive who had holed up inside. The April 29 federal district court ruling in Baker v. City of McKinney that made the jury verdict possible is potentially more significant than the verdict itself. I think the decision is correct. But it is at odds with several previous federal court decisions (in other circuits), which have held that property owners are not entitled to "just compensation" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment when police damage or destroy property in the course of law enforcement operations.
The Tenth Circuit's 2019 decision in Lech v. Jackson is a notable recent example of cases where courts have ruled that the "police power" exception to takings liability applies in these kinds of cases (I criticized Lech here). The facts of Lech were very similar to those of Baker. In both cases, police inflicted massive damage on an innocent owner's home in order to try to smoke out a fugitive. Fortunately, District Judge Amos Mazzant of the Eastern District of Texas wasn't bound by Lech, because his court is in the Fifth Circuit, not the Tenth. In a very thorough opinion, he explained why chose to rule a different way [I have not been able to find an open-access copy of Baker on the internet; but it is available on Westlaw and Lexis]. I don't agree with everything in his analysis. But he gets the bottom line right:
The Supreme Court has stated that a taking, within the meaning of the Takings Clause, includes any action the effect of which is to deprive the owner of all or most of his or her interest in the subject matter, such as destroying or damaging it….
[E]ven a minimal "permanent physical occupation of real property" requires compensation under the Takings Clause. Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corp., 458 U.S. 419, 427, 102 S.Ct. 3164, 73 L.Ed.2d 868 (1982). "When the government physically acquires private property for a public use, the Takings Clause imposes a clear and categorical obligation to provide the owner with just compensation." Cedar Point, 141 S. Ct. at 2071…. Examples of physical takings include formally condemning a property through the power of eminent domain, taking possession of property without acquiring title, or even by recurrent flooding as a result of building a dam…..These sorts of physical appropriations constitute the "clearest sort of taking…"
Ignoring this jurisprudence, the City asks the Court to adopt a new brightline rule: destruction resulting from a legitimate exercise of the City's police power does not constitute a taking under the Fifth Amendment…
The City relies on decisions from other circuits that have wholly banned recovery as a matter of law where the destruction of property was the result of a valid exercise of police power. See Lech v. Jackson, 791 Fed. App'x. 711 (10th Cir. 2019)… The most factually analogous to the case at bar is Lech….
Lech's decision rests on an untenable analysis of police power and eminent domain. The Tenth Circuit first held that in the police power context, there is no distinction between physical and regulatory takings, and any taking pursuant to a police power is categorically non-compensable. Id. at 717. Second, the Tenth Circuit decided that the destruction of the Lech's home was a valid exercise of the state's police power. Id. at 718–19. Accordingly, the Tenth Circuit denied the Lech's takings claim….
The Tenth Circuit characterized Mugler [v. Kansas (1887)] as the first time the Supreme Court acknowledged a "hard line between those actions the government performs pursuant to its power of eminent domain and those it performs pursuant to its police power … in the context of regulatory takings." Id…... But the Supreme Court made no such distinction. Indeed, the Lech court improperly extended the Supreme Court's purported holding in Mugler to physical takings cases, rather than treating physical takings differently than their regulatory counterparts….
This decision is prudent in the regulatory context where enactment of a rule or regulation by a state pursuant to its police powers is likely to have "tangential," "unanticipated," and unquantifiable effects on the private use of property. Tahoe-Sierra, 535 U.S. at 324, 122 S.Ct. 1465. Moreover, these unquantifiable effects can often be justified by pointing to the benefit to the public good…. That is not the case in the context of physical takings….. Physical invasions of property made pursuant to a state's police powers—Baker's case here—are "relatively rare, easily identified, and usually represent a greater affront to individual property rights," Tahoe-Sierra, 535 U.S. at 324, 122 S.Ct. 1465. These physical invasions represent such a greater affront to individual property rights—as compared to regulatory takings—because they often involve an "unoffending property [being] taken away from an innocent owner" with few easily identifiable benefits in return. Mugler, 123 U.S. at 669, 8 S.Ct. 273. In such cases, the property owner should be compensated for forfeiting the property for a public use…..
Judge Mazzant makes many additional points, including emphasizing that the rule advocated by the City would, if applied consistently, effectively gut the Takings Clause, because all sorts of government actions can potentially be construed as exercises of the police power, given how broadly the latter has been defined. I covered this point in my earlier critique of Lech:
The fact that the "police power" may have been involved does not normally immunize the government from takings liability. As the Lech decision notes, the police power extends to government actions "for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare." Modern jurisprudence defines these concepts very broadly. Yet, in many contexts, courts nonetheless routinely rule that takings have occurred even though the purpose of the law at issue was to protect health or safety. For example, in the classic 1922 case of Pennsylvania Coal v. Mahon, the Supreme Court ruled that a prohibition on mining can qualify as a taking, even though its purpose was to protect the safety of people and property on the surface. Similarly, environmental regulations can sometimes qualify as takings if they destroy enough of the value of a property, even though their purpose is often to promote health or safety…
Outside the context of law-enforcement operations, the fact that the government was trying to promote public safety does not create blanket immunity from having to compensate innocent owners whose property is taken or destroyed in the process. There is no good reason to exempt law-enforcement operations from takings liability of the same kind that applies to other government actions that might enhance public safety.
Indeed, as the Supreme Court recognized in the 2015 Horne case, the Takings Clause was inspired in the first place in part by revulsion at both British and American forces' seizure of property during the colonial era and the Revolutionary War. Many of these British actions were, of course, undertaken for the purpose of enforcing British law against recalcitrant colonists.
In December 2019, the US Court of Federal Claims ruled that the US Army Corps of Engineers was liable for a taking when it deliberately flooded numerous properties in Texas during Hurricane Harvey in order to prevent even worse flooding elsewhere. In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that the government could be liable for a taking when it inflicted recurrent flooding on property, even though the purpose of the flooding was to protect farm interests in the region. If the "police power" theory doesn't immunize the government in these kinds of cases, despite potentially massive benefits to public safety, it is difficult to see why law-enforcement operations should be given blanket immunity from takings liability.
Here, as elsewhere, if there really are great public benefits from the government's seizure or destruction of property, it should be willing to pay for the damage it inflicts on innocent owners. If, on the other hand, law enforcement agencies find that they routinely end up paying compensation that far exceeds any plausible benefit arising from the use of such aggressive tactics, then they would be well-advised to issue stricter guidelines for their employees. Maybe they should be more careful about destroying property in the future.
As Judge Mazzant notes in one section of his opinion, things may be different when the owner's property or his use of it itself poses a threat to public safety, as when it promotes the spread of a deadly disease, for example. I plan to return to this issue in future writings. But if an innocent person's land is damaged or destroyed merely to forestall a threat emanating from elsewhere - whether flooding or a fugitive criminal - then the Takings Clause requires compensation. As the Supreme Court famously stated in Armstrong v. United States (1960), "[t]he Fifth Amendment's guarantee that private property shall not be taken for a public use without just compensation was designed to bar Government from forcing some people alone to bear public burdens which, in all fairness and justice, should be borne by the public as a whole."
Judge Mazzant's ruling might well end up being reviewed on appeal. Regardless, the issue of takings liability for destruction of property by law-enforcement agencies is likely to remain contentious for some time to come. Hopefully, more courts will come to realize that the police power is not a blank check to for cops to destroy innocent people's property without paying for it.
NOTE: The plaintiffs in this case are represented by the Institute for Justice, for which I served as a summer clerk when I was a law student, and have written pro bono amicus briefs in various cases more recently. I do not have any involvement in the present litigation, however.
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The immunization of the police is not unjust, it is delusional, just made up shit. This lawyer fictitious doctrine justifies violence in formal logic, which is supreme over all rules and ratified treaties of the US. The denial of formal logic and of critical thinking in the law is yet another delusion by rent seeking deniers.
In the old days, before the invention of torts, the lady eould be seeking recourse by crashing a truck into police headquarters. Torts was an invention that made civilization possible. Lawyers shouldsupport it more.
Torts will shrink the entire enterprise. It is aform of unauthorized industrial planning. Any one thinking government is too big, too stupid, too tyrannical should support ending all immunities. Include ending immunities of judges, legislatures, lawyers, executive officials. To deter.
Well said. Hold them accountable and watch them magically act more responsibly.
This decision is absurd, they didn't take her property, they just used it a little.
But honestly that's where Ilya, Reason and so many other civil libertarians get it wrong: not every injustice is a constitutional violation, sometimes it's just a tort, and sometimes it's criminal.
Take for instance the cops who stole the 225k of rare coins in Fresno, they were acting as crooks, not cops. It wasn't a constitutional violation, it was a criminal act. If authorities had claimed it was a valid seizure it indeed would have been a constitutional violation. But criminal acts by government employees should be remedied by criminal penalties, not by federal constitutional lawsuits.
"...This decision is absurd, they didn't take her property, they just used it a little...."
I could not tell if you were being serious or not. (A danger with all online posts.) But "severely damaged" does not comport with being used a bit, yes?
Is your argument that, in this particular case, the description of "severely damaged" is inaccurate, and minimal non-harmful (presumably relatively brief) use is not a taking? I'd probably agree with you there...or I'd call it a di minimus use, and award a property owner a token $1.
Or, is your argument that, regardless of the amount of damages, such destruction by police should always be considered reasonable use and therefore never a taking? (Or were you just winding us up?) 🙂
de minimus, of course. (grumble grumble, edit button, grumble grumble)
The ammendment was made to prevent the USG from forcing citizens to house soldiers without compensation. You'll not that housing soldiers on a presumably temporary basis, would also just be using someone's property a little.
Well, then I guess when cops need rides, they can just summon taxies, and "use them a little", and they don't need to pay, right?
The immunity of any government agrncy is uncontitutional, irrational, a full justification for violence. That violence is immunized by formal logogic, supreme over all other rules. This stinking, toxic, stupid profession is delusional to avoid paying. It stinks.
Deniers do not argue in good faith. They are driven by an agenda. The agenda of the lawyer denier is rent seeking. That is stealing. They take our $trillion at the point of a gun and return nothing of value.
The peedicate in these cases is that the police action is legitimate, that is, not a criminal act.
In the case of the cops who took all that cash, the argument was that they seized it legally, but that they stole it from the government after the seizure, not from the owner. It's a stupid argument because there was no indication that the police ever intended to treat it as a normal seizure of contraband, but it worked.
Also, various criminal acts allow the crime victim to recover their damages in civil suit, even when the tortfeasor is a government agent. That's what Section 1983 and Bivens actions are all about.
That logic entirely misses the fact that Sec 1983 (the law that lets us sue bad cops) was passed because Congress saw the inherent conflicts of interest that were preventing prosecutors from ever bringing criminal charges in the first place. That law has been around since about the time of the Civil War. This is not a new problem.
Yes, it would be better to lock up the crooked cops but until you're ready to allow private prosecutions (which have plenty of problems of their own), a right to sue to be made whole is the next-best option.
I applaud the decision.
Since the government (taxpayers in general) is better able to afford government-inflicted losses than the innocent property owner, the government should pay.
One mark of Winston Churchill's greatness as a wartime leader (WW2) was a government insurance scheme for homes destroyed by Nazi bombs. Under common law, the homeowner was out of luck, and any private insurance scheme claiming to cover war damage would quickly go bankrupt. Churchill strengthened national morale by recognizing that losses suffered in the common defense should be shared.
The British treasury cringed at the losses in 1940-41, but started making money in 1941-43, as the Luftwaffe's attentions were diverted to the Russian front. As V-1s and V-2s appeared in mid 1944, losses resumed.
Thanks for that about Winston Churchill, I hadn't heard that before.
In addition to the fairness argument, that damage for the public good should be paid for by the public at large, not by the unfortunate innocent party that happens to become involved, it seems to me that there is reason to think that government compensation for acts of the police would facilitate police work. If you think that criminals are hiding on or using your property and that they may resist the police, you will be more inclined to report them if you expect to be compensated than if you know that you will be stuck with the damage.
Good additional point.
The general principle behind the takings clause, is that the cost of advancing the general welfare should be borne generally, not by designated fall guys who will be told, "Sucks to be you!". (The cost of pursuing the non-general welfare shouldn't be borne by anybody, the government isn't supposed to be doing that.)
If trashing a house is the cost of having a law enforcement system which benefits the general public, the cost of repairs can damned well be paid for by the general public.
This police power exception is the sort of reasoning one engages in when they're trying to minimize the application of a clause. It's like reasoning that you need probable cause to issue a warrant, but the 4th amendment doesn't technically say you need a warrant to conduct a search: Sophistry engaged in with the aim of circumventing a right.
It's not the way an honest Court approaches constitutional guarantees.
So much for originalism!
You're not arguing originalism, you're arguing textual sophistry.
No, you're not arguing originalism. You're arguing your I-Am-The-Only-One-Who-Knows-How-To-Read-This-Correctly-Without-Doing-Any-Of-The-Homework interpretation.
No, you're not arguing originalism. You're arguing your I-Am-The-Only-One-Who-Knows-How-To-Read-This-Correctly-Without-Doing-Any-Of-The-Homework interpretation.
This from an actual lawyer (allegedly) who responded to...
but you don't need your speech license to talk?
Have you never heard of parade permits?
And it was an amazingly stupid response from someone who wants to talk down to others regarding their legal analysis.
I disagree. It was created so homeowners would be compensated if soldiers needed to live in a homeowners dwelling(s).
You are confusing the Takings Clause (5th Amendment) with the Quartering Clause (3rd Amendment).
Does this taking property using red flag laws?
Given today's SCOTUS ruling, red-flag laws might be in serious trouble.
Lech not only guts the takings clause, it effectively castrates the Third Amendment.
Its nearly pointless to argue immunity because it is very technical and judges of whom I am familiar at the state and federal levels will abuse the precedents anyway - nearly every time. Its hard to even make the point that personal and official immunities are different things since most government attorney treat them the same, as does judge.
Incidentally, "for public use" is not a bar on litigants but a prohibition on government to taking the property in the first place.