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Why Listen to Abhorrent Speech
Thoughts on Peter Singer and Rhodes College.
This week the controversial philosopher Peter Singer took part in a Zoom discussion on "pandemic ethics," hosted by the philosophy department at Rhodes College. As reported by Brian Leiter and by Daily Nous, a number of Rhodes faculty members urged the school to cancel his invitation, given Singer's views on the permissibility of euthanizing severely disabled infants. (Singer recently discussed his views with NPR, the New Yorker, and the Journal of Practical Ethics; they were also the subject of a fascinating New York Times Magazine essay by Harriet McBryde Johnson in 2003.)
I want to assume, for present purposes, the beyond-the-pale-ness of Singer's views. So why should anyone listen to abhorrent speech from an abhorrent speaker?
The standard reason is "because you might learn something." Singer's works on animal rights and on charitable obligations are widely read and assigned. (For full disclosure, I include an essay of his on the status of embryos, together with a critical response by Patrick Lee and Robert George, on the syllabus of my reading group on abortion.) But Singer's critics would say there's little worth learning from him about illness and disability, and again I want to assume, for present purposes, that they're right.
Another common reason is "because it helps you debate people like him." Free-speech proponents often cite some version of J.S. Mill's argument, that "[h]e who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that." But many people feel quite comfortable in their own beliefs about euthanizing infants, aren't interested in debating Singer on such questions, and are perfectly content to deny him platforms instead. Charles Hughes wrote his colleagues at Rhodes a letter rejecting "the legitimacy of debating whether disabled people are people"; I doubt that Singer accepts this framing, but Mill quotes won't do much to dislodge it.
Another, similar, reason is "because it helps you understand people like him." I once attended an event at Oxford on "Islam and Democracy in the Middle East," in which one of the speakers (on the anti-democracy side) was a member of an Islamist political party dedicated to the restoration of the Caliphate. There wasn't much chance I was going to adopt his politics over the course of the evening, but many millions of people in some parts of the world already have, and it can be useful to hear a clear expression of what they might actually think. That said, there are limits to this kind of argument; the Anti-Defamation League can track what's going on among extremists without inviting David Duke to lecture on "Current Trends in Anti-Semitism." (Though if they did invite him, and if he accepted, that would be quite an event.)
So I want to offer yet another reason to hear abhorrent speech: "because it helps you reconsider premises you might already hold." Singer is a thoroughgoing utilitarian. Sometimes that strikes others as saintly, as in his advocacy for animals or the global poor; sometimes it strikes others as monstrous, as in his relative disregard for human beings or the global non-poor. But the saintly parts and the monstrous parts aren't easy to disconnect. Arguments like Singer's aren't just sneaky efforts to get you to believe unacceptable conclusions; they're also efforts to show that these conclusions follow from somewhat-less-than-obviously unacceptable premises. What makes Singer's work worth reading, if at all, is the quality of the reasoning—whether the arguments are plainly and lucidly expressed, whether they effectively connect proposition A to proposition B. And if the arguments work, if the premises really do lead to the conclusions, then that can be a somewhat-less-than-obvious reason to reject the premises in the first place: one man's modus ponens is another's reductio.
G.A. Cohen famously asked, "If You're an Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich?" Peter Singer offers something like, "If You're a Utilitarian, How Come You Wouldn't Let Parents Euthanize Their Severely Disabled Infants?" For those of us appalled by that suggestion, the answer might be to stop being a utilitarian—or to be a different kind of utilitarian, or to find some other place in the argument to get off the bus. Arguments like Singer's can have a great deal of force for us even if, perhaps especially if, we recoil from his actual positions. The better the reasoning, the more his work requires us—if we're going to be honest—to pick out the step where we disagree, and to see what consequences that has for the rest of our thought. (If we agree that infants have a right to live, we might ask which qualities they have in virtue of which that's so, which other beings have those qualities, and so on.) The fact that Singer actually believes both the premises and the conclusions is less important, for this purpose, than the quality of his efforts at connecting them: someone could read his whole oeuvre as if it were contained in block quotes, followed by the line "And this is why these premises are wrong."
In theory, anyone else could make that kind of argument. But perhaps because Singer does believe it so strongly, very few people do it better—which strikes me as a decent reason, abhorrence notwithstanding, to think about what he has to say.
(Edit: updated order of reporting sources)
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Another good reason is to cover the possibility that your impression of the contents and/or intentions of the speaker you're unwilling to hear is erroneous, perhaps because you accepted that information from a source who holds malice toward that speaker. This seems to be more common nowadays, when merely being a centrist Republican gets the mainstream media and its followers calling you a racist, Nazi, white supremacist, or all three. I might add that the name callers are permanently driving away a big chunk of their own potential audiences.
Far worse than that is that being a centrist Republican, or a livelong bedrock conservative Republican, will get you a label of being a fake Republican (ie, RINO) if you deviate at all from slavish devotion, ass-kissing, and whoring of principles in service to one single man.
I leave it up to the Gentle Readers as to which is more troublesome for those of us who used to be proud of our Republican affiliation. Do attacks from the left really drive away more people than lickspittle behavior that comes from the right? (Genuine question--I have no idea which of these is more repulsive and repellent to persuadable voters.)
I don't think you quite understand the conservative beef about RINOs. It isn't that they hold abhorrent views. (Though sometimes they might.) It's generally that they lied about their views in order to get elected.
Lindsay Graham, for instance, doesn't run for reelection as an advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens. He runs as a very conservative guy. Then reverts to being what he really is, until it's time to run again.
Perhaps consider that what you consider ‘not conservative’ views are to others quite conservative.
I consider myself, and think most others would agree that I am, very conservative. I am fiscally in favor of markets on virtually every level. I am unapologetically Christian, have and have an orthodox understanding of what that means and the sort of person it obligates me to be. I also think immigration enforcement is about the lowest possible legislative priority, and the least important plank in any GOP platform. That’s assuming it should even be a priority. These views are not incompatible and I don’t think they disqualify me from being a conservative. Graham is probably more of a stickler than I am. I just don’t think it’s important, and furthermore believe that the American government and way of life is the best one and that it just gets better the more people follow and believe in it.
Amnesty sounds fine. Let’s get all those willing to be Americans to take the oath and pay taxes. Then let’s lower the bar for letting them in, especially refugees. The more Americans the better.
That's working great in Europe.
My beef with Graham isn't that he's pro-amnesty. I disagree with that, but that's a policy dispute.
My beef with him is that he lies about it while campaigning. Like other RINOs, he is engaged in a bait and switch: Offer the voters a conservative, deliver a centrist.
Have you not, when confronted with Trump's constant lying, insisted all politicians regularly lie?
Not all of them, no, (Rand Paul is pretty honest.) but yes, I have noted that Trump wasn't really as much of an outlier in that regard as he was made out to be.
Yes, most of them are pretty dishonest. The RINOs are just especially so.
Seems like your standards about honesty follow your ideology, even as you claim the reverse.
With how far apart the parties are these days, there are no RINOs and DINOs. I disagree with bot you and K_2 on that point.
No, conservatives hate moderate 'RINO's' like Collins who are up front about where they're coming from just as much.
Nope you're wrong once again. 0 for 1231 by my count. You really are not that smart. But paid trolls generally just post bullshit, so you're easily ignored by most.
One good reason to respond, calmly, to off-the-wall critics is to make sure everyone of their comments has a response for the fence-sitters. Don't leave the impression that a nut's arguments are so mainstream that no one argues against them.
Excellent point!
Once you accept abortion, why not draw the line a little further down?
Sure, that issue of line-drawing is always a concern. If you allow me to own a handgun for my personal protection, why not an assault rifle? Why not a bazooka? Etc... You make a legitimate point. And I think the response is: There is line-drawing in all aspects of life, and in all aspects of law-making. Naturally, you will often think the line should be advanced a bit while I think it should go in the opposite direction. Or vice versa.
Once you give the vote to 18 year olds, why not embryos?
Cite? lol
Once you ban abortion, why not draw the line a little further down?
And this is what's wrong with "conservatism," at least as currently conceived. Conservatives are basically liberals, and they've embraced what Bill Buckley called a mass of superstitions - namely, the ideas of "academic freedom."
As Buckley argued, deciding what will be taught in universities - inside and outside the curriculum - belongs to those who are responsible for how the university is government - which *by definition* means the trustees.
Of course, what with woke capitalism, I suppose the days of top-hatted, cigar-smoking executives sitting around a table discussing how to get fight socialism on campus are gone (anyway, even at the time, the socialists outwitted the top-hatted capitalists, using the superstitions Buckley denounced).
But if an infanticidal maniac speaks at a university, the trustees should expect their meetings to be picketed by people who correctly deem them responsible for what happens on campus.
(If it's a public campus with the academic-freedom superstition enforced by judges, then privatize it. If the academic-freedom superstition is codified in the faculty and students handbooks, revise those instruments.)
I know Kirkland will spew his copypasta about Biola and Liberty, but I recall Biola giving a platform to Christopher Hitchens in a debate over atheism, and I'd love to see one of the "mainstream" universities host a debate over, say, gay marriage, transgenderism, affirmative action or other items they seem to hold as sacred as Biola holds its beliefs.
Indeed, inviting people on campus (digitally or physically) should be a matter of Trustee policy carried out in good faith by administrators, and in those cases where Peter Singer, or a Stalinist socialist, or a National Socialist is invited it should be to encounter a debater more formidable them themselves.
While I get why you and Buckley would love a system where Daddy Warbucks' decide everything, curriculum should be decided by those people who know most about the relevant fields. That's actually a good general rule for most things (law should be policed by lawyers, medicine by doctors, etc.,).
"I’d love to see one of the “mainstream” universities host a debate over, say, gay marriage,"
Lol, dude, this very article mentions Robert George. Works at a lil' mainstream university whose name escapes me right now but is located in Princeton NJ.
"(For full disclosure, I include an essay of [Singer's] on the status of embryos, together with a critical response by Patrick Lee and Robert George, on the syllabus of my reading group on abortion.)"
That's the reference.
I mentioned how Daddy Warbucks was induced to accept the status quo Buckley was complaining about.
"curriculum should be decided by those people who know most about the relevant fields"
Is Singer one of those people?
You rarely if ever learn anything from listening to a person you agree with.
You may not learn anything from listening to a person you do not agree with, but usually that is not the case. Of course, sometimes what you learn from listening to a person you do not agree with is that the speaker is an idiot and a flaming assh***. And many times that can be valuable information even if it does nothing but confirm what you already suspected.
I have MSNBC on all the time. It is basically a hate speech propaganda outlet, with less balance than the David Duke website.
All legal utterances are abhorrent, garbage speech. Why listen to them? A man with a gun is making you.
Singer and Saddam Hussein agreed. When you have a person you have a problem. When you don't, thr problem is solvrd. So why take a chance? Both are right.
In general, absolutely, but this post is about "abhorrent" speech - stuff most people already know is wrong (infanticide, National Socialism, and the like).
It's still important to learn what the abhorrent people say - eg, in something like that annotated edition of Mein Kampf which I hear some publisher is issuing where they can correct the lies and wickedness in real time.
Naturally, Singer won't allow such an edition of his works, so if you want to hear from him directly, the best thing is to appeal to his vanity and lure him into a debate with someone more eloquent and informed than he is.
And *that*'s only necessary because of the position of respectability he's been assigned (contrary to assurances that OMG nobody believes in infanticide).
Indeed, there's a reason I have both Mein Kamph and Das Kapital in my library. It's certainly not because I'm a Nazi or Communist. You need to know what arguments the abhorrent actually use. They're likely not the arguments you'd use if you were going to argue their position, and it does you no good to refute arguments somebody isn't actually making.
That's the sort of thing people on the fence notice you doing, and draw adverse conclusions from.
I've had to euthanize beloved pets.
It's a very hard decision, you don't want the pet to suffer.
Ppl assume parents are somehow selfish and don't love their disabled kids. I have no doubt they do. but if you love something why let it suffer? Some disabled kids might be perfectly happy, but others not. Only parents can make that choice.
Again, I was assured in one of the abortion debates that nobody important is in favor of infanticide.
Obviously not true, it's just a dishonest talking point.
What in the world? No, the decision to kill a disabled child is not a decision that parents "get" to make. If parents "decide" their child isn't happy and their solution to their child not being happy in their own perception is to kill their child, those parents are guilty of cold-blooded, premeditated murder. What is wrong with you?
Thanks, really liked your modus ponens /reductio point (though I admit to having to look up the former).
Importantly, “because you might learn something” can apply even if the speaker’s conclusions (as here) are assumed beyond the pale, *and* are based on true assumptions: You can learn how to better detect subtle logical fallacies, slick rhetoric, & the whole armamentarium of ways to (apparently) get from valid A to invalid B, because the advocate in such circumstances *must* be using at least one of them.
I find the most erudite religious apologists especially instructive in this regard. (Adherents of religion X might still find this of value, by picking one of the many religions Y whose central tenets conflict with X’s, and listening to X’s most erudite apologists. If you are brave enough you might even then ask: Do X’s adherents use similar techniques? Do *I*?)
You confuse Church, with faith of God
Not a good look from a person that has supposedly given the topic lots of thought.
If you’re saying that faith (in God, or in anything else) is somehow exempt from the above analysis, I disagree - it is actually center stage. Faith is one of the most commonly utilized fallacious approaches to belief justification. That is in part because faith (as contrasted with a reliance on evidence and reason) has all the advantages of theft over honest toil, and in part because of its versatility - faith can be used to justify almost anything.
But faith’s versatility is also its fatal flaw: A moment’s reflection should be enough to realize that a belief rationale which ostensibly justifies anything, can in fact justify nothing.
Well of course one reason to give your opponent plenty of opportunity to say something mind numbingly stupid you can turn into a commercial.
Like a couple of days ago when Terry McAuliffe said:
"I Don't Think Parents Should Be Telling Schools What They Should Teach".
If that’s not commercial already then his opponent shouldn’t even be running.
Yeah, I did a double take when I read that. I was like, "What? AYFKM?". Agree with your assessment as well. I heard radio ads already running for Youngkin, featuring that comment.
And did you see that recent attack ad against DeSantis?
I agree it's a great intellectual exercise (and satisfying to lock horns with the abhorrent - otherwise I wouldn't be here!)
But it doesn't make one come to consensus. For that, I'm finding you need some kind of kinship borne of more than 'let us reason together.'
In other words, there is also a benefit to maintaining communal relationships even if they have abhorrent views.
In other other words, we need to normalize booze in Congress again.
Admittedly, the line is extremely blurred but when does abhorrent turn into madness?
And yes, that threshold is an individual decision.
Singer is a good example of why reason is not enough to defend a moral position. Reason can be used, and brilliantly in Singer’s case, to justify anything. I am an agnostic at best but what is it that produces revulsion at the thought of killing a disabled infant? Is a transcendent force at work or are we now merely living off old creeds that have become “muscle memory” today?
It's the is/ought distinction. Reason can be used to analyze moral positions, and point out whether they're actually internally consistent, and what their implications are. But you can't get from "is" to "ought" logically, there has to be some starting premise of a moral nature which itself can't be proven from logic or natural facts.
Singer is a consistent utilitarian. He's useful in that regard, because most people do not understand exactly how nasty the implications of utilitarianism are if you take it seriously, as he does.
Certainly agree in general about speech that I disagree with. This is particularly appropriate as to Singer because, when you scratch the surface, his views are in fact barely distinguishable from mainstream abortion advocates.
There's a limit though. There is a time to listen, and a time to not listen (or to listen to something else). It's not like I want to send my kids, or myself, to an indoctrination camp to hear abhorrent ideas 8 hours a day for years.
Also, if you take the word "abhorrent" seriously, there's a big difference between things that are abhorrent and those that are merely wrong or that you disagree with. And probably a spectrum in between. Some abhorrent things that would count as "speech" these days are scarcely "ideas" and merit no attention whatsoever. Some are even supposed to be illegal to show to people under 18.
Cal Cetin has a point above, too, universities do set boundaries and agendas. There's no getting around that. The only question is who will decide, and what sorts of ideas and values will they push. And, "listening" isn't the same thing as respecting or honoring or inviting them over.
Alternatively, you could decide their speech doesn't interest you and, go about your business. The tactic used lately though, is 'I don't want to hear you so, no one else can either.'