The Volokh Conspiracy
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Two Interviews About My New Book "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom" [Updated with Link to Audio of a Recent Radio Interview]
Videos of interviews by political commentator Amy Peikoff and immigration lawyer Nathan Brown.
Audio and (in one case) video of two recent interviews I did on my new book Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom is now available online. The video of my interview with libertarian political commentator Amy Peikoff is available here, and audio of my interview with immigration lawyer Nathan Brown here.
Both interviews covered a wide range of issues, including a variety of advantages of foot voting, arguments that migration restrictions are justified in order to protect the political autonomy of natives, and how the coronavirus crisis impacts foot voting, and the case for strong migration rights. I am grateful to the interviewers for their excellent questions.
Many of these issues are, of course, addressed in greater detail in the book itself, which is now available (after a delay) in both hard cover and e-book version. As I have previously promised, 50% of all royalties generated by this book will be donated to causes benefiting refugees, who sadly are now in especially dire need of assistance.
UPDATE: Here is a link to an audio of a radio interview I did about the book with libertarian talk radio host Bob Zadek.
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