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Should an Originalist Justice Support Overruling Kelo v. New London?
The general assumption that the Fifth Amendment bars takings for economic development purposes rests on shaky ground.
Last week, two justices dissented from the denial of certiorari in Eychaner v. Chicago, which asked the Court to reconsider Kelo v. New London. (Justice Kavanaugh voted to grant, but did not join the dissent.) Ilya Somin commented on the cert denial and Josh Blackman speculated on why the cert petition did not attract more votes from the conservative justices.
Kelo v. New London is one of the most reviled Supreme Court decisions of the past twenty years. It prompted a substantial backlash, spurred eminent domain reform throughout the nation, and inspired a movie. As a policy matter, it is abominable that the government may take someone's home to facilitate economic development plans of corporate interests, made all the more so here because the promised economic development never even occurred.
There is broad agreement (at least on the political Right) that such uses of eminent domain are bad. But does that mean the use of eminent domain for economic development is unconstitutional? I am unconvinced.
The standard argument against Kelo is that the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment limits the use of eminent domain to "public use," and that economic development of the sort at issue in Kelo does not constitute "public use," in part because New London gave the property in question to private economic interests. The key element of this argument is that the Fifth Amendment imposes a "public use" limitation on eminent domain. But is this premise correct?
To answer this question, it is useful to start with the text of the Fifth Amendment. Here's the whole thing:
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Note, for starters that there is not one clause concerning the taking of property, but two (both highlighted above). The Fifth Amendment bars all takings of property "without due process of law." It then imposes an additional requirement, "just compensation," on those takings that are "for public use."
The first thing to note is that in the Takings Clause itself, "public use" is not written as a limitation. The text does not read "nor shall private property be taken other than for public use." Rather it identifies a type of taking -- those "for public use" -- that require compensation. "Public use" is used to differentiate a subset of takings. It is not written as a requirement or limitation.
Read in the context of the full amendment, this makes sense, for there are all sorts of takings or property for which compensation is not required, including taxes, fines, and seizures. Those takings require due process, but do not require "just compensation." It is when property is taken for a public purposes (as opposed to as a punishment or as an exaction) that compensation is required. To restate: The text requires Due Process for all takings of property, and then requires compensation for the subset of takings that are "for public use." Like it or not (and I most definitely do not) this is the most straight-forward reading of the constitutional text, and there is little historical or other evidence to the contrary.
If one goes back and reads Justice Thomas' Kelo dissent, one finds lots of citations to sources extolling the importance of private property, but one finds a conspicuous lack of sources that contest this understanding of the Fifth Amendment's text. Indeed, the ratification debates contain precious little on the Takings Clause, nor do other Founding Era sources. One can find Founding Era complaints about naked transfers of property, as in Justice Chase's opinion in Calder v. Bull, but the alleged violation there is potentially one of Due Process, not the "public use" requirement.
One can also imagine arguments that a given taking of property is not legislatively or constitutionally authorized, such as being beyond the enumerated powers of the federal government (which, until passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, is all the Fifth Amendment constrained), but this is a different argument from the claim that the Takings Clause imposes a "public use" limitation. It may well be that the federal government has little ability to transfer private property from one person to another for the purposes of economic development, but this would have been due to the constrained nature of the powers enumerated in Article I, section 8, not any constraint imposed by the Takings Clause.
An obvious objection is that, whatever the Fifth Amendment meant when ratified, our understanding of the Takings Clause, and the extent to which it constrains state governments, was transformed by the Fourteenth Amendment. Thus, just as 1868 informs how the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms applies to the states more than 1791, so too 1868 tells us more about how the Takings Clause applies to state and local governments than 1791. This makes sense, and I am open to the argument that protection of private property rights incorporated against the states through the 14th Amendment is more capacious than that provided by the Fifth Amendment's text (as Ilya has argued), but I have yet to be convinced.
Unlike the federal government, state governments have a residual police power which has long included a robust power of eminent domain, and such powers were often used to promote economic development, such as when states would authorize grist mills to flood upstream lands. The Takings Clause, as incorporated against the states through the Fourteenth, clearly requires compensation for such takings. Yet the primary constraints on the abuse of such power for impermissible purposes comes not from the Fifth Amendment, but from limitations in state constitutions and the political process (which, thankfully, was energized by Kelo).
That the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment does not impose a "public use" requirement on eminent domain does not mean that such limitations cannot be found under state constitutions. State-level protections of property often use different language, and were adopted under different circumstances. Accordingly, there is nothing inherently suspect about state supreme court decisions providing more robust protections for private property, as occurred here in Ohio. Whether these state-level decisions are correct prompts a different inquiry. It also may be the case that some sorts of naked A-to-B property transfers violate other constitutional requirements, as Justice Kennedy suggested in his Kelo concurrence, but this (again) is a separate question from whether the Fifth Amendment's Takings Clause imposes any such limitation.
In conclusion, I will return to where this post started. Many originalists seem to take it as an article of faith that the Takings Clause imposes a public use requirement on exercises of eminent domain. Yet neither the text nor the available historical evidence provides much support for this claim. As a believer in robust protections for private property, I wish this were not so. Alas, not every injustice is unconstitutional.
UPDATE: My co-blogger Ilya Somin disagrees.
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I think the 9th Amendment might be able to help here. And the Privileges and Immunities Clause. The government specifically has to pay for taking property for a highway, but no provision is made for if the government takes your house to give to a large corporation. I would think if there was a power to transfer property from one person to another, this power would have been put under some constraints, like the power to take property for a highway. If there's no provision for private transfers to corporations, maybe that's because the power doesn't exist at all.
Considering the fifth amendment alone, I think you're missing something. The amendment says that takings for public use require just compensation, but it says nothing about takings for private use. This leaves us with two possibilities: (1) takings for private use do NOT require just compensation, or (2) it never occurred to the framers of the Bill of Rights that anyone would think that "takings for private use" could be a thing. (1) is clearly deranged; (2) suggests that "takings for private use" should not be allowed at all.
Prof. Adler addresses that argument.
I am not an originalist, so I am not bound by this sort of thing. And I am perfectly willing to say that the Constitution does not contemplate any eminent domain power to take property other than for public use. Because to me, that rule makes the most sense- why would taking property for private use be less restricted than taking it for public use?
But as an originalist matter, Prof. Adler is right. One more reason pure originalism isn't a very good judicial method.
I don't think he addressed that argument at all. He assumes that because the fifth amendment does not mention takings for private use that there is no constraint thereon other than "due process". I'm suggesting a different reading, that the amendment does not mention takings for private use because it never occurred to the framers that anyone would do such a thing, in which case the amendment should be read as implicitly prohibiting such takings. The alternative is that "just compensation" is required only by takings for public use, but NOT those for private use, which seems rather bizarre.
notanextremist comment - "that the amendment does not mention takings for private use because it never occurred to the framers that anyone would do such a thing, in which case the amendment should be read as implicitly prohibiting such takings."
I would add further that taking by a private individual would be barred under normal civil law. Would the government acting as a conduit for a private party not also be barred under civil law - civil law as understand by the general public at the time of ratification
That well known legal bible Wikipedia, attributes the concept of "eminent domain" to Hugo Grotius, who describes it thus :
"The property of subjects is under the eminent domain of the state, so that the state or those who act for it may use and even alienate and destroy such property, not only in the case of extreme necessity, in which even private persons have a right over the property of others, but for ends of public utility, to which ends those who founded civil society must be supposed to have intended that private ends should give way. But, when this is done, the state is bound to make good the loss to those who lose their property."
Which is interesting. For it suggests a right of private persons to take private property in "extreme necessity" without mention of compensation. One's mind turns to eating the food in the log cabin you stumble into in a snowstorm. The state is alleged to have a similar right in extreme necessity, again without mention of compensation.
And then the state is alleged to have a further right to take property "for ends of public utility" and for that a right to compensation is asserted.
So it seems at least arguable that if this concept of eminent domain was current in late 18th century American legal minds, the key question is whether "taken for public use" is different in meaning from Grotius's concept "for ends of public utility" (which is admittedly translated from Latin into English)
To 21 century eyes "ends of public utility" naturally covers things that are harder to cram into the meaning of "public use" - the latter implying that it is the State or at least the public that is going to use the property taken, while the former could include taking to yield higher tax revenues from a private user.
It would be interesting to know whether late 18 century usage was similar to now, or whether "taken for public use' was more or less identical to "ends of public utility." If so, then in practice pretty much any taking of property (other then fines, taxes etc) is going to be taken for "public use" even if it is actually taken to be used by a private person.
The government should pay in compensation the value of the property after its intended use.
Grudgingly, I agree.
The glebe discussions, legislation, and cases (of 14 George III, aka 1774) in Virginia adopt the thinking that only takings for public use require compensation. That thinking did evolve and, by 1802, thinking regarding both The Establishment clause and the Takings clauses was profoundly different. "Establishment" was a term of art and is highly related to takings: Baptists (among others) were vocal in their opposition to tithing to two churches (their own & The Establishment) while also paying taxes.
See, for example, the appendices to
Bishop Meade. _Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia_. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1861.
....nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The last clause "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." is an additional limitation of 5A. No prior clause of 5A limits the last clause or provide exceptions or exemptions to the last clause.
let me clarify the point I made -
Adler's comment - "That the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment does not impose a "public use" requirement on eminent domain does not mean that such limitations cannot be found under state constitutions. "
I am not sure how Adler can make the claim that 5a does not impose a "public use " requirement. The last clause of 5A seems to impose an absolute requirement of "public use" overriding any prior clause of 5A.
Given this sentence in the post,
"Many originalists seem to take it as an article of faith that the Takings Clause imposes a public use requirement on exercises of eminent domain. Yet neither the text nor the available historical evidence provides much support for this claim."
how about we resolve the issue by using common sense, an appreciation of what the Constitution was supposed to represent and not make the issue more complicated than it is.
In short, despite the lack of documentation which Mr. Adler justly protests against, isn't the proper. logical, common sense way to read the Takings Clause is to say that while the Constitution preserved private property free of government appropriation, the Takings Clause is an exception to the opposition of the common practice at the time for government, particularly the British government during the period America was a group of colonies instead of a nation, to simply take private property.
I mean, trying to complicate things is, I understand, a legitimate academic exercise, in part to gain knowledge and understanding, and in part to illuminate potential and actual conflicts in understanding and interpretation. But in the case of Takings, let's just keep it simple the way the authors of the Constitution wanted it. Government cannot seize private property unless it is for public use and unless just compensation is paid.
That's it. Simple really, not that hard unless you folks believe that Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and the like thought government could just seize private property whenever it wanted to, only paying just compensation for public use. Speaking for Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and the like, I say they would say that's rediculous, it's one reason we fought a war and people died to stop just that.
So the originalist argument is that, in 1792, the government could inform Farmer Jones that it was taking some of his land and turning it over to Farmer Smith, because Smith was a more astute farmer, who would make better use of it?
Prof Alder's answer is, as I understand it, "maybe". He is saying that it may or may not be prevented at the state level but at the federal level, the Constitution simply doesn't address that scenario. Or more specifically, that the Fifth Amendment doesn't address it. He does suggest (in the paragraph beginning "One can also imagine...") that other constraints in the Constitution could prevent the government from doing that.
I look at it somewhat differently. Why can't a company privately negotiate a price for the property? If they are using eminent domain powers, maybe because they have friends on the city council, they question is whether the compensation was truly fair. The city council robbing Peter to pay Paul is just a form of corruption that the courts should not countenance.
A difficulty here is that the distinction between a “public utility” private use - a road, railroad, canal, airport, sewage plant, telephone or other Wires and cables, etc. - and pure “private development” may not be so clear.
It seems to me pretty straightforward to put a gristmill for a town that can’t realistically transport its grain elsewhere, as was mostly the case up into the 19th century, in the “public utility” column, a kind of monopoly needed by everyone in the town, and hence a proper subject for emininent domain under a narrow “public use” interpretation. But as cheap transportation permits transporting grain and bread more or less anywhere, a new flour mill today would more naturally go in the pure private development column.
While what particular types of projects represent something that can be classified as a utiltity that will be used by most people in the commumity ans what constitutes a private development project only benefitting a few changes with technology and social context, it seems to me the concepts still apply and still have reasonably workable meanings.
So I completely agree that a grist mill today would go in the privare development and not the public utility column. But because, at the time of the early cases, I think it reasonably did go in the public utility column, I don’t it serves as an example that the early cases condemned labd for purely private development. Perhaps other examples exist. This one strikes me as not especially convincing.
I think some of these comments, and maybe even Professor Adler's post, are confusing originalism with textual literalism. the first is a sound method of interpretation (the only legitimate one, in my opinion); the second is not.
Originalists often say, in substance, that the Constitution doesn't require or prohibit anything that's not in its text. But that can be true only if you are allowed to draw inferences from the text about the intention of the authors. That sometimes take you far from the literal meaning of the words, and of course it can be used as an excuse for reading into the Constitution whatever you want to be in there. But sometimes the inferences can be justified by rigorous reasoning based on the text.
As NotAnExtremist's comment demonstrates, this is one of those times. The authors of the Fifth Amendment,, when they said taking for public use require compensation, obviously didn't mean takings for private use are free, They assumed that takings for private use could not happen at all, and that assumption is indispensable to any coherent understanding of the framers' original intent, as expressed in the Takings Clause.
The Eleventh Amendment is similar in this way. Its text does not command the federal courts to respect states' sovereign immunity. But the amendment makes no sense unless its authors assumed that the federal courts did have to respect sovereign immunity, and that assumption is properly understood as part of the framers' original intent.
I'll agree about the literalism and the resulting absurdity. Just in the 5th, a literalist might claim that the protection against double jeopardy only protects life or limb, but not property - so the government could fine someone for the some offense as often as they want.
Why? The Fifth Amendment only requires compensation for property for a public use - that's what the text says.
It's silent on about if compensation is required when government seizes land and gives it to a private party for private use.
Perhaps state and local laws would require compensation, but if we're going to get textualist about it nothing in the Fifth Amendment requires such compensation so incorporation of the Fifth Amendment against the states would not either.
Which is somewhat ridiculous right? That is the problem.
And anyway this is a moot point because this sort of hyper literalism is not practiced by any justice on the court and is not generally considered, by left, right, origijalists and pragmatists alike, bad law. Its not even the natural way to read text either.
People don't read by taking individual words and plugging them into a dictionary. People also understand that text has subtext and more meaning. For example, "Congress shall make no law abriding the freedom of speech" doesn't mean that if congress does, it is totally fine.
Because, again being literalist, it is totally fine logically. That isn't how people read or understand text.
Surely there's a substantive due process right against the government taking your property for private use.
As NR, Kristol, French have made a hobby horse of the 'Conservative Case for X' where X is CRT, Transgender Supremacy, Communism, what have you, we now have Reason doing the 'Libertarian Case for Government Seizure of Private Property for whatever the hell they want.'
Going full on Sohab Ahrami is a bad look. (In fact, going even a little bit Sohab Ahrami is a bad look.)
I can't tell if you mean I am out of line about French or not, but hot off the presses: "David French Writes an Article for the New York Times Claiming Schools Have a First Amendment Right to Teach Taxpayer's Children Critical Race Theory ("
So the problem isn't CRT, the problem is trying to prevent CRT from being the only lens on race taught in school. Need to check /r/AmATheAsshole about this. I mean, I am in general, but I mean about this particularly ...
And Re: French, isn't public school instruction, government funded speech, and thus perfectly regulable by ... the government (which hires the teachers, buys the books and builds the buildings and sets the certification rules and ...)
That is indeed what I mean.
A perfect example, as that Op/Ed (sorry, "Guest Essay," in the new NYT parlance) does not say any such thing. The one allusion in the essay to the First Amendment says "Applying the same standards [as a particular Texas law] to colleges or private institutions would be flatly unconstitutional." Nothing in that statement remotely suggests that there's a first amendment right to teach anything to taxpayers' children.
The obsession with David French demonstrates the extreme bad faith in which the Trumpist right operates. Because his conservative bona fides are impeccable, his mere existence and dissent from their anti-American/pro-Trump project threatens their self-identity, so they can't just ignore him; they feel the need to tear him down no matter how dishonestly. The thing you quote — but don't identify — is illustrative. The author calls French pro-"surrender" — despite the fact that he has actually fought for his beliefs both literally¹ and metaphorically.² What's worse is how terrible this metaphor is. It's not a war. In a war you don't concede that the other army actually has a right to occupy a particular strategic location; that's silly, because military combat is about winning, not about who's right. This is just a policy dispute; when the other side is right, admitting that isn't "surrendering." It's being an adult in a democratic society.
¹He enlisted in the military specifically to go to Iraq, at a time when conservatives were busy attacking liberals' patriotism for not supporting the war. Not all of French's critics could have done that (they might have been too old or too young), and maybe there were other useful contributions they chose to make, and maybe serving in OIF was even misguided. But the point is that attacking someone who chose to fight as being "pro surrender" is kind of desperate.
²David French was litigating on behalf of things like religious liberty and free speech while these so-called conservatives were sitting around in their pajamas blogging.
Sure, but what is just compensation in such a case? The more or less known value of the property taken without the taking or the expected value with the taking? Who gets the profit in an enterprise the original owner did not want to join. Should we force a property owner to engage in a speculation such that tails I win, heads you lose?
Who pays for any losses, for that matter? Shouldn't they be re-channeled with opposite sign to the original owner to punish the locality for being stupid speculators?
Can we buy insurance against such possible moronicity?
There are a number of questions I have about "public use" as a requirement that I have never been able to satisfactorily answer.
For example, a town takes private property to build a railway. The town then decides that a public railway won't induce investment, so it leases it out to a private company. Is that unconstitutional? Would this serve as a limitation on government to privatize assets? Is that at all conceivable? How can that possibly be right?
What about regulatory takings? They don't have a clear "public use", so either all regulation is unconstitutional or they don't exist. And the answer probably will be "don't exist"
What about if the government decides to, without entering a formal proceeding, take ones property? Suppose the property gets destroyed in the process. Wasnt an obvious "public use" there, does the government owe you compensation? I am aware that the answer could plausibly be "no" and handle this under tort law, for which state soverign immunity applies, but, again that isn't very satisfactory. It is also not how we generally consider takings right?
What happens to cedar point? I guess you can say, oh the regulation is just straight up unconstitutional, but again, why? Public use isn't written as a limitation. Where does it come from?
At best we have an implied limitation. That has to come from somewhere, perhaps article I.
When they were last renovating the Oakland Coliseum, they used eminent domain to take over a local garage and turn that property over to another business which had been displaced in order to enlarge the parking area. It’s hard to justify that, but with Prop. 13 keeping the property values far below market, the government would get more property tax from the new owner than from the older one.
Based on Prof Adler's comments, does this mean, that the government can take property for non-public use without just compensation as long as there is due process? Can't there be a due process like, 'Billionaire X wants that. Judge: Here ya go!' If not, why not?
I didn't read your question before typing mine. I'm glad someone else interpreted this the same way I did.
IANAL, so I'll try to interpret what Professor Adler is saying here:
Because the property in question was taken for PRIVATE use, the government has ZERO restrictions on it. If it were taken for PUBLIC use, they'd have to compensate the property owner.
IF that's the case, how can one square a PRIVATE actor (Pfizer), using the government to take property for PRIVATE use? Is this really the philosophy of the law here? Or am I just reading this incorrectly?
Talk about assumeptions : "the Fifth Amendment bars takings for economic development purposes rests on shaky ground."
Many states have stricter public use requirements than the federal baseline, which are sometimes established in state constitutions.
"In the aftermath of the federal Supreme Court ruling, the state supreme courts of Ohio, Oklahoma, and South Dakota all rejected Kelo as a guide to the interpretation of their state constitutions' public use clauses, holding that economic development takings violated state constitutional law "
But you often bypass states as of no consequence. I don't think you can defend that Federal action in KELO simply sweeps the States aside.