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Could Congress Prohibit Abortion If Roe Is Overturned? (Updated)
Questions about the scope of federal power will remain.
In today's Washington Post Robert George and Joshua Craddock argue that Congress can and should enact federal legislation to "enforce constitutional rights for the unborn" if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. Echoing some of the arguments made in this amicus brief submitted in the Dobbs case, George and Craddock argue that the 14th Amendment protects the unborn. They then go further and assert that Congress would have the power to enact legislation limiting abortion.
Because state laws allowing elective abortion necessarily deprive a class of human beings — those at the earliest stages of development — of "the equal protection of the laws," they violate constitutional rights. Such laws render generally applicable statutes against homicide inapplicable to a disfavored class of persons and expose unborn children to lethal violence.
These are precisely the sort of wrongs that the 14th Amendment was designed to rectify. It equipped Congress to meet this challenge by granting to it, in Section 5, "power to enforce, by appropriate legislation" the amendment's due process and equal protection guarantees. As the Supreme Court explained in the 1880 case Ex Parte Virginia, whatever legislation is "adapted to carry out . . . the equal protection of the laws against State denial or invasion . . . is brought within the domain of congressional power."
I am unpersuaded by their analysis. For reasons I explained in a prior post, I do not think that allowing abortion violates Equal Protection or any other aspect of the 14th Amendment. I also reject George and Craddock's broad view of Section 5 of the 14th Amendment -- a view of Congress's power rejected by the Supreme Court in City of Boerne v. Flores. Congress has the power to enforce the 14th Amendment's guarantees. It does not have the power to redefine what those guarantees are -- a power that would enable Congress to redefine the constitutional limits on its on authority. I addressed some of these points in this 2015 post questioning Congress's authority to regulate abortion.
Another avenue through which Congress could seek to limit or prohibit abortion in a post-Roe world would be through the Commerce Clause (which I also address in the prior link). Unquestionably, current Commerce Clause doctrine is broad, but I do not think that it provides Congress with a blank check (as the Court reaffirmed in NFIB v. Sebelius). While not a slam dunk, I think one could properly distinguish between narrow legislation prohibiting a single medical procedure from the sort of comprehensive regulatory scheme upheld in Gonzales v. Raich (a point I addressed here).
When Congress enacted the federal partial birth abortion ban, the law was not challenged on Commerce Clause grounds (as Justice Thomas noted in a separate opinion). Abortion rights organizations were apparently reluctant to raise enumerated powers objections to the law, perhaps because they objected to how such arguments had been used in prior cases (such as United States v. Morrison) and might be used in the future.
Should the Court overturn Roe and Congress begins considering legislation to limit abortion, we will see whether the reluctance to deploy "conservative" arguments about the scope of federal power for progressive ends remains.
UPDATE: This post has prompted some responses. On the scope of Congressional power under the 14th Amendment, Robert George & Josh Craddock respond here. On the extent to which the 14th Amendment protects the unborn, Robert George and John Finnis respond here.
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...and we continue to wait for the Dobb's decision.
Hold not thy breath until thou art blue in the face.
Sweepingly permissive regimes are far more likely to get through any Congress we are likely to see in the near-to-medium term futures than even the most minor of restrictions.
I suppose under current precedent they could level a modest tax on performing abortions, perhaps $50K or so per operation, payable in advance.
And after waiting a few years, begin refusing to let people pay the tax.
To be clear, that was sarcasm. I don't think the federal government has any authority to ban ANY medical procedure, outside DC and some military bases.
Arm fetuses!
I have the right to arm bears.
Infringing on a Constitutional Right??? (Rights in "Penumbras" are still "Rights"), next they'll be telling me what kind of guns I can have!
Should the Court overturn Roe and Congress begins considering legislation to limit abortion, we will see whether the reluctance to deploy "conservative" arguments about the scope of federal power for progressive ends remains.
Yes. And we will also see how sincere conservatives are when they yell about returning abortion to the states, and how reluctant they are to expand federal power.
The "conservatives" are a monolithic boogeyman only in your fevered imagination.
There are a number of states and districts where abortion is legal in the third trimester by choice (I.e., you need no reason except that you want one). This includes New Jersey, New Mexico, and Washington DC.
"Conservatives" could've banned third trimester abortions in these places when they had complete control over the federal government. Doubly so in DC since the federal government has absolute power there, without any need to worry about state sovereignty.
Notably...they haven't. So, I think your fears are vastly overstated.
I am willing to predict that should the Republicans gain control of either house in November they will introduce and pass a bill banning or severely restricting abortions nationwide.
To fail to do so would be wildly inconsistent with the whole "abortion is murder" idea.
Not really. There is no federal murder statute, except in the special jurisdiction of the federal government. So one can make a principled argument that if abortion is murder, the law should treat it as murder. A state matter.
Although I agree most Republicans will not take that position.
Ah, but what you're missing is that the modern GOP has long been a bait and switch operation, and that's only barely beginning to change.
And when your prediction doesn't come true? Will that change anything for you?
Suppose the Earth were visited by Klingons, non-human persons. Would not Congress have the power under section 5 of the 14th amendment to include Klingons under the amendment's scope?
If Congress were to do this, it would not be "redefining" the guarantees of the Amendment. It would simply be recognizing that the class of persons to which these guarantees apply is larger than the drafters of the Amendment had supposed.
If aliens come to Earth, rather than wonder if they have souls, we should pray they think we do.
That's the upshot of City of Boerne, yes: they would not have that power.
Either Klingons are already included, in which case such a Congressional act would be superfluous, or Klingons are not, in which case such a Congressional act would be ultra vires.
I find it funny everybody is breathlessly speculating on a federal prohibition when a federal mandate to force all states to permit abortion is whats currently being more seriously pushed.
Everyone knows the lib bill won't become law and are anticipating the change in Congress next year,
Everyone knows that the fervidly anti-abortionist tail won't suddenly be wagging the inattentive GOP dog after the midterms.
Only because the left weren't content with a federal imposition of the status quo ante, they wrote the bill to impose nationally the most pro-'choice' policy you could find in any of the states.
Brett's right about this. The Democrats are too beholden to keeping its coalition happy, when the smart thing to do politically (and maybe even substantively) would be to move a bill that says abortion is legal through 12 or 15 weeks or something. That's where a lot of the public is and it would force some Republicans to make a difficult choice.
Sort of. They're too beholden to keeping the most extreme part of their coalition happy. Otherwise they would have drafted something that wouldn't have pissed off Manchin so much.
The Democrats have a lot of religious folk, who happily helped Prop 8 pass, and they were shocked, shocked! about it.
We love democracy, until we don't.
Point is, I wouldn't count those chickens as fully hatched. People begin to assign metaphysical value to laws because hey they are laws. Once removed, backsliding of opinion is inevitable.
Which is too bad. Expansion of unenumerated rights isn't an ink blot on the Constitution, but something deeply in keeping with the spirit, and letter of it.
But I don't run around screaming democracy uber alles except in targeted cases. In collisions between freedom and democracy, freedom should win. To non-thinking robo-kibitzer automata, I refer to things distinct from punching someone else in the nose, i.e. your own stuff with your own life.
Even if Congress switches parties, conservatives won't have 60 votes in the Senate either. This will be another case of neither side being able to get anything done.
And I'm generally content to have Congress paralyzed. The damage done by the stuff they manage to agree on is bad enough.
You know, I really can't argue that Congress has done bad stuff, although we probably mostly disagree about what it is. But unless it violates some fundamental human right or Constitutional principle, I continue to believe that the default position should be that the majority rules, and if they make a mistake the remedy is another election. Even though on specific issues my side would sometimes lose.
You don't deprive people of religious freedom because some churches teach terrible things. You don't abolish jury trials because OJ Simpson. You don't do away with the Fourth Amendment because sometimes guilty people get away with it. And we shouldn't deprive the majority of self governance just because the majority will sometimes do bone headed things. (And before anyone chimes in what about guns, I don't support banning them; just regulating away their worst effects.)
Congress being bad at its job doesn’t make government smaller. Rather the opposite.
That's a very important point. Gridlock doesn't create efficiency; it creates gross inefficiency. We are basically paying through the nose for a system whose only function seems to be to not do anything. How much of our national debt is attributable to the fact that there are no political consequences for running up the debt?
Well, you're a voter. You've got to prioritize. If the debt is your priority, then vote like it is.
Your $10,000 in savings is wortb less than $9,000 now, and probably under $7,000 by the time this is over.
Nevermind, you voted for corruptions whose net wealth grows at multiples of their salaries, and they will come out ahead of the game when inflation is over.
Their wealth is tied to wielding their power. Lavishing on you gets them power.
Trillions spent so they can corruptly gain fractions of a penny on the dollar in personal wealth from their mysteriously investment genius spouses.
That doesn’t fix the problem. A majority of voters who live in blue states can prioritize the debt and still be outvoted by the minority of voters who live in red states who care more about banning abortions.
One of the problems with anti democratic institutions is that it decreases political accountability.
Then ask for a Constitutional Convention. Or an Amendment.
I'm old enough to remember the The Fiscal Responsibility Act in 1995 that was a proposed amendment to require a balanced budget for the US federal government. It almost made it though (was short by a single vote* in the Senate, passing the House).
*(Technically it was 2 votes. Dole voted against it, just so he could bring it up later).
They were liberal democrats who doomed that in the Senate.
Also, most conservative politicians are trying to downplay overturning Roe because they think they'll lose support over it. That's why they keep talking about the audacity of the leak, rather then the audacity of Scalia.
Dann it, I meant Alito. Eh, w/e.
Yes, of course Congress can ban abortion because SCOTUS would uphold it and any specific legal arguments are irrelevant.
Pretty much. The legal wrangling may entertain some people, but it's not really relevant to the outcome.
The idea that SCOTUS will suddenly become principled is believed by virtually no one with a clue. That doesn't change the fact that Alito's Dobbs is right and Casey was wrong.
I don’t think that SCOTUS becoming principled is a going to happen anytime soon.
There's a difference between being "principled" and adopting one faction's principles. Most of the Justices are principled in some sense, they 'just' have radically different principles from one another.
Thought experiment: which justices views regarding the scope of State's rights and the Commerce Clause would change depending on whether federal legislation regarding abortion limited or expanded abortion "rights"? I think everyone with any knowledge of the Court would assume Justice Thomas would be consistent. Which others would be?
I'm pretty sure Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson would gladly switch sides. Maybe Roberts? I think the rest would likely remain consistent.
The traditional (meaning since around the New Deal) way of doing these things is the Commerce Clause, which more or less has been interpreted to mean "Any Damn Thing Congress Wants." If Congress can ban a person from growing food on his own farm to feed his own family, it can ban abortion, at least abortion for pay, which is all abortion.
Should this ever come to pass (which I doubt), you will suddenly see a change of heart on both sides as to the merits of federalism and the expansive Commerce Clause. It's the old Latin maxim -- Oppone cum bove perforato.
The broad interpretation of Congress’ Interstate Commerce power likely gives it considerable leverage to either prohibit or facilitate abortion, as it sees fit, in a variety of contexts.
However, City of Boerne v. Flores flatly precludes any attempt to use the 14th Amendment as a basis for Congressional action. City of Boerne covers exactly the scenario proposed. The Supreme Court undid fundamental Free Exercise rights in Smith much as the Dobbs draft opinion undoes fundamental abortion rights. Congress attempted to restore things back to what they were pre-Smith. The Supreme Court said no dice. If it decides not to recognize something as a 14th Amendment right, Congress can’t use the 14th Anendment as a basis for legislation.
Otherwise Congress could have for example flat-out reversed Brown v. Board of Education by declaring that people have a 14th Amendment right to attend public schools they feel comfortable with.
Just as the Congress has no authority under the Constitution to limit or prohibit abortions, there is equally no authority to enact legislation to do the opposite.
I don't find Prof Ader's arguments very persuasive. This, in particular :
While not a slam dunk, I think one could properly distinguish between narrow legislation prohibiting a single medical procedure from the sort of comprehensive regulatory scheme upheld in Gonzales v. Raich
seems like a very rickety frame. If abortion is only one procedure, marijuana is only one drug. And in fact abortion is not only one procedure, it's lots of different procedures, which share a common object.
It's more apt to compare some sort of federal ban on abortion with a federal ban on marijuana. Both mostly involve commercial activity and on the, admittedly strange, theory that non commercial intra-State activity affects the interstate commercial market and so is within Congress's commerce clause powers, it's not obvious that abortion and marijuana bans require a different analysis.
But is a ban "regulation" ? It's hard to see why not. Mr Trudeau has just announced a ban on the import, sale, purchase or transfer of handguns in Canada. That sounds like a ban - not on holding handguns, but on commerce in them. It would be strange to say that that isn't regulation merely because it's flat out forbidding.
So under SCOTUS's wacky commerce clause theories, it's hard to see how one could reasonably arrive at the conclusion that federal bans on commerce in marijuana or abortion procedures are outwith the power, or that extending the ban to intra-State non commercial activity would be outside SCOTUS precedents.
None of which is to say that a federal regulation in either direction would be a good idea, nor that we cannot expect several of the Justices to have a peek at the answer before going back to draft their reasoning.
An interesting idea would be to give the hypothetical law a jurisdictional hook e.g., illegal to (conspire to?) cross state lines to seek an abortion. The advantage of this is that it would give more teeth to state-level laws.
I think the Court is basically tied by Carhart, where it held Congress had the power to prohibit a particular abortion procedure. And it’s further tied not just by Raich but by its precedents, including decisions that simple possession or use of a gun that previously passed through interstate commerce comes wiithin Commerce Clause jurisdiction.
So Congress can not only ban possession of abortifacient drugs, it can probably ban use of a scalpel to perform an abortion if the scalpel had previously passed through interstate commerce.
And it could do similar things on the opposite side. What Congress can ban, it can facilitate and protect. It could for example probably prohibit abortion drugs from being banned by states, as an interstate commerce regulation.
In short, Congress’ essentially unlimited ability to regulate the items used to perform abortions - not just the items themselves but how they are used - effectively lets it regulate abortion as much and however it wants (absent Roe).
I think Raich was wrongly decided. I think the idea that Interstate Commerce extends to simple possession or use of something that previously passed through interstate commerce is ridiculous. I don’t think the ridiculously broad interpretation of Interstate Commerce we now have is absurd. I think it risks the Republic when everything people feel strongly about always gets escalated to the national level and decided one way for the country as a whole, miring us in endless controversies over values and preventing our having functioning policies to cover genuinely national economic, foreign policy, and other truly national matters.
The Court has said otherwise.
If SCOTUS was "tied by precedent", this debate wouldn't be happening.
Which isn't to say that SCOTUS should be tied by precedent. They shouldn't. But acting like they are is foolish.
>It does not have the power to redefine what those guarantees are
No need to redefine anything; the 14th amendment expressly includes "life." This isn't a liberty interest.
Whose life?
Would note that the Supreme Court recently reaffirmed longstanding precedent that the word “person” in the Due Process Clause lacks “extraterritorial application” and hence does not apply to foreigners outside of US territory. When Roe v. Wade said the word “person” lacked “prenatal application,” it used language parallel to the “extraterritorial application” language it previously used. This means the 5th and 14th Amendments don’t cover most of the world’s adult population.
War, like abortion, involves taking human life without providing any due process of law. We can initiate a war for any reason or no reason, or completely selfish reasons. Nothing in the constitution limits the war power.
The Supreme Court is not going to rule the constitution outlaws war. It recently ruled against the family of a Mexican teenager who had been killed a border patrol alien who fired a shot across the border. It ruled that extraterritorial aliens have no remedy for such events. In another recent case, it said it is settled law that foreigners outside US territory have no constitutional rights at all.
Fetuses aren’t really any different. Nothing in the Dobbs opinion suggests the court is going to reconsider long-standing precedent limiting the class of human beings to whom the term “person” in the Bill of Rights applies.
It's a slam dunk under Raich. Abortion is an economic activity that can be regulated, including outright banned, by Congress. NFIB is inapposite because an abortion ban applies to those already engaging in economic activity.
While I don’t think Congress can regulate abortion directly, its ability to regulate it indirectly is so broad as to make no practical difference. Abortions require drugs, scalpels, etc, Congress’ ability to regulate these effectively lets it regulate abortions as well. See my other comments.
But as Jonathan argues, does Raich require a broader comprehensive regulatory scheme or some interstate hook, like equipment used must have traveled between states? He notes that the Partial Birth Abortion Ban did include a jurisdictional hook and why do it if it's a slam dunk? Can Congress show a substantial affect or show a interstate link via insurance? I was skeptical but this could be an interesting test of "here but no farther"
Raich doesn't require a comprehensive regulatory scheme. Absent such a scheme, it only requires a regulation of economic activity that in the aggregate substantially affects interstate commerce:
You make a fair point about the jurisdictional hook in the partial-birth abortion ban. However the hook reads, "Any physician who, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce knowingly performs a partial-birth abortion." If Alder is correct, then the hook only saves the law from a facial challenge while it fails in almost all as-applied challenges and thus isn't much of a hook at all. If I am right, the law survives all challenges and the hook wasn't needed. So why did Congress include it? Perhaps to make it tougher to challenge the law in application after application?
And here I was thinking the Ninth Amendment meant something.
Pray the court rules that abortion is the sole province of the states via the tenth amendment. Having that issue out of national politics would be most beneficial.
Congress can no more outlaw abortion nationwide than it can ban military-style assault weapons nationwide.
If the Supreme Court does indeed overturn RvW, then there is only one course of action open to the US if it wants to remain united, and that's to pass a new constitutional amendment enshrining the rights RvW said existed.
States that do not want to do that cannot remain part of the USA. They need to be expelled and sanctioned, because they are Putin-loving traitors.
Probably shouldn’t have put all the nuke silos in states that wouldn’t support that amendment, huh, Dave?
Congress should pass a law requiring all aborted fetal tissue be sent to high schools for dissection in biology labs. If it’s simply tissue and not a human life, what’s the objection? Oh, did you get a sickening feeling? Yeah, follow that feeling - it’s telling you sometime you’re ignoring.
Raich would, with a unified congress and executive, at a minimum, allow entirely arbitrary restrictions on abortifacient drugs. They could be placed in schedule 1, or placed in schedule 2 and not permitted for abortion (while perhaps not de jure, de facto, any off label prescribing will have the DEA up a providers ass and it doesn't happen).
Given the lack of foundation for or meaningful ability to challenge blatantly unsupported scheduling, it's unlikely serious challenges could advance so long as courts are dead set on a near-limitless 'drugs' exception to the constitution.
And not just drugs. Under current precedent, Congress can regulate the use of a scapel that previously passed through interstate commerce.
I think this is a closer question. Generally, states have freedom to define their criminal laws. But they can't do so in a way that violates equal protection, so a state could not pass a law saying killing a black man isn't murder, or is a lesser form of murder than killing a white man. Aside from being challengable in court, Congress could pass a law prohibiting states from passing such laws.
Why not the same thing based on the age of the victim? Yes, if you assume a fetus isn't a living human being, you can make that distinction. But otherwise, why wouldn't that work?